IT'S OVER - Conspiracy / Oher-Mueller Connection Exposed

not a working theory. That IS the design of the NSA collection/archiving system. You find a target, you go hunting for associations current and past. That's the way it works. WHEN he was in the campaign has NO bearing on cruising thru the mountains of data that 702 system has been sucking in and storing for many years now.

Whoever fed you that excuse ?? You need to fire them and find better spinners.
He's using the old rope-a-dope play stupid routine. He pretends he doesn't know about the capabilities of NSA surveillance so he can pretend that his bullshit arguments are valid.

Brit, you don't know shit. Making your babble about 'the capability of NSA surveillance' just more meaningless jibber jabber.

Any argument you want to make needs external sources. You citing yourself is worthless.
I or others have already cited all the sources required. We've been doing it for months. The fact that you came late to the game and missed the initial barrage makes you think you know more than anyone else, when in fact you know far less.

You've done shit.

Sorry, Brit....but we've already weighed and measured the value of you citing yourself. Going forward, you either quote external sources, or just babbling. As you citing you doesn't mean a thing.

As you demonstrated with your 'Cohen wasn't sworn in!' dipshittery.
I'm sure you'll be using that in everything you post to me for the next two years. No one is expecting you to use something you aren't capable of: facts and logic.

Laughing.....your surety is worth less than your word, Brit.

External sources, or you're not saying a thing. As you citing yourself means nothing.
Another meaningless indictment that doesn't implicate anyone in the Trump administration in any way.

Cohen's indictment doesn't implicated Trump in any way?

Really? It *directly* implicates Trump in the direction and coordination of federal felonies.
What "federal felony" is that, you rotund douche nozzle?

Look it up. I already gave you a link to the transcript of the plea before the judge when dismantling your gloriously stupid claim that Cohen wasn't sworn in.

Sorry, turd, but paying off Stormy isn't a felony of any kind.

Says you, citing you. And as your molten dipshittery regarding Cohen's plea deal and being sworn in already demonstrates, you're clueless.

Your word means nothing. Prove your claim.

Why don't you argue with the former chairman of the FEC?

Michael Cohen and Trump did NOT violate campaign finance law – despite Cohen's guilty plea

Here’s how the Federal Election Campaign Act works: For the rules, contribution limits, and reporting requirements of law to apply to an expenditure, it has to be made “for the purpose of influencing” a federal election. But such a broad definition could cover anything on which a candidate spends money.

As former FEC Chairman Bradley Smith says, that could include “buying a good watch to make sure he gets to places on time, to getting a massage so that he feels fit for the campaign trail, to buying a new suit so that he looks good on a debate stage.”

So the campaign finance law specifies that such personal expenses are not considered campaign-related expenses even though they might “influence” the election outcome.

Personal expenses are defined as “any commitment, obligation, or expense of a person that would exist irrespective of the candidate’s election campaign.” That would include expenses such as clothing purchases, home mortgages, etc.
Your working theory on the Page FISA warrant is that the FBI spied on the Trump campaign by getting wire taps on a guy who DIDN'T WORK for the Trump campaign?

not a working theory. That IS the design of the NSA collection/archiving system. You find a target, you go hunting for associations current and past. That's the way it works. WHEN he was in the campaign has NO bearing on cruising thru the mountains of data that 702 system has been sucking in and storing for many years now.

Whoever fed you that excuse ?? You need to fire them and find better spinners.

Why would the FBI try to monitor Trump's getting a wire tap on someone who didn't work for Trump's campaign?

As I said, that's the stupidest fucking conspiracy I've ever heard. Your conspiracy narrative is not only drenched in desperation, its not only gloriously fact free.....its just dumb.
That has already been explained to you at least a dozen times, retard. Pretending you don't know it wasn't isn't a convincing argument. It only confirms that you're a brain damaged snowflake.
He's using the old rope-a-dope play stupid routine. He pretends he doesn't know about the capabilities of NSA surveillance so he can pretend that his bullshit arguments are valid.

Brit, you don't know shit. Making your babble about 'the capability of NSA surveillance' just more meaningless jibber jabber.

Any argument you want to make needs external sources. You citing yourself is worthless.
I or others have already cited all the sources required. We've been doing it for months. The fact that you came late to the game and missed the initial barrage makes you think you know more than anyone else, when in fact you know far less.

You've done shit.

Sorry, Brit....but we've already weighed and measured the value of you citing yourself. Going forward, you either quote external sources, or just babbling. As you citing you doesn't mean a thing.

As you demonstrated with your 'Cohen wasn't sworn in!' dipshittery.
I'm sure you'll be using that in everything you post to me for the next two years. No one is expecting you to use something you aren't capable of: facts and logic.

Laughing.....your surety is worth less than your word, Brit.

External sources, or you're not saying a thing. As you citing yourself means nothing.
You apparently believe I care whether you are convinced.
Cohen's indictment doesn't implicated Trump in any way?

Really? It *directly* implicates Trump in the direction and coordination of federal felonies.
What "federal felony" is that, you rotund douche nozzle?

Look it up. I already gave you a link to the transcript of the plea before the judge when dismantling your gloriously stupid claim that Cohen wasn't sworn in.

Sorry, turd, but paying off Stormy isn't a felony of any kind.

Says you, citing you. And as your molten dipshittery regarding Cohen's plea deal and being sworn in already demonstrates, you're clueless.

Your word means nothing. Prove your claim.

Why don't you argue with the former chairman of the FEC?

Michael Cohen and Trump did NOT violate campaign finance law – despite Cohen's guilty plea

Here’s how the Federal Election Campaign Act works: For the rules, contribution limits, and reporting requirements of law to apply to an expenditure, it has to be made “for the purpose of influencing” a federal election. But such a broad definition could cover anything on which a candidate spends money.

As former FEC Chairman Bradley Smith says, that could include “buying a good watch to make sure he gets to places on time, to getting a massage so that he feels fit for the campaign trail, to buying a new suit so that he looks good on a debate stage.”

So the campaign finance law specifies that such personal expenses are not considered campaign-related expenses even though they might “influence” the election outcome.

Personal expenses are defined as “any commitment, obligation, or expense of a person that would exist irrespective of the candidate’s election campaign.” That would include expenses such as clothing purchases, home mortgages, etc.

Hans A. von Spakovsky was never the chairman of the FEC.
Your working theory on the Page FISA warrant is that the FBI spied on the Trump campaign by getting wire taps on a guy who DIDN'T WORK for the Trump campaign?

not a working theory. That IS the design of the NSA collection/archiving system. You find a target, you go hunting for associations current and past. That's the way it works. WHEN he was in the campaign has NO bearing on cruising thru the mountains of data that 702 system has been sucking in and storing for many years now.

Whoever fed you that excuse ?? You need to fire them and find better spinners.

Why would the FBI try to monitor Trump's getting a wire tap on someone who didn't work for Trump's campaign?

As I said, that's the stupidest fucking conspiracy I've ever heard. Your conspiracy narrative is not only drenched in desperation, its not only gloriously fact free.....its just dumb.
That has already been explained to you at least a dozen times, retard. Pretending you don't know it wasn't isn't a convincing argument. It only confirms that you're a brain damaged snowflake.

Laughing.......translation: You've got no rational explanation for why the FBI would try and monitor the Trump campaing by getting a wire tap on someone who didn't work for the Trump campaign.

Your conspiracy is just brain dead stupid. Your 'spying on Trump's campaign' narrative doesn't work. It never has. As the people being investigated were either under investigation BEFORE Trump was even a candidate, or the warrants were granted AFTER they'd left Trump's campaign.

The right wing echo chamber is not your friend, Brit.
What "federal felony" is that, you rotund douche nozzle?

Look it up. I already gave you a link to the transcript of the plea before the judge when dismantling your gloriously stupid claim that Cohen wasn't sworn in.

Sorry, turd, but paying off Stormy isn't a felony of any kind.

Says you, citing you. And as your molten dipshittery regarding Cohen's plea deal and being sworn in already demonstrates, you're clueless.

Your word means nothing. Prove your claim.

Why don't you argue with the former chairman of the FEC?

Michael Cohen and Trump did NOT violate campaign finance law – despite Cohen's guilty plea

Here’s how the Federal Election Campaign Act works: For the rules, contribution limits, and reporting requirements of law to apply to an expenditure, it has to be made “for the purpose of influencing” a federal election. But such a broad definition could cover anything on which a candidate spends money.

As former FEC Chairman Bradley Smith says, that could include “buying a good watch to make sure he gets to places on time, to getting a massage so that he feels fit for the campaign trail, to buying a new suit so that he looks good on a debate stage.”

So the campaign finance law specifies that such personal expenses are not considered campaign-related expenses even though they might “influence” the election outcome.

Personal expenses are defined as “any commitment, obligation, or expense of a person that would exist irrespective of the candidate’s election campaign.” That would include expenses such as clothing purchases, home mortgages, etc.

Hans A. von Spakovsky was never the chairman of the FEC.
Bradley Smith was, dumbass. That's who said what I quoted.

Try actually reading the article so you won't look like such a fucking dumbass.

Whoops! Too late!
Your working theory on the Page FISA warrant is that the FBI spied on the Trump campaign by getting wire taps on a guy who DIDN'T WORK for the Trump campaign?

not a working theory. That IS the design of the NSA collection/archiving system. You find a target, you go hunting for associations current and past. That's the way it works. WHEN he was in the campaign has NO bearing on cruising thru the mountains of data that 702 system has been sucking in and storing for many years now.

Whoever fed you that excuse ?? You need to fire them and find better spinners.

Why would the FBI try to monitor Trump's getting a wire tap on someone who didn't work for Trump's campaign?

As I said, that's the stupidest fucking conspiracy I've ever heard. Your conspiracy narrative is not only drenched in desperation, its not only gloriously fact free.....its just dumb.
That has already been explained to you at least a dozen times, retard. Pretending you don't know it wasn't isn't a convincing argument. It only confirms that you're a brain damaged snowflake.

Laughing.......translation: You've got no rational explanation for why the FBI would try and monitor the Trump campaing by getting a wire tap on someone who didn't work for the Trump campaign.

Your conspiracy is just brain dead stupid. Your 'spying on Trump's campaign' narrative doesn't work. It never has. As the people being investigated were either under investigation BEFORE Trump was even a candidate, or the warrants were granted AFTER they'd left the campaign.

The right wing echo chamber is not your friend, Brit.
You're only revealing to the entire forum what a pathetic dumbass you are. Flacaltenn has already explained this to you a dozen times. Pretending you didn't understand what he posted only makes you look even more stupid and pathetic.
Your working theory on the Page FISA warrant is that the FBI spied on the Trump campaign by getting wire taps on a guy who DIDN'T WORK for the Trump campaign?

not a working theory. That IS the design of the NSA collection/archiving system. You find a target, you go hunting for associations current and past. That's the way it works. WHEN he was in the campaign has NO bearing on cruising thru the mountains of data that 702 system has been sucking in and storing for many years now.

Whoever fed you that excuse ?? You need to fire them and find better spinners.

Why would the FBI try to monitor Trump's getting a wire tap on someone who didn't work for Trump's campaign?

As I said, that's the stupidest fucking conspiracy I've ever heard. Your conspiracy narrative is not only drenched in desperation, its not only gloriously fact free.....its just dumb.
That has already been explained to you at least a dozen times, retard. Pretending you don't know it wasn't isn't a convincing argument. It only confirms that you're a brain damaged snowflake.

Laughing.......translation: You've got no rational explanation for why the FBI would try and monitor the Trump campaing by getting a wire tap on someone who didn't work for the Trump campaign.

Your conspiracy is just brain dead stupid. Your 'spying on Trump's campaign' narrative doesn't work. It never has. As the people being investigated were either under investigation BEFORE Trump was even a candidate, or the warrants were granted AFTER they'd left the campaign.

The right wing echo chamber is not your friend, Brit.
You're only revealing to the entire forum what a pathetic dumbass you are. Flacaltenn has already explained this to you a dozen times. Pretending you didn't understand what he posted only makes you look even more stupid and pathetic.

Laughing.....Flat has babbled about 'NSA surveillance techniques' backed by nothing but Flat babbling.

Neither he nor you have ever managed a rational explanation for why the FBI would target someone who DIDN'T WORK for the Trump campaign in an effort to spy on the Trump campaign.

Because its a wildly stupid conspiracy theory. Your narrative just doesn't work. And it never has.

Which you demonstrate every time you awkwardly try to avoid trying to polish that turd of an argument.
'Deripaska, founder of UC Rusal, a large Russian aluminum company, once the ninth richest man in the world, among the closest oligarchs to current dictator Vladimir Putin, may have been a Steele client at the time.

According to reporting by journalist John Solomon, in 2009, when Mueller led the FBI, the Bureau persuaded Deripaska to spend what ultimately amounted to $25 million of his own money underwriting an FBI-supervised operation to rescue a retired FBI agent, Robert Levinson, captured in Iran in 2007 while working for the CIA.

One FBI official who worked with Deripaska was Andrew McCabe, the recently fired FBI deputy director who oversaw the Clinton security breach investigation, and whose wife received $470,000 from a PAC affiliated with Clinton ally then-Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a transaction President Trump has criticized.'

'Fast-forward to two months before Trump was elected president in 2016.'

Three FBI agents abruptly awakened Deripaska, in New York City, as a member of Russia’s UN delegation, in his home there.

During the hour-long meeting that followed, the agents put forward the theory that Trump’s presidential campaign was colluding in secret with Russia to win the U.S. election.

(The FBI presented the Russian with the theory of Trump-Russia collusion 1st ... And it was REJECTED by Deripaska)

“Deripaska laughed but realized, despite the joviality, that they were serious,” McGee said. “So he told them in his informed opinion the idea they were proposing was false.You are trying to create something out of nothing,’ he told them.””


“It’s possible the bureau’s (Mueller's) arrangement with Mr. Deripaska violated the Antideficiency Act, which prohibits the government from accepting voluntary services.

“If the operation with Deripaska contravened federal law, this figure could be viewed as a potential embarrassment for Mueller. The question is whether he could implicate Mueller in an impropriety.”

'The revelation that Steele approached Ohr on Deripaska’s behalf bolsters the case that at the same time Steele compiled the Clinton- and DNC-funded dossier and fed it into the FBI, he was working for a close Putin ally – one with whom Mueller’s FBI had colluded in the past.'

Again... Steele, Russians / Deripaska, Oher, Mueller, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Brennan, far back as 2016 colluding / working together....

Russian Collusion?

Mueller is neck-deep.
- Mueller running an illegal Deripaska-funded operation?

- 2014 - Mueller hides evidence of Russian crimes committed in association with the KGB Bank's effort to buy Uranium One...

The FBI reaches out to Russian oligarch Deripaska about Trump to help prevent him from winning the 201y election while Hillary reaches out to a foreign spy and Russians to get their help to try to win the 2016 election...

There's your illegal collusion!

That Time Mueller’s FBI Colluded with Russians

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You mean to tell me the DOJ kept Mueller informed about a dossier that contains info on Trump? Doing their job? such a travisty.

You really are a dumbfk...

Do you know what happens to agents who use unverified and previously TERMINATED sources? Steel was terminated for cause which means he is NOT credible.... therefore his evidence is worthless.

Now that this is exposed this whole house of cards should collapse..
There is no evidence Christopher Steele was ever hired by FBI.
Christopher Steele was a british intelligence officer.
Much of that dossier has ended up being true, and none of it has been proven false.
In fact, Steele just won a libel case.

1. [Supposed author of the dossier,] Steele was a “confirmed socialist” in college at Oxford when he was hired by MI6, another point of suspicion for someone who would be dispatched to Moscow as a spy and later serve as head of the Russian desk at MI6, all extremely sensitive positions." The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

2.. Christopher Steele, Hillary's employee, got the 'dossier' via
Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch linked to Vladimir Putin, according to a new report.
Christopher Steele Reportedly Worked For Sanctioned Russian Oligarch

3. Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

4. If any collusion occurred, it was through Democrats, the only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion.
Politicize the intel agenda? Trump refused to back his own intel community over Putin, standing next to the Russian leader on Live TV.
Evidence shows the FBI / Mueller had worked with/for the Russians in the past...

Evidence shows his Intell community was committing treason, led by Brennan and Clapper, by knowingly presenting Russian-authored fake reports as legitimate intel, breaking laws by doing so, to illegally acquire warrants and to get Mueller - who had been working with Steele, Oher, and the Russians already - appointed as Special Counsel.

Once again, it turns out the President was RIGHT!
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

How many times, over the last ten years, have we been told:
  • It's over!
  • Nailed! (He's/She's) done this time!
  • (He's/She's) going to jail!
  • They've got (him/her) this time!
  • This is the big one!
  • There's no recovering from this!
Can someone whip out an abacus?
Well technically they call that a wrap. Politically the leftists get away
candycorn said:
Mueller...Drones....penis cakes...gender neutral restrooms.

Quite a polluted stream of consciousness you've got there skippy.
I Didn't Write The Headlines
And I Didn't Put Any Of It In The Headlines Either
But Look Who Does

Correct, just posted facts that have been uncovered. What should happen to what will happen is up to a corrupt government against the people! But facts is facts
It’s obvious that Jeff Session’s is corrupt as the day is long
This has just been exposed as the biggest scandal in US history...and it leads right back to Barak Obama.

It's the biggest conspiracy scandal of our lifetimes. BUT -- Obama didn't put his ass in the line of fire to save Hillary. I don't think it will go back to him. He KNEW about it for certain, but he's not the coordinator or the designer of the plan. He probably used his hand-picked frantic bunnies Brennan and Clapper to exonerate Hillary and create the design of "accusing the competition of what you did yourselves"....

Laughing....'bigger than watergate', huh? How many times has Trump said that now? Twice? Three times. And each time its just a bucket of nothing.

But this time its different?

Good luck with that.
It's hardly a bucket of nothing. Bruce Ohr just spilled a whole lot of something to the House Intelligence Committee, and it's probably going to take Rosenstein and Mueller down.
It should.

We know Sessions doesn't have a backbone, let's see if the GOP have any balls...
You mean to tell me the DOJ kept Mueller informed about a dossier that contains info on Trump? Doing their job? such a travisty.

You really are a dumbfk...

Do you know what happens to agents who use unverified and previously TERMINATED sources? Steel was terminated for cause which means he is NOT credible.... therefore his evidence is worthless.

Now that this is exposed this whole house of cards should collapse..
There is no evidence Christopher Steele was ever hired by FBI.
Christopher Steele was a british intelligence officer.
Much of that dossier has ended up being true, and none of it has been proven false.
In fact, Steele just won a libel case.

1. [Supposed author of the dossier,] Steele was a “confirmed socialist” in college at Oxford when he was hired by MI6, another point of suspicion for someone who would be dispatched to Moscow as a spy and later serve as head of the Russian desk at MI6, all extremely sensitive positions." The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

2.. Christopher Steele, Hillary's employee, got the 'dossier' via
Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch linked to Vladimir Putin, according to a new report.
Christopher Steele Reportedly Worked For Sanctioned Russian Oligarch

3. Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

4. If any collusion occurred, it was through Democrats, the only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion.
Steele was working with Russians who opposed Putin and his established regime. Case in point is Oleg Erovinkin.

Its like if you said, "somebody worked with Americans". But then the question becomes did he work work with a republican american or a democrat american. Its the same thing when working with russians.

But its all a moot point, because nothing depends on the dossier. FBI investigation wasnt started because of dossier. Mueller doesnt depend on the dossier.. It could be 100% false and it wouldnt make one bit of difference.

case in point: Trump approved of proposed Popadopoulus meeting with Putin.
You mean to tell me the DOJ kept Mueller informed about a dossier that contains info on Trump? Doing their job? such a travisty.

You really are a dumbfk...

Do you know what happens to agents who use unverified and previously TERMINATED sources? Steel was terminated for cause which means he is NOT credible.... therefore his evidence is worthless.

Now that this is exposed this whole house of cards should collapse..
There is no evidence Christopher Steele was ever hired by FBI.
Christopher Steele was a british intelligence officer.
Much of that dossier has ended up being true, and none of it has been proven false.
In fact, Steele just won a libel case.

1. [Supposed author of the dossier,] Steele was a “confirmed socialist” in college at Oxford when he was hired by MI6, another point of suspicion for someone who would be dispatched to Moscow as a spy and later serve as head of the Russian desk at MI6, all extremely sensitive positions." The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

2.. Christopher Steele, Hillary's employee, got the 'dossier' via
Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch linked to Vladimir Putin, according to a new report.
Christopher Steele Reportedly Worked For Sanctioned Russian Oligarch

3. Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

4. If any collusion occurred, it was through Democrats, the only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion.
Steele was working with Russians who opposed Putin and his established regime. Case in point is Oleg Erovinkin.

Its like if you said, "somebody worked with Americans". But then the question becomes did he work work with a republican american or a democrat american. Its the same thing when working with russians.

But its all a moot point, because nothing depends on the dossier. FBI investigation wasnt started because of dossier. Mueller doesnt depend on the dossier.. It could be 100% false and it wouldnt make one bit of difference.

case in point: Trump approved of proposed Popadopoulus meeting with Putin.
So now you know more than Ohr! :auiqs.jpg:

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