It's Over. The Vaccines Have Failed.

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the links are available, find them yourself.

If you cannot support your claims then they are assumed to be lies.

China is doing very well as we suffer Bidenflation in everything we buy.

China has millions upon millions of people not even allowed to leave their homes.

China's GDP...tell me again how great they are doing....

gator posts a smiley face because he knows that what I said is true.

If what you said was true you could support it.

But your lack of being able to do so just shows even you know you are lying
Be a good sport and concede the debate. That’s the proper way to move on
when I lose one I will concede, hasn't happened on this one because the lefties all ran away when faced with facts and truth. Its exactly why the libs support the "misinformation" police. Because they know that they always lose when both sides are given equal time.
If what you said was true you could support it.

But your lack of being able to do so just shows even you know you are lying
NO, what it shows is that I am not going to waste my time trying to convince you idiots to deal with the facts. You are totally indoctrinated in the left wing bullshit, its a wasted effort to try to educate you because your little minds are gone-----------much like senile old joe, nothing there.
If you cannot support your claims then they are assumed to be lies.

China has millions upon millions of people not even allowed to leave their homes.

China's GDP...tell me again how great they are doing....

View attachment 644906

your chart is a lie
election fraud has been proven, will anything happen? will anyone go to jail? probably not because all of DC is corrupt.
Hardly proven but even Republicans who looked into it, like Trump's AG, Barr, and GA GOP SoS said there was no fraud.

your chart is a lie

My chart came from the same organization as your link you fucking moron.

Ever met a self-proclaimed libertarian who laps up gubmint bureaucratic statistics

Why would a libertarian have a problem with government supplied statistics? Do you have a better source for the GDP, jobs, unemployment/ag data?

There is no better source for Ag data than I use their data for my work all the time. In fact I have been approached by them about coming to work for them. I have applied and might take the offer. The first year would be a pay cut but it would catch up fast with automatic raises for the first 3 years. Plus even better job security than I have now.
It's over. The seat belts and airbags have failed. How Many People Die in Car Accidents Every Year? + 51 Stats!

Except that there is no known alternative that would be better than or would make airbags useless.
There are several alternatives to these fake mRNA vaccines, that not only actually are proven to work, but would have ended the covid epidemic in the first month.

The first is full quarantine.
That is what we used with Ebola, and always works in less than a month, but just is very expensive.

The second is herd immunity.
It is what we use with flu, and just about everything else, and could be done in about a month.
The only problem is Fauci miscalculated and claimed that would take 2.4 million deaths.
When in reality, by isolating those over 70 and deliberately infecting volunteers under 40, we could have ended covid in a month, with fewer than 10k deaths.
(the lethality differential between over 70 and under 40, is a factor of 400)
nope, thats not the way it works. I am not here to tutor you libs. do your own checking, you might learn something, doubtful but you might.
Nobody’s asking you to tutor. But if you’re going to engage in debate and try to make points then you need to back up those points. Something you constantly refuse to do. It only shows that you have low confidence and understanding of the issues
when I lose one I will concede, hasn't happened on this one because the lefties all ran away when faced with facts and truth. Its exactly why the libs support the "misinformation" police. Because they know that they always lose when both sides are given equal time.
Run away is exactly what you just did when you dodged Gators questions.
They are not preventing transmission. In fact they enhance it among vaccinated.

They no longer prevent hospitalization.

So the only thing they do now are maybe prevent deaths, but that's a lagging indicator and we don't even know at what cost.
Exactly. Trump followers should not believe all this "vaccination is good for you" stuff. All you need is to gulp down horse medicine, wash it down with a disinfectant, and sit in the sun.

Easy peasy. Trump followers: Don't fall for this mask or vaccines bs. What do you have to lose?
Exactly. Trump followers should not believe all this "vaccination is good for you" stuff. All you need is to gulp down horse medicine, wash it down with a disinfectant, and sit in the sun.

Easy peasy. Trump followers: Don't fall for this mask or vaccines bs. What do you have to lose?

Already took it thanks. Recovered in a few days; so did husband. No complications; no "long covid". Wait until you really find out.

Oh the horse dewormer thing is really stupid
Already took it thanks. Recovered in a few days; so did husband. No complications; no "long covid". Wait until you really find out.

Oh the horse dewormer thing is really stupid
Took what? Vaccines or disinfectant?
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