It’s OK To Mourn For Our First Female President

Good gov't policy IS good ethics and morality. Like the Greatest Generation and FDR and Truman, Ike, JFK, and LBJ.
LBJ? He was a racist and a thug. The Dems set the bar pretty low.
Medicare, Medicaid, civil rights, dupe- too bad about the gd war.
Republicans are responsible the for civil rights LBJ took credit for. Remember he said " I will have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years."

You do realize that censoring that word defeats the purpose of using that quote.
He wrote and pushed the laws. Duh. This was back before the GOP was a lockstep RW, bs propaganda, racist, pander to the rich mess, dupe. Yes, one piece of malevolent gossip beats history in dupe world.

Can you prove that?
yes. read something.
If she won by enough to get congress, not true. False GOP line...

Are you talking about her getting elected Senator in bat shit crazy Libtard New York just because of the name of her husband? LOL

She wasn't even from that state and she had absolutely no qualifications and the idiot Moon Bats elected her to the Senate. Of course they got what they voted for. A do nothing Senator that voted for the invasion of Iraq.

Crooked Hillary has always been a piece of shit. Thank goodness she will not be President. She need to spend the rest of her miserable hateful life in a Federal Women's Correctional Facility.
Nobody cares about that crooked Hillary bs anymore. That was just to get your vote, dupe. She was a fine senator- I live there, dupe- and everyone voted to give W more leverage- which he misused.

Yeah, you really aren't persuading anyone you are smart with that nonsense
Everyone had her winning easily before Comey...
'Everyone' had her winning after Comey as well.

'Everyone' was wrong.
Duh. WHY? "I think there was a 4 point change for Trumpers refusing to cooperate with polls..."
Because they based their projections on algorithms that were totally incorrect this cycle.
Not really.

You do not seem to understand how polling works. It is heavily weighted on assumptions that the pollsters make. Assumptions that they were utterly incorrect on.
WHY???, stupid lol.
If she won by enough to get congress, not true. False GOP line...

Are you talking about her getting elected Senator in bat shit crazy Libtard New York just because of the name of her husband? LOL

She wasn't even from that state and she had absolutely no qualifications and the idiot Moon Bats elected her to the Senate. Of course they got what they voted for. A do nothing Senator that voted for the invasion of Iraq.

Crooked Hillary has always been a piece of shit. Thank goodness she will not be President. She need to spend the rest of her miserable hateful life in a Federal Women's Correctional Facility.
Nobody cares about that crooked Hillary bs anymore. That was just to get your vote, dupe. She was a fine senator- I live there, dupe- and everyone voted to give W more leverage- which he misused.

Yeah, you really aren't persuading anyone you are smart with that nonsense
Facts mean nothing to dupes like you. You've got your
Merry Christmas, Hillary! History will record how you were cheated out of the presidency! You were clearly and unfairly swiftboated - with NaziCon House witch hunts, voter suppression, conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Comey's FBI malfeasance - and Putin.


Nobody cares about that crooked Hillary bs anymore. That was just to get your vote, dupe. She was a fine senator- I live there, dupe- and everyone voted to give W more leverage- which he misused.

You stupid Libtard Moon Bats cared about Crooked Hillary. You dumbshits voted for her for President.

She was not a "fine Senator". She never did jackshit. She was as bad a Senator as she was a two time failed Presidential candidate loser and a disastrous Secretary of State.

The only thing she did as Senator was to raid the US Treasury after 911 to give the money to the assholes in New York that voted for her.

I don't understand why you stupid Moon Bats that bash Bush about Iraq don't hold her accountable for supporting the invasion of Iraq. Are hypocritical or just plain stupid?

Is this your definition of a "fine Senator"? If it is then you are more of a moron than we could ever imagine.

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If she won by enough to get congress, not true. False GOP line...

Are you talking about her getting elected Senator in bat shit crazy Libtard New York just because of the name of her husband? LOL

She wasn't even from that state and she had absolutely no qualifications and the idiot Moon Bats elected her to the Senate. Of course they got what they voted for. A do nothing Senator that voted for the invasion of Iraq.

Crooked Hillary has always been a piece of shit. Thank goodness she will not be President. She need to spend the rest of her miserable hateful life in a Federal Women's Correctional Facility.

If I remember correctly, she wasn't even qualified to run for Senator of that state, but they allowed her anyways.

Then again, when did the Clintons ever play by the rules?
...We saw what happens when a woman dares to seek power. It was heartbreaking...

We saw what happens when you nominate a previous Primary loser for a shot at the title; relying upon re-treads rather than new blood. Zero imagination.

We saw what happens when you nominate a corrupt East Coast Establishment Politician who is beholden to the Corporatists.

We saw what happens when you nominate a former (and under-performing) Department head who exited her assignment under a very dark cloud.

We saw what happens when you nominate a former official who repeatedly lied to Federal law enforcement and to Congress regarding her electronic security lapses.

We saw what happens when you nominate a former official who was under criminal investigation until just days prior to her nomination.

We saw what happens when you get caught with your pants down - telling Big Money that she has a Public Face for the Plebs and another Private Face for the Patricians.

We saw what happens when you nominate a former official whose spouse inappropriately interacted with the attorney general within days of the release of an all-clear statement.

We saw what happens when your Party Chair has to resign the day your Convention begins because she was caught stacking the deck against your Primary competition.

We saw what happens when you're out-ed as encouraging party activists to interrupt the political events of the opposition.

We saw what happens when you flip-flop on LGBT, NAFTA, inner-city Super Predatgors, etc., simply to whore-monger more votes, at a time when America is clearly sick of that.

We saw what happens when you stand alongside an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens rather than standing alongside your own countrymen.

We saw what happens when you arrogantly delude yourself that you're The Anointed One, that you've got it in-the-bag, and that you can ignore White Middle America.

We saw what happens when you berate label your opposition as a Basket of Deplorables.

We saw what happens when LibTards phukk-up and try to delude the rest of the country into believing that the LibTard agenda and their own behaviors were not to blame.

The fact that she is a woman has very little to do with it.

Silly, delusional little LibTard pekkerwoods.

Once again, Chief Chitting Bull lives up to his-her-its name...
There's all the duperie...
If she won by enough to get congress, not true. False GOP line...

Are you talking about her getting elected Senator in bat shit crazy Libtard New York just because of the name of her husband? LOL

She wasn't even from that state and she had absolutely no qualifications and the idiot Moon Bats elected her to the Senate. Of course they got what they voted for. A do nothing Senator that voted for the invasion of Iraq.

Crooked Hillary has always been a piece of shit. Thank goodness she will not be President. She need to spend the rest of her miserable hateful life in a Federal Women's Correctional Facility.
Nobody cares about that crooked Hillary bs anymore. That was just to get your vote, dupe. She was a fine senator- I live there, dupe- and everyone voted to give W more leverage- which he misused.

Yeah, you really aren't persuading anyone you are smart with that nonsense
Facts mean nothing to dupes like you. You've got your

The facts are Hillary is one of the most corrupt politicians in modern history. She is so corrupt she took money from Donald trump.

Nobody cares about that crooked Hillary bs anymore. That was just to get your vote, dupe. She was a fine senator- I live there, dupe- and everyone voted to give W more leverage- which he misused.

You stupid Libtard Moon Bats cared about Crooked Hillary. You dumbshits voted for her for President.

She was not a "fine Senator". She never did jackshit. She was as bad a Senator as she was a two time failed Presidential candidate loser and a disastrous Secretary of State.

The only thing she did as Senator was to raid the US Treasury after 911 to give the money to the assholes in New York that voted for her.

I don't understand why you stupid Moon Bats that bash Bush about Iraq don't hold her accountable for supporting the invasion of Iraq. Are hypocritical or just plain stupid?

Is this your definition of a "fine Senator"? If it is then you are more of a moron than we could ever magazine.

All Boooshie lies...."MIGHT lead to war"= LEVERAGE, not war- just like other Dems...
If she won by enough to get congress, not true. False GOP line...

Are you talking about her getting elected Senator in bat shit crazy Libtard New York just because of the name of her husband? LOL

She wasn't even from that state and she had absolutely no qualifications and the idiot Moon Bats elected her to the Senate. Of course they got what they voted for. A do nothing Senator that voted for the invasion of Iraq.

Crooked Hillary has always been a piece of shit. Thank goodness she will not be President. She need to spend the rest of her miserable hateful life in a Federal Women's Correctional Facility.
Nobody cares about that crooked Hillary bs anymore. That was just to get your vote, dupe. She was a fine senator- I live there, dupe- and everyone voted to give W more leverage- which he misused.

Yeah, you really aren't persuading anyone you are smart with that nonsense
Facts mean nothing to dupes like you. You've got your

The facts are Hillary is one of the most corrupt politicians in modern history. She is so corrupt she took money from Donald trump.
Nothing illegal or corrupt, dupe.
If she won by enough to get congress, not true. False GOP line...

Are you talking about her getting elected Senator in bat shit crazy Libtard New York just because of the name of her husband? LOL

She wasn't even from that state and she had absolutely no qualifications and the idiot Moon Bats elected her to the Senate. Of course they got what they voted for. A do nothing Senator that voted for the invasion of Iraq.

Crooked Hillary has always been a piece of shit. Thank goodness she will not be President. She need to spend the rest of her miserable hateful life in a Federal Women's Correctional Facility.

If I remember correctly, she wasn't even qualified to run for Senator of that state, but they allowed her anyways.

Then again, when did the Clintons ever play by the rules?
Damn glad to do it, and nothing illegal or corrupt, dupe.
How the hell did some backwoods hicks from Arkansas become billionaires? When they left the White House they were dead broke--that was a bold-faced lie but it was spoken by Hillary so of course it was damn lie. As Hillary left the White House she stole and vandalized it on the way out.

What the hell was she selling? How the hell did she and her rapist, coke-loving piece of shit "husband" amass a fortune of billions? And the fucking idiot that authored this stunningly fucking stupid thread--he thinks history is going to love the Clinton's. Newsflash fuck-stick: Nobody likes them now, and if the Democrats weren't being led around the balls by hyda-dyke **** bitch and actually tried to find the most qualified candidates to run in the primary instead of using it as a show to set up the fat bitch's inevitable White House run--maybe Trump wouldn't have won.
This is the thing you really gotta admire about the left. The have been completely neutered. They are a regional party with no national influence whatsoever. Republicans have overwhelming majority of governships and state legislatures, and a majority in both houses of Congress and will soon have a majority in the Supreme Court that should last for a generation.

And what does the left do? Do they look and think, what did we do to cause this? Fuck no!!! They're doubling down!!!!!!!!!! It isn't their fault. Their on Glen Beck's side now, coming up with every damn conspiracy theory they can. They are stock piling food and ammo, the gold people are advertising on Rachel Madcow's show.

And you know what? I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How the hell did some backwoods hicks from Arkansas become billionaires? When they left the White House they were dead broke--that was a bold-faced lie but it was spoken by Hillary so of course it was damn lie. As Hillary left the White House she stole and vandalized it on the way out.

What the hell was she selling? How the hell did she and her rapist, coke-loving piece of shit "husband" amass a fortune of billions? And the fucking idiot that authored this stunningly fucking stupid thread--he thinks history is going to love the Clinton's. Newsflash fuck-stick: Nobody likes them now, and if the Democrats weren't being led around the balls by hyda-dyke **** bitch and actually tried to find the most qualified candidates to run in the primary instead of using it as a show to set up the fat bitch's inevitable White House run--maybe Trump wouldn't have won.
BS. Millions, all through books and speeches, dupe.

All Boooshie lies...."MIGHT lead to war"= LEVERAGE, not war- just like other Dems...

I love you to see you Moon Bats in denial about the Democrats like Clinton, Kerry, Reid, Shummer etc supporting the invasion of Iraq. Even Slick Willy supported the war. Of course he bombed Baghdad for two weeks as President so he was pretty well for it.

It just shows what pussies you are for failing to take responsibility for the dumbasses you voted for. You always are in denial about what they do when we call you on it. You only have two modes; denial and blaming it on somebody else.

Then you wonder why we ridicule you so much for being little Libtard shitheads with no moral or intellectual foundation.
This is the thing you really gotta admire about the left. The have been completely neutered. They are a regional party with no national influence whatsoever. Republicans have overwhelming majority of governships and state legislatures, and a majority in both houses of Congress and will soon have a majority in the Supreme Court that should last for a generation.

And what does the left do? Do they look and think, what did we do to cause this? Fuck no!!! They're doubling down!!!!!!!!!! It isn't their fault. Their on Glen Beck's side now, coming up with every damn conspiracy theory they can. They are stock piling food and ammo, the gold people are advertising on Rachel Madcow's show.

And you know what? I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Democrats were a one trick pony with their Black President. After that they have nothing. Disastrous losses in 2010, 2014 and 2016. The only thing they were able to do was get the Kenyan re-elected in 2012 and that was only because the Republicans ran a weak RINO against him.

When Trump really starts to make headway in making this country better and fixing the economy many more people will see that the Democrats are terrible leaders that have nothing for the American people.

The next Democrat President may not even been born yet.

We saw what happens when a woman dares to seek power. It was heartbreaking.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Though the sexism behind Clinton’s loss has hardly been a secret, it’s taken me awhile to truly grapple with what lays at the bottom of those election results. Clinton’s loss isn’t simply about emails or Russian hacking or James Comey or the perils of the Electoral College or the struggles of the so-called white working class. Underneath that, her loss has everything to do with the different expectations men and women face in our country. Her loss is about what we do to women who dare to seek power.

This struck me as I read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ incredible essay on Barack Obama’s presidency. “To secure the White House,” Coates writes in The Atlantic, “Donald Trump needed only money and white bluster.” This is the simplest evidence you need to understand that of course racism played a role Trump’s election, Coates writes.

Immediately, I realized, Coates missed something.

It wasn’t just money and bluster.

Trump is a man.

Much of the country went for the guy. Sure, technically she got more votes, is winning the popular vote by millions, but a huge percentage of the country went for him. Obama voters switched sides. He won.

With his utter lack of government experience, track record of lies, without disclosing his taxes, with his hateful comments about women, his boast about sexual assault. For all that, Trump was seen as more “authentic” than her. More likable.

That’s sexism. You can dress it up in as many ill-advised email servers or Benghazi hearings as you like.

Time and again, men get a pass.

More: It’s OK To Mourn For Our First Female President

Amen! If you liked the above, you should read the other half of the link.

You guys...are soooo funny.......

She was a criminal, using a private charity to launder bribes she took as Secretary of State and with an expected pay off should she have become President...she led a life of corruption and crime through every single activity she was involved in......thank you for running her.....
To label Hillary Clinton "our first female president" is wrong and disrespectful because the corrupt old bitch had NEVER earned the title. :cuckoo:


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