IT'S OVER - Conspiracy / Oher-Mueller Connection Exposed

:rofl: It ain't even close to being over.... Mueller has a lot more indictments to come and trials to work through

And after today's conviction, there is a lot more to find out on the Russian money illegally flowing to the Trump campaign/ inaugural fund, the guy's Cambridge Analytica/Trump/Russia connection....and an Israeli marketing firm

and there still has not been indictments for the Trump Tower meeting for the Russian govt's help to elect Trump and and Trump's son/lying about it under oath to congress and Mueller has not interviewed Don Jr, that means he is a target!

Roger Stone and his wikileaks connection.

Or for Kushner's role and possible lying about the the back door communication he tried to set up for Trump and Putin/Russia at the Russian embassy... and Erik Prince and the UAE....Russian connection....

THERE IS A LOT going on here that Mueller is looking in to on this Russia counter intelligence investigation that we have not heard a peep on...............

TODAY'S indictment and guilty plea is a perfect example of them not leaking anything!!! It came out of left field!!!

then there is Manafort's next trial on him being a foreign agent...

I'm sorry, but the fat lady ain't even close to singing on this investigation! Seriously.... it's not even being over.

LMAO! That's right.....ANYYYYYYYY TIME NOW !!!!!!
Let us all know when (IF), you ever figure out you're being played like a fiddle.......I hear dueling banjos
what part of it ain't even close to ending, that you do not comprehend comrade?
You mean to tell me the DOJ kept Mueller informed about a dossier that contains info on Trump? Doing their job? such a travisty.

You really are a dumbfk...

Do you know what happens to agents who use unverified and previously TERMINATED sources? Steel was terminated for cause which means he is NOT credible.... therefore his evidence is worthless.

Now that this is exposed this whole house of cards should collapse..
Steele was cut off because he allegedly spoke to the press and the FBI doesn't like that, unless of course they are the ones executing it...

NOT because he was an unreliable source....

Orh did nothing wrong by informing the FBI what steele had told him, the FBI did nothing wrong by reporting this on the proper forms meant for such.... Orh would have been remiss if he had not reported what he heard.

Just because the FBI got information from orh that Steele told him, doesn't mean they took it as fact, they just had info to try to follow and corroborate if useful.... as they SHOULD do.

you guys are just :cuckoo: for cocoa puffs! too much Hannity, Nunes etc, Ingrahm, Carlson and Judge Jeanine
Nice's ok if they do it..................LOL
OF COURSE it is OK, it's expected of them! They should not turn a blind eye to any information they can gather on any investigation... if it gives them a lead, wonderful! If it doesn't give them a lead, then it doesn't....

what is so hard to understand about that...?
And by 'fully discredited' you mean that the IG found that the conclusions of the investigation were reasonable, based on precedent and the law? And that there was no evidence that political bias affected investigative decision?

Remember, just because you poor souls tell each other nonsense in your little echo chamber doesn't mean that reality changes to match.
This news has really rocked your world hasn't it
And by 'fully discredited' you mean that the IG found that the conclusions of the investigation were reasonable, based on precedent and the law? And that there was no evidence that political bias affected investigative decision?

Remember, just because you poor souls tell each other nonsense in your little echo chamber doesn't mean that reality changes to match.
This news has really rocked your world hasn't it

The yet *another* indictment filed by Mueller today?

Or the news like Cohen, under oath, implicating Trump in directing and coordinating the commission of federal felonies?
It's very purpose is to go on for a very long time.................
its going on, as long as it has to, in their search of the truth, and facts on what happened with the Russians, as it should...

this investigation in to the Russian interference has netted 30 indictments and guilty pleas in just 18 months, and that was just filtering through the noise, to get to the truth.... no special counsel has ever been this busy....

Everyone that has ever worked for Mueller has said he was constantly pushing them to work faster, he's no slacker.... there were 2 agents/prosecutors tonight that confirmed that, who had worked with him in the past on the 24/7....

Trump isn't up for election, but most importantly...nor is manafort, gates, kushner, or don jr or roger stone or erik prince or cambridge analytica etc

Trump can be left out of it all, and there is still tons for the investigators to investigate and charges to come, if any one committed criminal acts
And by 'fully discredited' you mean that the IG found that the conclusions of the investigation were reasonable, based on precedent and the law? And that there was no evidence that political bias affected investigative decision?

Remember, just because you poor souls tell each other nonsense in your little echo chamber doesn't mean that reality changes to match.
This news has really rocked your world hasn't it

The yet *another* indictment filed by Mueller today?

Or the news like Cohen, under oath, implicating Trump in directing and coordinating the commission of federal felonies?
Another meaningless indictment that doesn't implicate anyone in the Trump administration in any way.
And by 'fully discredited' you mean that the IG found that the conclusions of the investigation were reasonable, based on precedent and the law? And that there was no evidence that political bias affected investigative decision?

Remember, just because you poor souls tell each other nonsense in your little echo chamber doesn't mean that reality changes to match.
This news has really rocked your world hasn't it

The yet *another* indictment filed by Mueller today?

Or the news like Cohen, under oath, implicating Trump in directing and coordinating the commission of federal felonies?
Another meaningless indictment that doesn't implicate anyone in the Trump administration in any way.

Cohen's indictment doesn't implicated Trump in any way?

Really? It *directly* implicates Trump in the direction and coordination of federal felonies.
This has just been exposed as the biggest scandal in US history...and it leads right back to Barak Obama.

It's the biggest conspiracy scandal of our lifetimes. BUT -- Obama didn't put his ass in the line of fire to save Hillary. I don't think it will go back to him. He KNEW about it for certain, but he's not the coordinator or the designer of the plan. He probably used his hand-picked frantic bunnies Brennan and Clapper to exonerate Hillary and create the design of "accusing the competition of what you did yourselves"....
And by 'fully discredited' you mean that the IG found that the conclusions of the investigation were reasonable, based on precedent and the law? And that there was no evidence that political bias affected investigative decision?

Remember, just because you poor souls tell each other nonsense in your little echo chamber doesn't mean that reality changes to match.
This news has really rocked your world hasn't it

The yet *another* indictment filed by Mueller today?

Or the news like Cohen, under oath, implicating Trump in directing and coordinating the commission of federal felonies?
Another meaningless indictment that doesn't implicate anyone in the Trump administration in any way.

Cohen's indictment doesn't implicated Trump in any way?

Really? It *directly* implicates Trump in the direction and coordination of federal felonies.
Not according to Rosenstein, snowflake. :p
And by 'fully discredited' you mean that the IG found that the conclusions of the investigation were reasonable, based on precedent and the law? And that there was no evidence that political bias affected investigative decision?

Remember, just because you poor souls tell each other nonsense in your little echo chamber doesn't mean that reality changes to match.
This news has really rocked your world hasn't it

The yet *another* indictment filed by Mueller today?

Or the news like Cohen, under oath, implicating Trump in directing and coordinating the commission of federal felonies?
Another meaningless indictment that doesn't implicate anyone in the Trump administration in any way.

Cohen's indictment doesn't implicated Trump in any way?

Really? It *directly* implicates Trump in the direction and coordination of federal felonies.
Not according to Rosenstein, snowflake. :p

Is this like your batshit claim that 6 foreign powers hacked Hillary's email......the kind of throw away accusation you make then flee from the moment you're challenged?

Or are you actually going to cite Rosenstein on Cohen's direction implication of Trump in federal felonies?
This has just been exposed as the biggest scandal in US history...and it leads right back to Barak Obama.

It's the biggest conspiracy scandal of our lifetimes. BUT -- Obama didn't put his ass in the line of fire to save Hillary. I don't think it will go back to him. He KNEW about it for certain, but he's not the coordinator or the designer of the plan. He probably used his hand-picked frantic bunnies Brennan and Clapper to exonerate Hillary and create the design of "accusing the competition of what you did yourselves"....

Laughing....'bigger than watergate', huh? How many times has Trump said that now? Twice? Three times. And each time its just a bucket of nothing.

But this time its different?

Good luck with that.
Trump isn't up for election, but most importantly...nor is manafort, gates, kushner, or don jr or roger stone or erik prince or cambridge analytica etc

That's right. And YOUR time is better spent getting YOUR tribe to stop frantically accusing and searching for their principles and start governing and taking RATIONAL sides of issues. Because the real "howling at the sky" is gonna happen when this political hijacking of our most trusted agencies and domestic spying operations is revealed.
This has just been exposed as the biggest scandal in US history...and it leads right back to Barak Obama.

It's the biggest conspiracy scandal of our lifetimes. BUT -- Obama didn't put his ass in the line of fire to save Hillary. I don't think it will go back to him. He KNEW about it for certain, but he's not the coordinator or the designer of the plan. He probably used his hand-picked frantic bunnies Brennan and Clapper to exonerate Hillary and create the design of "accusing the competition of what you did yourselves"....

Laughing....'bigger than watergate', huh? How many times has Trump said that now? Twice? Three times. And each time its just a bucket of nothing.

But this time its different?

Good luck with that.

When you politicize the Intel Agencies and the Greatest Spy Machine of all time as a weapon against a political campaign??? Yep -- it's 100 times worst than the WaterGate break-in or that cover-up. ESPECIALLY when the bulk of the media has crapped on their journalism credentials and become ACCOMPLICES to these crimes.

It's not going away. Ain't possible now. Just waiting it's turn. Because you can't have TWO 3 three ring circuses in town at the same time. Too many lie-ons, and clowns and Russian Bears on bikes in one place.

Mueller's stalling. Because his JOB was to stall. And you can't have dueling prosecutions. But it's gonna happen. Or there's gonna be hell to pay if it doesn't..

The RUSSIANS didn't wreck our political system. WE WRECKED our political system. And anyone defending the circus that is in town NOW -- is doing Putin's work for him better than he could ever had imagined.
This has just been exposed as the biggest scandal in US history...and it leads right back to Barak Obama.

It's the biggest conspiracy scandal of our lifetimes. BUT -- Obama didn't put his ass in the line of fire to save Hillary. I don't think it will go back to him. He KNEW about it for certain, but he's not the coordinator or the designer of the plan. He probably used his hand-picked frantic bunnies Brennan and Clapper to exonerate Hillary and create the design of "accusing the competition of what you did yourselves"....

Laughing....'bigger than watergate', huh? How many times has Trump said that now? Twice? Three times. And each time its just a bucket of nothing.

But this time its different?

Good luck with that.

When you politicize the Intel Agencies and the Greatest Spy Machine of all time as a weapon against a political campaign??? Yep -- it's 100 times worst than the WaterGate break-in or that cover-up. ESPECIALLY when the bulk of the media has crapped on their journalism credentials and become ACCOMPLICES to these crimes.

Politicize the intel agenda? Trump refused to back his own intel community over Putin, standing next to the Russian leader on Live TV. He's rejected Russia as the source of the DNC hack, despite essentially unanimous agreement of 16 different intel agencies. He's declassified data to support Republican talking points while holding up release DNC rebuttals. He's turned security clearance into a personal loyalty test, stripping it from critics in an effort to silence their criticisms.

And you want to talk about 'politicizing the intel agenda'?

It's not going away. Ain't possible now. Just waiting it's turn. Because you can't have TWO 3 three ring circuses in town at the same time. Too many lie-ons, and clowns and Russian Bears on bikes in one plac

Yeah, I heard the same thing at Trump's claims that Trump Tower was 'wiretapped by Obama'. And how it was bigger than watergate! How it was 'McCarthyism'. Oh, so dramatic it was. Until it wasn't.

Then again at the Nunes Memo. And how it rocked the political world. How it was the biggest political scandal of our generation......until it was actually released. And it was remarkably unimpressive.

Then again with the GOP claim that the 'secret societies' within the FBI. Until that fizzled out. And the politicians that were fronting that turd slowly backed away from their own steaming deuce.

Then yet again of the FBI's use of an informant to contact the Trump campaign. And how it too was 'bigger than watergate'. With even Gowdy recognizing that it was a bucket of melodrama suitable for a fainting couch.

And instead each was a piddle. The proverbial tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

But *this* time its different? This time you really, really mean it, huh?

Its what, the 4 time you guys have cried wolf? The 5th? Um, no. You've got yet another melodramatic story filled with conjecture, imagination and naked denial that conservatives *really* want to be true. But doesn't hold up.

All while you ignore the *actual* indictments, the *actual* guilty pleas, the *actual* investigations....for no other reason than they don't play into your conspiracy.

As I've said before.....Good luck with that.
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Yeah, I heard the same thing at Trump's claims that Trump Tower was 'wiretapped by Obama'. And how it was bigger than watergate! How it was 'McCarthyism'. Oh, so dramatic it was. Until it wasn't.

His campaign was UNARGUABLY spied upon in many ways. With no apparent justification other than picking a few minor campaign aides as TARGETS for an actual Intel espionage operation. They were spied on thru FISA warrants with the NSA Big Brother Machine. They had professional pranksters INSERTED into the campaign to dirty people up and entrap them. All done with cooperation of the CIA, the DNI, and the FBI and others.

So what part of "Trump tower being "wiretapped" is an exaggeration? Except for the term "wiretapped" that Trump put in quotes in the tweet to let them know he KNEW about the FISA warrants and the Domestic spying and unmasking that was done on American citizens by the worlds most awesome domestic collection and archiving system.

It's actually true. Purposely snarky -- but completely true..
Yeah, I heard the same thing at Trump's claims that Trump Tower was 'wiretapped by Obama'. And how it was bigger than watergate! How it was 'McCarthyism'. Oh, so dramatic it was. Until it wasn't.

His campaign was UNARGUABLY spied upon in many ways.

No, Trump brought on people that were *already* under investigation. Manafort had been the target of an investigation since 2014. Page, since long before he joined Trump's campaign. With the wire taps in question regarding Page authorized after he'd already left Trump's campaign.

Making a comic mockery of even the idea that Trump's campaign was the focus of the investigation.

Trump hand picked embezzlers, tax cheats, liars, grifters, frauds and thieves. And then seems shocked that the FBI and other law enforcement agencies were investigating them.

That's what law enforcement agencies are supposed to do.

Which is why when conservatives cry wolf again and again and again and again, each time dialing the hyperbole and running mascara to an 11........people outside the right wing echo chamber just aren't buying it.

By two-to-one, a majority of Independents believe the Mueller investigation should continue. 64% of Independents believe it should continue, while 33% think it should be shut down. Even 25% of Republicans believe the investigation should continue.

But tell us again how 'big' this is. How its the biggest scandal of our generation, how its going to change everything.

.....just like the last 4 times your ilk said the same thing. And turned out to be laughably, comically wrong.
No, Trump brought on people that were *already* under investigation. Manafort had been the target of an investigation since 2014. Page, since long before he joined Trump's campaign. With the wire taps in question regarding Page authorized after he'd already left Trump's campaign.

Dammit man. Not doing this with you again. When you GET A FISA warrant, you get the keys to drive the Big Brother Spy Machine WHEREVER IT GOES. Back in TIME if you like. To associates of associates if you like. THAT's what it was designed to do to prevent Jihadists from ASSOCIATING and ORGANIZING domestically within the US. When Page was in the campaign is IRRELEVENT. The fact that they were in HIS NAME is irreverent.

You're way too far indoctrinated and ignorant of these happenings to discuss with.

Page was "under FBI surveillance" because he was ex US Navy Intel with very high clearances WORKING in Russia. I've told you this before. You are ALWAYS under surveillance for YEARS after you leave a position like that and go work in Russia. Because they TIP you off to people who you should avoid and maybe ASK YOU for information on some of your contacts there. They CAN work you as an asset. And Page WAS an asset to the FBI. Being involved in a lot of helpful information...

That's why they TRIED to redact his name in the original Nunes documents on the FISA abuse. BECAUSE he was "considered an Intel ASSET" to the US govt.

Go learn about this before you keep repeating trash that demonstrates the vast amount of this that you've missed by living on a "junk food diet" of Anti-Trump Bullshit.
No, Trump brought on people that were *already* under investigation. Manafort had been the target of an investigation since 2014. Page, since long before he joined Trump's campaign. With the wire taps in question regarding Page authorized after he'd already left Trump's campaign.

Dammit man. Not doing this with you again. When you GET A FISA warrant, you get the keys to drive the Big Brother Spy Machine WHEREVER IT GOES.

Dude, ignoring the massive inconsistenies in the silly conspiracy you're huffing doesn't make the conspiracies dissappear.

Your 'spying on the campaign' narrative doesn't work. As Manafort was under investigation since 2014....before Trump was even a declared candidate. And the FISA warrant you're citing was for AFTER Page had already left the campaign.

Your working theory on the Page FISA warrant is that the FBI spied on the Trump campaign by getting wire taps on a guy who DIDN'T WORK for the Trump campaign?

That is literally the stupidest conspiracy theory I've ever heard. And I'm including flat earthers.

Your narrative just doesn't work. And your ilk have cried wolf so many times, insisted that *this* time is the real 'bigger than watergate' moment.

Sorry, but you've simply lost all credibility on these claims. This is literally the 5th time your ilk have tried to shill the same melodramatic conspiracy nonsense.

But this time its real? Um, no. This time is like the last 4 times: you and your ilk stuck in the conspiracy loop, escalating your conspiracy as the real legal trouble for Trump escalates. With over the top hyperbole and melodrama like a soup opera on sweeps week.

Good luck.
And by 'fully discredited' you mean that the IG found that the conclusions of the investigation were reasonable, based on precedent and the law? And that there was no evidence that political bias affected investigative decision?

Remember, just because you poor souls tell each other nonsense in your little echo chamber doesn't mean that reality changes to match.
This news has really rocked your world hasn't it

The yet *another* indictment filed by Mueller today?

Or the news like Cohen, under oath, implicating Trump in directing and coordinating the commission of federal felonies?
Another meaningless indictment that doesn't implicate anyone in the Trump administration in any way.

Cohen's indictment doesn't implicated Trump in any way?

Really? It *directly* implicates Trump in the direction and coordination of federal felonies.
What "federal felony" is that, you rotund douche nozzle?
No, Trump brought on people that were *already* under investigation. Manafort had been the target of an investigation since 2014. Page, since long before he joined Trump's campaign. With the wire taps in question regarding Page authorized after he'd already left Trump's campaign.

Dammit man. Not doing this with you again. When you GET A FISA warrant, you get the keys to drive the Big Brother Spy Machine WHEREVER IT GOES. Back in TIME if you like. To associates of associates if you like. THAT's what it was designed to do to prevent Jihadists from ASSOCIATING and ORGANIZING domestically within the US. When Page was in the campaign is IRRELEVENT. The fact that they were in HIS NAME is irreverent.

You're way too far indoctrinated and ignorant of these happenings to discuss with.

Page was "under FBI surveillance" because he was ex US Navy Intel with very high clearances WORKING in Russia. I've told you this before. You are ALWAYS under surveillance for YEARS after you leave a position like that and go work in Russia. Because they TIP you off to people who you should avoid and maybe ASK YOU for information on some of your contacts there. They CAN work you as an asset. And Page WAS an asset to the FBI. Being involved in a lot of helpful information...

That's why they TRIED to redact his name in the original Nunes documents on the FISA abuse. BECAUSE he was "considered an Intel ASSET" to the US govt.

Go learn about this before you keep repeating trash that demonstrates the vast amount of this that you've missed by living on a "junk food diet" of Anti-Trump Bullshit.
Skylar's brain has suffered far to much damage from brainwashing to ever be able to comprehend a complicated set of facts like that. All he can do is regurgitate leftwing talking points. That's all any of these snowflakes every do. Don't you ever get the feeling that they behave like they've never been exposed to any facts that aren't dispensed by the fake media? They are immune to facts and logic.

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