It's On! The Teaparty Lashes Back At Boehner Calling Him A Liberal

Boener's record speaks for itself. He is a liberal.

I said this the day he became speaker. I think he should just switch parties.
Boehner is nothing but a right leaning populist no backbone compromiser.
He has no principles other than concern for his own reelection.
My guess is that the Tea Party will now fizzle out, or, go nuclear and become a real party with a presidential candidate in 2016, which,

all else being equal, will guarantee that the Democrats win the presidency.

It sounds plausible. Certainly hope the CPD allows the TP on the stage during the debates. This is the problem with the CPD; it's made up of Republicans and Democrats and has chairs with no skin in the game...what is the chances of the TEA Party getting allowed in by their estranged Aunt...the GOP? Zero.

The League of Women Voters should become the commissioners of the debates once more. It's a shame that We the People have allowed They the Parties to do this.

Oh yes. TLWV...Like they aren't biased against the GOP.
You are part of the chickification movement. All you militant feminist screeching banshees.
So your choice is "loon"? I remember when conservative meant the exact opposite of loon.

So what do you call obama?

A politician, not a savior, not a messiah, not anything more than a politician. The worship of these recklessly polarizing figures as the answer to any problem we have is rather troubling, why do you place so much faith in these people? They are nothing but self-serving politicians too.

That's not an answer. The typical Obama supporter is actually a 'follower'...Some are sycophants. There are examples of both on this board.
I hope this will get the movement going and we can get the rino's out. Then replace them with real conservatives. That's when we can repair whats been done.

You far right reactionaries are the RINOs and you are going out the door.

We don't need any liberal help.
Yiou people FEAR the Tea Party because they have the strength to break away from and run true conservative candidates against these entrenched establishment republicans who have but one interest. Getting reelected.
The Tea Party are the RINOs. Go start your own party, we're keeping ours for those of us who are sane.

YOu mean those of you who are actually LOLberal, right?

You guys shut down the government so you could throw a hissy fit, when you knew it wouldn't work or accomplish anything in the first place. That's not the conservative way of doing things, that is the very essence of the crazy liberals!! Stomping your feet having emotional melt downs over ideology! You Tea Party loons can't see past your own noses. You want what you want, because you want it, and you want it now. You don't even care if the majority of Americans want it. You don't give a rat's ass about democracy. You have no respect for our mode of government, designed to ensure government by the consent of the governed. You think you're the only ones who matter. You think that you're magically able to simply dictate to the rest of the country what is best for the rest of us, and that we should just trust you that the country will be better off if you cram your own agenda down the throats of the other 85% of the population. You are some of the biggest entitlement junkies in I've ever seen, and are the most tyrannical group of people to be part of our government since George III.

True conservatives are pragmatic reasonable. We realize that the world isn't perfect, and that life is not always fair. But instead of whining about it, we move forward productively. We behave with restraint and dignity. We realize that reducing spending is going to take compromise with the Democrats. It's not going to happen overnight, but that if we're going to get serious about getting it done we have to start by showing good faith and a willingness to sit down at the table with them. We realize that all the gripes about social issues is pointless and is NOT the place of government. We believe government avoid telling people how to live their personal lives. Sure, there are things that people do that we may not approve of personally. But at the end of the day it's their lives, so let them suffer their own consequences.

No...The democrats did that. The Senate received a series of legitimate bills. For purely political reasons they rejected each one.
The democrats had the final say. The government( just 17% of it) was temporarily closed.
Nobody even noticed.
In fact, that was 17% of government we could clearly do without.
I don't want to be accused of "Lashing out" but Boner is a sell-out to Obama.
My guess is that the Tea Party will now fizzle out, or, go nuclear and become a real party with a presidential candidate in 2016, which,

all else being equal, will guarantee that the Democrats win the presidency.

It sounds plausible. Certainly hope the CPD allows the TP on the stage during the debates. This is the problem with the CPD; it's made up of Republicans and Democrats and has chairs with no skin in the game...what is the chances of the TEA Party getting allowed in by their estranged Aunt...the GOP? Zero.

The League of Women Voters should become the commissioners of the debates once more. It's a shame that We the People have allowed They the Parties to do this.

Oh yes. TLWV...Like they aren't biased against the GOP.
You are part of the chickification movement. All you militant feminist screeching banshees.

"chickification" = equal rights for all Americans, male and female, as guaranteed under the Constitution.

All Americans should be "biased against" any who are against our Constitutional rights but, as we all know, the right has no love for equality.
It sounds plausible. Certainly hope the CPD allows the TP on the stage during the debates. This is the problem with the CPD; it's made up of Republicans and Democrats and has chairs with no skin in the game...what is the chances of the TEA Party getting allowed in by their estranged Aunt...the GOP? Zero.

The League of Women Voters should become the commissioners of the debates once more. It's a shame that We the People have allowed They the Parties to do this.

Oh yes. TLWV...Like they aren't biased against the GOP.
You are part of the chickification movement. All you militant feminist screeching banshees.

"chickification" = equal rights for all Americans, male and female, as guaranteed under the Constitution.

All Americans should be "biased against" any who are against our Constitutional rights but, as we all know, the right has no love for equality.

The LWV is likely the least biased group in the nation that deals with politics.
I'm getting my popcorn out for this, this is going to get good! :up:

Tea party group lashes out at ?tax and spend liberal? John Boehner | The Raw Story

I like this snippet from the article,
According to The Hill blog, the groups are furious with the House Speaker for daring to speak out against the conservatives that are paralyzing Congress and portions of the entire U.S. government.
Can you say "Opinion" presented as "Fact"? That's not news, that is op-ed.

BTW, my opinion is that Boehner is naught but 'liberal light', he's no conservative.
BTW, my opinion is that Boehner is naught but 'liberal light', he's no conservative.
Republicans like Boehner and Ryan had their favorite spend-a-thons that were getting a teensy-weensy pinch from the sequester.

Problem is that they're too gutless to admit it and would rather take it out on people who expect them to show a little spine now and then.
The problem with the Teabaggers is they don't see themselves as the extremists.
The problem with commie moonbats is that they don't see themselves as commie moonbats.

Sauce fore the goose.

True, and now that is settled We the People in the sane moderate middle would appreciate it if the children from both extremes went out to play so that the adults can be allowed to get back to the process of governing by consensus and compromise.
The problem with the Teabaggers is they don't see themselves as the extremists.
The problem with commie moonbats is that they don't see themselves as commie moonbats.

Sauce fore the goose.

True, and now that is settled We the People in the sane moderate middle would appreciate it if the children from both extremes went out to play so that the adults can be allowed to get back to the process of governing by consensus and compromise.
The alleged "sane middle adults" got us into this mess. So, stick your paternalistic condescending consensus and compromise where the sun don't shine.

Big problems call for bold solutions, not any of your weak, middling, status quo pablum.
The problem with commie moonbats is that they don't see themselves as commie moonbats.

Sauce fore the goose.

True, and now that is settled We the People in the sane moderate middle would appreciate it if the children from both extremes went out to play so that the adults can be allowed to get back to the process of governing by consensus and compromise.
The alleged "sane middle adults" got us into this mess. So, stick your paternalistic condescending consensus and compromise where the sun don't shine.

Big problems call for bold solutions, not any of your weak, middling, status quo pablum.

How are those "bold solutions" working out for you with a all time low of 13% approval for the GOP?
True, and now that is settled We the People in the sane moderate middle would appreciate it if the children from both extremes went out to play so that the adults can be allowed to get back to the process of governing by consensus and compromise.
The alleged "sane middle adults" got us into this mess. So, stick your paternalistic condescending consensus and compromise where the sun don't shine.

Big problems call for bold solutions, not any of your weak, middling, status quo pablum.

How are those "bold solutions" working out for you with a all time low of 13% approval for the GOP?
What's the approval rate for congress as a whole, Mr. Smartypants?

In any case, the CR with the sequester in force was a better deal than the Ryan-Murray sellout. Timid as the spending reductions were, at least we got some small measure of spending restraint.
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