It’s OK To Mourn For Our First Female President

lol She had no policies other than tax the rich. She has been a high profile fuck up in every job she has ever had.
Not. She had a policy for everything...
lol If she did, then she is really good at keeping secrets since she never told us about them.
BS. Just not reported, especially on the Dupe Network or the Corporate Ratings Networks. How do you think we got so stupid? And I don't mean me lol...
lol Ok, so it was the vast right wing conspiracy that prevented America from hearing her policies. Put you tin foil hat back on before going outside.
No , ratings and controversy and Trump bluster crazed US media...AND the vast RW BS conspiracy...
Just the smartest and most experienced with the best policies for the nonrich and the country. But go with the bs hate propaganda....dupes.
lol She had no policies other than tax the rich. She has been a high profile fuck up in every job she has ever had.

She had more policies than tax the rich. Spending was her second policy.

Spending is bad enough, but what Democrats do is spend money on their constituents and not for the better of the country. Vote buying is costing us an arm and a leg but liberals are too blind too see it. They want to keep spending and even expand spending on social goodies like what big-ears did.
The GI bill, infrastructure investment, and cheap college was what made us great. Stopping investment in America is what's made us chumps the last 35 years. Thanks New BS GOP and the dupes.

No. Some govt policy is not what made our country. That came from ethics and morals. Not some worthless bureaucratic policy that is never held to accountability.
Good gov't policy IS good ethics and morality. Like the Greatest Generation and FDR and Truman, Ike, JFK, and LBJ.

I'll give fdr and Ike a c minus for their part in ww2. The rest have no business in the discussion.
Not. She had a policy for everything...
lol If she did, then she is really good at keeping secrets since she never told us about them.
BS. Just not reported, especially on the Dupe Network or the Corporate Ratings Networks. How do you think we got so stupid? And I don't mean me lol...
lol Ok, so it was the vast right wing conspiracy that prevented America from hearing her policies. Put you tin foil hat back on before going outside.
No , ratings and controversy and Trump bluster crazed US media...AND the vast RW BS conspiracy...
lol She had no policies other than tax the rich. She has been a high profile fuck up in every job she has ever had.
Not. She had a policy for everything...
lol If she did, then she is really good at keeping secrets since she never told us about them.
BS. Just not reported, especially on the Dupe Network or the Corporate Ratings Networks. How do you think we got so stupid? And I don't mean me lol...
lol Ok, so it was the vast right wing conspiracy that prevented America from hearing her policies. Put you tin foil hat back on before going outside.
No , ratings and controversy and Trump bluster crazed US media...AND the vast RW BS conspiracy...
No, the truth is she is and always has been an empty pants suit who is motivated only by personal ambition.
lol She had no policies other than tax the rich. She has been a high profile fuck up in every job she has ever had.

She had more policies than tax the rich. Spending was her second policy.

Spending is bad enough, but what Democrats do is spend money on their constituents and not for the better of the country. Vote buying is costing us an arm and a leg but liberals are too blind too see it. They want to keep spending and even expand spending on social goodies like what big-ears did.
The GI bill, infrastructure investment, and cheap college was what made us great. Stopping investment in America is what's made us chumps the last 35 years. Thanks New BS GOP and the dupes.

No. Some govt policy is not what made our country. That came from ethics and morals. Not some worthless bureaucratic policy that is never held to accountability.
Good gov't policy IS good ethics and morality. Like the Greatest Generation and FDR and Truman, Ike, JFK, and LBJ.

I'll give fdr and Ike a c minus for their part in ww2. The rest have no business in the discussion.
We only make progress toward socialism (fair capitalism, dupes) when Dems get control of congress (FDR and LBJ, Obama for a few weeks gd it) or Indies (Ike, Trump?). Ignore history much, dupe?
Not. She had a policy for everything...
lol If she did, then she is really good at keeping secrets since she never told us about them.
BS. Just not reported, especially on the Dupe Network or the Corporate Ratings Networks. How do you think we got so stupid? And I don't mean me lol...
lol Ok, so it was the vast right wing conspiracy that prevented America from hearing her policies. Put you tin foil hat back on before going outside.
No , ratings and controversy and Trump bluster crazed US media...AND the vast RW BS conspiracy...
No, the truth is she is and always has been an empty pants suit who is motivated only by personal ambition.
Some day, consider policy. Trying to figure personality just gets you the best liars...see W, any GOPer for that matter.

We saw what happens when a woman dares to seek power. It was heartbreaking.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Though the sexism behind Clinton’s loss has hardly been a secret, it’s taken me awhile to truly grapple with what lays at the bottom of those election results. Clinton’s loss isn’t simply about emails or Russian hacking or James Comey or the perils of the Electoral College or the struggles of the so-called white working class. Underneath that, her loss has everything to do with the different expectations men and women face in our country. Her loss is about what we do to women who dare to seek power.

This struck me as I read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ incredible essay on Barack Obama’s presidency. “To secure the White House,” Coates writes in The Atlantic, “Donald Trump needed only money and white bluster.” This is the simplest evidence you need to understand that of course racism played a role Trump’s election, Coates writes.

Immediately, I realized, Coates missed something.

It wasn’t just money and bluster.

Trump is a man.

Much of the country went for the guy. Sure, technically she got more votes, is winning the popular vote by millions, but a huge percentage of the country went for him. Obama voters switched sides. He won.

With his utter lack of government experience, track record of lies, without disclosing his taxes, with his hateful comments about women, his boast about sexual assault. For all that, Trump was seen as more “authentic” than her. More likable.

That’s sexism. You can dress it up in as many ill-advised email servers or Benghazi hearings as you like.

Time and again, men get a pass.

More: It’s OK To Mourn For Our First Female President

Amen! If you liked the above, you should read the other half of the link.

Marrying Bill could only take her so far, but she did ok considering she had nothing of her own to offer.

Voting for someone based on their gender or ethnicity is the height of ignorance! Intelligent, knowledgeable voters should cast their votes based on a candidate's character moral and ethical values and policy principles. Yes, that is often difficult, as was certainly the case this year! For the record, I have voted for women, men and people of color, but only for the right reasons.

We saw what happens when a woman dares to seek power. It was heartbreaking.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Six months ago I lay in bed with tears in my eyes. I was staring at my tiny iPhone screen, watching a larger-than-life woman stand before a packed crowd in Brooklyn, dressed all in white like some kind of goddess wizard, making history as she officially became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

For the first time, a woman had a shot at real political power. For the first time, we could tell our daughters: You could be anything! And it would actually be true. As autumn approached, you could feel the excitement. Women were on the brink. On the morning of Election Day, they dressed in pantsuits and welled up, holding their little girls’ hands at the voting booth, posting adorable photos.

That night was a devastation. Ambitious women and girls across the country didn’t get a new role model. They got a smackdown.

Though the sexism behind Clinton’s loss has hardly been a secret, it’s taken me awhile to truly grapple with what lays at the bottom of those election results. Clinton’s loss isn’t simply about emails or Russian hacking or James Comey or the perils of the Electoral College or the struggles of the so-called white working class. Underneath that, her loss has everything to do with the different expectations men and women face in our country. Her loss is about what we do to women who dare to seek power.

This struck me as I read Ta-Nehisi Coates’ incredible essay on Barack Obama’s presidency. “To secure the White House,” Coates writes in The Atlantic, “Donald Trump needed only money and white bluster.” This is the simplest evidence you need to understand that of course racism played a role Trump’s election, Coates writes.

Immediately, I realized, Coates missed something.

It wasn’t just money and bluster.

Trump is a man.

Much of the country went for the guy. Sure, technically she got more votes, is winning the popular vote by millions, but a huge percentage of the country went for him. Obama voters switched sides. He won.

With his utter lack of government experience, track record of lies, without disclosing his taxes, with his hateful comments about women, his boast about sexual assault. For all that, Trump was seen as more “authentic” than her. More likable.

That’s sexism. You can dress it up in as many ill-advised email servers or Benghazi hearings as you like.

Time and again, men get a pass.

More: It’s OK To Mourn For Our First Female President

Amen! If you liked the above, you should read the other half of the link.

You really try to outdo yourself all the time with really dumbass posts, don't you?

Good riddance to the corrupt dishonest incompetent piece of shit. If Trump has any moral foundation at all he will instruct the Justice Department to properly pursue her crimes and throw her in jail for the rest of her life.
Having a vagina should never be a qualification for being President just like we all learned that being Black should not be a qualification. Look what failure we got with the current Black President who was totally unqualified but elected because of his race. Crooked Hillary would have been even worse. It is pathetic that the Moon Bats don't understand that.
Just the smartest and most experienced with the best policies for the nonrich and the country. But go with the bs hate propaganda....dupes.
lol She had no policies other than tax the rich. She has been a high profile fuck up in every job she has ever had.

She had more policies than tax the rich. Spending was her second policy.

Spending is bad enough, but what Democrats do is spend money on their constituents and not for the better of the country. Vote buying is costing us an arm and a leg but liberals are too blind too see it. They want to keep spending and even expand spending on social goodies like what big-ears did.
The GI bill, infrastructure investment, and cheap college was what made us great. Stopping investment in America is what's made us chumps the last 35 years. Thanks New BS GOP and the dupes.

No. Some govt policy is not what made our country. That came from ethics and morals. Not some worthless bureaucratic policy that is never held to accountability.
Good gov't policy IS good ethics and morality. Like the Greatest Generation and FDR and Truman, Ike, JFK, and LBJ.
LBJ? He was a racist and a thug. The Dems set the bar pretty low.
Having a vagina should never be a qualification for being President just like we all learned that being Black should not be a qualification. Look what failure we got with the current Black President who was totally unqualified but elected because of his race. Crooked Hillary would have been even worse. It is pathetic that the Moon Bats don't understand that.
If she won by enough to get congress, not true. False GOP line...
lol She had no policies other than tax the rich. She has been a high profile fuck up in every job she has ever had.

She had more policies than tax the rich. Spending was her second policy.

Spending is bad enough, but what Democrats do is spend money on their constituents and not for the better of the country. Vote buying is costing us an arm and a leg but liberals are too blind too see it. They want to keep spending and even expand spending on social goodies like what big-ears did.
The GI bill, infrastructure investment, and cheap college was what made us great. Stopping investment in America is what's made us chumps the last 35 years. Thanks New BS GOP and the dupes.

No. Some govt policy is not what made our country. That came from ethics and morals. Not some worthless bureaucratic policy that is never held to accountability.
Good gov't policy IS good ethics and morality. Like the Greatest Generation and FDR and Truman, Ike, JFK, and LBJ.
LBJ? He was a racist and a thug. The Dems set the bar pretty low.
Medicare, Medicaid, civil rights, dupe- too bad about the gd war.
Yeah, thanks to NaziCon gerrymandering, voter suppression, conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Comey, and Putin. You must feel really proud.

How exactly did Gerrymandering win trump more EV?

I've noticed, in the past several years, “gerrymandering” popping up with increasing frequency among liberals' excuses for losing elections; even on votes where there is no plausible way for gerrymandering to have any effect. I suspect that the overwhelming vast majority of those who make this excuse have no clue at all what gerrymandering is, how it works, or what its limitations are.

It might be interesting to see a liberal trying to explain how gerrymandering is supposed to have affected the Presidential election.

Democrat voters are like trained seals. They are told what to say, not understand what they say.

The Party of Excuses just gives them talking points and they come to places like USMB and repeat what they were told.

In the mind of a Democrat, most of the country is liberal. Their friends are liberals, most of their family are liberals, their coworkers are liberal, and everybody at Starbucks is liberal, therefore, most of the country must be liberal in their mind.

Sure, there are Republicans, but they are on their yachts or in their pickup trucks with a gun rack on the back. But they are very much the minority. After all, the Democrat politicians told them Republicans are a dying breed of old white men and will soon be off the planet.

This is why when Republicans win seats and even the presidency, they flip out. They can't understand. Republicans can't be winning fairly because most of the country is liberal just like me! Something must have went terribly wrong!
Gerrymandering has never been worse, ditto reporting and foreign interference- and voter suppression (that one, maybe not lol). Some people still like thinking.

Gerrymandering has absolutely nothing to do with the ev, which is determined by state, not congressional district. So how did it cause Hillary to lose?
Yeah, thanks to NaziCon gerrymandering, voter suppression, conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, Comey, and Putin. You must feel really proud.

How exactly did Gerrymandering win trump more EV?

I've noticed, in the past several years, “gerrymandering” popping up with increasing frequency among liberals' excuses for losing elections; even on votes where there is no plausible way for gerrymandering to have any effect. I suspect that the overwhelming vast majority of those who make this excuse have no clue at all what gerrymandering is, how it works, or what its limitations are.

It might be interesting to see a liberal trying to explain how gerrymandering is supposed to have affected the Presidential election.

Democrat voters are like trained seals. They are told what to say, not understand what they say.

The Party of Excuses just gives them talking points and they come to places like USMB and repeat what they were told.

In the mind of a Democrat, most of the country is liberal. Their friends are liberals, most of their family are liberals, their coworkers are liberal, and everybody at Starbucks is liberal, therefore, most of the country must be liberal in their mind.

Sure, there are Republicans, but they are on their yachts or in their pickup trucks with a gun rack on the back. But they are very much the minority. After all, the Democrat politicians told them Republicans are a dying breed of old white men and will soon be off the planet.

This is why when Republicans win seats and even the presidency, they flip out. They can't understand. Republicans can't be winning fairly because most of the country is liberal just like me! Something must have went terribly wrong!
Gerrymandering has never been worse, ditto reporting and foreign interference- and voter suppression (that one, maybe not lol). Some people still like thinking.

Gerrymandering has absolutely nothing to do with the ev, which is determined by state, not congressional district. So how did it cause Hillary to lose?
It's only in the House, dupe.
Just the smartest and most experienced with the best policies for the nonrich and the country. But go with the bs hate propaganda....dupes.
lol She had no policies other than tax the rich. She has been a high profile fuck up in every job she has ever had.

She had more policies than tax the rich. Spending was her second policy.

Spending is bad enough, but what Democrats do is spend money on their constituents and not for the better of the country. Vote buying is costing us an arm and a leg but liberals are too blind too see it. They want to keep spending and even expand spending on social goodies like what big-ears did.
The GI bill, infrastructure investment, and cheap college was what made us great. Stopping investment in America is what's made us chumps the last 35 years. Thanks New BS GOP and the dupes.

No. Some govt policy is not what made our country. That came from ethics and morals. Not some worthless bureaucratic policy that is never held to accountability.
Good gov't policy IS good ethics and morality. Like the Greatest Generation and FDR and Truman, Ike, JFK, and LBJ.

So you concede that Hillary and Obama are unethical, immoral, corrupt criminals who should never have been given power to influence our nation.

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