It's Teachers Day

You're like a hammer and everything is a nail. You have your orthodoxy here and nothing is going to break it. Makes you stupid on this topic. So shut up
Meanwhile Millennials can’t even read a map, analogue clock, cursive handwriting, balance a checkbook, use a keyboard properly, etc etc...

So? You can't spell "analog". How stupid are you?
Auto spell by a software engineer with a PhD. But you know that. You’re so desperate to score points you go after spelling and grammar.

Nope, just a jackass. It wasn't enough to pollute one education thread but you had to go after this one as well.
How dare someone not bow and worship the teachers of stupidity! ALL HEIL!!!!

You spelled that wrong too!
I read a lot. I watch , I listen

I have been a student of people for decades.

Why so many Americans hate their jobs

Why didn't you learn anything if you have been a student so long?

You haven't learned that most people do not love their jobs.

I know a lot of people and they love their jobs.

Your article points out a lot of nebulous thinking and polls that don't really mean anything. We used to say in the Navy, "A bitchin' sailor is a happy sailor!". If they weren't complaining, watch out!

Anecdotal evidence
therefore meaningless

You do know that there are more people in the country than those you know right?

You do know there are people in the country who didn't answer your SeeBS poll, right?

That makes your poll meaningless.

So now statistical sampling is meaningless?
And it was a Gallup poll
I've never been fired because I haven't worked for anyone else since I was in high school.

To say that teachers are somehow different from every other person is ridiculous.

Most people do not love their jobs
Most people are only putting in time and doing what they have to do

Teachers are no exception.

Of course teachers don't see that in themselves but then again no one does
"Most people do not love their jobs
Most people are only putting in time and doing what they have to do"

My anecdotal evidence working in the medical field says otherwise. Heck, even admin research folks love what they do. I don't even need to into doctors, nurses and apps.
Why so many Americans hate their jobs
I hated my jobs until I went to college. I was smarter than a lot of my bosses.
So yeah, I'm sure a lot of people DO hate their jobs. It's sad that is how it has to be, but some people do get stuck in a job that doesn't interest or satisfy them.

I do love the blues; are you a musician?

I play guitar and harmonica and I will always think of myself as a music student rather than a musician.
Then you have always loved that "job," haven't you? Yeah, maybe some nights you wish you didn't have to drive out to some dive and play in the cigarette smoke for a bunch of drunks, but you love that music coming out of your harmonica and your guitar--it is an extension of who you are. That's kind of how teachers feel.

Playing music isn't a job.
I never expected to make enough money to support myself playing music.

And you don't speak for all teachers do you?

I'm sure you've known plenty of teachers who were burned out

Like I said teachers are no different than any other person and most people do not love their jobs
Teaching , like any other profession, is mostly comprised of people who are just putting in their time and doing just enough not to get fired

If you believe that, it is far more than you apparently do.

I've never been fired because I haven't worked for anyone else since I was in high school.

To say that teachers are somehow different from every other person is ridiculous.

Most people do not love their jobs
Most people are only putting in time and doing what they have to do

Teachers are no exception.

Of course teachers don't see that in themselves but then again no one does
So you think YOU are special for being self-employed and therefore happy with your job?

Where did I say I was happy with my job?

And unlike you I know there is nothing special about me.

I'm just your average guy who worked to pay his bills for decades and I didn't love my job more than anyone else.

I get all my income now from property rentals and believe me when I tell you I hate being a landlord
Why do you hate being a landlord?

This guy sums it up pretty well

Being A Landlord Tests My Faith In Humanity
"Real world" of teaching:

In every elementary school in my district we now have to routinely evacuate classrooms because of kids losing their marbles and hitting, biting, kicking, and throwing things. I'm sure Weatherman has the easy answer for this, right Weatherman? What is it?

Why don't you start a school with all your accumulated knowledge and we''ll just see how many sign up to teach there and bring their kids there? Make sure you have almost five year olds who are still not toilet trained.
Maybe teachers should demand proper discipline policies in schools rather than fatter paychecks.

Teachers never strike for helping children, just themselves.

That is not a negotiable item. Your school board is responsible for disciplinary policies. Teachers are not.

Also, strikes are illegal in almost every school system in this country.
You make my point. Everything is negotiable. Especially matters concerning what goes on inside the classroom. Teachers just don’t care.

The day teachers were allowed to unionize was the day teachers stopped putting children first.

What part of "That is not a negotiable item" did you not understand the first time, dumbass?

Oh, I forgot you had years of experience as a teacher's union member just like the rest of us? Wait, what?

You weren't?

Doesn't that make you an incredible dumbass for making a claim as you did?
Saying teachers have no ability to establish policy of the safety of students simply highlights my point of how teachers are the problem, not the solution.

You’ll only strike for yourselves, never for the safety and well-being of the students.


Politicians and teachers are the only professions that congratulate themselves for doing a crappy job.
"Most people do not love their jobs
Most people are only putting in time and doing what they have to do"

My anecdotal evidence working in the medical field says otherwise. Heck, even admin research folks love what they do. I don't even need to into doctors, nurses and apps.
Why so many Americans hate their jobs
I hated my jobs until I went to college. I was smarter than a lot of my bosses.
So yeah, I'm sure a lot of people DO hate their jobs. It's sad that is how it has to be, but some people do get stuck in a job that doesn't interest or satisfy them.

I do love the blues; are you a musician?

I play guitar and harmonica and I will always think of myself as a music student rather than a musician.
Then you have always loved that "job," haven't you? Yeah, maybe some nights you wish you didn't have to drive out to some dive and play in the cigarette smoke for a bunch of drunks, but you love that music coming out of your harmonica and your guitar--it is an extension of who you are. That's kind of how teachers feel.

Playing music isn't a job.
I never expected to make enough money to support myself playing music.

And you don't speak for all teachers do you?

I'm sure you've known plenty of teachers who were burned out

Like I said teachers are no different than any other person and most people do not love their jobs
A few of my cousins played in bands . I did not inherit the music gene from that side of the family, but I know what it's like from talking to them. Only one of them actually made his living at it; most of them played gigs on the weekend for extra cash and the chance to do something they loved.

I will leave you to your misery; you seem to enjoy it.
Good job teachers!!!

Holocaust study: Two-thirds of millennials don’t know what Auschwitz is

You can blame the teachers and educational system but the truth is the Parents are the biggest failures in today children's lives when it come to educating their children.
Can we please not forget that most kids are just fine; they're reasonably well educated and no better or worse than we were at their age. I get so sick of the daily threads bitching about our young people. What a bunch of feeble minded old farts waving their canes and screaming "Get Off My Lawn!"
I hated my jobs until I went to college. I was smarter than a lot of my bosses.
So yeah, I'm sure a lot of people DO hate their jobs. It's sad that is how it has to be, but some people do get stuck in a job that doesn't interest or satisfy them.

I do love the blues; are you a musician?

I play guitar and harmonica and I will always think of myself as a music student rather than a musician.
Then you have always loved that "job," haven't you? Yeah, maybe some nights you wish you didn't have to drive out to some dive and play in the cigarette smoke for a bunch of drunks, but you love that music coming out of your harmonica and your guitar--it is an extension of who you are. That's kind of how teachers feel.

Playing music isn't a job.
I never expected to make enough money to support myself playing music.

And you don't speak for all teachers do you?

I'm sure you've known plenty of teachers who were burned out

Like I said teachers are no different than any other person and most people do not love their jobs
A few of my cousins played in bands . I did not inherit the music gene from that side of the family, but I know what it's like from talking to them. Only one of them actually made his living at it; most of them played gigs on the weekend for extra cash and the chance to do something they loved.

I will leave you to your misery; you seem to enjoy it.

Ah the condescension

I am not miserable at all what I am is realistic.

I don't live in fantasy land where unicorns roam free and everyone is in a state of perpetual bliss as they skip off to a job they all love and never complain about
Good job teachers!!!

Holocaust study: Two-thirds of millennials don’t know what Auschwitz is

You can blame the teachers and educational system but the truth is the Parents are the biggest failures in today children's lives when it come to educating their children.
Can we please not forget that most kids are just fine; they're reasonably well educated and no better or worse than we were at their age. I get so sick of the daily threads bitching about our young people. What a bunch of feeble minded old farts waving their canes and screaming "Get Off My Lawn!"

No, they are not learning today unless you are counting getting in touch with your feelings.

Most kids today grow up to being worthless wannabe white collar workers because society failed to tell them we need plumbers, electricians and so on.

So I disagree and when my old ass can still lift more than them, well I have an issue with that...

Most kids have no clue about economics, proper diet and so on.

So as you lecture me how well most of these kids are doing let me state I disagree...

The only thing good about this generation is they know how to take a selfie..

Also I tell old folks to get off my lawn because kids today are too lazy to go out...
I hated my jobs until I went to college. I was smarter than a lot of my bosses.
So yeah, I'm sure a lot of people DO hate their jobs. It's sad that is how it has to be, but some people do get stuck in a job that doesn't interest or satisfy them.

I do love the blues; are you a musician?

I play guitar and harmonica and I will always think of myself as a music student rather than a musician.
Then you have always loved that "job," haven't you? Yeah, maybe some nights you wish you didn't have to drive out to some dive and play in the cigarette smoke for a bunch of drunks, but you love that music coming out of your harmonica and your guitar--it is an extension of who you are. That's kind of how teachers feel.

Playing music isn't a job.
I never expected to make enough money to support myself playing music.

And you don't speak for all teachers do you?

I'm sure you've known plenty of teachers who were burned out

Like I said teachers are no different than any other person and most people do not love their jobs
A few of my cousins played in bands . I did not inherit the music gene from that side of the family, but I know what it's like from talking to them. Only one of them actually made his living at it; most of them played gigs on the weekend for extra cash and the chance to do something they loved.

I will leave you to your misery; you seem to enjoy it.

Ah the condescension

I am not miserable at all what I am is realistic.

I don't live in fantasy land where unicorns roam free and everyone is in a state of perpetual bliss as they skip off to a job they all love and never complain about
If you believe that, it is far more than you apparently do.

I've never been fired because I haven't worked for anyone else since I was in high school.

To say that teachers are somehow different from every other person is ridiculous.

Most people do not love their jobs
Most people are only putting in time and doing what they have to do

Teachers are no exception.

Of course teachers don't see that in themselves but then again no one does
So you think YOU are special for being self-employed and therefore happy with your job?

Where did I say I was happy with my job?

And unlike you I know there is nothing special about me.

I'm just your average guy who worked to pay his bills for decades and I didn't love my job more than anyone else.

I get all my income now from property rentals and believe me when I tell you I hate being a landlord
Why do you hate being a landlord?

This guy sums it up pretty well

Being A Landlord Tests My Faith In Humanity a Landlord, can't you control the people who rent from you? Just make them behave and do what you want them to do.
Good job teachers!!!

Holocaust study: Two-thirds of millennials don’t know what Auschwitz is

You can blame the teachers and educational system but the truth is the Parents are the biggest failures in today children's lives when it come to educating their children.
When schools have to take on the MAJOR responsibility for feeding kids and get backlash if they expect parents to keep up paying for those know that parents are not parenting anymore.
Good job teachers!!!

Holocaust study: Two-thirds of millennials don’t know what Auschwitz is

You can blame the teachers and educational system but the truth is the Parents are the biggest failures in today children's lives when it come to educating their children.
When schools have to take on the MAJOR responsibility for feeding kids and get backlash if they expect parents to keep up paying for those know that parents are not parenting anymore.
Schools CHOOSING to feed children is just another reason to hate public education.

If you think kids are not being fed, call the cops.
Good job teachers!!!

Holocaust study: Two-thirds of millennials don’t know what Auschwitz is

You can blame the teachers and educational system but the truth is the Parents are the biggest failures in today children's lives when it come to educating their children.
When schools have to take on the MAJOR responsibility for feeding kids and get backlash if they expect parents to keep up paying for those know that parents are not parenting anymore.
Those crummy lunches aren't cheap, especially if you've got a few kids in school. And packing lunches is expensive, even if the kids remember to bring back their lunch boxes which they hardly ever do. I don't know that it has a lot to do with parenting if their weekly budget is strapped sometimes.
Good job teachers!!!

Holocaust study: Two-thirds of millennials don’t know what Auschwitz is
Would you kindly start telling us what these Wapo articles say that you are always posting? There is a paywall; a lot of us can't read them.
What part of 2/3 of Millennials don’t know what Auschwitz is is confusing for you?

And no, there’s no pay wall. Your mommy must have a filter that blocks everything not G rated.

That's not necessarily a bad thing, why are you so Holocaust crazed?
I've never been fired because I haven't worked for anyone else since I was in high school.

To say that teachers are somehow different from every other person is ridiculous.

Most people do not love their jobs
Most people are only putting in time and doing what they have to do

Teachers are no exception.

Of course teachers don't see that in themselves but then again no one does
So you think YOU are special for being self-employed and therefore happy with your job?

Where did I say I was happy with my job?

And unlike you I know there is nothing special about me.

I'm just your average guy who worked to pay his bills for decades and I didn't love my job more than anyone else.

I get all my income now from property rentals and believe me when I tell you I hate being a landlord
Why do you hate being a landlord?

This guy sums it up pretty well

Being A Landlord Tests My Faith In Humanity a Landlord, can't you control the people who rent from you? Just make them behave and do what you want them to do.
It isn't really that easy. My Dad got this great idea to "invest" in a rental property to earn some extra money. Bought a place converted into two apartments in a rundown part of town, fixed it up himself, installed a washer and dryer, even. But being a soft-hearted guy, he rented to the first welfare moms who showed up with a sad tale, and the stories of what happened next were comical. Took nine months to evict them after they stopped paying the rent; he had to sneak in and disable the washing machine because they were inviting every friend without a washer to do their family's laundry there--the water bill went through the roof. One tenant disappeared in the middle of the night...There was all kinds of fun.

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