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"It's Okay To Be White"

It's okay to be green too ... Pepe ;)

It's okay to be white[1] or It's OK to be white (IOTBW) is a slogan based on a poster campaign organized on the American imageboard 4chan's board /pol/ in 2017, as a "proof of concept" that a "harmless message" would cause a media backlash.[2][3] Posters and stickers containing the sentence "It's okay to be white" were placed in streets in the United States as well as on campuses in the United States, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom.[1][3] The slogan was spread by Fox News host Tucker Carlson, and racist groups including neo-Nazis and white supremacists.[4]

The suggestion for the use of posters with the saying originated on the message board /pol/ of 4chan, with the intent of provoking reactions. The saying was later spread by neo-Nazi groups and politically organized racists, including former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke and The Daily Stormer.[4] A report by the ADL states that the phrase itself has a history within the white supremacist movement going back to 2001 when it was used as the title of a song by a white power music group called Aggressive Force as well as fliers with the phrase being spotted in 2005 and the slogan being used by a member of the United Klans of America.[1]

Now see? I'd be pointing and laughing at that guy.
THe act of censorship, makes their "whining" justified. It is valid to complain about censorship.

YOUR calling it "whining" when it is justified, is you supporting the censorship and the racism.

Whether this is from white supremacists or NOT, it was a brilliant ploy, and the liberals in question fell for it, hook, line and sinker, revealing that, to them, it is not "ok to be white".
I support public censorship of that kind of garbage in exactly the way it was just "censored" -- by throwing it in the trash.
Translation: if someone does not agree with the way I think, the way I interpret everything then the first amendment must be thrown out and what I don't agree with must be censored.
Hate speech has no place in this country.
You are claiming that the words it is ok to be white is hate speech?
I can see why you would be confused. Words can be hard for some.
I could agree with you if one added it is not ok to be black behind it. But that is not what is there. Based only on the words there is no hate speech. Your interpretation may make it hate speech. But that does not mean to sane people it is.
You really expect me to buy that?
Do YOU actually buy that?
Do you really think that you are anything but a desperate hate filled bigot?

I expect people to be allowed their right to free speech. Just as when so many were kneeling during the national anthem. I felt it was an incredible slight to our nation and the people that have given so much to defend it, but I still allowed them to do it without calling it a hate crime.
When celebrities go on television with their hate and expletive filled rants I may not agree with them but I allow them to do it. I do not lobby for or cheer anyone to censor them.
Since they locked my other one for breakin da law...it was such a short article from a local corporate affiliate ...i dont think anyone would of even noticed

triple shot
links followed by snips of left wing aggressive progressive nazi insanity
Susquehanna University promptly removes ‘It’s OK to Be White’ posters

While the signs did not contain hate speech, President Jonathan Green said in a message to students, faculty and staff the language has been associated with white supremacy movements.
“Our concern is that this action is believed to be associated with indirect recruiting tactics for these malicious organizations,” Green said in the message.

‘It’s OK to be white’ banner hanging over Mass. Pike sparks outrage

“It’s pretty disappointing to see people in Massachusetts using a platform like that to disseminate a message that excludes people and targets people,” said Robert Trestan, Executive Director of the ADL’s Boston office.
Sean Roche, who was driving with his daughter, got out of his car and tore the sign down before police arrived at the scene.

“It’s a statement that being white is under attack right now and it’s just not true,” Roche told 7NEWS. “

The one from Connecticut

Police, FBI investigating ‘hate-filled flyers’ found on Western Connecticut State University campus

“I am both shocked and immensely saddened about this sick and outrageous behavior, especially since our university has worked so hard to be a warm, diverse and caring community for all, no matter their race, color, gender, sexual orientation/identification, disability and age,” Clark said. “All members of our community should feel comfortable, safe and secure at the university.”

He means all except for white males who wont conform for the establishment left wing aggressive progressive nazis punks ...ya know cause it all about inclusion and the celebration of our differences ....pffffftt

heres the deans picture

View attachment 287954

View attachment 287955

I said, watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical
Liberal, oh fanatical, criminal
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're Acceptable
Respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable!
Oh, take it take it yeah

where is that CW2 ?
You're damn right it's OK to be white. Or black or brown or anything in between. My parents taught me early on in life to never judge a person by their color, but by their actions and the way they act towards others. There are bad and nasty people of every color as well as good and kind in each and every race and color.
I support public censorship of that kind of garbage in exactly the way it was just "censored" -- by throwing it in the trash.
Translation: if someone does not agree with the way I think, the way I interpret everything then the first amendment must be thrown out and what I don't agree with must be censored.
Hate speech has no place in this country.
You are claiming that the words it is ok to be white is hate speech?
I can see why you would be confused. Words can be hard for some.
I could agree with you if one added it is not ok to be black behind it. But that is not what is there. Based only on the words there is no hate speech. Your interpretation may make it hate speech. But that does not mean to sane people it is.
You really expect me to buy that?
Do YOU actually buy that?
Do you really think that you are anything but a desperate hate filled bigot?

I expect people to be allowed their right to free speech. Just as when so many were kneeling during the national anthem. I felt it was an incredible slight to our nation and the people that have given so much to defend it, but I still allowed them to do it without calling it a hate crime.
When celebrities go on television with their hate and expletive filled rants I may not agree with them but I allow them to do it. I do not lobby for or cheer anyone to censor them.
Yes, I really believe that I despise bigots and racists and have no room in my heart to forgive them, even though in my head I know that racists are a bunch of pathetic losers who can't find anything else to feel good about but the skin they were born in. Maybe I pity them a little, but the damage they can cause far outweighs any sympathy I might have for them.

We're all humans, Max. It doesn't matter where we're born or what we look like or how we worship. We are all children of God, so to speak. Hating one another for being in a different "group" is not good for society as a whole and it's sure not good for the people being hated on.

If I thought this were simply a freedom of speech/spasm against political correctness, I'd be chuckling along with bodecea. But it isn't.
This story is a warning and shouldn't be so easily dismissed as racism. There is a genuine concern from some white voters that they are being disenfranchised, whether true or not. We already know it is one of the primary reasons Donald Trump was elected and will be elected again if these citizens are not taken seriously.

We have to ask ourselves why other races are permitted to openly be proud of their race but white's are not.

We better figure this out because it is only going to continue to cause a rift in our society and force some to embrace fanatical ideas and groups if they feel they don't have anywhere else to go to be accepted.
THe act of censorship, makes their "whining" justified. It is valid to complain about censorship.

YOUR calling it "whining" when it is justified, is you supporting the censorship and the racism.

Whether this is from white supremacists or NOT, it was a brilliant ploy, and the liberals in question fell for it, hook, line and sinker, revealing that, to them, it is not "ok to be white".
I support public censorship of that kind of garbage in exactly the way it was just "censored" -- by throwing it in the trash.
Translation: if someone does not agree with the way I think, the way I interpret everything then the first amendment must be thrown out and what I don't agree with must be censored.
Hate speech has no place in this country.
You are claiming that the words it is ok to be white is hate speech?
I can see why you would be confused. Words can be hard for some.
I could agree with you if one added it is not ok to be black behind it. But that is not what is there. Based only on the words there is no hate speech. Your interpretation may make it hate speech. But that does not mean to sane people it is.
You really expect me to buy that?
Do YOU actually buy that?

If it is not even ok to SAY that it is ok to be white,

you can't sanely claim that it is actually ok to be white.
Translation: if someone does not agree with the way I think, the way I interpret everything then the first amendment must be thrown out and what I don't agree with must be censored.
Hate speech has no place in this country.
You are claiming that the words it is ok to be white is hate speech?
I can see why you would be confused. Words can be hard for some.
I could agree with you if one added it is not ok to be black behind it. But that is not what is there. Based only on the words there is no hate speech. Your interpretation may make it hate speech. But that does not mean to sane people it is.
You really expect me to buy that?
Do YOU actually buy that?
Do you really think that you are anything but a desperate hate filled bigot?

I expect people to be allowed their right to free speech. Just as when so many were kneeling during the national anthem. I felt it was an incredible slight to our nation and the people that have given so much to defend it, but I still allowed them to do it without calling it a hate crime.
When celebrities go on television with their hate and expletive filled rants I may not agree with them but I allow them to do it. I do not lobby for or cheer anyone to censor them.
Yes, I really believe that I despise bigots and racists and have no room in my heart to forgive them, even though in my head I know that racists are a bunch of pathetic losers who can't find anything else to feel good about but the skin they were born in. Maybe I pity them a little, but the damage they can cause far outweighs any sympathy I might have for them.

We're all humans, Max. It doesn't matter where we're born or what we look like or how we worship. We are all children of God, so to speak. Hating one another for being in a different "group" is not good for society as a whole and it's sure not good for the people being hated on.

If I thought this were simply a freedom of speech/spasm against political correctness, I'd be chuckling along with bodecea. But it isn't.
Nice sentiment. Who wrote that for you? Obviously you don't believe it. Since we started talking when you made a slanderous remark about someone you know nothing about going back to their shack in Alibama. So to say that it does not matter where we are born seems to be a matter of bull as far as you are concerned. You seem to believe that those that are born in one area of the country are no where near equal to you. That puts your whole diatribe on false ground.

So in your great wisdom you have been able to determine that a few words are some kind of hate speech. Yet again you show that you think you are far superior then everyone else. Congrats.
I support public censorship of that kind of garbage in exactly the way it was just "censored" -- by throwing it in the trash.
Translation: if someone does not agree with the way I think, the way I interpret everything then the first amendment must be thrown out and what I don't agree with must be censored.
Hate speech has no place in this country.
You are claiming that the words it is ok to be white is hate speech?
I can see why you would be confused. Words can be hard for some.
I could agree with you if one added it is not ok to be black behind it. But that is not what is there. Based only on the words there is no hate speech. Your interpretation may make it hate speech. But that does not mean to sane people it is.
You really expect me to buy that?
Do YOU actually buy that?

If it is not even ok to SAY that it is ok to be white,

you can't sanely claim that it is actually ok to be white.
Being white is the lucky color in this country. Black and brown folk have an added challenge in making something of their lives that whites never experience. White people are celebrated in every literature and history book, every science and philosophy text and in every board room in this great nation. White Europeans settled this country and their descendants still run it. Black folks, who have been here almost as long, not so much. Hispanics and Native Americans, not so much. It is not because they are somehow inferior. It is because they have been discriminated against with the most vile hatred.
It is already a given that being white is okay, has always been okay and that whites are the folks in charge. Anyone arguing that this is somehow no longer true is simply grousing that the black and brown people are finally standing shoulder to shoulder with them, the white folks. And they don't like it one little bit.
Tough cookies, I say.
They are removing banners that state "it is ok to be white", while denying that being white is under attack.

Liberals. All the self awareness of a potted plant. A dead potted plant.
Funny that they're such SNOWFLAKES that they're triggered by something as pathetically sad as "it's OK to be white."

They want us to feel guilty even thinking it's. OK?
Translation: if someone does not agree with the way I think, the way I interpret everything then the first amendment must be thrown out and what I don't agree with must be censored.
Hate speech has no place in this country.
You are claiming that the words it is ok to be white is hate speech?
I can see why you would be confused. Words can be hard for some.
I could agree with you if one added it is not ok to be black behind it. But that is not what is there. Based only on the words there is no hate speech. Your interpretation may make it hate speech. But that does not mean to sane people it is.
You really expect me to buy that?
Do YOU actually buy that?

If it is not even ok to SAY that it is ok to be white,

you can't sanely claim that it is actually ok to be white.
Being white is the lucky color in this country. Black and brown folk have an added challenge in making something of their lives that whites never experience. White people are celebrated in every literature and history book, every science and philosophy text and in every board room in this great nation. White Europeans settled this country and their descendants still run it. Black folks, who have been here almost as long, not so much. Hispanics and Native Americans, not so much. It is not because they are somehow inferior. It is because they have been discriminated against with the most vile hatred.
It is already a given that being white is okay, has always been okay and that whites are the folks in charge. Anyone arguing that this is somehow no longer true is simply grousing that the black and brown people are finally standing shoulder to shoulder with them, the white folks. And they don't like it one little bit.
Tough cookies, I say.

You are acting like the last 70 years did not happen.

Blacks and browns, for generations, have had massive programs aimed at helping THEM, at the expense of white guys.

White people are NOT celebrated in every literature and history book. Much, if not most literature and history written in the last 70 years, is about tearing them down, and painting them as Evul.

White people do NOT run this country. Blacks and Browns have quite a loud voice now, and a full, if not exaggerated say in policy.

People pointing this out, are NOT arguing against black and brown equality, but simply wanting current policy to be based on the freaking truth of the matter, instead of a reality that is literally generations past.

You are the bad guy here, not me.
Translation: if someone does not agree with the way I think, the way I interpret everything then the first amendment must be thrown out and what I don't agree with must be censored.
Hate speech has no place in this country.
You are claiming that the words it is ok to be white is hate speech?
I can see why you would be confused. Words can be hard for some.
I could agree with you if one added it is not ok to be black behind it. But that is not what is there. Based only on the words there is no hate speech. Your interpretation may make it hate speech. But that does not mean to sane people it is.
You really expect me to buy that?
Do YOU actually buy that?

If it is not even ok to SAY that it is ok to be white,

you can't sanely claim that it is actually ok to be white.
Being white is the lucky color in this country. Black and brown folk have an added challenge in making something of their lives that whites never experience. White people are celebrated in every literature and history book, every science and philosophy text and in every board room in this great nation. White Europeans settled this country and their descendants still run it. Black folks, who have been here almost as long, not so much. Hispanics and Native Americans, not so much. It is not because they are somehow inferior. It is because they have been discriminated against with the most vile hatred.
It is already a given that being white is okay, has always been okay and that whites are the folks in charge. Anyone arguing that this is somehow no longer true is simply grousing that the black and brown people are finally standing shoulder to shoulder with them, the white folks. And they don't like it one little bit.
Tough cookies, I say.
You must not have been a white guy or the word "Caucasian" in the 1970's and a good part of the 1980's. The second half of the baby boomer males who identified as "Caucasian" were denied all of the good jobs because of the quotas. And the malaise of the time period did not help. Oh the quotas. Still got them. Many guys pumping gas and other jobs at that level instead of working for the electric company, gas company, post office, cop, fireman, etc. etc. etc. until the quotas were filled up was a fun experience. There were guys who went into the military that conveniently went voluntary during that time period who got out with an honorable discharge and still faced issues getting a good job. The quotas were meant for minorities but white females took the prize. They took the jobs and retired by the turn of the century or a bit later if the could. So being a lucky color means different thing in different time periods. Today gender and sexual orientation is a biggee. And we for some reason have lost our competitive ways a bit. The lucky color of the future is yellow. Within a few decades many will see what I mean as the power shifts to East Asia. The East Asia yellow males. They don't play.
Hate speech has no place in this country.
You are claiming that the words it is ok to be white is hate speech?
I can see why you would be confused. Words can be hard for some.
I could agree with you if one added it is not ok to be black behind it. But that is not what is there. Based only on the words there is no hate speech. Your interpretation may make it hate speech. But that does not mean to sane people it is.
You really expect me to buy that?
Do YOU actually buy that?

If it is not even ok to SAY that it is ok to be white,

you can't sanely claim that it is actually ok to be white.
Being white is the lucky color in this country. Black and brown folk have an added challenge in making something of their lives that whites never experience. White people are celebrated in every literature and history book, every science and philosophy text and in every board room in this great nation. White Europeans settled this country and their descendants still run it. Black folks, who have been here almost as long, not so much. Hispanics and Native Americans, not so much. It is not because they are somehow inferior. It is because they have been discriminated against with the most vile hatred.
It is already a given that being white is okay, has always been okay and that whites are the folks in charge. Anyone arguing that this is somehow no longer true is simply grousing that the black and brown people are finally standing shoulder to shoulder with them, the white folks. And they don't like it one little bit.
Tough cookies, I say.
You must not have been a white guy or the word "Caucasian" in the 1970's and a good part of the 1980's. The second half of the baby boomer males who identified as "Caucasian" were denied all of the good jobs because of the quotas. And the malaise of the time period did not help. Oh the quotas. Still got them. Many guys pumping gas and other jobs at that level instead of working for the electric company, gas company, post office, cop, fireman, etc. etc. etc. until the quotas were filled up was a fun experience. There were guys who went into the military that conveniently went voluntary during that time period who got out with an honorable discharge and still faced issues getting a good job. The quotas were meant for minorities but white females took the prize. They took the jobs and retired by the turn of the century or a bit later if the could. So being a lucky color means different thing in different time periods. Today gender and sexual orientation is a biggee. And we for some reason have lost our competitive ways a bit. The lucky color of the future is yellow. Within a few decades many will see what I mean as the power shifts to East Asia. The East Asia yellow males. They don't play.
If it were true that blacks were stealing all the good jobs from white people, we would not still have the disparity in income and employment between the white and black folks in this country. Racial quotas have been illegal since 1978. They were used mostly by colleges, not employers. The government began keeping an eagle eye on businesses they contracted with, and those businesses began hiring minorities toot sweet to please the govt. I remember help wanted ads saying "Minorities invited to apply" and I didn't even bother applying for them. I still always managed to be fully employed despite that.
The cycle of poverty and unemployment/underemployment had to be broken. Affirmative Action broke it. Get over it.
Hate speech has no place in this country.
You are claiming that the words it is ok to be white is hate speech?
I can see why you would be confused. Words can be hard for some.
I could agree with you if one added it is not ok to be black behind it. But that is not what is there. Based only on the words there is no hate speech. Your interpretation may make it hate speech. But that does not mean to sane people it is.
You really expect me to buy that?
Do YOU actually buy that?
Do you really think that you are anything but a desperate hate filled bigot?

I expect people to be allowed their right to free speech. Just as when so many were kneeling during the national anthem. I felt it was an incredible slight to our nation and the people that have given so much to defend it, but I still allowed them to do it without calling it a hate crime.
When celebrities go on television with their hate and expletive filled rants I may not agree with them but I allow them to do it. I do not lobby for or cheer anyone to censor them.
Yes, I really believe that I despise bigots and racists and have no room in my heart to forgive them, even though in my head I know that racists are a bunch of pathetic losers who can't find anything else to feel good about but the skin they were born in. Maybe I pity them a little, but the damage they can cause far outweighs any sympathy I might have for them.

We're all humans, Max. It doesn't matter where we're born or what we look like or how we worship. We are all children of God, so to speak. Hating one another for being in a different "group" is not good for society as a whole and it's sure not good for the people being hated on.

If I thought this were simply a freedom of speech/spasm against political correctness, I'd be chuckling along with bodecea. But it isn't.
Nice sentiment. Who wrote that for you? Obviously you don't believe it. Since we started talking when you made a slanderous remark about someone you know nothing about going back to their shack in Alibama. So to say that it does not matter where we are born seems to be a matter of bull as far as you are concerned. You seem to believe that those that are born in one area of the country are no where near equal to you. That puts your whole diatribe on false ground.

So in your great wisdom you have been able to determine that a few words are some kind of hate speech. Yet again you show that you think you are far superior then everyone else. Congrats.
I sincerely apologize to every resident of Alabama, of whom I know none, for comparing them to uneducated, poor racists. Using the tactics of the morons here is a bad choice every time. When I hear you chiding Mudwhistle and the other political gorillas on this thread for stereotyping ME, I'll feel a whole lot sorrier.

Yes, I agree it's a nice sentiment; and I believe it 100%.
They are removing banners that state "it is ok to be white", while denying that being white is under attack.

Liberals. All the self awareness of a potted plant. A dead potted plant.
Funny that they're such SNOWFLAKES that they're triggered by something as pathetically sad as "it's OK to be white."

They want us to feel guilty even thinking it's. OK?

And they can't see themselves, at all.

Totally blind.
You are claiming that the words it is ok to be white is hate speech?
I can see why you would be confused. Words can be hard for some.
I could agree with you if one added it is not ok to be black behind it. But that is not what is there. Based only on the words there is no hate speech. Your interpretation may make it hate speech. But that does not mean to sane people it is.
You really expect me to buy that?
Do YOU actually buy that?

If it is not even ok to SAY that it is ok to be white,

you can't sanely claim that it is actually ok to be white.
Being white is the lucky color in this country. Black and brown folk have an added challenge in making something of their lives that whites never experience. White people are celebrated in every literature and history book, every science and philosophy text and in every board room in this great nation. White Europeans settled this country and their descendants still run it. Black folks, who have been here almost as long, not so much. Hispanics and Native Americans, not so much. It is not because they are somehow inferior. It is because they have been discriminated against with the most vile hatred.
It is already a given that being white is okay, has always been okay and that whites are the folks in charge. Anyone arguing that this is somehow no longer true is simply grousing that the black and brown people are finally standing shoulder to shoulder with them, the white folks. And they don't like it one little bit.
Tough cookies, I say.
You must not have been a white guy or the word "Caucasian" in the 1970's and a good part of the 1980's. The second half of the baby boomer males who identified as "Caucasian" were denied all of the good jobs because of the quotas. And the malaise of the time period did not help. Oh the quotas. Still got them. Many guys pumping gas and other jobs at that level instead of working for the electric company, gas company, post office, cop, fireman, etc. etc. etc. until the quotas were filled up was a fun experience. There were guys who went into the military that conveniently went voluntary during that time period who got out with an honorable discharge and still faced issues getting a good job. The quotas were meant for minorities but white females took the prize. They took the jobs and retired by the turn of the century or a bit later if the could. So being a lucky color means different thing in different time periods. Today gender and sexual orientation is a biggee. And we for some reason have lost our competitive ways a bit. The lucky color of the future is yellow. Within a few decades many will see what I mean as the power shifts to East Asia. The East Asia yellow males. They don't play.
If it were true that blacks were stealing all the good jobs from white people, we would not still have the disparity in income and employment between the white and black folks in this country. Racial quotas have been illegal since 1978. They were used mostly by colleges, not employers. The government began keeping an eagle eye on businesses they contracted with, and those businesses began hiring minorities toot sweet to please the govt. I remember help wanted ads saying "Minorities invited to apply" and I didn't even bother applying for them. I still always managed to be fully employed despite that.
The cycle of poverty and unemployment/underemployment had to be broken. Affirmative Action broke it. Get over it.

So, on one hand you deny that the jobs were given to blacks, and on the other you tell him that it had to be done and that he needs to get over it.

The fact is, that your lib tactic of acting as though the last 70 years of AA and associated shit, did not happen, was called on, as bs.

So, back to the point. THat massive discrimination, that you say needed to be done, and we need to get over,

happened and is ongoing, and is part of how and why whites are under attack.

Thus, saying something like,

"it is ok to be white".

Is completely called for.

And that fact that it was censored, shows that it needs to be said. ANd what you libs are.
You really expect me to buy that?
Do YOU actually buy that?

If it is not even ok to SAY that it is ok to be white,

you can't sanely claim that it is actually ok to be white.
Being white is the lucky color in this country. Black and brown folk have an added challenge in making something of their lives that whites never experience. White people are celebrated in every literature and history book, every science and philosophy text and in every board room in this great nation. White Europeans settled this country and their descendants still run it. Black folks, who have been here almost as long, not so much. Hispanics and Native Americans, not so much. It is not because they are somehow inferior. It is because they have been discriminated against with the most vile hatred.
It is already a given that being white is okay, has always been okay and that whites are the folks in charge. Anyone arguing that this is somehow no longer true is simply grousing that the black and brown people are finally standing shoulder to shoulder with them, the white folks. And they don't like it one little bit.
Tough cookies, I say.
You must not have been a white guy or the word "Caucasian" in the 1970's and a good part of the 1980's. The second half of the baby boomer males who identified as "Caucasian" were denied all of the good jobs because of the quotas. And the malaise of the time period did not help. Oh the quotas. Still got them. Many guys pumping gas and other jobs at that level instead of working for the electric company, gas company, post office, cop, fireman, etc. etc. etc. until the quotas were filled up was a fun experience. There were guys who went into the military that conveniently went voluntary during that time period who got out with an honorable discharge and still faced issues getting a good job. The quotas were meant for minorities but white females took the prize. They took the jobs and retired by the turn of the century or a bit later if the could. So being a lucky color means different thing in different time periods. Today gender and sexual orientation is a biggee. And we for some reason have lost our competitive ways a bit. The lucky color of the future is yellow. Within a few decades many will see what I mean as the power shifts to East Asia. The East Asia yellow males. They don't play.
If it were true that blacks were stealing all the good jobs from white people, we would not still have the disparity in income and employment between the white and black folks in this country. Racial quotas have been illegal since 1978. They were used mostly by colleges, not employers. The government began keeping an eagle eye on businesses they contracted with, and those businesses began hiring minorities toot sweet to please the govt. I remember help wanted ads saying "Minorities invited to apply" and I didn't even bother applying for them. I still always managed to be fully employed despite that.
The cycle of poverty and unemployment/underemployment had to be broken. Affirmative Action broke it. Get over it.

So, on one hand you deny that the jobs were given to blacks, and on the other you tell him that it had to be done and that he needs to get over it.

The fact is, that your lib tactic of acting as though the last 70 years of AA and associated shit, did not happen, was called on, as bs.

So, back to the point. THat massive discrimination, that you say needed to be done, and we need to get over,

happened and is ongoing, and is part of how and why whites are under attack.

Thus, saying something like,

"it is ok to be white".

Is completely called for.

And that fact that it was censored, shows that it needs to be said. ANd what you libs are.
Well, we can keep stating the same thing over and over all day, but I think I've said what I had to say and you're repeating yourself, so I'll leave it here.
You are claiming that the words it is ok to be white is hate speech?
I can see why you would be confused. Words can be hard for some.
I could agree with you if one added it is not ok to be black behind it. But that is not what is there. Based only on the words there is no hate speech. Your interpretation may make it hate speech. But that does not mean to sane people it is.
You really expect me to buy that?
Do YOU actually buy that?
Do you really think that you are anything but a desperate hate filled bigot?

I expect people to be allowed their right to free speech. Just as when so many were kneeling during the national anthem. I felt it was an incredible slight to our nation and the people that have given so much to defend it, but I still allowed them to do it without calling it a hate crime.
When celebrities go on television with their hate and expletive filled rants I may not agree with them but I allow them to do it. I do not lobby for or cheer anyone to censor them.
Yes, I really believe that I despise bigots and racists and have no room in my heart to forgive them, even though in my head I know that racists are a bunch of pathetic losers who can't find anything else to feel good about but the skin they were born in. Maybe I pity them a little, but the damage they can cause far outweighs any sympathy I might have for them.

We're all humans, Max. It doesn't matter where we're born or what we look like or how we worship. We are all children of God, so to speak. Hating one another for being in a different "group" is not good for society as a whole and it's sure not good for the people being hated on.

If I thought this were simply a freedom of speech/spasm against political correctness, I'd be chuckling along with bodecea. But it isn't.
Nice sentiment. Who wrote that for you? Obviously you don't believe it. Since we started talking when you made a slanderous remark about someone you know nothing about going back to their shack in Alibama. So to say that it does not matter where we are born seems to be a matter of bull as far as you are concerned. You seem to believe that those that are born in one area of the country are no where near equal to you. That puts your whole diatribe on false ground.

So in your great wisdom you have been able to determine that a few words are some kind of hate speech. Yet again you show that you think you are far superior then everyone else. Congrats.
I sincerely apologize to every resident of Alabama, of whom I know none, for comparing them to uneducated, poor racists. Using the tactics of the morons here is a bad choice every time. When I hear you chiding Mudwhistle and the other political gorillas on this thread for stereotyping ME, I'll feel a whole lot sorrier.

Yes, I agree it's a nice sentiment; and I believe it 100%.
So where did they state that you were from the wrong state?
Do you have a list of states that are acceptable? I have no doubt that everyone would be most interested in not living or working in unacceptable states. Unfortunately I have no doubt that there are people that have had the unfortunate bad luck to be born in those states but perhaps by leaving as quickly as possible they may be able to move and atone for that terrible sin.

Perhaps while you are at it you might also let us know what words are now hate speech. Thanks to your profound insight I will now be forced to tell those that have the bad taste to put Caucasian or white on a questionnaire that I must not answer as those are considered hate speech.

Please hurry as we all need this advise as soon as possible.
By the way could you please enlighten me as to which one of these is hate speech.
Black lives matter. Blue lives matter. Obviously one or both must be hate speech.
That is one possibility.

Another is that some white people found a way to get liberals to show how racist they are. To make the point that in today's America, it is NOT ok to be white.

Not to liberals.
Liberals aren't racist.

If that was true, they would not be offended by the statement, "it is ok to be white".
I'm not offended by the statement. I'm offended by the likes of 007 and Mud who are using it to whine. Racists are basically big whiners, and however the phrase was initially introduced, it was quickly coopted by the Klan et al and it is now their calling card.

THe act of censorship, makes their "whining" justified. It is valid to complain about censorship.

YOUR calling it "whining" when it is justified, is you supporting the censorship and the racism.

Whether this is from white supremacists or NOT, it was a brilliant ploy, and the liberals in question fell for it, hook, line and sinker, revealing that, to them, it is not "ok to be white".
Looking at the situation from the other side, from my perspective, no one "fell" for anything, and the only people who think their reaction was somehow "telling" are the racists who thought that already. No victory for them here.

The very fact that we are here discussing this today is proof that somebody fell for it. If no one had fallen for it we wouldn't be here discussing it and there would have been no controversy.
If it is not even ok to SAY that it is ok to be white,

you can't sanely claim that it is actually ok to be white.
Being white is the lucky color in this country. Black and brown folk have an added challenge in making something of their lives that whites never experience. White people are celebrated in every literature and history book, every science and philosophy text and in every board room in this great nation. White Europeans settled this country and their descendants still run it. Black folks, who have been here almost as long, not so much. Hispanics and Native Americans, not so much. It is not because they are somehow inferior. It is because they have been discriminated against with the most vile hatred.
It is already a given that being white is okay, has always been okay and that whites are the folks in charge. Anyone arguing that this is somehow no longer true is simply grousing that the black and brown people are finally standing shoulder to shoulder with them, the white folks. And they don't like it one little bit.
Tough cookies, I say.
You must not have been a white guy or the word "Caucasian" in the 1970's and a good part of the 1980's. The second half of the baby boomer males who identified as "Caucasian" were denied all of the good jobs because of the quotas. And the malaise of the time period did not help. Oh the quotas. Still got them. Many guys pumping gas and other jobs at that level instead of working for the electric company, gas company, post office, cop, fireman, etc. etc. etc. until the quotas were filled up was a fun experience. There were guys who went into the military that conveniently went voluntary during that time period who got out with an honorable discharge and still faced issues getting a good job. The quotas were meant for minorities but white females took the prize. They took the jobs and retired by the turn of the century or a bit later if the could. So being a lucky color means different thing in different time periods. Today gender and sexual orientation is a biggee. And we for some reason have lost our competitive ways a bit. The lucky color of the future is yellow. Within a few decades many will see what I mean as the power shifts to East Asia. The East Asia yellow males. They don't play.
If it were true that blacks were stealing all the good jobs from white people, we would not still have the disparity in income and employment between the white and black folks in this country. Racial quotas have been illegal since 1978. They were used mostly by colleges, not employers. The government began keeping an eagle eye on businesses they contracted with, and those businesses began hiring minorities toot sweet to please the govt. I remember help wanted ads saying "Minorities invited to apply" and I didn't even bother applying for them. I still always managed to be fully employed despite that.
The cycle of poverty and unemployment/underemployment had to be broken. Affirmative Action broke it. Get over it.

So, on one hand you deny that the jobs were given to blacks, and on the other you tell him that it had to be done and that he needs to get over it.

The fact is, that your lib tactic of acting as though the last 70 years of AA and associated shit, did not happen, was called on, as bs.

So, back to the point. THat massive discrimination, that you say needed to be done, and we need to get over,

happened and is ongoing, and is part of how and why whites are under attack.

Thus, saying something like,

"it is ok to be white".

Is completely called for.

And that fact that it was censored, shows that it needs to be said. ANd what you libs are.
Well, we can keep stating the same thing over and over all day, but I think I've said what I had to say and you're repeating yourself, so I'll leave it here.

No, the bit where you denied something occurred, and then justified it, and told the other poster to get over it,

that was new.
You are claiming that the words it is ok to be white is hate speech?
I can see why you would be confused. Words can be hard for some.
I could agree with you if one added it is not ok to be black behind it. But that is not what is there. Based only on the words there is no hate speech. Your interpretation may make it hate speech. But that does not mean to sane people it is.
You really expect me to buy that?
Do YOU actually buy that?
Do you really think that you are anything but a desperate hate filled bigot?

I expect people to be allowed their right to free speech. Just as when so many were kneeling during the national anthem. I felt it was an incredible slight to our nation and the people that have given so much to defend it, but I still allowed them to do it without calling it a hate crime.
When celebrities go on television with their hate and expletive filled rants I may not agree with them but I allow them to do it. I do not lobby for or cheer anyone to censor them.
Yes, I really believe that I despise bigots and racists and have no room in my heart to forgive them, even though in my head I know that racists are a bunch of pathetic losers who can't find anything else to feel good about but the skin they were born in. Maybe I pity them a little, but the damage they can cause far outweighs any sympathy I might have for them.

We're all humans, Max. It doesn't matter where we're born or what we look like or how we worship. We are all children of God, so to speak. Hating one another for being in a different "group" is not good for society as a whole and it's sure not good for the people being hated on.

If I thought this were simply a freedom of speech/spasm against political correctness, I'd be chuckling along with bodecea. But it isn't.
Nice sentiment. Who wrote that for you? Obviously you don't believe it. Since we started talking when you made a slanderous remark about someone you know nothing about going back to their shack in Alibama. So to say that it does not matter where we are born seems to be a matter of bull as far as you are concerned. You seem to believe that those that are born in one area of the country are no where near equal to you. That puts your whole diatribe on false ground.

So in your great wisdom you have been able to determine that a few words are some kind of hate speech. Yet again you show that you think you are far superior then everyone else. Congrats.
I sincerely apologize to every resident of Alabama, of whom I know none, for comparing them to uneducated, poor racists. Using the tactics of the morons here is a bad choice every time. When I hear you chiding Mudwhistle and the other political gorillas on this thread for stereotyping ME, I'll feel a whole lot sorrier.

Yes, I agree it's a nice sentiment; and I believe it 100%.

Just because someone says things you dont like doesnt automatically make them racist

Old lady you're a friggin idiot

And the best thing that has happened to white supremacists recruiting drives are people..... just ..like ......you


Keep demonizing white males .....you morons are not gonna like what you're gonna get in return

I'm all for collectivist white identity politics
The millenial on my other thread made a good case

Support and uplift whites and white communities...always stand up for your white brother

White pride world wide

I'm stealing that from the supremacists ....my movement is about love and preservation of the white race

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