IT'S OVER - Conspiracy / Oher-Mueller Connection Exposed

And by 'fully discredited' you mean that the IG found that the conclusions of the investigation were reasonable, based on precedent and the law? And that there was no evidence that political bias affected investigative decision?

Remember, just because you poor souls tell each other nonsense in your little echo chamber doesn't mean that reality changes to match.
This news has really rocked your world hasn't it

The yet *another* indictment filed by Mueller today?

Or the news like Cohen, under oath, implicating Trump in directing and coordinating the commission of federal felonies?
Another meaningless indictment that doesn't implicate anyone in the Trump administration in any way.

Cohen's indictment doesn't implicated Trump in any way?

Really? It *directly* implicates Trump in the direction and coordination of federal felonies.
What "federal felony" is that, you rotund douche nozzle?

Look it up. I already gave you a link to the transcript of the plea before the judge when dismantling your gloriously stupid claim that Cohen wasn't sworn in.
This has just been exposed as the biggest scandal in US history...and it leads right back to Barak Obama.

It's the biggest conspiracy scandal of our lifetimes. BUT -- Obama didn't put his ass in the line of fire to save Hillary. I don't think it will go back to him. He KNEW about it for certain, but he's not the coordinator or the designer of the plan. He probably used his hand-picked frantic bunnies Brennan and Clapper to exonerate Hillary and create the design of "accusing the competition of what you did yourselves"....

Laughing....'bigger than watergate', huh? How many times has Trump said that now? Twice? Three times. And each time its just a bucket of nothing.

But this time its different?

Good luck with that.
It's hardly a bucket of nothing. Bruce Ohr just spilled a whole lot of something to the House Intelligence Committee, and it's probably going to take Rosenstein and Mueller down.
No, Trump brought on people that were *already* under investigation. Manafort had been the target of an investigation since 2014. Page, since long before he joined Trump's campaign. With the wire taps in question regarding Page authorized after he'd already left Trump's campaign.

Dammit man. Not doing this with you again. When you GET A FISA warrant, you get the keys to drive the Big Brother Spy Machine WHEREVER IT GOES. Back in TIME if you like. To associates of associates if you like. THAT's what it was designed to do to prevent Jihadists from ASSOCIATING and ORGANIZING domestically within the US. When Page was in the campaign is IRRELEVENT. The fact that they were in HIS NAME is irreverent.

You're way too far indoctrinated and ignorant of these happenings to discuss with.

Page was "under FBI surveillance" because he was ex US Navy Intel with very high clearances WORKING in Russia. I've told you this before. You are ALWAYS under surveillance for YEARS after you leave a position like that and go work in Russia. Because they TIP you off to people who you should avoid and maybe ASK YOU for information on some of your contacts there. They CAN work you as an asset. And Page WAS an asset to the FBI. Being involved in a lot of helpful information...

That's why they TRIED to redact his name in the original Nunes documents on the FISA abuse. BECAUSE he was "considered an Intel ASSET" to the US govt.

Go learn about this before you keep repeating trash that demonstrates the vast amount of this that you've missed by living on a "junk food diet" of Anti-Trump Bullshit.
Skylar's brain has suffered far to much damage from brainwashing to ever be able to comprehend a complicated set of facts like that. All he can do is regurgitate leftwing talking points. That's all any of these snowflakes every do. Don't you ever get the feeling that they behave like they've never been exposed to any facts that aren't dispensed by the fake media? They are immune to facts and logic.

I just see a lot of wasted time on porn stars and Melania and two scoops of ice cream and a White house staff who can't find the light switches for the Conference room stories.

It's the tactics. Mueller delays. The Press provides the side shows for the "resistance"..
This news has really rocked your world hasn't it

The yet *another* indictment filed by Mueller today?

Or the news like Cohen, under oath, implicating Trump in directing and coordinating the commission of federal felonies?
Another meaningless indictment that doesn't implicate anyone in the Trump administration in any way.

Cohen's indictment doesn't implicated Trump in any way?

Really? It *directly* implicates Trump in the direction and coordination of federal felonies.
What "federal felony" is that, you rotund douche nozzle?

Look it up. I already gave you a link to the transcript of the plea before the judge when dismantling your gloriously stupid claim that Cohen wasn't sworn in.

Sorry, turd, but paying off Stormy isn't a felony of any kind.
The yet *another* indictment filed by Mueller today?

Or the news like Cohen, under oath, implicating Trump in directing and coordinating the commission of federal felonies?
Another meaningless indictment that doesn't implicate anyone in the Trump administration in any way.

Cohen's indictment doesn't implicated Trump in any way?

Really? It *directly* implicates Trump in the direction and coordination of federal felonies.
What "federal felony" is that, you rotund douche nozzle?

Look it up. I already gave you a link to the transcript of the plea before the judge when dismantling your gloriously stupid claim that Cohen wasn't sworn in.

Sorry, turd, but paying off Stormy isn't a felony of any kind.

Says you, citing you. And as your molten dipshittery regarding Cohen's plea deal and being sworn in already demonstrates, you're clueless.

Your word means nothing. Prove your claim.
ANY kind of song/dance fiction or story to keep from discussing the LARGEST POLITICAL SCANDAL of our lifetimes.

No, we're discussing how conservatives have *claimed* that this is the largest political scandal of our lifetime.

For the 5th damn time.

You've shot your wad on melodrama, Flat. Your ilk were laughably, comically wrong the last 4 times they insisted that this was 'bigger than watergate' and 'mccarthyism' and 'will change the world of politics as we know it'.

You're stuck in the conspiracy loop. And ignoring the *actual* crimes, the *actual* plea deals, the *actual* convictions, the *actual* investigations.

Shrugs......closing your eyes isn't gonna change a thing, Flat.
No, Trump brought on people that were *already* under investigation. Manafort had been the target of an investigation since 2014. Page, since long before he joined Trump's campaign. With the wire taps in question regarding Page authorized after he'd already left Trump's campaign.

Dammit man. Not doing this with you again. When you GET A FISA warrant, you get the keys to drive the Big Brother Spy Machine WHEREVER IT GOES. Back in TIME if you like. To associates of associates if you like. THAT's what it was designed to do to prevent Jihadists from ASSOCIATING and ORGANIZING domestically within the US. When Page was in the campaign is IRRELEVENT. The fact that they were in HIS NAME is irreverent.

You're way too far indoctrinated and ignorant of these happenings to discuss with.

Page was "under FBI surveillance" because he was ex US Navy Intel with very high clearances WORKING in Russia. I've told you this before. You are ALWAYS under surveillance for YEARS after you leave a position like that and go work in Russia. Because they TIP you off to people who you should avoid and maybe ASK YOU for information on some of your contacts there. They CAN work you as an asset. And Page WAS an asset to the FBI. Being involved in a lot of helpful information...

That's why they TRIED to redact his name in the original Nunes documents on the FISA abuse. BECAUSE he was "considered an Intel ASSET" to the US govt.

Go learn about this before you keep repeating trash that demonstrates the vast amount of this that you've missed by living on a "junk food diet" of Anti-Trump Bullshit.
Skylar's brain has suffered far to much damage from brainwashing to ever be able to comprehend a complicated set of facts like that. All he can do is regurgitate leftwing talking points. That's all any of these snowflakes every do. Don't you ever get the feeling that they behave like they've never been exposed to any facts that aren't dispensed by the fake media? They are immune to facts and logic.

I just see a lot of wasted time on porn stars and Melania and two scoops of ice cream and a White house staff who can't find the light switches for the Conference room stories.

It's the tactics. Mueller delays. The Press provides the side shows for the "resistance"..
Mueller occasionally throws them a bucket of chum, which drives them into a feeding frenzy, but the upshot is always nothing. Trump remains untouched. Meanwhile, the buzzards are circling around the Mueller witch hunt and the DOJ coup plotters. If the Dims win a majority in the House, you'll never hear another word about it.
No, Trump brought on people that were *already* under investigation. Manafort had been the target of an investigation since 2014. Page, since long before he joined Trump's campaign. With the wire taps in question regarding Page authorized after he'd already left Trump's campaign.

Dammit man. Not doing this with you again. When you GET A FISA warrant, you get the keys to drive the Big Brother Spy Machine WHEREVER IT GOES. Back in TIME if you like. To associates of associates if you like. THAT's what it was designed to do to prevent Jihadists from ASSOCIATING and ORGANIZING domestically within the US. When Page was in the campaign is IRRELEVENT. The fact that they were in HIS NAME is irreverent.

You're way too far indoctrinated and ignorant of these happenings to discuss with.

Page was "under FBI surveillance" because he was ex US Navy Intel with very high clearances WORKING in Russia. I've told you this before. You are ALWAYS under surveillance for YEARS after you leave a position like that and go work in Russia. Because they TIP you off to people who you should avoid and maybe ASK YOU for information on some of your contacts there. They CAN work you as an asset. And Page WAS an asset to the FBI. Being involved in a lot of helpful information...

That's why they TRIED to redact his name in the original Nunes documents on the FISA abuse. BECAUSE he was "considered an Intel ASSET" to the US govt.

Go learn about this before you keep repeating trash that demonstrates the vast amount of this that you've missed by living on a "junk food diet" of Anti-Trump Bullshit.
Skylar's brain has suffered far to much damage from brainwashing to ever be able to comprehend a complicated set of facts like that. All he can do is regurgitate leftwing talking points. That's all any of these snowflakes every do. Don't you ever get the feeling that they behave like they've never been exposed to any facts that aren't dispensed by the fake media? They are immune to facts and logic.

I just see a lot of wasted time on porn stars and Melania and two scoops of ice cream and a White house staff who can't find the light switches for the Conference room stories.

It's the tactics. Mueller delays. The Press provides the side shows for the "resistance"..
Mueller occasionally throws them a bucket of chum, which drives them into a feeding frenzy, but the upshot is always nothing. Trump remains untouched. Meanwhile, the buzzards are circling around the Mueller witch hunt and the DOJ coup plotters. If the Dims win a majority in the House, you'll never hear another word about it.

Says you, citing yourself.

Same problem as always, don't know shit. Making any post just more meaningless nonsense.
ANY kind of song/dance fiction or story to keep from discussing the LARGEST POLITICAL SCANDAL of our lifetimes.

No, we're discussing how conservatives have *claimed* that this is the largest political scandal of our lifetime.

For the 5th damn time.

You've shot your wad on melodrama, Flat. Your ilk were laughably, comically wrong the last 4 times they insisted that this was 'bigger than watergate' and 'mccarthyism' and 'will change the world of politics as we know it'.

You're stuck in the conspiracy loop. And ignoring the *actual* crimes, the *actual* plea deals, the *actual* convictions, the *actual* investigations.

Shrugs......closing your eyes isn't gonna change a thing, Flat.
Sorry, turd, but this thing is 100 times worse than Watergate. At least a dozen top DOJ, CIA and FBI personnel are involved. They broke law after law after law to overturn the results of a lawful election. That's about as sinister and threatening to our democracy and the rule of law as you can get.
No, Trump brought on people that were *already* under investigation. Manafort had been the target of an investigation since 2014. Page, since long before he joined Trump's campaign. With the wire taps in question regarding Page authorized after he'd already left Trump's campaign.

Dammit man. Not doing this with you again. When you GET A FISA warrant, you get the keys to drive the Big Brother Spy Machine WHEREVER IT GOES.

Dude, ignoring the massive inconsistenies in the silly conspiracy you're huffing doesn't make the conspiracies dissappear.

Your 'spying on the campaign' narrative doesn't work. As Manafort was under investigation since 2014....before Trump was even a declared candidate. And the FISA warrant you're citing was for AFTER Page had already left the campaign.

Your working theory on the Page FISA warrant is that the FBI spied on the Trump campaign by getting wire taps on a guy who DIDN'T WORK for the Trump campaign?

That is literally the stupidest conspiracy theory I've ever heard. And I'm including flat earthers.

Your narrative just doesn't work. And your ilk have cried wolf so many times, insisted that *this* time is the real 'bigger than watergate' moment.

Sorry, but you've simply lost all credibility on these claims. This is literally the 5th time your ilk have tried to shill the same melodramatic conspiracy nonsense.

But this time its real? Um, no. This time is like the last 4 times: you and your ilk stuck in the conspiracy loop, escalating your conspiracy as the real legal trouble for Trump escalates. With over the top hyperbole and melodrama like a soup opera on sweeps week.

Good luck.

Yet another great example of the moral bankruptcy and complete dishonesty of Democrats on display here.

You clowns are losing votes over your banal lunacy, so keep up the good work.
Your working theory on the Page FISA warrant is that the FBI spied on the Trump campaign by getting wire taps on a guy who DIDN'T WORK for the Trump campaign?

not a working theory. That IS the design of the NSA collection/archiving system. You find a target, you go hunting for associations current and past. That's the way it works. WHEN he was in the campaign has NO bearing on cruising thru the mountains of data that 702 system has been sucking in and storing for many years now.

Whoever fed you that excuse ?? You need to fire them and find better spinners.
ANY kind of song/dance fiction or story to keep from discussing the LARGEST POLITICAL SCANDAL of our lifetimes.

No, we're discussing how conservatives have *claimed* that this is the largest political scandal of our lifetime.

For the 5th damn time.

You've shot your wad on melodrama, Flat. Your ilk were laughably, comically wrong the last 4 times they insisted that this was 'bigger than watergate' and 'mccarthyism' and 'will change the world of politics as we know it'.

You're stuck in the conspiracy loop. And ignoring the *actual* crimes, the *actual* plea deals, the *actual* convictions, the *actual* investigations.

Shrugs......closing your eyes isn't gonna change a thing, Flat.
Your working theory on the Page FISA warrant is that the FBI spied on the Trump campaign by getting wire taps on a guy who DIDN'T WORK for the Trump campaign?

not a working theory. That IS the design of the NSA collection/archiving system. You find a target, you go hunting for associations current and past. That's the way it works. WHEN he was in the campaign has NO bearing on cruising thru the mountains of data that 702 system has been sucking in and storing for many years now.

Whoever fed you that excuse ?? You need to fire them and find better spinners.
He's using the old rope-a-dope play stupid routine. He pretends he doesn't know about the capabilities of NSA surveillance so he can pretend that his bullshit arguments are valid.
ANY kind of song/dance fiction or story to keep from discussing the LARGEST POLITICAL SCANDAL of our lifetimes.

No, we're discussing how conservatives have *claimed* that this is the largest political scandal of our lifetime.

For the 5th damn time.

You've shot your wad on melodrama, Flat. Your ilk were laughably, comically wrong the last 4 times they insisted that this was 'bigger than watergate' and 'mccarthyism' and 'will change the world of politics as we know it'.

You're stuck in the conspiracy loop. And ignoring the *actual* crimes, the *actual* plea deals, the *actual* convictions, the *actual* investigations.

Shrugs......closing your eyes isn't gonna change a thing, Flat.
Sorry, turd, but this thing is 100 times worse than Watergate. At least a dozen top DOJ, CIA and FBI personnel are involved. They broke law after law after law to overturn the results of a lawful election. That's about as sinister and threatening to our democracy and the rule of law as you can get.

Yawning.....yeah, that's what you guys said the last 4 times.

Remember when Trump insisted Obama had wiretapped Trump tower and it was 'bigger than watergate'?

Remember how the Nunes memo was about the very survival of our nation?

Remember when GOP congressmen told us about the 'secret societies' that exist within the FBI? And how t his was going to shake our nation to its core?

Remember how the FBI using an informant to contact the Trump campaign was the biggest scandal of our generation.

But this time its different, huh? This time you really, really mean it?

Smiling....You're gonna need a bigger fainting couch, kiddo.
Your working theory on the Page FISA warrant is that the FBI spied on the Trump campaign by getting wire taps on a guy who DIDN'T WORK for the Trump campaign?

not a working theory. That IS the design of the NSA collection/archiving system. You find a target, you go hunting for associations current and past. That's the way it works. WHEN he was in the campaign has NO bearing on cruising thru the mountains of data that 702 system has been sucking in and storing for many years now.

Whoever fed you that excuse ?? You need to fire them and find better spinners.
He's using the old rope-a-dope play stupid routine. He pretends he doesn't know about the capabilities of NSA surveillance so he can pretend that his bullshit arguments are valid.

Brit, you don't know shit. Making your babble about 'the capability of NSA surveillance' just more meaningless jibber jabber.

Any argument you want to make needs external sources. You citing yourself is worthless.
Your working theory on the Page FISA warrant is that the FBI spied on the Trump campaign by getting wire taps on a guy who DIDN'T WORK for the Trump campaign?

not a working theory. That IS the design of the NSA collection/archiving system. You find a target, you go hunting for associations current and past. That's the way it works. WHEN he was in the campaign has NO bearing on cruising thru the mountains of data that 702 system has been sucking in and storing for many years now.

Whoever fed you that excuse ?? You need to fire them and find better spinners.
He's using the old rope-a-dope play stupid routine. He pretends he doesn't know about the capabilities of NSA surveillance so he can pretend that his bullshit arguments are valid.

Brit, you don't know shit. Making your babble about 'the capability of NSA surveillance' just more meaningless jibber jabber.

Any argument you want to make needs external sources. You citing yourself is worthless.
I or others have already cited all the sources required. We've been doing it for months. The fact that you came late to the game and missed the initial barrage makes you think you know more than anyone else, when in fact you know far less.
Your working theory on the Page FISA warrant is that the FBI spied on the Trump campaign by getting wire taps on a guy who DIDN'T WORK for the Trump campaign?

not a working theory. That IS the design of the NSA collection/archiving system. You find a target, you go hunting for associations current and past. That's the way it works. WHEN he was in the campaign has NO bearing on cruising thru the mountains of data that 702 system has been sucking in and storing for many years now.

Whoever fed you that excuse ?? You need to fire them and find better spinners.

Why would the FBI try to monitor Trump's getting a wire tap on someone who didn't work for Trump's campaign?

As I said, that's the stupidest fucking conspiracy I've ever heard. Your conspiracy narrative is not only drenched in desperation, its not only gloriously fact free.....its just dumb.
Your working theory on the Page FISA warrant is that the FBI spied on the Trump campaign by getting wire taps on a guy who DIDN'T WORK for the Trump campaign?

not a working theory. That IS the design of the NSA collection/archiving system. You find a target, you go hunting for associations current and past. That's the way it works. WHEN he was in the campaign has NO bearing on cruising thru the mountains of data that 702 system has been sucking in and storing for many years now.

Whoever fed you that excuse ?? You need to fire them and find better spinners.
He's using the old rope-a-dope play stupid routine. He pretends he doesn't know about the capabilities of NSA surveillance so he can pretend that his bullshit arguments are valid.

Brit, you don't know shit. Making your babble about 'the capability of NSA surveillance' just more meaningless jibber jabber.

Any argument you want to make needs external sources. You citing yourself is worthless.
I or others have already cited all the sources required. We've been doing it for months. The fact that you came late to the game and missed the initial barrage makes you think you know more than anyone else, when in fact you know far less.

You've done shit.

Sorry, Brit....but we've already weighed and measured the value of you citing yourself. Going forward, you either quote external sources, or just babbling. As you citing you doesn't mean a thing.

As you demonstrated with your 'Cohen wasn't sworn in!' dipshittery.
Your working theory on the Page FISA warrant is that the FBI spied on the Trump campaign by getting wire taps on a guy who DIDN'T WORK for the Trump campaign?

not a working theory. That IS the design of the NSA collection/archiving system. You find a target, you go hunting for associations current and past. That's the way it works. WHEN he was in the campaign has NO bearing on cruising thru the mountains of data that 702 system has been sucking in and storing for many years now.

Whoever fed you that excuse ?? You need to fire them and find better spinners.
He's using the old rope-a-dope play stupid routine. He pretends he doesn't know about the capabilities of NSA surveillance so he can pretend that his bullshit arguments are valid.

Brit, you don't know shit. Making your babble about 'the capability of NSA surveillance' just more meaningless jibber jabber.

Any argument you want to make needs external sources. You citing yourself is worthless.
I or others have already cited all the sources required. We've been doing it for months. The fact that you came late to the game and missed the initial barrage makes you think you know more than anyone else, when in fact you know far less.

You've done shit.

Sorry, Brit....but we've already weighed and measured the value of you citing yourself. Going forward, you either quote external sources, or just babbling. As you citing you doesn't mean a thing.

As you demonstrated with your 'Cohen wasn't sworn in!' dipshittery.
I'm sure you'll be using that in everything you post to me for the next two years. No one is expecting you to use something you aren't capable of: facts and logic.

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