It's So Ironic

Trump could literally poop his pants and his fans would be like "no other candidate has the balls to poop himself."

well, they said that same thing about Obama and you all still voted for him. so who has room to talk about Trump.

I never voted for Obama. I voted for Robert Barr in 2008 and I voted for Gary Johnson in 2012. I would have voted Republican but like you are about to do now you guys put up shitty candidates both times.
to the OP- I believe Trump loves the country the most and also he is the only one willing to do anything substantial on the border issue, which is the most important issue.

No, the border issue is not the most important issue.
libs love illegals coming over- more votes, and candycorn- why do you think Trump leads by far in the polls? its because of those 2 issues mostly plus he is successful.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.

Only citizens can vote, not undocumented immigrants.

And liberals love and obey the Constitution and its case law, including the 5th and 14th Amendments which afford due process of the law to all persons in the United States, including those undocumented.

Trump is ignorant of the law, has contempt for the Constitution and its cause law, and seeks to reject the due process rights of those undocumented in violation of the Constitution.

Again an outright lie.......has been proven over and over illegals are voting in large numbers with libs cheering on the situation

No, it has not been proven. It is nothing more than a conspiracy theory
The Republicans have the deepest bench in a decade and they are falling in love with someone with no experience and little chance of winning the election.
I want to think that Trump is like the barmaid you fool around with but not someone you'd ever take home to mom and dad.
But it is sad that people who label themselves Republicans or Conservatives have fallen for the cult of personality this clown represents. It's like they have no core values to measure candidates against.
Trump could literally poop his pants and his fans would be like "no other candidate has the balls to poop himself."

well, they said that same thing about Obama and you all still voted for him. so who has room to talk about Trump.

I never voted for Obama. I voted for Robert Barr in 2008 and I voted for Gary Johnson in 2012. I would have voted Republican but like you are about to do now you guys put up shitty candidates both times.
If you voted for those clowns you voted for Obama. I wasnt happy with McCain but he would have done better than Obama.
This is why narco-libertarians are really Democrats in disguise.
The Republicans have the deepest bench in a decade and they are falling in love with someone with no experience and little chance of winning the election.

You thought a party platform of "hope" and "change" from someone who never held a real job in his life was good policy.....

The gay muslim president in the white house had no positions...he took the easy way and voted "present" when he was posing as a legislator...your idea of a good candidate is an Affirmative Action, Diversity Mandate, Minority Recruitment Goal, gay muslim...
well, you had to have your "black" we can move on..

america is done with the "progressive"'s empty, shrill and doesn't reflect american values...

This time we'll have a president who's a patriot who puts what's good for america instead of foisting "globalization" on the u.s.
america is done with the "progressive"'s empty, shrill and doesn't reflect american values...

This isn't about Obama. This is about the Republicans offering up more credible alternatives for the Presidency than at any time in decades, and Republicans instead going bonkers over a TV personality with zero experience and no chance of winning the election. It's surprising that Trump supporters evoke Obama as having no experience as a reason to support Trump, given that Obama's lack of experience is a criticism used by conservatives.

Trump has supported and still supports progressive ideas. For example, he wants to raise taxes on rich people which conservatives have fought tooth and nail against for decades. He wants the government to restrict businesses from managing their supply chains - that's the tariffs and anti-China rhetoric - whereas conservatives have been telling us that government has to get out of the way of business. And if you think in any way he is a social conservative, I want to know what you're smoking, because you haven't been paying attention for the past four decades.

If you go issue by issue of all the Republican candidates, Trump probably comes out to the Left on average of all the candidates.

He has come out against illegal immigrants hard, which has provoked a visceral reaction from conservatives. He also wants to plunge America back into wars into the Middle East, conjuring up bizarre fantasies of seizing oil fields in Syria from ISIS with minimal American casualties, which I suppose is "conservative" but no serious conservative foreign policy hawk has supported. But I guess that's how policy is made when a candidate gets his military advice from "watching TV shows" as he stated on Meet the Press.

If you think that somehow Trump has a coherent conservative philosophy, you are engaging in massive cognitive dissonance.
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america is done with the "progressive"'s empty, shrill and doesn't reflect american values...

Trump has supported and still supports progressive ideas. For example, he wants to raise taxes on rich people which conservatives have fought tooth and nail against for decades. He wants the government to restrict businesses from managing their supply chains - that's the anti-China rhetoric - whereas conservatives have been telling us that government has to get out of the way of business. And if you think in any way he is a social conservative, I want to know what you're smoking, because you haven't been paying attention for the past four decades.

If you go issue by issue of all the Republican candidates, Trump probably comes out to the Left on average of all the candidates.

He has come out against illegal immigrants hard, which has provoked a visceral reaction from conservatives. He also wants to plunge America back into wars into the Middle East, conjuring up bizarre fantasies of seizing oil fields in Syria from ISIS with minimal American casualties, which I suppose is "conservative" but no serious conservative hawk on foreign policy has supported. But I guess that's how policy is made when a candidate gets his military advice from "watching TV shows" as he stated on Meet the Press.

If you think that somehow Trump has a coherent conservative philosophy, you are engaging in massive cognitive dissonance.

I disagree...your language and word choices are negative and show aren't being honest and your partisanship is leaking through...hemorrhaging thorough, actually.

vote your party line...elect another career's worked SO well for the past 50 years or so...
Trump could literally poop his pants and his fans would be like "no other candidate has the balls to poop himself."

well, they said that same thing about Obama and you all still voted for him. so who has room to talk about Trump.

I never voted for Obama. I voted for Robert Barr in 2008 and I voted for Gary Johnson in 2012. I would have voted Republican but like you are about to do now you guys put up shitty candidates both times.

Neither one in 08 and 12 were my choice. I only stayed with McCain because of Sarah Palin and because she had been my Governor and I knew how she could at least kick McCain ass into doing the right things. lol.
and of course in 12. I would have voted for a goat with an R next to it's name. if I thought it could beat that thug Obama. And I'm not a Trump supporter per se. I do like how he's shaking things up. I have my favorites out of four of them, two I'm really sold on. but if trump gets the nomination, I'd vote for him against any of those Democrats which would be putting another Obama back up there if they get in. How can Trump be any worse than what's been in there for the last eight years.
america is done with the "progressive"'s empty, shrill and doesn't reflect american values...

This isn't about Obama. This is about the Republicans offering up more credible alternatives for the Presidency than at any time in decades, and Republicans instead going bonkers over a TV personality with zero experience and no chance of winning the election. It's surprising that Trump supporters evoke Obama as having no experience as a reason to support Trump, given that Obama's lack of experience is a criticism used by conservatives.

Trump has supported and still supports progressive ideas. For example, he wants to raise taxes on rich people which conservatives have fought tooth and nail against for decades. He wants the government to restrict businesses from managing their supply chains - that's the tariffs and anti-China rhetoric - whereas conservatives have been telling us that government has to get out of the way of business. And if you think in any way he is a social conservative, I want to know what you're smoking, because you haven't been paying attention for the past four decades.

If you go issue by issue of all the Republican candidates, Trump probably comes out to the Left on average of all the candidates.

He has come out against illegal immigrants hard, which has provoked a visceral reaction from conservatives. He also wants to plunge America back into wars into the Middle East, conjuring up bizarre fantasies of seizing oil fields in Syria from ISIS with minimal American casualties, which I suppose is "conservative" but no serious conservative foreign policy hawk has supported. But I guess that's how policy is made when a candidate gets his military advice from "watching TV shows" as he stated on Meet the Press.

If you think that somehow Trump has a coherent conservative philosophy, you are engaging in massive cognitive dissonance.

they haven't fought tooth and nail on taxes because they were rich. they fought for how is that EQUAL treatment for all ? they SINGLE out a certain people and raise taxes on them. how fair is that? that is what they've always fought against. not the fact they were on the wealthy. that's how that lie get spread around. I'm surprised you even fell for that. If that was how we could do it, I would tax some of these people (politicians) out of existence. but that shouldn't be how things are done, in my book anyway
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I wonder if trump will divorce and trade in this trophy wife for the next younger trophy wife looking for a sugar daddy while in the office of the presidency?

Wonder how many nude pics and other pics of distaste will be plastered all over the world wide web of the first lady/ex first ladies?

I wonder how many will try to blackmail him?

If he becomes the candidate, many conservatives will see Hillary as the BETTER, more conservative option or not vote at all is a strong possibility...

CONGRATULATIONS Maddam President! :D
I disagree...your language and word choices are negative and show aren't being honest and your partisanship is leaking through...hemorrhaging thorough, actually.

I live in Florida. I voted for Romney and Rick Scott.

My hostility is towards electing a guy who is so clearly unqualified and who does not have the temperament or the personality to be President. The Presidency of the most powerful country on earth is not an entry-level position.

I do not want a guy so flippant about sending American kids to die in wars that he says he gets his military advice from TV shows, mocks POWs as losers, or conjures up bizarre fantasies about taking Middle East oil fields with minimal casualties.
I wonder if trump will divorce and trade in this trophy wife for the next younger trophy wife looking for a sugar daddy while in the office of the presidency?

Wonder how many nude pics and other pics of distaste will be plastered all over the world wide web of the first lady/ex first ladies?

I wonder how many will try to blackmail him?

If he becomes the candidate, many conservatives will see Hillary as the BETTER, more conservative option or not vote at all is a strong possibility...

CONGRATULATIONS Maddam President! :D

I'm not sure I'd go far. My life would have to be threatened in order for me to vote for that, I mean her. lol
I disagree...your language and word choices are negative and show aren't being honest and your partisanship is leaking through...hemorrhaging thorough, actually.

I live in Florida. I voted for Romney and Rick Scott.

My hostility is towards electing a guy who is so clearly unqualified and who does not have the temperament or the personality to be President. The Presidency of the most powerful country on earth is not an entry-level position.

I do not want a guy so flippant about sending American kids to die in wars that he says he gets his military advice from TV shows, mocks POWs as losers, or conjures up bizarre fantasies about taking Middle East oil fields with minimal casualties.

so in order to fix the damage done by career politicians, your idea is to elect a career politician...good luck.
america is changing...

was romney the "perfect" candidate? scott? no...all candidates have flaws but trump is salvageable because he puts america's interests ahead of any global agendas and he wants to correct some bad, unamerican mistakes that career politicians have made...
I was thinking this morning on how it is so early for all of this on the 2016 elections. and that Trump is the one who making the money for the medias, so that's who they are focus on. Think about it? He's in every media out there and hardly hear about anyone else...... But, I just don't want people to take their eyes off the fact we still have Obama in office and gawd knows what he's doing behind our backs while they're trying to take your attention away with Trump trump trump .

stay focused on we still almost a year and half of Obama. so all this with Trump it's just a distraction right now
so in order to fix the damage done by career politicians, your idea is to elect a career politician...good luck.
america is changing...

My idea is to pick the individual most qualified to be President of the United States, and that's not Trump. I want someone who is serious, stable and thoughtful, not someone who insults people because of their looks or because they were a POW. This is not a Reality TV show. This is the Presidency of the United States. And that guy does not have the temperament to be commander in chief making decisions about going to war.

It is a false assumption that simply electing someone who isn't a career politician would make them a better President. It makes about as much sense as electing a President because of his skin color.

Things could be worse, much worse with the wrong people in power. You'd think Republicans would know this after the last seven years. But instead, they're falling in love with an erratic carnival barker.
so in order to fix the damage done by career politicians, your idea is to elect a career politician...good luck.
america is changing...

My idea is to pick the individual most qualified to be President of the United States, and that's not Trump. I want someone who is serious, stable and thoughtful, not someone who insults people because of their looks or because they were a POW. That guy does not have the temperament to be commander in chief making decisions about going to war.

It is a false assumption that simply electing someone who isn't a career politician would make them a better President. It makes about as much sense as electing a President because of his skin color.

Things could be worse, much worse with the wrong people in power. You'd think Republicans would know this after the last seven years. But instead, they're falling in love with an erratic carnival barker.

yes..I see very well..
your anti trump/anti republican/anti conservative bias is well displayed...and you even attempt to "rationalize" it...nice try...

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