It’s OK To Mourn For Our First Female President


We saw what happens when a woman dares to seek power. It was heartbreaking.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Though the sexism behind Clinton’s loss has hardly been a secret, it’s taken me awhile to truly grapple with what lays at the bottom of those election results. Clinton’s loss isn’t simply about emails or Russian hacking or James Comey or the perils of the Electoral College or the struggles of the so-called white working class. Underneath that, her loss has everything to do with the different expectations men and women face in our country. Her loss is about what we do to women who dare to seek power.

This struck me as I read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ incredible essay on Barack Obama’s presidency. “To secure the White House,” Coates writes in The Atlantic, “Donald Trump needed only money and white bluster.” This is the simplest evidence you need to understand that of course racism played a role Trump’s election, Coates writes.

Immediately, I realized, Coates missed something.

It wasn’t just money and bluster.

Trump is a man.

Much of the country went for the guy. Sure, technically she got more votes, is winning the popular vote by millions, but a huge percentage of the country went for him. Obama voters switched sides. He won.

With his utter lack of government experience, track record of lies, without disclosing his taxes, with his hateful comments about women, his boast about sexual assault. For all that, Trump was seen as more “authentic” than her. More likable.

That’s sexism. You can dress it up in as many ill-advised email servers or Benghazi hearings as you like.

Time and again, men get a pass.

More: It’s OK To Mourn For Our First Female President

Amen! If you liked the above, you should read the other half of the link.

You guys...are soooo funny.......

She was a criminal, using a private charity to launder bribes she took as Secretary of State and with an expected pay off should she have become President...she led a life of corruption and crime through every single activity she was involved in......thank you for running her.....

Proof? Link?
Everyone had her winning easily before Comey...
'Everyone' had her winning after Comey as well.

'Everyone' was wrong.
Duh. WHY? "I think there was a 4 point change for Trumpers refusing to cooperate with polls..."
Because they based their projections on algorithms that were totally incorrect this cycle.
Not really.

You do not seem to understand how polling works. It is heavily weighted on assumptions that the pollsters make. Assumptions that they were utterly incorrect on.
No, it's a ploy to interfere with elections. I think it's time to ban them and stop influencing elections.
ummm..... she didn't lose becuase of her gender, she lost because she was an ultimate- insider and rigged her own Primary :thup:

BTW- nice 16 smiley thread :clap2:


We saw what happens when a woman dares to seek power. It was heartbreaking.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Though the sexism behind Clinton’s loss has hardly been a secret, it’s taken me awhile to truly grapple with what lays at the bottom of those election results. Clinton’s loss isn’t simply about emails or Russian hacking or James Comey or the perils of the Electoral College or the struggles of the so-called white working class. Underneath that, her loss has everything to do with the different expectations men and women face in our country. Her loss is about what we do to women who dare to seek power.

This struck me as I read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ incredible essay on Barack Obama’s presidency. “To secure the White House,” Coates writes in The Atlantic, “Donald Trump needed only money and white bluster.” This is the simplest evidence you need to understand that of course racism played a role Trump’s election, Coates writes.

Immediately, I realized, Coates missed something.

It wasn’t just money and bluster.

Trump is a man.

Much of the country went for the guy. Sure, technically she got more votes, is winning the popular vote by millions, but a huge percentage of the country went for him. Obama voters switched sides. He won.

With his utter lack of government experience, track record of lies, without disclosing his taxes, with his hateful comments about women, his boast about sexual assault. For all that, Trump was seen as more “authentic” than her. More likable.

That’s sexism. You can dress it up in as many ill-advised email servers or Benghazi hearings as you like.

Time and again, men get a pass.

More: It’s OK To Mourn For Our First Female President

Amen! If you liked the above, you should read the other half of the link.

No evidence of any actual rigging, Putin lover/dupe..
Sure there was , google Detroit over voting, you all can't even cheat right
This thread pins the Bogometer.

Obabble was our first Female President, just like Bubba was the First Black one.
Not. She had a policy for everything...
lol If she did, then she is really good at keeping secrets since she never told us about them.
BS. Just not reported, especially on the Dupe Network or the Corporate Ratings Networks. How do you think we got so stupid? And I don't mean me lol...
lol Ok, so it was the vast right wing conspiracy that prevented America from hearing her policies. Put you tin foil hat back on before going outside.
No , ratings and controversy and Trump bluster crazed US media...AND the vast RW BS conspiracy...

Wasn't Barack our first Female President?
Are you talking about her getting elected Senator in bat shit crazy Libtard New York just because of the name of her husband? LOL

She wasn't even from that state and she had absolutely no qualifications and the idiot Moon Bats elected her to the Senate. Of course they got what they voted for. A do nothing Senator that voted for the invasion of Iraq.

Crooked Hillary has always been a piece of shit. Thank goodness she will not be President. She need to spend the rest of her miserable hateful life in a Federal Women's Correctional Facility.
Nobody cares about that crooked Hillary bs anymore. That was just to get your vote, dupe. She was a fine senator- I live there, dupe- and everyone voted to give W more leverage- which he misused.

Yeah, you really aren't persuading anyone you are smart with that nonsense
Facts mean nothing to dupes like you. You've got your

The facts are Hillary is one of the most corrupt politicians in modern history. She is so corrupt she took money from Donald trump.
Nothing illegal or corrupt, dupe.

Right. No one as stupid as those who won't see what's obvious
...There's all the duperie...
Declaring it thus does not render it thus.

Most of that is established fact, slick.

And, if you (collectively) had the courage to admit that to yourselves, you would be beginning the long climb back to political power.

But until you can come to terms with much of that, you're going to be consigned to the sidelines.

Karma's a bitch.
ummm..... she didn't lose becuase of her gender, she lost because she was an ultimate- insider and rigged her own Primary :thup:

BTW- nice 16 smiley thread :clap2:


We saw what happens when a woman dares to seek power. It was heartbreaking.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Though the sexism behind Clinton’s loss has hardly been a secret, it’s taken me awhile to truly grapple with what lays at the bottom of those election results. Clinton’s loss isn’t simply about emails or Russian hacking or James Comey or the perils of the Electoral College or the struggles of the so-called white working class. Underneath that, her loss has everything to do with the different expectations men and women face in our country. Her loss is about what we do to women who dare to seek power.

This struck me as I read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ incredible essay on Barack Obama’s presidency. “To secure the White House,” Coates writes in The Atlantic, “Donald Trump needed only money and white bluster.” This is the simplest evidence you need to understand that of course racism played a role Trump’s election, Coates writes.

Immediately, I realized, Coates missed something.

It wasn’t just money and bluster.

Trump is a man.

Much of the country went for the guy. Sure, technically she got more votes, is winning the popular vote by millions, but a huge percentage of the country went for him. Obama voters switched sides. He won.

With his utter lack of government experience, track record of lies, without disclosing his taxes, with his hateful comments about women, his boast about sexual assault. For all that, Trump was seen as more “authentic” than her. More likable.

That’s sexism. You can dress it up in as many ill-advised email servers or Benghazi hearings as you like.

Time and again, men get a pass.

More: It’s OK To Mourn For Our First Female President

Amen! If you liked the above, you should read the other half of the link.

No evidence of any actual rigging, Putin lover/dupe..
Sure there was , google Detroit over voting, you all can't even cheat right
Moose muffins, dupe.
...There's all the duperie...
Declaring it thus does not render it thus.

Most of that is established fact, slick.

And, if you (collectively) had the courage to admit that to yourselves, you would be beginning the long climb back to political power.

But until you can come to terms with much of that, you're going to be consigned to the sidelines.

Karma's a bitch.
All crap. No evidence, no charges, NADA, dupe.
Nobody cares about that crooked Hillary bs anymore. That was just to get your vote, dupe. She was a fine senator- I live there, dupe- and everyone voted to give W more leverage- which he misused.

Yeah, you really aren't persuading anyone you are smart with that nonsense
Facts mean nothing to dupes like you. You've got your

The facts are Hillary is one of the most corrupt politicians in modern history. She is so corrupt she took money from Donald trump.
Nothing illegal or corrupt, dupe.

Right. No one as stupid as those who won't see what's obvious
All crap, no evidence, NADA, dupe.
...There's all the duperie...
Declaring it thus does not render it thus.

Most of that is established fact, slick.

And, if you (collectively) had the courage to admit that to yourselves, you would be beginning the long climb back to political power.

But until you can come to terms with much of that, you're going to be consigned to the sidelines.

Karma's a bitch.
Enjoy hell, then lol.
...There's all the duperie...
Declaring it thus does not render it thus.

Most of that is established fact, slick.

And, if you (collectively) had the courage to admit that to yourselves, you would be beginning the long climb back to political power.

But until you can come to terms with much of that, you're going to be consigned to the sidelines.

Karma's a bitch.
All crap. No evidence, no charges, NADA, dupe.
So post her inauguration from her presidential win
...There's all the duperie...
Declaring it thus does not render it thus.

Most of that is established fact, slick.

And, if you (collectively) had the courage to admit that to yourselves, you would be beginning the long climb back to political power.

But until you can come to terms with much of that, you're going to be consigned to the sidelines.

Karma's a bitch.
Enjoy hell, then lol.
Your reservation is in order!
lol If she did, then she is really good at keeping secrets since she never told us about them.
BS. Just not reported, especially on the Dupe Network or the Corporate Ratings Networks. How do you think we got so stupid? And I don't mean me lol...
lol Ok, so it was the vast right wing conspiracy that prevented America from hearing her policies. Put you tin foil hat back on before going outside.
No , ratings and controversy and Trump bluster crazed US media...AND the vast RW BS conspiracy...

Wasn't Barack our first Female President?

...There's all the duperie...
Declaring it thus does not render it thus.

Most of that is established fact, slick.

And, if you (collectively) had the courage to admit that to yourselves, you would be beginning the long climb back to political power.

But until you can come to terms with much of that, you're going to be consigned to the sidelines.

Karma's a bitch.
Enjoy hell, then lol.
Your reservation is in order!
Wrong AGAIN!
...There's all the duperie...
Declaring it thus does not render it thus.

Most of that is established fact, slick.

And, if you (collectively) had the courage to admit that to yourselves, you would be beginning the long climb back to political power.

But until you can come to terms with much of that, you're going to be consigned to the sidelines.

Karma's a bitch.
Enjoy hell, then lol.
Your reservation is in order!
Wrong AGAIN!
For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power.
There were lots of women around who weren't liars, socialists, arrogant and power-mad.

Why didn't you pick one of those?

You made the mistake of picking Hillary at about the time the country was getting sick of people like Hillary.
...There's all the duperie...
Declaring it thus does not render it thus.

Most of that is established fact, slick.

And, if you (collectively) had the courage to admit that to yourselves, you would be beginning the long climb back to political power.

But until you can come to terms with much of that, you're going to be consigned to the sidelines.

Karma's a bitch.
Enjoy hell, then lol.
Your reservation is in order!
Wrong AGAIN!

Franco what are your thoughts on the Trump landslide win? Are you hopeful for America now that the GOP controls the White House, House, Senate, 33 state governorships, and 69 of 99 state legislatures?

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