It's Over. The Vaccines Have Failed.

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The US does not really even produce any vaccine for covid.
The mRNA injections are not a vaccine by any definition.
Real vaccines do not "wear off", as their immunity memory gets appended to their DNA and passed on to new T-cells.
And it should be obvious the claim that "new variants" diminish efficacy has to be a lie because the mRNA vaccine does not contain ANY variant at all. It just causes spike proteins to be produced, and the spike proteins can't change or else the ACE2 receptor would no longer open for them.

The "unsafe behavior" is injecting things in your body that reprograms the ribosomes in your cells, to start your cells growing spike proteins. That is a horrendously dangerous idea. If it ever did work and caused your immune system to start attacking spike proteins, then it would attack your own exosomes, and you would die.
I agree, the COVID "vaccines" act more like the annual flu shot as far as effectiveness.
LOL, there are videos of the election fraud being committed. Rinos may refuse to see it, but its obvious.
That is what is alleged but none have stood up to scrutiny. So the man Trump picked to be Attorney General (after he fired his first pick) was a RINO? I thought Trump promised to only pick the best men for the job and here he picks a RINO. I'm shocked since Trump kept every one of his other promises.
yes, and they prove your claim wrong, why are you unable to admit that?

Because they do not. My graph is pretty clear and you lied and called it fake. Why not admit you lied about my graph?
YES, the excess deaths are caused by the vaccines now.


On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination​

The evidence​

We herewith present scientific evidence that calls for an immediate stop of the use of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines. We first lay out why the agents cannot protect against viral infection. While no positive effects can be expected, we show that the vaccines can trigger self-destructive processes that lead to debilitating illness and death.

Why the vaccines cannot protect against infection​

A fundamental mistake underlying the development of the COVID-19 vaccines was to neglect the functional distinction between the two major categories of antibodies which the body produces in order to protect itself from pathogenic microbes.

The first category (secretory IgA) is produced by immune cells (lymphocytes) which are located directly underneath the mucous membranes that line the respiratory and intestinal tract. The antibodies produced by these lymphocytes are secreted through and to the surface of the mucous membranes. These antibodies are thus on site to meet air-borne viruses, and they may be able to prevent viral binding and infection of the cells.

The second category of antibodies (IgG and circulating IgA) occur in the bloodstream. These antibodies protect the internal organs of the body from infectious agents that try to spread via the bloodstream.

Vaccines that are injected into the muscle – i.e., the interior of the body – will only induce IgG and circulating IgA, not secretory IgA. Such antibodies cannot and will not effectively protect the mucous membranes from infection by SARS-CoV-2. Thus, the currently observed “breakthrough infections” among vaccinated individuals merely confirm the fundamental design flaws of the vaccines. Measurements of antibodies in the blood can never yield any information on the true status of immunity against infection of the respiratory tract.

The inability of vaccine-induced antibodies to prevent coronavirus infections has been reported in recent scientific publications.
We have already seen the vaccines save a tremendous amount of lives and get us through the thick of the pandemic. Your article is a joke as is the narrative you are pushing.
This is a concession. I acknowledge it.

Are you ready to listen to the answer?
Conservatives are reprehensible not only because of their dishonesty, willful ignorance, and lies, they’re reprehensible because their misinformation and lies concerning safe and effective vaccines have caused the needless deaths of countless Americans.
When you're in the middle of a worldwide pandemic where hospitals are getting overwhelmed and over 1000 people a day are dying in the USA, any efficiency is very helpful and saves lives. The COVID shots are more like the flu shot than a smallpox vaccine. Why do people like you try so hard to sew distrust and doubt during times like these? Makes no sense to me

There is no similarity of fake covid shots to flu or smallpox vaccines.
Flu shots do NOT wear off as people incorrectly believe.
What happens is that there are over 200 different illnesses we collectively call "flu", and they simply don't know which one is going to be common the next year.
The covid shots do not work at all.
They do not get into T-cell memory, and they do not generate any antibody activity in the lung mucus lining.
We have already seen the vaccines save a tremendous amount of lives and get us through the thick of the pandemic. Your article is a joke as is the narrative you are pushing.

And vaccines will save a tremendous amount of lives and get us through the next pandemic, and others to follow – pandemics likely avoidable if not for the willful ignorance, dishonesty, and lies of conservatives.
Conservatives are reprehensible not only because of their dishonesty, willful ignorance, and lies, they’re reprehensible because their misinformation and lies concerning safe and effective vaccines have caused the needless deaths of countless Americans.
Same to you pushing this crap and trashing known early treatments. Not to mention traditional vaccines werent even offered. Covaxin

And vaccines will save a tremendous amount of lives and get us through the next pandemic, and others to follow – pandemics likely avoidable if not for the willful ignorance, dishonesty, and lies of conservatives.

Your virtue signaling requires us to need barf bags
VEARS is not a reliable database.. its an open source unverified reporting system. Try again.

But there are lots of reliable sources that go through VEARS and weed out the bad entries, to give us reliable data.
And everyone who has done that says these mRNA shots are horrific.
At least 10 times more lethal and dangerous than any other vaccine ever concocted.
And the reason mRNA vaccines are bad, should be obvious.
They contain no inert pathogen, so there is nothing for the immune system to remember, and they cause your own cells to first grow spike proteins, and then get attacked by the immune system. If any of the mRNA were to get into someplace other than the arm muscle, you can easily die. Like if it migrates to the heart or brain.
And it is way too risky to try to get your immune system to attack spike proteins, since our own exosomes have to depend on the same spike proteins.
There is no similarity of fake covid shots to flu or smallpox vaccines.
Flu shots do NOT wear off as people incorrectly believe.
What happens is that there are over 200 different illnesses we collectively call "flu", and they simply don't know which one is going to be common the next year.
The covid shots do not work at all.
They do not get into T-cell memory, and they do not generate any antibody activity in the lung mucus lining.
Are you under the impression that we are still spreading the same strain of COVID?
But there are lots of reliable sources that go through VEARS and weed out the bad entries, to give us reliable data.
And everyone who has done that says these mRNA shots are horrific.
At least 10 times more lethal and dangerous than any other vaccine ever concocted.
And the reason mRNA vaccines are bad, should be obvious.
They contain no inert pathogen, so there is nothing for the immune system to remember, and they cause your own cells to first grow spike proteins, and then get attacked by the immune system. If any of the mRNA were to get into someplace other than the arm muscle, you can easily die. Like if it migrates to the heart or brain.
And it is way too risky to try to get your immune system to attack spike proteins, since our own exosomes have to depend on the same spike proteins.
Wrong, not everyone who has studied VEARS data has concluded that the mRNA shots are horrific. What kind of ignorant statement is that?! I could post many studies showing excellent results but why waste my time, you're just going to dismiss them as deep state lies, right?
I agree, the COVID "vaccines" act more like the annual flu shot as far as effectiveness.

The annual flu shot is 100% effective and lasts a life time, for the virus it was built for.
The only reason you can't just use that immunity for flu next year is that the flu next year is going to be an entirely different virus.

Covid mRNA vaccines do not work as any sort of immunity at all.
They seem to simulate some antibody activity for 6 months, but that is probably because the body detects them as anonymous debris that has to be cleaned up.
The annual flu shot is 100% effective and lasts a life time, for the virus it was built for.
The only reason you can't just use that immunity for flu next year is that the flu next year is going to be an entirely different virus.

Covid mRNA vaccines do not work as any sort of immunity at all.
They seem to simulate some antibody activity for 6 months, but that is probably because the body detects them as anonymous debris that has to be cleaned up.
No shit Sherlock... And the COVID virus you catch next year will be different than the virus you caught this year. How is this going over your head?
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