It's On! The Teaparty Lashes Back At Boehner Calling Him A Liberal

What is wrong with changing the primary process? It's our primary, we can do with it whatever we wish. If the party wants to use a crystal ball to pick its nominee, then that's our right.

I'm sure you will feel the sameway if the republicans take over next year.


Do you think we'd prefer to lose control of the House to the Democrats?
With republicans like Boehner, Cantor and Ryan, it doesn't really matter.

hope the repub primaries are looong and drawn-out like they were last time :D
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You just want to spend like the democrats on your favorite worthless wasteful programs, but don't have the nerve to come out and just say so.

Non sequitur, false dichotomy, raging stupidity. Take your pick.
No, it's the truth.

The current "compromise" was all abut ending the sequester, so republicans could get spending on their military spending boondoggles, amongst other things, restored.

The raging stupid ones are those who believe the current crop of far left crank democrats to be people worth compromising with. That would be you, sport.
good grief, all these Boehner threads by the libs

If you love him so much go frikken ask him to join the Democrat party

If you all worried over any of your elected idiots we might not have a government out of Control

In your eyes, Democrats can do whatever the hell they want, and it's fine with you...
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I hope this will get the movement going and we can get the rino's out. Then replace them with real conservatives. That's when we can repair whats been done.

Query: WTF is a "real conservative" these days? Is it a loon like Bachman or a big business darling like Boehner? Seems to be the only kinds we have to choose from.

I liked herman cain, palin is also a good choice. I liked ryan until he caved on the budget.

Ryan is running for Prez in 2016. Regarding the budget, he's did a good job to appeal to the main stream instead of the extreme.
good grief, all these Boehner threads by the libs

If you love him so much go frikken ask him to join the Democrat party

If you all worried over any of your elected idiots we might not have a government out of Control

In your eyes, Democrats can do whatever the hell they want, and it's fine with you...

Settle down, you knew this day was coming when the TP finally cost the MIC a bunch of money with their antics. Try to learn from the example of what happens when you screw with the real power in our nation, it's why there are few real leftists in this country, we have been the traditional enemy of the state since 1940 now it looks like we have company.
You just want to spend like the democrats on your favorite worthless wasteful programs, but don't have the nerve to come out and just say so.

Non sequitur, false dichotomy, raging stupidity. Take your pick.
No, it's the truth.

The current "compromise" was all abut ending the sequester, so republicans could get spending on their military spending boondoggles, amongst other things, restored.

So defense spending is worthless? That's an awfully stupid thing to say.

The raging stupid ones are those who believe the current crop of far left crank democrats to be people worth compromising with. That would be you, sport.

The only thing you Tea Party loons seem to know how to do is to do nothing. Sure, you stomp your feet, you whine and cry and call names, but that's the end of it. The Tea Party hasn't accomplished one single thing in Congress. Enough is enough. We're moving forward. You can either get on board and start acting like an adult, or you can stay behind and go start your own party.

Comments in red.
Query: WTF is a "real conservative" these days? Is it a loon like Bachman or a big business darling like Boehner? Seems to be the only kinds we have to choose from.

I liked herman cain, palin is also a good choice. I liked ryan until he caved on the budget.

Ryan is running for Prez in 2016. Regarding the budget, he's did a good job to appeal to the main stream instead of the extreme.

IDK about that. Giving seniors a voucher in lieu of Medicare whilst showering more tax-cuts on the already wealthy :eusa_eh:
My guess is that the Tea Party will now fizzle out, or, go nuclear and become a real party with a presidential candidate in 2016, which,

all else being equal, will guarantee that the Democrats win the presidency.

Be careful for what you wish for, if the tea party can get nominated a true conservative. I would say we win in 2016, and you can thank obamacare for it.

What is stopping you?
I liked herman cain, palin is also a good choice. I liked ryan until he caved on the budget.

Ryan is running for Prez in 2016. Regarding the budget, he's did a good job to appeal to the main stream instead of the extreme.

IDK about that. Giving seniors a voucher in lieu of Medicare whilst showering more tax-cuts on the already wealthy :eusa_eh:

I'm aware of his plan for Medicare (which I oppose) but that plan was not a part of the Ryan-Murray bipartisan budget deal.
What I am addressing is the fact that Ryan showed compromise which is a quality that a large majority of Americans want in Washington. Thus the appeal he emulated to the main stream, where as the extreme, draw a line in the sand and scream "stand your ground". People are tired of America not moving forward thanks to a highly polarized Washington.
They called the tentative political compromise a “back-room budget deal which increases discretionary spending, does nothing to reform entitlements, and fully funds Obamacare.”

‘Entitlement reform’ does not mean doing away with Social Security and Medicare altogether, as most TPM republicans recklessly and hatefully advocate.

And the ACA is Constitutional Federal law. Ensuring that all Federal laws are funded is part of Congress’ responsibility, having nothing to do with “back-room budget deal[s.]”

It isn’t just in Congress that the tea party is seeing its influence wane. Public opinion about the angry edge of the Republican Party has been on a steady decline since the group’s successes in the 2010 mid-term elections. Gallup said Friday that public opinion about the tea party has plunged to it’s lowest recorded level, results that are borne out even by right-leaning Rasmussen polling.

Let’s hope the American people are seeing the TPM for what it really is: bad for America – and reject it accordingly.
I hope this will get the movement going and we can get the rino's out. Then replace them with real conservatives. That's when we can repair whats been done.

Query: WTF is a "real conservative" these days? Is it a loon like Bachman or a big business darling like Boehner? Seems to be the only kinds we have to choose from.

I liked herman cain, palin is also a good choice. I liked ryan until he caved on the budget.

You've picked three people who all have lost in the past - for good reasons. None of them are qualified to hold national office and the voters know it.
Ryan is running for Prez in 2016. Regarding the budget, he's did a good job to appeal to the main stream instead of the extreme.

IDK about that. Giving seniors a voucher in lieu of Medicare whilst showering more tax-cuts on the already wealthy :eusa_eh:

I'm aware of his plan for Medicare (which I oppose) but that plan was not a part of the Ryan-Murray bipartisan budget deal.
What I am addressing is the fact that Ryan showed compromise which is a quality that a large majority of Americans want in Washington. Thus the appeal he emulated to the main stream, where as the extreme, draw a line in the sand and scream "stand your ground". People are tired of America not moving forward thanks to a highly polarized Washington.

The R cannot lead, they cannot follow and they won't get out of the way.
I hope this will get the movement going and we can get the rino's out. Then replace them with real conservatives. That's when we can repair whats been done.

Query: WTF is a "real conservative" these days? Is it a loon like Bachman or a big business darling like Boehner? Seems to be the only kinds we have to choose from.

I liked herman cain, palin is also a good choice. I liked ryan until he caved on the budget.

Which would be consistent with the contempt and disdain many on the far right have for responsible governance.
I hope this will get the movement going and we can get the rino's out. Then replace them with real conservatives. That's when we can repair whats been done.

I think that is an excellent idea. I wish you all the luck in the world.
Non sequitur, false dichotomy, raging stupidity. Take your pick.
No, it's the truth.

The current "compromise" was all abut ending the sequester, so republicans could get spending on their military spending boondoggles, amongst other things, restored.

So defense spending is worthless? That's an awfully stupid thing to say.

The raging stupid ones are those who believe the current crop of far left crank democrats to be people worth compromising with. That would be you, sport.

The only thing you Tea Party loons seem to know how to do is to do nothing. Sure, you stomp your feet, you whine and cry and call names, but that's the end of it. The Tea Party hasn't accomplished one single thing in Congress. Enough is enough. We're moving forward. You can either get on board and start acting like an adult, or you can stay behind and go start your own party.

Comments in red.
If spending like drunken democrats on crap that the military doesn't even want -like the JSF and Osprey- is "doing something" then you neocon RINO losers are completely worthless.

As to your churlish name calling, comment in red

What is wrong with changing the primary process? It's our primary, we can do with it whatever we wish. If the party wants to use a crystal ball to pick its nominee, then that's our right.

I'm sure you will feel the sameway if the republicans take over next year.


Do you think we'd prefer to lose control of the House to the Democrats?

That's not going to happen. Every democrat up for election will have IRS scandal, Benghazi and Obamacare hung around their necks.
Americans are pretty pissed off at the democrats right now. Obama is their leader with tumbling approval numbers.
The possibility of the Dems losing the Senate is far greater than the Dems getting back the House.
For example. Kay Hagan in NC is so vulnerable, she is in an all out sprint away from Obamacare. In fact, a democrat operative group is running ads which state how Hagan has been successful in areas such as Mercury poisoning prevention....WHAT?!!!!
The answer to that is clear. Any issue which helps to deflect the people's attention away from Obaamcare and the deficits is a good ad.
It's not going to work. Hagan rode into office on Obama's coat tails. I don't know why she is bothering to run. She once was polling double digits ahead of ANY GOP challenger. That was prior to October 1st. Now she is behind slightly vs any of the 3 of the projected challengers

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