its ok to destroy America

It's a absolute fact. the democrats tied to remove a standing President without facts , none. That was seditious. No facts just allegations none of them proven . Democrats tacitly supported race riots for over 8 months , (fund or bail out rioters) But Trump is being banned..
Exactly we also had prominent Democrats going after the Trump family, Hell even the lame stream media tried to make fun of Baron Trump's young son. We had the Speaker of the House (Nancy Pelosi) stand up and actually tear up a duly elected President's (Trump's) State Of The Union speech in front of national media and the country! She should have been held on charges of sedition right there.
Nowhere did Democratic leaders incite violence. In fact I can name dozens of specific time Democratic leaders condemned violence. The difference is you assholes wanted the democrats to also admit there was no policing issues in America and it chapped your fat asses that they stayed focus on message of peace and police reform.
Every second of every day including attacking Trump supporters before he was elected....leaving Trump rallies. You are the brownshirts. Luckily we have the guns.
On what day did I burn down the USA? Which day did I destroy your property? I am confused because you claim I did something I have not done.
I never did lie to millions of people and mislead them about the truth. I never had a rally on the same day they were doing work in Congress to certify a legal election and then had my friends tell more lies to make those people become their patsies in crime.
Who did Trump encourage to tell 'lies' and what exactly were these 'lies' you speak of? If you can blame Trump for words spoken at a rally then surely we can blame the other side for lying about Trump.
Trump encouraged people like Giuliani, Powell, his son and a bevy of others to continue the lie of a stolen election with baseless claims..A know liar, a known fraudster, a known untrusted man that has you convinced only he tells the truth and the other hundreds of officials that are not known liar, fraudsters or cheats are untrustworthy in the eyes of the cult of Trump.
It is now patriotic to reject everything we were taught about this country. Ass backwards. It is patriotic to intimidate people. It is patriotic to censor. It is also patriotic to ruin their lives.

What these assholes are proud of is just fucked.
Companies have been censoring since day one in the USA because they have no mandate to supply you with any right to free speech.

Companies have been censoring since day one in the USA because they have no mandate to supply you with any right to free speech.
Why don't you be a man and say we did it because we can. Admit the destruction of this country is what you enabling. Pretty cool hating fellow Americans.:nono:
Freedom of speech is not for private property entities only public-duh. No private company in existence in the USA has had the obligation to give you freedom of speech. USMB cuts the line on freedom of speech very neatly just like other companies have and do.
That does not change what I said.
Freedom of speech is not for private property entities only public-duh. No private company in existence in the USA has had the obligation to give you freedom of speech. USMB cuts the line on freedom of speech very neatly just like other companies have and do.
The 'fine line' is when a private property has cornered the market and is actively working to limit speech that it formerly allowed. As we have seen in the recent past, just because a private business hangs a sign saying they have the right to refuse customers does not mean that legal means cannot be used to bring them into submission.
It is now patriotic to reject everything we were taught about this country. Ass backwards. It is patriotic to intimidate people. It is patriotic to censor. It is also patriotic to ruin their lives.

What these assholes are proud of is just fucked.
Companies have been censoring since day one in the USA because they have no mandate to supply you with any right to free speech.

Companies have been censoring since day one in the USA because they have no mandate to supply you with any right to free speech.
Why don't you be a man and say we did it because we can. Admit the destruction of this country is what you enabling. Pretty cool hating fellow Americans.:nono:
Freedom of speech is not for private property entities only public-duh. No private company in existence in the USA has had the obligation to give you freedom of speech. USMB cuts the line on freedom of speech very neatly just like other companies have and do.
That does not change what I said.
I have no power to censor anyone but myself so what you say is not the truth.
Trump encouraged people like Giuliani, Powell, his son and a bevy of others to continue the lie of a stolen election with baseless claims..A know liar, a known fraudster, a known untrusted man that has you convinced only he tells the truth and the other hundreds of officials that are not known liar, fraudsters or cheats are untrustworthy in the eyes of the cult of Trump.
There is no proof that saying the election was stolen is a lie just because the facts were refused to be heard. There is plenty of evidence that election laws were changed, ballots went missing, some voting machines were compromised, etc. That, in fact, is more evidence than Democrats had when they wire tapped Trump with an illegal FISA warrant.
Liberals and democrats push hate and actually burn down cities, Over a span of 10 months , they actually did this. But trump Sneezed and in one single day gets banned. Explain this to me.
Libbycrats got too big for their britches, but not to worry. Trump has the guns

I doubt he will be able to keep them in prison.
I am astounded here. I used to be a democrat. No so much now. Liberalism transcended fairness into weirdness. Now they seemingly just hate whites and American culture and themselves basically.

Is your perception that twisted?
I lived to live with forced diversity. It doesn't work. I was caught in the integration war. A little old white peal harbor survivors guy's puppy dog beaten to death by poor negros to terrorize him when his wife was dying? This guy was here way before these creeps, But blacks are victims...
Trump encouraged people like Giuliani, Powell, his son and a bevy of others to continue the lie of a stolen election with baseless claims..A know liar, a known fraudster, a known untrusted man that has you convinced only he tells the truth and the other hundreds of officials that are not known liar, fraudsters or cheats are untrustworthy in the eyes of the cult of Trump.
There is no proof that saying the election was stolen is a lie just because the facts were refused to be heard. There is plenty of evidence that election laws were changed, ballots went missing, some voting machines were compromised, etc. That, in fact, is more evidence than Democrats had when they wire tapped Trump with an illegal FISA warrant.
sixty court cases, multiple investigations, top officials researching doing recounts and they claim the vote was good and yet this great big cheating event happened and the only one you can believe is Trump...Yeah, sure buddy I've been down this road before and I don't believe a word of what Trump is selling.
Liberals and democrats push hate and actually burn down cities, Over a span of 10 months , they actually did this. But trump Sneezed and in one single day gets banned. Explain this to me.
On what day did I burn down the USA? Which day did I destroy your property? I am confused because you claim I did something I have not done.
I never did lie to millions of people and mislead them about the truth. I never had a rally on the same day they were doing work in Congress to certify a legal election and then had my friends tell more lies to make those people become their patsies in crime.
Funny you asked that, after four years of calling all trump supporters Russian
Liberals and democrats push hate and actually burn down cities, Over a span of 10 months , they actually did this. But trump Sneezed and in one single day gets banned. Explain this to me.
On what day did I burn down the USA? Which day did I destroy your property? I am confused because you claim I did something I have not done.
I never did lie to millions of people and mislead them about the truth. I never had a rally on the same day they were doing work in Congress to certify a legal election and then had my friends tell more lies to make those people become their patsies in crime.
Funny you asked that, after four years of calling all trump supporters Russian
I said yous twas all Pollacks.
Trump encouraged people like Giuliani, Powell, his son and a bevy of others to continue the lie of a stolen election with baseless claims..A know liar, a known fraudster, a known untrusted man that has you convinced only he tells the truth and the other hundreds of officials that are not known liar, fraudsters or cheats are untrustworthy in the eyes of the cult of Trump.
There is no proof that saying the election was stolen is a lie just because the facts were refused to be heard. There is plenty of evidence that election laws were changed, ballots went missing, some voting machines were compromised, etc. That, in fact, is more evidence than Democrats had when they wire tapped Trump with an illegal FISA warrant.
sixty court cases, multiple investigations, top officials researching doing recounts and they claim the vote was good and yet this great big cheating event happened and the only one you can believe is Trump...Yeah, sure buddy I've been down this road before and I don't believe a word of what Trump is selling.
So what, judges never allowed evidence to be presented. What is it you’re afraid of to validate integrity?
Liberals and democrats push hate and actually burn down cities, Over a span of 10 months , they actually did this. But trump Sneezed and in one single day gets banned. Explain this to me.
On what day did I burn down the USA? Which day did I destroy your property? I am confused because you claim I did something I have not done.
I never did lie to millions of people and mislead them about the truth. I never had a rally on the same day they were doing work in Congress to certify a legal election and then had my friends tell more lies to make those people become their patsies in crime.
Funny you asked that, after four years of calling all trump supporters Russian
I said yous twas all Pollacks.
You’s be hypocrite
Trump encouraged people like Giuliani, Powell, his son and a bevy of others to continue the lie of a stolen election with baseless claims..A know liar, a known fraudster, a known untrusted man that has you convinced only he tells the truth and the other hundreds of officials that are not known liar, fraudsters or cheats are untrustworthy in the eyes of the cult of Trump.
There is no proof that saying the election was stolen is a lie just because the facts were refused to be heard. There is plenty of evidence that election laws were changed, ballots went missing, some voting machines were compromised, etc. That, in fact, is more evidence than Democrats had when they wire tapped Trump with an illegal FISA warrant.
sixty court cases, multiple investigations, top officials researching doing recounts and they claim the vote was good and yet this great big cheating event happened and the only one you can believe is Trump...Yeah, sure buddy I've been down this road before and I don't believe a word of what Trump is selling.
So what, judges never allowed evidence to be presented. What is it you’re afraid of to validate integrity?
Evidence was given and it went no where.
Liberals and democrats push hate and actually burn down cities, Over a span of 10 months , they actually did this. But trump Sneezed and in one single day gets banned. Explain this to me.
On what day did I burn down the USA? Which day did I destroy your property? I am confused because you claim I did something I have not done.
I never did lie to millions of people and mislead them about the truth. I never had a rally on the same day they were doing work in Congress to certify a legal election and then had my friends tell more lies to make those people become their patsies in crime.
Funny you asked that, after four years of calling all trump supporters Russian
I said yous twas all Pollacks.
You’s be hypocrite
That's not a Slavic people.
Trump encouraged people like Giuliani, Powell, his son and a bevy of others to continue the lie of a stolen election with baseless claims..A know liar, a known fraudster, a known untrusted man that has you convinced only he tells the truth and the other hundreds of officials that are not known liar, fraudsters or cheats are untrustworthy in the eyes of the cult of Trump.
There is no proof that saying the election was stolen is a lie just because the facts were refused to be heard. There is plenty of evidence that election laws were changed, ballots went missing, some voting machines were compromised, etc. That, in fact, is more evidence than Democrats had when they wire tapped Trump with an illegal FISA warrant.
sixty court cases, multiple investigations, top officials researching doing recounts and they claim the vote was good and yet this great big cheating event happened and the only one you can believe is Trump...Yeah, sure buddy I've been down this road before and I don't believe a word of what Trump is selling.
So what, judges never allowed evidence to be presented. What is it you’re afraid of to validate integrity?

I've asked many times. Do you think our entire judicial system is corrupt? What about the congressional system or the executive? Is there any part of our constitutionally defined government that you trust?

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