It's Over

Sing it, Roy.

Despite Democratic impeachment managers laying out a methodical case on Wednesday, Senate Republicans seem intent as ever on acquitting Donald Trump over his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Republicans Unswayed By Evidence Trump 'Incited' Mob Against U.S. Capitol

Let History judge those Republicans for their vote

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

History is often written by bad people. Opposition to the Democratic Party and their cohorts needs to increase exponentially to prevent that.

Opposition with no moral compass is the definition of Trumplicans and their cohorts.

Yet, Progressive morals are defined by the proverbial seven deadly sins.

I think you lot took it a new low when you made a bargain with the devil Trump.

I never did. I judge by accomplishments. I'm still waiting for a list of Biden's over his 50-year career.

At least enough American people saw through your smoke screen on November 3.

Some say that, yes.

Is there ever a time when the "accomplishments" (a strictly partisan understanding) come at too great a price?

It's not a "partisan understanding". In 50 years, he's done nothing save better his own condition. Nothing.

If you disagree, you have plenty of room to list his accomplishments here.
As I said earlier, it's as if Democrats are begging to be hated.
By trump Humpers?

They already hate Dems. Who cares

There are a lot of Senators who are NOT from solid red states and their votes will be remembered.
Those without honor and dignity have zero problems with letting off a known traitor.

How childish. You people are flat wrong and dishonest in your pursuit, and you know it. The game will not turn for you despite your best efforts.

As I said earlier, it's as if Democrats are begging to be hated.
Wrong about what?! Do you honestly think that riot would have happened if it wasn’t for Trump drilling in the unsubstantiated claim that the election was being stolen from him? Be honest
This impeachment trial is and always will be remembered as a politically driven joke I don't believe I am going out a limb in the slightest when I say every member of the Senate Democrat and Republican knew how they were going to vote before the impeachment was ever sent to the Senate. When you have that all that is going is people playing politics which is what we are seeing.

Can you defend Trumps actions and inactions that were presented today?
Can you defend what Trump did to his Vice President?
Those without honor and dignity have zero problems with letting off a known traitor.

How childish. You people are flat wrong and dishonest in your pursuit, and you know it. The game will not turn for you despite your best efforts.

As I said earlier, it's as if Democrats are begging to be hated.
Wrong about what?! Do you honestly think that riot would have happened if it wasn’t for Trump drilling in the unsubstantiated claim that the election was being stolen from him? Be honest

Yes. It was planned before the speech by elements on both sides to follow the rally with a little rabble rousing.
T**** is clearly guilty. The Republican senators are looking pretty ugly right now.
You are guilty not keeping up with events. Capitol Police, FBI, DHS all new of the plans by The extremists and let it happen they should be under arrest as we speak. Speech no matter how offensive may not be censored or denied. If Americas founders had decided to say nothing instead of speaking freely and sacrificing their Lives , their Fortunes and their Sacred honor in pursuit of the freedoms you would so quickly deny to others. What have you sacrificed for your freedom to speak freely.... Others have given all !!! For you.
Thank you, Mr. Castor. Blaming FBI and the police is a pretty novel approach, and I strongly suggest you use it.
Those without honor and dignity have zero problems with letting off a known traitor.

How childish. You people are flat wrong and dishonest in your pursuit, and you know it. The game will not turn for you despite your best efforts.

As I said earlier, it's as if Democrats are begging to be hated.

You're so partisan you can't even have a logical conversation. Who's begging to be hated here, retard?

That is not logical.

But of course it's not to someone like you. You're already broken. You have serious malfunction.
This impeachment trial is and always will be remembered as a politically driven joke I don't believe I am going out a limb in the slightest when I say every member of the Senate Democrat and Republican knew how they were going to vote before the impeachment was ever sent to the Senate. When you have that all that is going is people playing politics which is what we are seeing.

Duh. Really profound. Thanks for your contribution.
Sing it, Roy.

Despite Democratic impeachment managers laying out a methodical case on Wednesday, Senate Republicans seem intent as ever on acquitting Donald Trump over his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Republicans Unswayed By Evidence Trump 'Incited' Mob Against U.S. Capitol

Let History judge those Republicans for their vote

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

History is often written by bad people. Opposition to the Democratic Party and their cohorts needs to increase exponentially to prevent that.

Opposition with no moral compass is the definition of Trumplicans and their cohorts.

What moral compass does the party of abortion up until to birth or right after have? You lose. You people don't even own a compass.
Sing it, Roy.

Despite Democratic impeachment managers laying out a methodical case on Wednesday, Senate Republicans seem intent as ever on acquitting Donald Trump over his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Republicans Unswayed By Evidence Trump 'Incited' Mob Against U.S. Capitol

Let History judge those Republicans for their vote

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

History is often written by bad people. Opposition to the Democratic Party and their cohorts needs to increase exponentially to prevent that.

Opposition with no moral compass is the definition of Trumplicans and their cohorts.

So if someones Moral compass is different than yours they should be outcast and vilified!!! A very strange way of seeking equity, equality and Unity. So the path to Unity is exclusion and cancellation even drone strikes you folks are moon bats crazed follow your leader the pie eyed piper!!
Sing it, Roy.

Despite Democratic impeachment managers laying out a methodical case on Wednesday, Senate Republicans seem intent as ever on acquitting Donald Trump over his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Republicans Unswayed By Evidence Trump 'Incited' Mob Against U.S. Capitol

Let History judge those Republicans for their vote

But in the meantime, T**** can continue to twist arms in the Republican party like the thug he is, and Trumpism will continue unabated. That is not an acceptable outcome to me.

You could always inject bleach. That would be an acceptable outcome for me.
That's OK. They'll be on record. I never thought most of the spineless Republicans in the Senate would vote to convict anyway.
The video that's been presented the last two days says it all. If Republicans want to not convict, fine by me.
This was the poll taken after just the first day. And it don't look good. :)
Yeah, this was never going to be a conviction, but this whole thing will be very useful going forward. Silver lining.
Wrong about what?! Do you honestly think that riot would have happened if it wasn’t for Trump drilling in the unsubstantiated claim that the election was being stolen from him? Be honest

I saw an interview with Sen Angus King of Maine and he talked about a law professor who used the “but for” criteria of guilt.

“But for” Trumps statements and acts, would the riots have occurred.
If Trump had accepted the results after all his legal challenges were exhausted, would the riots have occurred?
T**** is clearly guilty. The Republican senators are looking pretty ugly right now.
You are guilty not keeping up with events. Capitol Police, FBI, DHS all new of the plans by The extremists and let it happen they should be under arrest as we speak. Speech no matter how offensive may not be censored or denied. If Americas founders had decided to say nothing instead of speaking freely and sacrificing their Lives , their Fortunes and their Sacred honor in pursuit of the freedoms you would so quickly deny to others. What have you sacrificed for your freedom to speak freely.... Others have given all !!! For you.
Thank you, Mr. Castor. Blaming FBI and the police is a pretty novel approach, and I strongly suggest you use it.
It is what Democrats did all last summer. What is good for the goose.....
Those without honor and dignity have zero problems with letting off a known traitor.

How childish. You people are flat wrong and dishonest in your pursuit, and you know it. The game will not turn for you despite your best efforts.

As I said earlier, it's as if Democrats are begging to be hated.
Wrong about what?! Do you honestly think that riot would have happened if it wasn’t for Trump drilling in the unsubstantiated claim that the election was being stolen from him? Be honest

Yes. It was planned before the speech by elements on both sides to follow the rally with a little rabble rousing.
No shit it was planned before his speech. I’m talking about the weeks and months of incessant claims that the election was going to rigged if he lost. That’s it was rigged when he lost, that he won in a landslide and it was stolen. That he invited people to Washington to protest. So I’ll ask again. Do you really think that Riot at the capital would have happened if it wasnt for Trump?

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