It's Over

Sing it, Roy.

Despite Democratic impeachment managers laying out a methodical case on Wednesday, Senate Republicans seem intent as ever on acquitting Donald Trump over his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Republicans Unswayed By Evidence Trump 'Incited' Mob Against U.S. Capitol

Let History judge those Republicans for their vote

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

History is often written by bad people. Opposition to the Democratic Party and their cohorts needs to increase exponentially to prevent that.

Opposition with no moral compass is the definition of Trumplicans and their cohorts.

What moral compass does the party of abortion up until to birth or right after have? You lose. You people don't even own a compass.

I can tell you your god is a lie, but would it convince you? Nope. You've already gone full retard. Who am I to disparage the life choices o you savages.

But I will say you Cafeteria Christians are a disgusting bunch. Not worth the piss it would take to extinguish you were you set alight. That is the default message you will receive. Go fuck yourselves.

I asked a devout Christian this simple "What if" Jesus knew he was going to be crucified if the Orthodox Jews and Romans caught him and convinced Judas to kiss someone else instead. Then paid off the tomb guards with alcohol removed the fake jesus and reappeared 3 days later . He was speechless !!
Wrong about what?! Do you honestly think that riot would have happened if it wasn’t for Trump drilling in the unsubstantiated claim that the election was being stolen from him? Be honest

I saw an interview with Sen Angus King of Maine and he talked about a law professor who used the “but for” criteria of guilt.

“But for” Trumps statements and acts, would the riots have occurred.
If Trump had accepted the results after all his legal challenges were exhausted, would the riots have occurred?
Hell no this wouldn’t have occurred. The anger of the mob was built on lies told by Trump and a willingness to fight for him after he asked over and over for them to fight for him. Not fight through the power of their voices or the power of their vote but fight through the power of force to “stop the steal”. Trump called them to come to Washington and to go to the capital and to stop the steal at the same time the votes were being certified. This shit doesn’t get any more obvious and in your face. How do these assholes here deny Trumps culpability with a straight face?
President Trump told the crowd to be peaceful and patriotic. Fact.
That he did. So what?
So we know President Trump never told anyone to storm the Capitol and we know he told the crowd to be peaceful and patriotic. You agree. Therefore, you agree that President Trump is innocent of insurrection.
This impeachment trial is and always will be remembered as a politically driven joke I don't believe I am going out a limb in the slightest when I say every member of the Senate Democrat and Republican knew how they were going to vote before the impeachment was ever sent to the Senate. When you have that all that is going is people playing politics which is what we are seeing.

Can you defend Trumps actions and inactions that were presented today?
Can you defend what Trump did to his Vice President?
I don’t have to defend cherry picked talking points from the left just as you wouldn’t do so with cherry picked talking points from the right which is all trial is. You can pretend there is some high minded noble purpose for this impeachment if you wish we all know there isn’t.
Those without honor and dignity have zero problems with letting off a known traitor.

How childish. You people are flat wrong and dishonest in your pursuit, and you know it. The game will not turn for you despite your best efforts.

As I said earlier, it's as if Democrats are begging to be hated.
Wrong about what?! Do you honestly think that riot would have happened if it wasn’t for Trump drilling in the unsubstantiated claim that the election was being stolen from him? Be honest

Yes. It was planned before the speech by elements on both sides to follow the rally with a little rabble rousing.
No shit it was planned before his speech. I’m talking about the weeks and months of incessant claims that the election was going to rigged if he lost. That’s it was rigged when he lost, that he won in a landslide and it was stolen. That he invited people to Washington to protest. So I’ll ask again. Do you really think that Riot at the capital would have happened if it wasnt for Trump?
The thing is those things are not lies.
I’m sure you believe that. But the facts remain, the claims were challenged through our legal system and that system produced a certification of votes for Joe Biden. That’s it. That’s how our system works. You don’t go overthrow our government because you don’t like the outcome.
President Trump never said anything about overthrowing the government. You're hearing voices.
Sorry man but if Trump didn’t consider that sending thousands of pissed off people down to the capital to fight and stop the steal, would lead to some violence then he is straight up retarded. Reading one line from a teleprompter asking people to be peaceful doesn’t excuse the flood of other things he said that pushed people to violence, and that is backed up by the way trump sat on his hands after the violence started
President Trump didn't send anyone anywhere.

  1. 95% of that presented was all either totally hearsay or circumstantial with the MANAGERS reading into the record not the facts but their OWN OPINIONS of what things meant!
  2. 80% of the media clips they presented were all NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS from totally anti-Trump WaPo and NYT with unnamed anonymous sources! Don't even know it if is true!
  3. Returning from dinner recess, they spent the NEXT TWO HOURS just REPEATING stuff already presented that afternoon! They were OUT of material! :auiqs.jpg:
  4. At the end of the evening, Mike Lee stood up incensed that everything they presented that he was witness to was totally false and made up! And he made them strike it all from the record.

Those without honor and dignity have zero problems with letting off a known traitor.

How childish. You people are flat wrong and dishonest in your pursuit, and you know it. The game will not turn for you despite your best efforts.

As I said earlier, it's as if Democrats are begging to be hated.
Those without honor and dignity have zero problems with letting off a known traitor.

Known traitor?
Sing it, Roy.

Despite Democratic impeachment managers laying out a methodical case on Wednesday, Senate Republicans seem intent as ever on acquitting Donald Trump over his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Republicans Unswayed By Evidence Trump 'Incited' Mob Against U.S. Capitol

Let History judge those Republicans for their vote

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

History is often written by bad people. Opposition to the Democratic Party and their cohorts needs to increase exponentially to prevent that.

Opposition with no moral compass is the definition of Trumplicans and their cohorts.

What moral compass does the party of abortion up until to birth or right after have? You lose. You people don't even own a compass.

I can tell you your god is a lie, but would it convince you? Nope. You've already gone full retard. Who am I to disparage the life choices of you savages.

But I will say you Cafeteria Christians are a disgusting bunch. Not worth the piss it would take to extinguish you were you set alight. That is the default message you will receive. Go fuck yourselves.

Christophobic bigot.

Yeah. Go ahead and try to rise above being a secular bigot asshole motherfucker you already are. Best of luck. "god" apparently, is rooting for you, and you alone you clueless asshole.
Sing it, Roy.

Despite Democratic impeachment managers laying out a methodical case on Wednesday, Senate Republicans seem intent as ever on acquitting Donald Trump over his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Republicans Unswayed By Evidence Trump 'Incited' Mob Against U.S. Capitol

Let History judge those Republicans for their vote

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

History is often written by bad people. Opposition to the Democratic Party and their cohorts needs to increase exponentially to prevent that.

Opposition with no moral compass is the definition of Trumplicans and their cohorts.

Yet, Progressive morals are defined by the proverbial seven deadly sins.

I think you lot took it a new low when you made a bargain with the devil Trump.

I never did. I judge by accomplishments. I'm still waiting for a list of Biden's over his 50-year career.

At least enough American people saw through your smoke screen on November 3.

Some say that, yes.

Is there ever a time when the "accomplishments" (a strictly partisan understanding) come at too great a price?

Is there ever a time when the "accomplishments" (a strictly partisan understanding) come at too great a price?

Apparently not, considering Biden and Harris are in the WH.
Those without honor and dignity have zero problems with letting off a known traitor.

How childish. You people are flat wrong and dishonest in your pursuit, and you know it. The game will not turn for you despite your best efforts.

As I said earlier, it's as if Democrats are begging to be hated.

You're so partisan you can't even have a logical conversation. Who's begging to be hated here, retard?

That is not logical.

But of course it's not to someone like you. You're already broken. You have serious malfunction.

No malfunction. I was raised American in private schools during the peak of American power in the 20th Century. Logic training began in elementary school.

What's your background? Sesame Street kid? Nickelodeon?

It's gonna be whatever you like, petunia. My background is of no substance to your partisan tirades. I'd love it if you'd just keep going with this hate shit. Call me a libtard. Call me a socialist, satanist, pedophile, racist cocksucker to your hearts content. I'm your Huckleberry.

I'll call you Johnson.
Sing it, Roy.

Despite Democratic impeachment managers laying out a methodical case on Wednesday, Senate Republicans seem intent as ever on acquitting Donald Trump over his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Republicans Unswayed By Evidence Trump 'Incited' Mob Against U.S. Capitol

The latest is Dems are saying president Trump didn't intervene once the protest started(It was mostly Peaceful!!!) That's why he should be found guilty of Inciting Insurrection. The fact is it was pre planned by wackos much like BLM and Antifa only on the other end of the Spectrum. It should have been stopped before it started I agree. But It wasn't incited by The President and how was he supposed to Intervene !!! Call the CNN reporters on site and ask them to make an announcement.. So they're trying to convict him of not intervening instead of Inciting Insurrection I get it.... NOT

Nope can't change the definition. If Trump didn't intervene once it started, that's not inciting an insurrection. You can't charge with something and then later say "Well he did THIS, so well that's why he's guilty of THAT." Doesn't work that way. If the demshits thought he did nothing AFTER it started, they should have charged with dereliction of duty. But they didn't. So if they can't prove Trump is responsible for the riot which of course they haven't, then he's innocent.

You can't just charge someone with something and then decide later he did something else so he's guilty of the first thing because he had to have done the second.
This impeachment trial is and always will be remembered as a politically driven joke I don't believe I am going out a limb in the slightest when I say every member of the Senate Democrat and Republican knew how they were going to vote before the impeachment was ever sent to the Senate. When you have that all that is going is people playing politics which is what we are seeing.

Duh. Really profound. Thanks for your contribution.
Yet so many of the board geniuses can’t seem to see it.

That's because it's stupid. It's also a real insult to intelligence. You must be ejaculating yourself in pride. Fine work. :113:
Sing it, Roy.

Despite Democratic impeachment managers laying out a methodical case on Wednesday, Senate Republicans seem intent as ever on acquitting Donald Trump over his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Republicans Unswayed By Evidence Trump 'Incited' Mob Against U.S. Capitol

Let History judge those Republicans for their vote

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

History is often written by bad people. Opposition to the Democratic Party and their cohorts needs to increase exponentially to prevent that.

Opposition with no moral compass is the definition of Trumplicans and their cohorts.

What moral compass does the party of abortion up until to birth or right after have? You lose. You people don't even own a compass.

I can tell you your god is a lie, but would it convince you? Nope. You've already gone full retard. Who am I to disparage the life choices o you savages.

But I will say you Cafeteria Christians are a disgusting bunch. Not worth the piss it would take to extinguish you were you set alight. That is the default message you will receive. Go fuck yourselves.

I asked a devout Christian this simple "What if" Jesus knew he was going to be crucified if the Orthodox Jews and Romans caught him and convinced Judas to kiss someone else instead. Then paid off the tomb guards with alcohol removed the fake jesus and reappeared 3 days later . He was speechless !!

A lovely ... story.

I think Mary would have noticed the wrong guy was hanging on the cross.
Those without honor and dignity have zero problems with letting off a known traitor.

How childish. You people are flat wrong and dishonest in your pursuit, and you know it. The game will not turn for you despite your best efforts.

As I said earlier, it's as if Democrats are begging to be hated.

You're so partisan you can't even have a logical conversation. Who's begging to be hated here, retard?

That is not logical.

But of course it's not to someone like you. You're already broken. You have serious malfunction.

No malfunction. I was raised American in private schools during the peak of American power in the 20th Century. Logic training began in elementary school.

What's your background? Sesame Street kid? Nickelodeon?

It's gonna be whatever you like, petunia. My background is of no substance to your partisan tirades. I'd love it if you'd just keep going with this hate shit. Call me a libtard. Call me a socialist, satanist, pedophile, racist cocksucker to your hearts content. I'm your Huckleberry.

I'll call you Johnson.

Johnson it is, because mine is so big. Like fucking HUGE. Like. WAY bigger than yours. Just saying up front before you start having butthurt episodes again. :itsok:

Johnson it is. i like it.
This impeachment trial is and always will be remembered as a politically driven joke I don't believe I am going out a limb in the slightest when I say every member of the Senate Democrat and Republican knew how they were going to vote before the impeachment was ever sent to the Senate. When you have that all that is going is people playing politics which is what we are seeing.

Duh. Really profound. Thanks for your contribution.
Yet so many of the board geniuses can’t seem to see it.

That's because it's stupid. It's also a real insult to intelligence. You must be ejaculating yourself in pride. Fine work. :113:
Your not sepecially bright but you do impersonate the maturity of a 5th grader very well. Now if that is all you have to contribute feel free to fuck off I have no more use for you or your childish responses.
Sing it, Roy.

Despite Democratic impeachment managers laying out a methodical case on Wednesday, Senate Republicans seem intent as ever on acquitting Donald Trump over his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Republicans Unswayed By Evidence Trump 'Incited' Mob Against U.S. Capitol

Let History judge those Republicans for their vote

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

History is often written by bad people. Opposition to the Democratic Party and their cohorts needs to increase exponentially to prevent that.

Opposition with no moral compass is the definition of Trumplicans and their cohorts.

What moral compass does the party of abortion up until to birth or right after have? You lose. You people don't even own a compass.

I can tell you your god is a lie, but would it convince you? Nope. You've already gone full retard. Who am I to disparage the life choices o you savages.

But I will say you Cafeteria Christians are a disgusting bunch. Not worth the piss it would take to extinguish you were you set alight. That is the default message you will receive. Go fuck yourselves.

I asked a devout Christian this simple "What if" Jesus knew he was going to be crucified if the Orthodox Jews and Romans caught him and convinced Judas to kiss someone else instead. Then paid off the tomb guards with alcohol removed the fake jesus and reappeared 3 days later . He was speechless !!

Cool. It's like the first conspiracy theory.
In the face of the Democratic team's onslaught in the impeachment trial the Republican team has only one choice...Release The Kraken!!!!
It was supposed to come out a few months ago and was kept locked up so it must be itching for a fight.

Nah, all they need do is show commiecrats that have used the exact same words. And there are a bunch of examples.

Those without honor and dignity have zero problems with letting off a known traitor.

How childish. You people are flat wrong and dishonest in your pursuit, and you know it. The game will not turn for you despite your best efforts.

As I said earlier, it's as if Democrats are begging to be hated.

You're so partisan you can't even have a logical conversation. Who's begging to be hated here, retard?

That is not logical.

But of course it's not to someone like you. You're already broken. You have serious malfunction.

No malfunction. I was raised American in private schools during the peak of American power in the 20th Century. Logic training began in elementary school.

What's your background? Sesame Street kid? Nickelodeon?

It's gonna be whatever you like, petunia. My background is of no substance to your partisan tirades. I'd love it if you'd just keep going with this hate shit. Call me a libtard. Call me a socialist, satanist, pedophile, racist cocksucker to your hearts content. I'm your Huckleberry.

I'll call you Johnson.

Johnson it is, because mine is so big. Like fucking HUGE. Like. WAY bigger than yours. Just saying up front before you start having butthurt episodes again. :itsok:

Johnson it is. i like it.

Good. Now you can self-identify as a dick, and a very im-po-tent person.
This impeachment trial is and always will be remembered as a politically driven joke I don't believe I am going out a limb in the slightest when I say every member of the Senate Democrat and Republican knew how they were going to vote before the impeachment was ever sent to the Senate. When you have that all that is going is people playing politics which is what we are seeing.

Duh. Really profound. Thanks for your contribution.
Yet so many of the board geniuses can’t seem to see it.

That's because it's stupid. It's also a real insult to intelligence. You must be ejaculating yourself in pride. Fine work. :113:
Your not sepecially bright but you do impersonate the maturity of a 5th grader very well. Now if that is all you have to contribute feel free to fuck off I have no more use for you or your childish responses.

Are you still talking? No my dude, you can refrain addressing me. I'm done with you. I think you need to fuck right back off to your tribe.
Those without honor and dignity have zero problems with letting off a known traitor.

How childish. You people are flat wrong and dishonest in your pursuit, and you know it. The game will not turn for you despite your best efforts.

As I said earlier, it's as if Democrats are begging to be hated.

You're so partisan you can't even have a logical conversation. Who's begging to be hated here, retard?

That is not logical.

But of course it's not to someone like you. You're already broken. You have serious malfunction.

No malfunction. I was raised American in private schools during the peak of American power in the 20th Century. Logic training began in elementary school.

What's your background? Sesame Street kid? Nickelodeon?

It's gonna be whatever you like, petunia. My background is of no substance to your partisan tirades. I'd love it if you'd just keep going with this hate shit. Call me a libtard. Call me a socialist, satanist, pedophile, racist cocksucker to your hearts content. I'm your Huckleberry.

I'll call you Johnson.

Johnson it is, because mine is so big. Like fucking HUGE. Like. WAY bigger than yours. Just saying up front before you start having butthurt episodes again. :itsok:

Johnson it is. i like it.

Good. Now you can self-identify as a dick, and a very im-po-tent person.

Only until I'm the guy kicking you out due to a failure to pay your past due rent on the trailor.

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