It's Over. The Vaccines Have Failed.

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We needed to wait and mitigate. The virus was overwhelming our healthcare capabilities. We needed to stall until we could get to a point like now with a less severe strain omicron

Totally and completely WRONG!
Every single day, the epidemic was EXPANDING at a geometric rate.
You NEVER want to stall at all, because you are still LOSING GROUND.
Not only are people still dying, but the epidemic is still EXPANDING.
Epidemics are a race.
You NEVER can slow down the epidemic to a standstill of where it is not growing, until you have achieve herd immunity.
Flattening the curve is NEVER the right thing to do, and no matter how you try to "flatten the curve", more people will be infected than there were before.
You NEVER want to "stall".
That is always a terrible and deadly mistake.
Totally and completely WRONG!
Every single day, the epidemic was EXPANDING at a geometric rate.
You NEVER want to stall at all, because you are still LOSING GROUND.
Not only are people still dying, but the epidemic is still EXPANDING.
Epidemics are a race.
You NEVER can slow down the epidemic to a standstill of where it is not growing, until you have achieve herd immunity.
Flattening the curve is NEVER the right thing to do, and no matter how you try to "flatten the curve", more people will be infected than there were before.
You NEVER want to "stall".
That is always a terrible and deadly mistake.
There is no herd immunity with a mutating virus like COVID. It is here to stay unless a miracle drug is developed
There is no herd immunity with a mutating virus like COVID. It is here to stay unless a miracle drug is developed
You are WRONG! on every level. Base cell is remembered by the human immune system. the changing spike proteins mean squat as the body can deal with minor changes. This is why natural immunities are 10-100 times better at protection from mutations.
You are WRONG! on every level. Base cell is remembered by the human immune system. the changing spike proteins mean squat as the body can deal with minor changes. This is why natural immunities are 10-100 times better at protection from mutations.
That’s awesome, but doesn’t have anything to do with what I said
I know vaxxed and boosted people getting one illness after another. Influenza A, B, Covid. This happened with me with flu vaccines. I asked my dr about this and she said yes, it can happen--they can suppress your immune system.

Now imagine getting four shots of this in just over a year
I know people both @ the place of my employment & also friends not associated with my place of employment that have taken the C-19 virus just to contact the C-19 virus again. I can understand why folks contact the influenza virus like I have been diagnosed with influenza three times in my life but I do not take anti flu inoculation shots. My supervisor got inoculated against the C-19 virus then became deathly ill like he missed work for almost a whole work week. Two weeks after he was inoculated against the C-19 virus he contacted the C-19 virus for the second time, missing over two weeks of employment including the quarantine time. I do not know anyone that has told me they were hit with the new(?) covid virus. My GP has never asked me if I desire to be inoculated against the covid virus(es?). No one I personally know has told me that they went in for booster shots but just because they didn't tell me doesn't mean that the did not get the booster shots. Due to run away politick'n in America @ current I avoid anything that involves g'ment due to the obvious sinister corruption going on nation wide.
Two doses of inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) are 90% effective or more against polio; three doses are 99% to 100% effective.

Historically, the smallpox vaccine has been effective in preventing smallpox infection in 95% of those vaccinated.

Reviews of past studies have found that the flu vaccine is about 50% to 60% effective for healthy adults who are between 18 and 64 years old.
Did people tax Polio and Smallpox vaccines to protect themselves from Polio and Smallpox, or to protect themselves from those who refused those vaccines?
The only question is, is it better to get vaxed than not and everything I've seen says get vaxed. If you want to make the perfect the enemy of the good, that is your business.
I've seen plenty of vaxxed people both right after getting the vaccines and then catching covid and dying.

Catching the virus gives the victim, real immunity that last longer and is stronger than the vax hun.
When you're in the middle of a worldwide pandemic where hospitals are getting overwhelmed and over 1000 people a day are dying in the USA, any efficiency is very helpful and saves lives. The COVID shots are more like the flu shot than a smallpox vaccine. Why do people like you try so hard to sew distrust and doubt during times like these? Makes no sense to me

This is not what was sold

Get the shot or lose the job

Get the shot or you can't XYZ

Get the shot or you're killing Grandma

Get the shot or you're a terrible person

But you know this
Vaccines killing exponentially more people than the past death trends is an absurd claim and not supported by facts.

Yes there were issues with blood clots and myocarditis. There were some deaths. A small fraction of the numbers of lives saved

You think so?

We'll see won't we? Moral panics tend to cover up a lot of information. When the panic finally clears.....

See: open schools v. closed schools

Vaccines are next. First signal: the CDC saying "hey maybe hold off on that second booster"

And vaccines will save a tremendous amount of lives and get us through the next pandemic, and others to follow – pandemics likely avoidable if not for the willful ignorance, dishonesty, and lies of conservatives.

This guy is a bot I'm almost positive
I know people both @ the place of my employment & also friends not associated with my place of employment that have taken the C-19 virus just to contact the C-19 virus again. I can understand why folks contact the influenza virus like I have been diagnosed with influenza three times in my life but I do not take anti flu inoculation shots. My supervisor got inoculated against the C-19 virus then became deathly ill like he missed work for almost a whole work week. Two weeks after he was inoculated against the C-19 virus he contacted the C-19 virus for the second time, missing over two weeks of employment including the quarantine time. I do not know anyone that has told me they were hit with the new(?) covid virus. My GP has never asked me if I desire to be inoculated against the covid virus(es?). No one I personally know has told me that they went in for booster shots but just because they didn't tell me doesn't mean that the did not get the booster shots. Due to run away politick'n in America @ current I avoid anything that involves g'ment due to the obvious sinister corruption going on nation wide.

Yes. When you first get the Covid vaccine it DEPRESSES your immune system. The govt does not want you to know this, nor do they want to show these numbers. So they say it takes "14 days to be fully active" and if you get covid in that time they blame it on a prior exposure. Isn't that convenient?
That is what is alleged but none have stood up to scrutiny. So the man Trump picked to be Attorney General (after he fired his first pick) was a RINO? I thought Trump promised to only pick the best men for the job and here he picks a RINO. I'm shocked since Trump kept every one of his other promises.
I have seen the videos from Georgia and MIchigan. have you? Trump was fighting the DC corruption in both parties which apparently you support. its amazing how ignorant you hate filled liberals are.
its fake because it does not reflect reality, I don't give a shit who made it or who paid them to make it, its fake.

It reflects the actual numbers for the GDP in China. That you do not like the facts is not really my issue. You have again failed to support a thing you claim. Even your link did not claim what you think it does.
This is not what was sold

Get the shot or lose the job

Get the shot or you can't XYZ

Get the shot or you're killing Grandma

Get the shot or you're a terrible person

But you know this
You’re speaking to something totally different than I.
You think so?

We'll see won't we? Moral panics tend to cover up a lot of information. When the panic finally clears.....

See: open schools v. closed schools

Vaccines are next. First signal: the CDC saying "hey maybe hold off on that second booster"
It’s always “We’ll see…”
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