It's Over

That's OK. They'll be on record. I never thought most of the spineless Republicans in the Senate would vote to convict anyway.
The video that's been presented the last two days says it all. If Republicans want to not convict, fine by me.
This was the poll taken after just the first day. And it don't look good. :)

200% favored his conviction last time. Didn't work out then either. As least Joe will lose a couple weeks of legislative momentum and polarize the Senate over this stunt.
The Republican Senate is on trial here too. If they ignore the evidence they are complicit. Of course they've fed the ego of the monster for years. Spineless ones will end up on the wrong side of history and will go down in flames like their overweight unemployed nut job.
Sing it, Roy.

Despite Democratic impeachment managers laying out a methodical case on Wednesday, Senate Republicans seem intent as ever on acquitting Donald Trump over his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Republicans Unswayed By Evidence Trump 'Incited' Mob Against U.S. Capitol

Republicans voting against Trump would be seen as a sign of disloyalty to the party. When it's a choice between doing the right thing and being loyal to the party, loyalty will win out 90% of the time. Trump claimed he could "stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody" and not "lose any voters." This petty well describes his impeachment trial. Just like the 1st impeachment, the verdict was determined before the trial began.
The Republican Senate is on trial here too. If they ignore the evidence they are complicit. Of course they've fed the ego of the monster for years. Spineless ones will end up on the wrong side of history and will go down in flames like their overweight unemployed nut job.

There is no evidence to ignore.

If you have some, feel free to list it.
Wrong about what?! Do you honestly think that riot would have happened if it wasn’t for Trump drilling in the unsubstantiated claim that the election was being stolen from him? Be honest

I saw an interview with Sen Angus King of Maine and he talked about a law professor who used the “but for” criteria of guilt.

“But for” Trumps statements and acts, would the riots have occurred.
If Trump had accepted the results after all his legal challenges were exhausted, would the riots have occurred?
Hell no this wouldn’t have occurred. The anger of the mob was built on lies told by Trump and a willingness to fight for him after he asked over and over for them to fight for him. Not fight through the power of their voices or the power of their vote but fight through the power of force to “stop the steal”. Trump called them to come to Washington and to go to the capital and to stop the steal at the same time the votes were being certified. This shit doesn’t get any more obvious and in your face. How do these assholes here deny Trumps culpability with a straight face?
President Trump told the crowd to be peaceful and patriotic. Fact.
That he did. So what?
So we know President Trump never told anyone to storm the Capitol and we know he told the crowd to be peaceful and patriotic. You agree. Therefore, you agree that President Trump is innocent of insurrection.
No I don’t agree. If your mind is so simple that those are the only elements that you cam see and hear then I don’t think I can help you. The series of events are so crystal clear it’s embarrassing if people like you still don’t get it.
Those without honor and dignity have zero problems with letting off a known traitor.
We are certainly seeing that as Truth, aren't we? The only question is did they sell their souls willingly or were they grifted out of them.'re one to talk about souls.
You're a bull dyke fer fuks sake,your soul has been handed to the devil a long time ago.
Sing it, Roy.

Despite Democratic impeachment managers laying out a methodical case on Wednesday, Senate Republicans seem intent as ever on acquitting Donald Trump over his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Republicans Unswayed By Evidence Trump 'Incited' Mob Against U.S. Capitol

Let History judge those Republicans for their vote

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

History is often written by bad people. Opposition to the Democratic Party and their cohorts needs to increase exponentially to prevent that.

Opposition with no moral compass is the definition of Trumplicans and their cohorts.

STFU and go out and riot some more ya skank.
Sing it, Roy.

Despite Democratic impeachment managers laying out a methodical case on Wednesday, Senate Republicans seem intent as ever on acquitting Donald Trump over his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Republicans Unswayed By Evidence Trump 'Incited' Mob Against U.S. Capitol

Republicans voting against Trump would be seen as a sign of disloyalty to the party. When it's a choice between doing the right thing and being loyal to the party, loyalty will win out 90% of the time. Trump claimed he could "stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody" and not "lose any voters." This petty well describes his impeachment trial. Just like the 1st impeachment, the verdict was determined before the trial began.

It is no longer about loyalty to the Republican Party, it is about loyalty to Trump.

Mike Pence is a loyal Republican and Trump threw him to the wolves. I don’t see any Republicans defending him
Sing it, Roy.

Despite Democratic impeachment managers laying out a methodical case on Wednesday, Senate Republicans seem intent as ever on acquitting Donald Trump over his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Republicans Unswayed By Evidence Trump 'Incited' Mob Against U.S. Capitol

The latest is Dems are saying president Trump didn't intervene once the protest started(It was mostly Peaceful!!!) That's why he should be found guilty of Inciting Insurrection. The fact is it was pre planned by wackos much like BLM and Antifa only on the other end of the Spectrum. It should have been stopped before it started I agree. But It wasn't incited by The President and how was he supposed to Intervene !!! Call the CNN reporters on site and ask them to make an announcement.. So they're trying to convict him of not intervening instead of Inciting Insurrection I get it.... NOT

The fact is, Trump made 10,000 national guard available in early Jan, the idea was rejected by the DC mayor.

Sing it, Roy.

Despite Democratic impeachment managers laying out a methodical case on Wednesday, Senate Republicans seem intent as ever on acquitting Donald Trump over his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Republicans Unswayed By Evidence Trump 'Incited' Mob Against U.S. Capitol

Let History judge those Republicans for their vote

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

History is often written by bad people. Opposition to the Democratic Party and their cohorts needs to increase exponentially to prevent that.

Opposition with no moral compass is the definition of Trumplicans and their cohorts.

What moral compass does the party of abortion up until to birth or right after have? You lose. You people don't even own a compass.

I can tell you your god is a lie, but would it convince you? Nope. You've already gone full retard. Who am I to disparage the life choices of you savages.

But I will say you Cafeteria Christians are a disgusting bunch. Not worth the piss it would take to extinguish you were you set alight. That is the default message you will receive. Go fuck yourselves.

Christophobic bigot.

Yeah. Go ahead and try to rise above being a secular bigot asshole motherfucker you already are. Best of luck. "god" apparently, is rooting for you, and you alone you clueless asshole.

God is spelled with a capital "G" ya fucken heathen.
The Republican Senate is on trial here too. If they ignore the evidence they are complicit. Of course they've fed the ego of the monster for years. Spineless ones will end up on the wrong side of history and will go down in flames like their overweight unemployed nut job.

Be more coherent in your message please.
The Republican Senate is on trial here too. If they ignore the evidence they are complicit. Of course they've fed the ego of the monster for years. Spineless ones will end up on the wrong side of history and will go down in flames like their overweight unemployed nut job.
At this point, I care more about the present than the future, and I don't at all like the fact that this guy can walk away scot free from the total shitshow he just pulled and try it again.
Sing it, Roy.

Despite Democratic impeachment managers laying out a methodical case on Wednesday, Senate Republicans seem intent as ever on acquitting Donald Trump over his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Republicans Unswayed By Evidence Trump 'Incited' Mob Against U.S. Capitol

Let History judge those Republicans for their vote

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

History is often written by bad people. Opposition to the Democratic Party and their cohorts needs to increase exponentially to prevent that.

Opposition with no moral compass is the definition of Trumplicans and their cohorts.

Very moral compass whatsoever.

Impeachment is a purely political process, but it is very apparent that many of today's Republicans are more concerned about their re-election chances than their conscience. Nothing is beyond the pale. No one expects conviction, but at least all of this is part of the record, and everyone could see very very clearly what happened. There is no question Trump planned and incited his "brown shirt" mob to over turn the election. It might be the consequences of this will be felt further on in time, and of course NewYork and Georgia are investigating him.

The scary thing is...if nothing is beyond the pale, what happens when a more competent kleptocrat with a resounding populist message comes into power? Who knows, it could be a leftist next time. Hell...they'll crap their pants :lol:

This Impeachment has little hope of getting Republicans to condemn Trump.

What it does is makes a case for History to condemn Trumps actions and inaction related to the attack. Republicans have a chance to refute what was presented today. If they are as ineffective as they were yesterday, History will also condemn those Republicans who failed to hold Trump accountable.

Specifically, Cruz, McConnell, Graham and others who supported the lies that led to the attacks

History will condemn the Democrats for making impeachment a political exercise instead of the deterrence to misbehavior it was intended to be by the Founders.
Sing it, Roy.

Despite Democratic impeachment managers laying out a methodical case on Wednesday, Senate Republicans seem intent as ever on acquitting Donald Trump over his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Republicans Unswayed By Evidence Trump 'Incited' Mob Against U.S. Capitol

Let History judge those Republicans for their vote

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

History is often written by bad people. Opposition to the Democratic Party and their cohorts needs to increase exponentially to prevent that.

Opposition with no moral compass is the definition of Trumplicans and their cohorts.

Very moral compass whatsoever.

Impeachment is a purely political process, but it is very apparent that many of today's Republicans are more concerned about their re-election chances than their conscience. Nothing is beyond the pale. No one expects conviction, but at least all of this is part of the record, and everyone could see very very clearly what happened. There is no question Trump planned and incited his "brown shirt" mob to over turn the election. It might be the consequences of this will be felt further on in time, and of course NewYork and Georgia are investigating him.

The scary thing is...if nothing is beyond the pale, what happens when a more competent kleptocrat with a resounding populist message comes into power? Who knows, it could be a leftist next time. Hell...they'll crap their pants :lol:

This Impeachment has little hope of getting Republicans to condemn Trump.

What it does is makes a case for History to condemn Trumps actions and inaction related to the attack. Republicans have a chance to refute what was presented today. If they are as ineffective as they were yesterday, History will also condemn those Republicans who failed to hold Trump accountable.

Specifically, Cruz, McConnell, Graham and others who supported the lies that led to the attacks

History will condemn the Democrats for making impeachment a political exercise instead of the deterrence to misbehavior it was intended to be by the Founders.

After today’s case, that is hardly likely

Republicans have no response to today’s charges. Don’t see any out of you either
Sing it, Roy.

Despite Democratic impeachment managers laying out a methodical case on Wednesday, Senate Republicans seem intent as ever on acquitting Donald Trump over his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Republicans Unswayed By Evidence Trump 'Incited' Mob Against U.S. Capitol

Let History judge those Republicans for their vote

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

History is often written by bad people. Opposition to the Democratic Party and their cohorts needs to increase exponentially to prevent that.

Opposition with no moral compass is the definition of Trumplicans and their cohorts.

Very moral compass whatsoever.

Impeachment is a purely political process, but it is very apparent that many of today's Republicans are more concerned about their re-election chances than their conscience. Nothing is beyond the pale. No one expects conviction, but at least all of this is part of the record, and everyone could see very very clearly what happened. There is no question Trump planned and incited his "brown shirt" mob to over turn the election. It might be the consequences of this will be felt further on in time, and of course NewYork and Georgia are investigating him.

The scary thing is...if nothing is beyond the pale, what happens when a more competent kleptocrat with a resounding populist message comes into power? Who knows, it could be a leftist next time. Hell...they'll crap their pants :lol:

This Impeachment has little hope of getting Republicans to condemn Trump.

What it does is makes a case for History to condemn Trumps actions and inaction related to the attack. Republicans have a chance to refute what was presented today. If they are as ineffective as they were yesterday, History will also condemn those Republicans who failed to hold Trump accountable.

Specifically, Cruz, McConnell, Graham and others who supported the lies that led to the attacks

History will condemn the Democrats for making impeachment a political exercise instead of the deterrence to misbehavior it was intended to be by the Founders.

Let's hope.

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