Its only rigged if we lose!

Because in what universe could a Democrat ever beat a Republican?

Republicans are perfect in every way and know everything whereas democrats are scum.

So naturally, any election in which a democrat wins has to be rigged. (Probably by that Soros guy.)
If you dont get any answers, you can ask the many D election deniers. Maybe they would have an answer :thup:
No significant strengthening of verification or limiting of mass mail in voting has occurred so the vote next year will obviously NOT be trusted. THAT is the real issue. Once trust is gone in that process and there is no will to do anything to rebuild it, America is OVAH. The idiots who felt justified in stealing 2020, have destroyed the country and they're too stupid to even realize that fact.
Dear Republicans - Why don't we hear any complaints from you folks about rigged elections when you win one?


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