its ok to destroy America

Nowhere did Democratic leaders incite violence. In fact I can name dozens of specific time Democratic leaders condemned violence. The difference is you assholes wanted the democrats to also admit there was no policing issues in America and it chapped your fat asses that they stayed focus on message of peace and police reform.
Every second of every day including attacking Trump supporters before he was elected....leaving Trump rallies. You are the brownshirts. Luckily we have the guns.
You changed the subject. That happens when you are stuck. Trump incites violence and law breaking. Dem leaders don’t. So now you move on to how much of a victim Trump supporters are. Well, if you guys didn’t have deplorable ideas you’d get more support.
Nowhere did Democratic leaders incite violence. In fact I can name dozens of specific time Democratic leaders condemned violence. The difference is you assholes wanted the democrats to also admit there was no policing issues in America and it chapped your fat asses that they stayed focus on message of peace and police reform.
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All of those are fake quotes. For example: Pelosi’s alleged riot quote — "I just don’t know why there aren’t uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be" — was said two years earlier and was about the Trump administration’s policy of separating migrant children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Fake quotes for the fake president from fake followers with fake complaints.
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Anyone who tries to equate the violence from idiots on the streets of a few cities with an organized attack on our nation's capitol, led by a sitting President, in an attempt to change the results of a Presidential election is either painfully ignorant, profoundly dishonest or so intellectually lost that no amount of bread crumbs can lead them back.
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Nowhere did Democratic leaders incite violence. In fact I can name dozens of specific time Democratic leaders condemned violence. The difference is you assholes wanted the democrats to also admit there was no policing issues in America and it chapped your fat asses that they stayed focus on message of peace and police reform.
Every second of every day including attacking Trump supporters before he was elected....leaving Trump rallies. You are the brownshirts. Luckily we have the guns.
You changed the subject. That happens when you are stuck. Trump incites violence and law breaking. Dem leaders don’t. So now you move on to how much of a victim Trump supporters are. Well, if you guys didn’t have deplorable ideas you’d get more support.
You just proved my point. You got that from Hillary. The leftist politicians, MSM constantly dog whistle their KKK to violently attack normal people.
Nowhere did Democratic leaders incite violence. In fact I can name dozens of specific time Democratic leaders condemned violence. The difference is you assholes wanted the democrats to also admit there was no policing issues in America and it chapped your fat asses that they stayed focus on message of peace and police reform.
Every second of every day including attacking Trump supporters before he was elected....leaving Trump rallies. You are the brownshirts. Luckily we have the guns.
You changed the subject. That happens when you are stuck. Trump incites violence and law breaking. Dem leaders don’t. So now you move on to how much of a victim Trump supporters are. Well, if you guys didn’t have deplorable ideas you’d get more support.
You just proved my point. You got that from Hillary. The leftist politicians, MSM constantly dog whistle their KKK to violently attack normal people.
You’re complaining people don’t like your terrible policies like child separation and tax cuts for the rich. Then you dig a foxhole around yourselves claiming opposition to those are communists. You blow racist dog whistles to build up additional support from folks that you don’t mind hanging with. Then when the tide turns and some people wise up you claim fraud citing ever changing blanket accusations that remain unproven but you don’t care because, you know, abortion. It’s deplorable which is an unfortunate title bestowed by Hillary to too many but the sentiment holds.
Liberals and democrats push hate and actually burn down cities, Over a span of 10 months , they actually did this. But trump Sneezed and in one single day gets banned. Explain this to me.

Big Tech has been looking for a reason to ban President Trump for four years.

So, of course, the Capitol incident was the perfect excuse.

No surprise, really.

In fact, I think that Twitter was rather brave to let him tweet for as long as it did. Anti-Trumpers had been begging Twitter to shut him down for a long time, but Twitter said that it had a policy of allowing national leaders to tweet. That's why that leader in Iran is able to tweet terrible things about this country.
The cultists turn on anyone that disagrees with or states anything differently than trump. This means their allegiance is to trump, not the US Constitution or even the US.

Trump said in his birther lie that "they were finding some unbelievable stuff in Hawaii." They found nothing. He said the Ukraine call was perfect, it wasn't. He said the election was stolen, yet, he was the one attempting the steal. His inauguration had more attendees, however, the photos showed this to also be a lie. Who the fuck cares about crowd size, unless they are narcississtic.

That fat ass lies about everything (in the moment) and then lies more to cover up the previous lies. It shows just how unreasonable the cultists are. What I find amazing is you can hate the "liberals" all you want, however, you have to (at some point) be honest with yourself. trump has played you all for fools - he owes millions of dollars in loans (to whom we don't know, guessing Russia), and hides anything that is tangible (e.g. taxes, finances, college records), including Corona virus, solely to keep the economy looking good for his reelection.

What a pathetic existence to live in - denying the reality of his shit because you're ashamed of admitting he conned you.

How small minded a man must you be to not handle any criticism at all; Krebs, McConnell, Pence, et al? This is how a (3 year old child acts - seriously)! Emotional Intelligence (EQ) requires empathy, trump has none.
isn't free speech part of the constitution? seems that bothers you that we all follow the constitution and live in a free country to disagree with your dumb ass. it seems it is actually you who can't accept someone else's position.
What city did the Democrats burn down? Kenosha. The police brutality and pandering and driving false narratives, 95% of this BLM/Democrats do. I mean, yes, Trump said shit. He gets banned. When Democrats burn down cities for months and push racial diverseness? People vote for them... I can't figure that out.
minneapolis too. Portland, Ferguson. how many does it take to get our point across?
Liberals and democrats push hate and actually burn down cities, Over a span of 10 months , they actually did this. But trump Sneezed and in one single day gets banned. Explain this to me.

Big Tech has been looking for a reason to ban President Trump for four years.

So, of course, the Capitol incident was the perfect excuse.

No surprise, really.

In fact, I think that Twitter was rather brave to let him tweet for as long as it did. Anti-Trumpers had been begging Twitter to shut him down for a long time, but Twitter said that it had a policy of allowing national leaders to tweet. That's why that leader in Iran is able to tweet terrible things about this country.
i didn't know Big Tech rewrote the constitution?

The cultists turn on anyone that disagrees with or states anything differently than trump. This means their allegiance is to trump, not the US Constitution or even the US.

Trump said in his birther lie that "they were finding some unbelievable stuff in Hawaii." They found nothing. He said the Ukraine call was perfect, it wasn't. He said the election was stolen, yet, he was the one attempting the steal. His inauguration had more attendees, however, the photos showed this to also be a lie. Who the fuck cares about crowd size, unless they are narcississtic.

That fat ass lies about everything (in the moment) and then lies more to cover up the previous lies. It shows just how unreasonable the cultists are. What I find amazing is you can hate the "liberals" all you want, however, you have to (at some point) be honest with yourself. trump has played you all for fools - he owes millions of dollars in loans (to whom we don't know, guessing Russia), and hides anything that is tangible (e.g. taxes, finances, college records), including Corona virus, solely to keep the economy looking good for his reelection.

What a pathetic existence to live in - denying the reality of his shit because you're ashamed of admitting he conned you.

How small minded a man must you be to not handle any criticism at all; Krebs, McConnell, Pence, et al? This is how a (3 year old child acts - seriously)! Emotional Intelligence (EQ) requires empathy, trump has none.
not the US Constitution or even the US.

So an election that is disputed and stopping people from challenging is Constitutional? No transparency and censorship is Constitutional? You don't give a shit about the Constitution.
Your verbal diarrhea and stale rhetoric stink.

Disputed yes, legal proof - NO
A private entity (non government owned can "censor" whomever they choose - Yes!
You don't know the constitution - that's your problem to begin with.

how do you know, the ballots haven't been handed over for review. The evidence is in the ballots. We get it, you must hide them because you indeed know you cheated. The mere fact your side doesn't provide the evidence, the ballots, It doesn't surprise me you can't understand what evidence actually is.
Liberals and democrats push hate and actually burn down cities, Over a span of 10 months , they actually did this. But trump Sneezed and in one single day gets banned. Explain this to me.
On what day did I burn down the USA? Which day did I destroy your property? I am confused because you claim I did something I have not done.
I never did lie to millions of people and mislead them about the truth. I never had a rally on the same day they were doing work in Congress to certify a legal election and then had my friends tell more lies to make those people become their patsies in crime.

You didn't. The left did. They burned cities and they killed and they pillaged and they destroyed private property. Good for the protestors in DC. Arrest and bring to justice the people who committed a crime. Sadly, the left weren't interested in arresting people for violence in the riots. They continually pushed it. You or I didn't.

The cultists turn on anyone that disagrees with or states anything differently than trump. This means their allegiance is to trump, not the US Constitution or even the US.

Trump said in his birther lie that "they were finding some unbelievable stuff in Hawaii." They found nothing. He said the Ukraine call was perfect, it wasn't. He said the election was stolen, yet, he was the one attempting the steal. His inauguration had more attendees, however, the photos showed this to also be a lie. Who the fuck cares about crowd size, unless they are narcississtic.

That fat ass lies about everything (in the moment) and then lies more to cover up the previous lies. It shows just how unreasonable the cultists are. What I find amazing is you can hate the "liberals" all you want, however, you have to (at some point) be honest with yourself. trump has played you all for fools - he owes millions of dollars in loans (to whom we don't know, guessing Russia), and hides anything that is tangible (e.g. taxes, finances, college records), including Corona virus, solely to keep the economy looking good for his reelection.

What a pathetic existence to live in - denying the reality of his shit because you're ashamed of admitting he conned you.

How small minded a man must you be to not handle any criticism at all; Krebs, McConnell, Pence, et al? This is how a (3 year old child acts - seriously)! Emotional Intelligence (EQ) requires empathy, trump has none.
not the US Constitution or even the US.

So an election that is disputed and stopping people from challenging is Constitutional? No transparency and censorship is Constitutional? You don't give a shit about the Constitution.
Your verbal diarrhea and stale rhetoric stink.

We have a way to settle disputes. It's called the judicial system. Trump just didn't present any evidence that his claim was valid.
Nowhere did Democratic leaders incite violence. In fact I can name dozens of specific time Democratic leaders condemned violence. The difference is you assholes wanted the democrats to also admit there was no policing issues in America and it chapped your fat asses that they stayed focus on message of peace and police reform.

Like hell You Dem's ignored Antifa and BLM looting, murdering and burning down buildings in Portland, Seattle and Indi. You called them protesters. Hell you were even bailing the ones that managed to get arrested out of jail.

You mean police defunding. Less police, more crime but that doesn't concern your stupid ass.

Hell if I were a police officer I'd leave the blue cities and States and head for Red. At least they won't get thrown under the bus like they do in Blue States and cities.
Nowhere did Democratic leaders incite violence. In fact I can name dozens of specific time Democratic leaders condemned violence. The difference is you assholes wanted the democrats to also admit there was no policing issues in America and it chapped your fat asses that they stayed focus on message of peace and police reform.

Like hell You Dem's ignored Antifa and BLM looting, murdering and burning down buildings in Portland, Seattle and Indi. You called them protesters. Hell you were even bailing the ones that managed to get arrested out of jail.

You mean police defunding. Less police, more crime but that doesn't concern your stupid ass.

Hell if I were a police officer I'd leave the blue cities and States and head for Red. At least they won't get thrown under the bus like they do in Blue States and cities.
Biden condemned the looting

These looters are not courageous when they throw fireworks at cops, or torch local businesses. They are reckless and dangerous, nothing more. It repels most Americans for good reason.

Kellyanne Conway, a senior advisor from the start, acknowledged Thursday, saying the violence improves Trump’s chances in November.
sixty court cases, multiple investigations, top officials researching doing recounts and they claim the vote was good and yet this great big cheating event happened and the only one you can believe is Trump...Yeah, sure buddy I've been down this road before and I don't believe a word of what Trump is selling.

You mean the same people that allowed for it to be cheated in the first place. Why not one offer to a tech expert on Trump's side to actually examine anything? Nobody accommodated them, and no judge ordered it. This is what actually led to the Capital Hill riot--not Trump encouraging them to protest.

A month after Hillary conceded, she demanded a recount in three states. They all obliged. They found nothing. Now if team Trump were allowed the same, found nothing, everybody on the right would have been satisfied that there was no foul play involved. But there is a reason they didn't offer team Trump the same exact accommodations that were offered to Hillary.

Actually, Hillary didn't demand any recount. Jill Stein did.
Nowhere did Democratic leaders incite violence. In fact I can name dozens of specific time Democratic leaders condemned violence. The difference is you assholes wanted the democrats to also admit there was no policing issues in America and it chapped your fat asses that they stayed focus on message of peace and police reform.

Like hell You Dem's ignored Antifa and BLM looting, murdering and burning down buildings in Portland, Seattle and Indi. You called them protesters. Hell you were even bailing the ones that managed to get arrested out of jail.

You mean police defunding. Less police, more crime but that doesn't concern your stupid ass.

Hell if I were a police officer I'd leave the blue cities and States and head for Red. At least they won't get thrown under the bus like they do in Blue States and cities.
I explained that. Every Democratic leader said basically the same thing. The cause was just and highly peaceful. They condemned the violence from the fringes. You guys wanted the cause to be impeached because of the fringe violence.

The CAUSE of the violence at the Capitol was bogus. The violence should be condemned in the same manner as it was this summer. There is no doubt the LE response in DC last week was nowhere near as punishing as it was over the summer, however.
Nowhere did Democratic leaders incite violence. In fact I can name dozens of specific time Democratic leaders condemned violence. The difference is you assholes wanted the democrats to also admit there was no policing issues in America and it chapped your fat asses that they stayed focus on message of peace and police reform.

Like hell You Dem's ignored Antifa and BLM looting, murdering and burning down buildings in Portland, Seattle and Indi. You called them protesters. Hell you were even bailing the ones that managed to get arrested out of jail.

You mean police defunding. Less police, more crime but that doesn't concern your stupid ass.

Hell if I were a police officer I'd leave the blue cities and States and head for Red. At least they won't get thrown under the bus like they do in Blue States and cities.
I explained that. Every Democratic leader said basically the same thing. The cause was just and highly peaceful. They condemned the violence from the fringes. You guys wanted the cause to be impeached because of the fringe violence.

The CAUSE of the violence at the Capitol was bogus. The violence should be condemned in the same manner as it was this summer. There is no doubt the LE response in DC last week was nowhere near as punishing as it was over the summer, however.

Don't make me laugh. The Dem mayors of Portland, Seattle and Indi told their police forces to stand down. They watched at Antifa and BLM looted, murdered and burned businesses to the ground.

Oh and there wasn't much violence in DC. The only death using deadly force was of an unarmed woman crawling through a window.
sixty court cases, multiple investigations, top officials researching doing recounts and they claim the vote was good and yet this great big cheating event happened and the only one you can believe is Trump...Yeah, sure buddy I've been down this road before and I don't believe a word of what Trump is selling.

You mean the same people that allowed for it to be cheated in the first place. Why not one offer to a tech expert on Trump's side to actually examine anything? Nobody accommodated them, and no judge ordered it. This is what actually led to the Capital Hill riot--not Trump encouraging them to protest.

A month after Hillary conceded, she demanded a recount in three states. They all obliged. They found nothing. Now if team Trump were allowed the same, found nothing, everybody on the right would have been satisfied that there was no foul play involved. But there is a reason they didn't offer team Trump the same exact accommodations that were offered to Hillary.

Actually, Hillary didn't demand any recount. Jill Stein did.

Right, Stein did, on her own behalf? Yeah, with 1% of the vote going her way, she stood a chance at overturning the election in her favor. Look at the man behind the curtain.
Liberals and democrats push hate and actually burn down cities, Over a span of 10 months , they actually did this. But trump Sneezed and in one single day gets banned. Explain this to me.

Big Tech has been looking for a reason to ban President Trump for four years.

So, of course, the Capitol incident was the perfect excuse.

No surprise, really.

In fact, I think that Twitter was rather brave to let him tweet for as long as it did. Anti-Trumpers had been begging Twitter to shut him down for a long time, but Twitter said that it had a policy of allowing national leaders to tweet. That's why that leader in Iran is able to tweet terrible things about this country.

Like everybody else, it seems Twitter just used Trump to attract tens of millions to their site. Now that they don't need him anymore, they threw him off without so much as a Thank You for all the new members he brought to their business.

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