It's So Ironic

so in order to fix the damage done by career politicians, your idea is to elect a career politician...good luck.
america is changing...

My idea is to pick the individual most qualified to be President of the United States, and that's not Trump. I want someone who is serious, stable and thoughtful, not someone who insults people because of their looks or because they were a POW. That guy does not have the temperament to be commander in chief making decisions about going to war.

It is a false assumption that simply electing someone who isn't a career politician would make them a better President. It makes about as much sense as electing a President because of his skin color.

Things could be worse, much worse with the wrong people in power. You'd think Republicans would know this after the last seven years. But instead, they're falling in love with an erratic carnival barker.

yes..I see very well..
your anti trump/anti republican/anti conservative bias is well displayed...and you even attempt to "rationalize" it...nice try...
You, are full of CRAP and barking up the wrong tree with Toro.

He has leaned conservative for years.

Of course he is a thinking conservative, and that's why you don't recognize him.:D
He will never be elected President.
Nor will he ever win the nomination, be on the ticket, or be in the line of succession in any way. He'll make a big stink about being snubbed for a speaking slot at the convention. Let him. If he breaks his pledge and runs an independent campaign, we'll know who's a Republican and who's not once and for all.
yes..I see very well..
your anti trump/anti republican/anti conservative bias is well displayed...and you even attempt to "rationalize" it...nice try...

Yes, I take the Presidency seriously. That's why I'm anti-Trump.

And you know I'm right. You know Trump isn't fit to be President.

he'll do just fine....america first.

He will never be elected President.

that's a ridiculous don't know.
He will never be elected President.
Nor will he ever win the nomination, be on the ticket, nor be in the line of succession in any way. He'll make a big stink about being snubbed for a speaking slot at the convention. Let him. If he breaks his pledge and runs an independent campaign, we'll know who's a Republican and who's not once and for all.

if the republican party (another group who opposes trump..and he knows it) tries to cheat him, we don't care if he "breaks his pledge".
a "pledge" to the republican party is a pledge to more corruption...screw the repub party..let them fall..same for the dem party...
We can re problem..
As a real estate tycoon, trump did fairly well with a handful of a tv reality host, he was entertaining, as a spokesperson or shock jock, he does well too...

As choosing beautiful, young wives each time, he's pretty good at that as well....

and he's kind of cute, in his own, boisterous, cocky, way

But a President, he will never be.

and as a liberal, I'm glad he is the front runner... it makes our chances better in winning the whitehouse again.... :D

ty. ty very much....Trump supporters!
As a real estate tycoon, trump did fairly well with a handful of a tv reality host, he was entertaining, as a spokesperson or shock jock, he does well too...

As choosing beautiful, young wives each time, he's pretty good at that as well....

and he's kind of cute, in his own, boisterous, cocky, way

But a President, he will never be.

and as a liberal, I'm glad he is the front runner... it makes our chances better in winning the whitehouse again.... :D

ty. ty very much....Trump supporters!

But how sad is it that you NEED the other party to fail or put up someone who you claim won't make it, in order for your party to WIN ? It's like saying they don't have enough for them win on their own.
I wonder if trump will divorce and trade in this trophy wife for the next younger trophy wife looking for a sugar daddy while in the office of the presidency?

Wonder how many nude pics and other pics of distaste will be plastered all over the world wide web of the first lady/ex first ladies?

I wonder how many will try to blackmail him?

If he becomes the candidate, many conservatives will see Hillary as the BETTER, more conservative option or not vote at all is a strong possibility...

CONGRATULATIONS Maddam President! :D
What's so different between that and having to explain to your preteen kids what "oral sex" is?

If you're looking for a candidate that will go an entire term without scandal, ya may as well stay home on election dag
trump won't be able to do any of those shock value things and downright silly things on immigration when he is takes Congress voting on them and appropriating them.... it takes the highly unlikelihood at this point, of him negotiating with the president of Mexico for Mexico to pay for the many silly things he's said...

He's a real character, a joke, to many who live in the 'real', reality....not TV reality.

But that's okay....I want him to be the Republican candidate!!!
yes..I see very well..
your anti trump/anti republican/anti conservative bias is well displayed...and you even attempt to "rationalize" it...nice try...

Yes, I take the Presidency seriously. That's why I'm anti-Trump.

And you know I'm right. You know Trump isn't fit to be President.

he'll do just fine....america first.
Nationalism doesn't do well in a global economy.

Somebody find me a clown Trump avatar.

I agree with Toro 100%
I don't want The Donald to be the face that the world aee
The Republicans have the deepest bench in a decade and they are falling in love with someone with no experience and little chance of winning the election.
So why are you so worried?
Not worried


well that can go both ways is how I look at it. I mean look at the Democrats running. and then look back with Obama. he was basically a nobody who hadn't even been in our Congress for a full term before he decided to grace us with running for President. I found that embarrassing but he was able to fool enough people to vote him in as President. I think it's still too early to know where things are going to end up.

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