It's So Ironic

Trump could literally poop his pants and his fans would be like "no other candidate has the balls to poop himself."

well, they said that same thing about Obama and you all still voted for him. so who has room to talk about Trump.
i did not vote for obama, in either election...the first election I was too upset with what i felt was an injustice done to hillary by the dnc....

stephie, Trump wont win, the naked or near naked pics of the real estate tycoon's third or fourth trophy wife, will help stop him from the presidency and stop her from being first lady, and probably done so, by the conservative Christian Right.

Look at the whole picture honey...this ain't gonna happen for Trump.... 10 to 1, it won't.
shouldn't all the Democrats, especially all those who fainted over Obama be in love with Trump too? He's promising HOPE AND CHANGE..... he just hasn't gotten to the part where he promises to: Stop the Seas rising and Heal thy Planet.

Change means something different. Trump offers nothing new or different; just more of the GOP "me first" dogma which has been rejected over and over.
The Republicans have the deepest bench in a decade and they are falling in love with someone with no experience and little chance of winning the election.

I think the GOP has a good bench; not a great bench. There are a lot of 1 term Senators, some governors with some good records but most governors with "meh" credentials. The "outsiders" are less impressive than they could be otherwise. There are no former advisors to the POTUS, former Cabinet Secretaries, no Newt Gingrich.

What is more troublesome is that there seems to be a lack of vision. What is the "big idea"? Of course, it's hard to have any "big ideas" when the cornerstone of your presidency has to be cutting the size of government to where it has no role outside of blowing the other guy off the face of the earth.

We certainly need a military that can do that but Americans have come to expect more from the government than that. Maybe we shouldn't but, for what it's worth, we do. So "Vote for me and you'll get less" is your battle cry.
Spoken like a true big government, entitlement mentality, socialist.

Sorry if facts upset you. The GOP made it's bed with the Grover Lundquists of the world...sweet dreams crybaby.
You don't provide facts, you provide talking points.

I would ask you to elaborate but we both know you won't/can't.
to the OP- I believe Trump loves the country the most and also he is the only one willing to do anything substantial on the border issue, which is the most important issue.

Illegal Immigration usually polls around 3%.

Loves the Country "the most"? Thanks for another reason to chuckle.
Trump could literally poop his pants and his fans would be like "no other candidate has the balls to poop himself."

well, they said that same thing about Obama and you all still voted for him. so who has room to talk about Trump.
i did not vote for obama, in either election...the first election I was too upset with what i felt was an injustice done to hillary by the dnc....

stephie, Trump wont win, the naked or near naked pics of the real estate tycoon's third or fourth trophy wife, will help stop him from the presidency and stop her from being first lady, and probably done so, by the conservative Christian Right.

Look at the whole picture honey...this ain't gonna happen for Trump.... 10 to 1, it won't.
You just plain don't get it. Nothing is gonna shock anybody about Trump, not enough to not vote for him. You lefties lowered the moral bar so low with Clinton, Frank, and Weiner, you conditioned the country to accept just about anything when it comes to their personal lives. If you try to make an issue of it, you're only gonna look like the hypocrites you are. YOU guys paved the road for Trump. Thank you! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
The Republicans have the deepest bench in a decade and they are falling in love with someone with no experience and little chance of winning the election.

I think the GOP has a good bench; not a great bench. There are a lot of 1 term Senators, some governors with some good records but most governors with "meh" credentials. The "outsiders" are less impressive than they could be otherwise. There are no former advisors to the POTUS, former Cabinet Secretaries, no Newt Gingrich.

What is more troublesome is that there seems to be a lack of vision. What is the "big idea"? Of course, it's hard to have any "big ideas" when the cornerstone of your presidency has to be cutting the size of government to where it has no role outside of blowing the other guy off the face of the earth.

We certainly need a military that can do that but Americans have come to expect more from the government than that. Maybe we shouldn't but, for what it's worth, we do. So "Vote for me and you'll get less" is your battle cry.
Spoken like a true big government, entitlement mentality, socialist.

Sorry if facts upset you. The GOP made it's bed with the Grover Lundquists of the world...sweet dreams crybaby.
You don't provide facts, you provide talking points.

I would ask you to elaborate but we both know you won't/can't.
No need to, everyone knows your M.O.
I think the GOP has a good bench; not a great bench. There are a lot of 1 term Senators, some governors with some good records but most governors with "meh" credentials. The "outsiders" are less impressive than they could be otherwise. There are no former advisors to the POTUS, former Cabinet Secretaries, no Newt Gingrich.

What is more troublesome is that there seems to be a lack of vision. What is the "big idea"? Of course, it's hard to have any "big ideas" when the cornerstone of your presidency has to be cutting the size of government to where it has no role outside of blowing the other guy off the face of the earth.

We certainly need a military that can do that but Americans have come to expect more from the government than that. Maybe we shouldn't but, for what it's worth, we do. So "Vote for me and you'll get less" is your battle cry.
Spoken like a true big government, entitlement mentality, socialist.

Sorry if facts upset you. The GOP made it's bed with the Grover Lundquists of the world...sweet dreams crybaby.
You don't provide facts, you provide talking points.

I would ask you to elaborate but we both know you won't/can't.
No need to, everyone knows your M.O.

TO nobody's surprise, you are too much of a pussy to engage.
Spoken like a true big government, entitlement mentality, socialist.

Sorry if facts upset you. The GOP made it's bed with the Grover Lundquists of the world...sweet dreams crybaby.
You don't provide facts, you provide talking points.

I would ask you to elaborate but we both know you won't/can't.
No need to, everyone knows your M.O.

TO nobody's surprise, you are too much of a pussy to engage.
You didn't engage, bitch.
We LOVE him because he CAN, and HE HAS.... You scumbag DemocRATS are next! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Good luck winning with just bitter rightwing crackers and no one else ,seeing you are about 29% of the population :9:

Well bird shit, we know you will vote for the Commie party, you're a taker, not a giver!...But you forget the Independents that ADORE The Donald! :321:
Deepest bench????? Two who might try to restore some modicum of rule of law, Walker and are Bush Light.........and I believe the support for Trump here has been stated as somewhat as last resort........other candidates preferred.........
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The Republicans have the deepest bench in a decade and they are falling in love with someone with no experience and little chance of winning the election.

It's not love for Trump, it's hate for establishment.

When is the last time you got the straight answer from the politician?
libs love illegals coming over- more votes, and candycorn- why do you think Trump leads by far in the polls? its because of those 2 issues mostly plus he is successful.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.

Only citizens can vote, not undocumented immigrants.

And liberals love and obey the Constitution and its case law, including the 5th and 14th Amendments which afford due process of the law to all persons in the United States, including those undocumented.

Trump is ignorant of the law, has contempt for the Constitution and its cause law, and seeks to reject the due process rights of those undocumented in violation of the Constitution.
libs love illegals coming over- more votes, and candycorn- why do you think Trump leads by far in the polls? its because of those 2 issues mostly plus he is successful.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.

Only citizens can vote, not undocumented immigrants.

And liberals love and obey the Constitution and its case law, including the 5th and 14th Amendments which afford due process of the law to all persons in the United States, including those undocumented.

Trump is ignorant of the law, has contempt for the Constitution and its cause law, and seeks to reject the due process rights of those undocumented in violation of the Constitution.
libs love illegals coming over- more votes, and candycorn- why do you think Trump leads by far in the polls? its because of those 2 issues mostly plus he is successful.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.

Only citizens can vote, not undocumented immigrants.

And liberals love and obey the Constitution and its case law, including the 5th and 14th Amendments which afford due process of the law to all persons in the United States, including those undocumented.

Trump is ignorant of the law, has contempt for the Constitution and its cause law, and seeks to reject the due process rights of those undocumented in violation of the Constitution.

Again an outright lie.......has been proven over and over illegals are voting in large numbers with libs cheering on the situation
libs love illegals coming over- more votes, and candycorn- why do you think Trump leads by far in the polls? its because of those 2 issues mostly plus he is successful.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.

Only citizens can vote, not undocumented immigrants.

And liberals love and obey the Constitution and its case law, including the 5th and 14th Amendments which afford due process of the law to all persons in the United States, including those undocumented.

Trump is ignorant of the law, has contempt for the Constitution and its cause law, and seeks to reject the due process rights of those undocumented in violation of the Constitution.

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