It's Over. The Vaccines Have Failed.

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Negative efficacy?! That means that your chances of catching COVID increase after getting vaccinated. That’s a lie and stems from distortions of a UK report.

Of course hospitalizations of the vaxed are increasing. The number of people getting vaxed has always been increasing. If 100% of people were vaxed guess what the percentage of hospitalizations of vaxed people would be…. 100%… Get it?

Huge cover up? Sounds like conspiracy talk

What do you mean by excess deaths?

Sorry--didn't see this.

Negative VE is not erased by the excuses used to explain it. It is what it is. See also here in the Walgreen's reports. If you steal food from a store but "explain" its because you it bc your kids are hungry, ok---but you still stole food from the store.

I am talking % of hospitalized vaxxed and unvaxxed. In my area they are now even. There is no longer protection then from the vaccines.

Excess deaths means deaths over what is expected of that age group in a demographic. This is actuary science. It's a real thing.
Negative VE is not erased by the excuses used to explain it. It is what it is. See also here in the Walgreen's reports. If you steal food from a store but "explain" its because you it bc your kids are hungry, ok---but you still stole food from the store
Did you read the link I posted? The report that y’all are getting the negative efficacy talking point from is being distorted from a small sample example and actually reports positive effects from the vaccines. Read the link
Sorry--didn't see this.

Negative VE is not erased by the excuses used to explain it. It is what it is. See also here in the Walgreen's reports. If you steal food from a store but "explain" its because you it bc your kids are hungry, ok---but you still stole food from the store.

I am talking % of hospitalized vaxxed and unvaxxed. In my area they are now even. There is no longer protection then from the vaccines.

Excess deaths means deaths over what is expected of that age group in a demographic. This is actuary science. It's a real thing.
Vaccine efficacy wears off over time and is even further reduced as new variants spread. Thankfully the new variants are not as deadly as the first few strains. Personally I’m not a vax pusher. Take it if you want or don’t. But I still don’t understand why people are spreading so many lies and actively trying to promote unsafe behavior. That’s been my point all along
Excess deaths are up exponentially in 15-64 yo since vaccines were rolled out. There are NOT covid deaths. WHERE'S THE LIE?
Are you somehow trying to imply that these excess deaths are caused by the vaccines?!
Anyone ever notice all these vacuous Leftists have are personal insults?

Anyone notice how little effect they have anymore??
Triggered you though. Snowflake

Oh and BTW, the insults thrown out around here a largely done by the right wingers.


Can’t go more than two consecutive posts w/out calling someone a moron.

So shut your pi hole.
Did you read the link I posted? The report that y’all are getting the negative efficacy talking point from is being distorted from a small sample example and actually reports positive effects from the vaccines. Read the link

I did. They're guessing why this is happening. That's it. The data is unrefuted.
Yes. You realize one of them has already been pulled for blood clots right?

And some suicides, and some ODs too. Etc
Vaccines killing exponentially more people than the past death trends is an absurd claim and not supported by facts.

Yes there were issues with blood clots and myocarditis. There were some deaths. A small fraction of the numbers of lives saved
This is a practicing physician in California with a large following giving the all-clear to other doctors. So I expect the avalanche of truth from the trenches to start soon.

Golfing Gator you've been quiet on what your wife is seeing....

I've heard this privately from many physicians. The mRNA shots are short term and do not allow long term antibodies to form. This leaves those elderly people without protections in just 2-3 months. Each successive shot is shorter and shorter in duration as the body has marked them as pathogens and discards them quickly. Many people are having no up tick in antibody creation with their 4th booster. Definitely a failure. Yet they still do not want to acknowledge natural immunities, which are far superior.
Vaccine efficacy wears off over time and is even further reduced as new variants spread. Thankfully the new variants are not as deadly as the first few strains. Personally I’m not a vax pusher. Take it if you want or don’t. But I still don’t understand why people are spreading so many lies and actively trying to promote unsafe behavior. That’s been my point all along

The brainwashing is just unbelievable to me. VE is not supposed to wear off in WEEKS

page 10. Vaccine efficacy by age, type, time since vaccination

Vaccines killing exponentially more people than the past death trends is an absurd claim and not supported by facts.

Yes there were issues with blood clots and myocarditis. There were some deaths. A small fraction of the numbers of lives saved
wow.. such bull shit... VEARS data base shows significant failures and deaths which eclipse all other vaccines. Your nothing more than a troll spouting BS.
Vaccine efficacy wears off over time and is even further reduced as new variants spread. Thankfully the new variants are not as deadly as the first few strains. Personally I’m not a vax pusher. Take it if you want or don’t. But I still don’t understand why people are spreading so many lies and actively trying to promote unsafe behavior. That’s been my point all along

The US does not really even produce any vaccine for covid.
The mRNA injections are not a vaccine by any definition.
Real vaccines do not "wear off", as their immunity memory gets appended to their DNA and passed on to new T-cells.
And it should be obvious the claim that "new variants" diminish efficacy has to be a lie because the mRNA vaccine does not contain ANY variant at all. It just causes spike proteins to be produced, and the spike proteins can't change or else the ACE2 receptor would no longer open for them.

The "unsafe behavior" is injecting things in your body that reprograms the ribosomes in your cells, to start your cells growing spike proteins. That is a horrendously dangerous idea. If it ever did work and caused your immune system to start attacking spike proteins, then it would attack your own exosomes, and you would die.
Are you somehow trying to imply that these excess deaths are caused by the vaccines?!

YES, the excess deaths are caused by the vaccines now.


On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination​

The evidence​

We herewith present scientific evidence that calls for an immediate stop of the use of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines. We first lay out why the agents cannot protect against viral infection. While no positive effects can be expected, we show that the vaccines can trigger self-destructive processes that lead to debilitating illness and death.

Why the vaccines cannot protect against infection​

A fundamental mistake underlying the development of the COVID-19 vaccines was to neglect the functional distinction between the two major categories of antibodies which the body produces in order to protect itself from pathogenic microbes.

The first category (secretory IgA) is produced by immune cells (lymphocytes) which are located directly underneath the mucous membranes that line the respiratory and intestinal tract. The antibodies produced by these lymphocytes are secreted through and to the surface of the mucous membranes. These antibodies are thus on site to meet air-borne viruses, and they may be able to prevent viral binding and infection of the cells.

The second category of antibodies (IgG and circulating IgA) occur in the bloodstream. These antibodies protect the internal organs of the body from infectious agents that try to spread via the bloodstream.

Vaccines that are injected into the muscle – i.e., the interior of the body – will only induce IgG and circulating IgA, not secretory IgA. Such antibodies cannot and will not effectively protect the mucous membranes from infection by SARS-CoV-2. Thus, the currently observed “breakthrough infections” among vaccinated individuals merely confirm the fundamental design flaws of the vaccines. Measurements of antibodies in the blood can never yield any information on the true status of immunity against infection of the respiratory tract.

The inability of vaccine-induced antibodies to prevent coronavirus infections has been reported in recent scientific publications.
The US does not really even produce any vaccine for covid.
The mRNA injections are not a vaccine by any definition.
Real vaccines do not "wear off", as their immunity memory gets appended to their DNA and passed on to new T-cells.
And it should be obvious the claim that "new variants" diminish efficacy has to be a lie because the mRNA vaccine does not contain ANY variant at all. It just causes spike proteins to be produced, and the spike proteins can't change or else the ACE2 receptor would no longer open for them.

The "unsafe behavior" is injecting things in your body that reprograms the ribosomes in your cells, to start your cells growing spike proteins. That is a horrendously dangerous idea. If it ever did work and caused your immune system to start attacking spike proteins, then it would attack your own exosomes, and you would die.
BINGO.. We have a winner...

And the people around here do not understand this.
bottom line, if you want to get multiple vax shots, mask yourself, and hibernate in your basement, do it. Just don't try to mandate that everyone mimic your foolishness.
The brainwashing is just unbelievable to me. VE is not supposed to wear off in WEEKS

page 10. Vaccine efficacy by age, type, time since vaccination

When you're in the middle of a worldwide pandemic where hospitals are getting overwhelmed and over 1000 people a day are dying in the USA, any efficiency is very helpful and saves lives. The COVID shots are more like the flu shot than a smallpox vaccine. Why do people like you try so hard to sew distrust and doubt during times like these? Makes no sense to me
wow.. such bull shit... VEARS data base shows significant failures and deaths which eclipse all other vaccines. Your nothing more than a troll spouting BS.
VEARS is not a reliable database.. its an open source unverified reporting system. Try again.
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