it's spring


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Enough with the snowflake nonsense. Calling them snowflakes doesn't persuade them that they are wrong. It just makes you look like an @$$****.

We need to be the party of ideas, principles, and action. Not just one of insults
Stop calling people snowflakes every post. That's what.
Enough with the snowflake nonsense. Calling them snowflakes doesn't persuade them that they are wrong. It just makes you look like an @$$****.

We need to be the party of ideas, principles, and action. Not just one of insults
It's called multitasking.:biggrin: I prefer using cupcake over snowflake but only for special occasions when someone is going going really over the top stupid.
Stop calling people snowflakes every post. That's what.

They are One Trick Ponies...and need a new one

Enough with the snowflake nonsense. Calling them snowflakes doesn't persuade them that they are wrong. It just makes you look like an @$$****.

We need to be the party of ideas, principles, and action. Not just one of insults

So what should we call them? "Snowflakes" saves so much time instead of having to type out

"those liberals/progressives/statists/leftists/political class who vacillate between rioting, protesting, bullying, and punishing people who think, speak, or believe different from them and hiding in a safe place from those who think, speak, or believe different from them."​

in every post.

We have to distinguish somehow between the snowflakes and those who still have a bit of thoughtful demeanor and ability to be objective. So what's a better term to use?
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dipshits calling people snowflakes gives them creds with other dipshits.

a sepcial dipshit among special dipshits, so to speak.
Stop calling people snowflakes every post. That's what
But but but they still have safe zones, they still are whining over the election results, they still cry Bush did it! so I must answer your request this way.

We've long past the time and the chance to get along and work together. Snowflakes are snowflakes and always will be.
dipshits calling people snowflakes gives them creds with other dipshits.

a sepcial dipshit among special dipshits, so to speak.

snowflakes calling people dipshits gives them creds with other snowflakes.

a sepcial snowflake among special snowflakes, so to speak.

there ya go. cleaned it up and fixed it fer ya.
I thought this thread was going to be about pollen and hay fever.

I have been sneezing a lot lately.

No sh!t it is springtime again.
We've long past the time and the chance to get along and work together. Snowflakes are snowflakes and always will be.
It seems the vagina costumed babes have now started marching about DJT's tax returns.

It's springtime but there are still snowflakes everywhere.

What would you prefer to call them now?

Tumbleweeds ?!

We've long past the time and the chance to get along and work together. Snowflakes are snowflakes and always will be.

People can strongly disagree and still find common ground to work together to achieve a mutually desirable goal. Our new President is a master at that, but of course he gets hugely accused of flip flops and other nasty things when he does it.

But there is no working with people who think your opinions, values, beliefs, goals are something to prohibit, to attack, to punish, or make you somebody who must be destroyed. Or they are so fragile that even seeing your name or hearing a different opinion is so upsetting they need a safe place to hide.

I have often envisioned trying to explain all this to pretty much anybody from the WWII generation and would be prepared to be told that I was making it up.

Sadly, too many of us know you can't make this stuff up.

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