It's Over. The Vaccines Have Failed.

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That is insane.
The fact all pathogens select for the least lethal variety, is not at all any advantage since we should have killed off any and all covid strains in the first month.
Stretching out the life span of a growing and expanding pathogen over a longer time period is NOT at all helpful, but greatly multiplies the final death total.
Killing off any and all COVID strains in the first month is an absolute impossibility. The fact that you are suggesting that could have been done is absolutely insane
Would you rather a loved one catch the original strain or the most recent strain of COVID?

No, the goal should always have been to end the entire epidemic as quickly as possible.
And one way to do that is to ask for young volunteers who were the most likely to survive, for deliberate infection early on. When you deliberately infect, you have almost no deaths.
You know when to quarantine them from the vulnerable elderly.
And once you have 70% of the population with recovery immunity, it the epidemic dies out.
It could have been over in the first month, with fewer than 50,000 deaths, instead of the 900,000 we have now.
Killing off any and all COVID strains in the first month is an absolute impossibility. The fact that you are suggesting that could have been done is absolutely insane

First of all, we did it with Ebola, even though that is more lethal but about the same infectiousness.
Second is that General Washington did it with smallpox in 1777.
By "innoculation", they mean deliberate infection, known as variolation.
Vaccines did not exist yet for more than another 20 years.
Smallpox impacted the Continental Army severely during the Revolutionary War, so much so that George Washington mandated inoculation for all Continental soldiers in 1777. Just fifty-six years earlier, in 1721, Bostonian doctors and clergy introduced the procedure to the American colonies.
Any epidemic can easily be ended in about a month.
It just depends on if people are willing to do what it takes.
First of all, we did it with Ebola, even though that is more lethal but about the same infectiousness.
Second is that General Washington did it with smallpox in 1777.
By "innoculation", they mean deliberate infection, known as variolation.
Vaccines did not exist yet for more than another 20 years.
Smallpox impacted the Continental Army severely during the Revolutionary War, so much so that George Washington mandated inoculation for all Continental soldiers in 1777. Just fifty-six years earlier, in 1721, Bostonian doctors and clergy introduced the procedure to the American colonies.
Any epidemic can easily be ended in about a month.
It just depends on if people are willing to do what it takes.
COVID was much more contagious and widespread. Impossible to wipe out in the first month.
You didn’t answer my question. Would you rather an elderly loved on catch the first strain or omicron?
Omicron. Wasnt that clear? Omucron is an upper respiratory virus, not a deep lung virus.

Cyyokine storm is what kills in most cases.
You didn’t answer my question. Would you rather an elderly loved on catch the first strain or omicron?

Sorry, but that is a dumb question. There should NEVER have been any variants or other strains.
It should have been over too quickly for that.
Omicron. Wasnt that clear? Omucron is an upper respiratory virus, not a deep lung virus.

Cyyokine storm is what kills in most cases.
Excellent. Then that means the time that the vaccines gave the immunity boost to so many was invaluable. It got us to omicron and countless lives were saved.
Sorry, but that is a dumb question. There should NEVER have been any variants or other strains.
It should have been over too quickly for that.
Well that’s just not reality and the vaccines came out after a year and multiple variants. You’re living in fantasyland
COVID was much more contagious and widespread. Impossible to wipe out in the first month.

Totally wrong.
The infectiousness rating for covid is only 2.0, which is incredibly low.
Compare covid with something like measles, that is more like 8.5.
( a infection number of 1 means it does not increase at all )
Covid would have been trivial to wipe out in the first month.
The reason we did not is that that the symptoms were so minor that half the people who got it did not even know they were sick at all.
Excellent. Then that means the time that the vaccines gave the immunity boost to so many was invaluable. It got us to omicron and countless lives were saved.

The vaccines did not come up for over a year, so did no good at all.
We easily should have been completely over it by then, and could have, IF we had not foolishly conserved easy hosts by "flattening the curve".
Well that’s just not reality and the vaccines came out after a year and multiple variants. You’re living in fantasyland

Before vaccines were invented around 1790, we ended every single epidemic fairly quickly.
That is because the initial spike normally gives enough people recovery immunity, so that the pathogen can't find another easy host, and dies out.
Totally wrong.
The infectiousness rating for covid is only 2.0, which is incredibly low.
Compare covid with something like measles, that is more like 8.5.
( a infection number of 1 means it does not increase at all )
Covid would have been trivial to wipe out in the first month.
The reason we did not is that that the symptoms were so minor that half the people who got it did not even know they were sick at all.
COVID had asymptomatic spread and we had a lack of testing. It wasn’t identifiable or controllable like your other examples. Plus there was a political pissing match about personal freedoms in combo with an immature/irresponsible president who only cared about the spotlight and blaming others. These factors were insurmountable hence why I say your ideas are unrealistic.
COVID had asymptomatic spread and we had a lack of testing. It wasn’t identifiable or controllable like your other examples. Plus there was a political pissing match about personal freedoms in combo with an immature/irresponsible president who only cared about the spotlight and blaming others. These factors were insurmountable hence why I say your ideas are unrealistic.

Fine for a couple of months, but clearly we should NEVER have waited and "flatten the curve" for over a whole year.
We should have gone with deliberate infection of the young and less vulnerable, in the first couple of months.
I disagree it was all that hard to identify or control, since we had hired Wuhan to be testing it for years.

What you are forgetting is that the lethality rate was so low among the young, that they all wanted to ignore it anway.
They had to be arrested in order to stop them from partying on.
So it would have been trivial to get 70% recovery immunity rates very quickly, with volunteers.
I am over 70, but would still have volunteered.
Preparing doses for deliberate infection would have been trivial, and recovery would only have taken 12 days.
The whole process of ending it only had to take less than a month.
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Anyone ever notice all these vacuous Leftists have are personal insults?

Anyone notice how little effect they have anymore??
How should we react to Typhoid Sue trying to kill as many Americans as possible?
Fine for a couple of months, but clearly we should NEVER have waited and "flatten the curve" for over a whole year.
We should have gone with deliberate infection of the young and less vulnerable, in the first couple of months.
I disagree it was all that hard to identify or control, since we had hired Wuhan to be testing it for years.

What you are forgetting is that the lethality rate was so low among the young, that they all wanted to ignore it anway.
They had to be arrested in order to stop them from partying on.
So it would have been trivial to get 70% recovery immunity rates very quickly, with volunteers.
I am over 70, but would still have volunteered.
Preparing doses for deliberate infection would have been trivial, and recovery would only have taken 12 days.
The whole process of ending it only had to take less than a month.
We needed to wait and mitigate. The virus was overwhelming our healthcare capabilities. We needed to stall until we could get to a point like now with a less severe strain omicron
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