It's the Republicans turn to learn a lesson about the tea party


Free Thinker
Sep 4, 2011
We are not blind republicans, the way business was done in the past is IN THE PAST ... Your great love affair with the idea of Repub owning all houses and the oval office is going to happen, but the Tea Party does like "business as usual" Washington

We don't care about what party your in. WE DONT CARE if your a DEM or a REP ... Cut the freakin spending of our money. You think it's bad with this budget "impass" ... Look at the future, there will be A LOT more tea party people in government in just over a year.

Get the spending under control, you are not our buddies either, we may agree on a lot of things, but aparently spending isn't one of them and securing our childrens future by getting this governments spending under control trumps all other things that we see on like terms
I'll have a lot more respect for TP people if the Republicans win and the TP people still attack them, based on the same principles.
I'll have a lot more respect for TP people if the Republicans win and the TP people still attack them, based on the same principles.

They already did and to much criticism during the debt ceiling debate.
I'll have a lot more respect for TP people if the Republicans win and the TP people still attack them, based on the same principles.

Ill have alot more respect for the TP if they remove the fringe elements that claim to be core elements. IE Palin, Bachman, and few other corporate lap-dogs that think just running under TP will get them elected.

The TP is a party of pissed off Americans who are sick and tired of paying for federal governments mismanagment of everything. Were sick and tired of being marginalized and managed by our supposed republic. Were sick and tired of the disdain for the rule of law, and the lack of accountability. We come from both party's because we realize there is zero difference between the left and the right. Its time to get government off our backs and out of our wallet. Its time to do away with this interest bearing, inflation causing currency that screws everyone except for people at the top. The corporate cronyism will end. The corruption will end. Its time to start rewarding labor instead of capitol, its time to focus on ourselves. Its time to stand up for ourselves instead of waiting for government to fix itself.
Tea party ... Attack republicains? We only attack the irresponsible ass hats that are spending our childrens future. The tea party is not "attack and compromise" we are about cutting the damn spending and there are A LOT more of us of out there then either party is comfertable with
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What, no pages for independents, for one who has no use for democrats/republicans or tea partiers? To bad.
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Actually it was about a really piddly amount of spending cuts. We wanted X amount in spending cuts elsewhere to pay for the bill and the bill that was submitted fell about 5B short in the savings Elsewhere to pay for the bill .. As one guy said "it was on prinipal, if we give a little here, it becomes a slippery slope"

That guy just won re-election
I'll have a lot more respect for TP people if the Republicans win and the TP people still attack them, based on the same principles.

They've already done that. With the budget impasse in the past in regards to tax increases. The only reason people align the TP with the republicans is only the Republican party is the only party that's even close to having some of the same ideas, but make no mistake, the TP representatives are not establishment GOP, not by any means.
You can not end the deficit unless you restart the economic engine.

Jobs are the best solution to ending deficits.
We are not blind republicans, the way business was done in the past is IN THE PAST ... Your great love affair with the idea of Repub owning all houses and the oval office is going to happen, but the Tea Party does like "business as usual" Washington

We don't care about what party your in. WE DONT CARE if your a DEM or a REP ... Cut the freakin spending of our money. You think it's bad with this budget "impass" ... Look at the future, there will be A LOT more tea party people in government in just over a year.

Get the spending under control, you are not our buddies either, we may agree on a lot of things, but aparently spending isn't one of them and securing our childrens future by getting this governments spending under control trumps all other things that we see on like terms

The vast majority of Americans want jobs first before cutting spending. Its impossible to worry about 25 years from now when most Americans live pay check to pay check. Cutting Spending is not a priority right now for most Americans. Get over it!
I'll have a lot more respect for TP people if the Republicans win and the TP people still attack them, based on the same principles.

Ill have alot more respect for the TP if they remove the fringe elements that claim to be core elements. IE Palin, Bachman, and few other corporate lap-dogs that think just running under TP will get them elected.

The TP is a party of pissed off Americans who are sick and tired of paying for federal governments mismanagment of everything. Were sick and tired of being marginalized and managed by our supposed republic. Were sick and tired of the disdain for the rule of law, and the lack of accountability. We come from both party's because we realize there is zero difference between the left and the right. Its time to get government off our backs and out of our wallet. Its time to do away with this interest bearing, inflation causing currency that screws everyone except for people at the top. The corporate cronyism will end. The corruption will end. Its time to start rewarding labor instead of capitol, its time to focus on ourselves. Its time to stand up for ourselves instead of waiting for government to fix itself.

Bachmann I can see, but not Palin, Palin is straight TP to the bone. She was TP before the TP was TP. I remember when she was Governor she sold the previous governors luxury jet on Ebay because she said it was unnecessary spending. She has always been a fiscal and responsible politician that has put the people first.
The Tea Party is merely a political pressure group. It has no power or real structure. It would be active in the democrat party but there is no hope at this time in history that democrats care about anything but changing the fabric of America to socialism so they pressure republicans. The fact that lefties fear and hate the innocent people who do nothing but peacefully rally and wave the Flag is an indication that the Tea Party is effective.
We are not blind republicans, the way business was done in the past is IN THE PAST ... Your great love affair with the idea of Repub owning all houses and the oval office is going to happen, but the Tea Party does like "business as usual" Washington

We don't care about what party your in. WE DONT CARE if your a DEM or a REP ... Cut the freakin spending of our money. You think it's bad with this budget "impass" ... Look at the future, there will be A LOT more tea party people in government in just over a year.

Get the spending under control, you are not our buddies either, we may agree on a lot of things, but aparently spending isn't one of them and securing our childrens future by getting this governments spending under control trumps all other things that we see on like terms

While I do not remotely doubt YOUR sincerity, Firehorse, I definitely DO doubt the sincerity of the leadership of the TP movement.

I suspect if the TPM rank and file really held the GOP's feet to the fire, all the funding that now supports that organization will evaporate and some astroturf populist organization would be invented to act as the GOPs populist demonstation brownshirts.
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The TP are just the most clueless and myopic of Republican voters. Now, no compromise un-Americans (Time magazine) who may put the world into a depression with their "non-sense" policy.
You can not end the deficit unless you restart the economic engine.

Jobs are the best solution to ending deficits.

I agree.

Also, stimulus spending nor government spending creates long term jobs.

How do you create demand?

By offering a product people want.

Like me for example, the economy is down, the other shops around are slow, but i'm still busy...why? Because I offer a good price along with quality work which creates more demand for my services than the other shops :).

Another example is apple's I phone. People want it so they sell well.
Plenty of board space for independents to start their own thread with, no reason to hijack this one.
Sorry, will find some other space then not that I'm really an independent either. To many of both parties have hijacked the independents as well. Sad shape of our country. Just thought this was a place where our voices are supposely to count according to the header:eusa_angel:. Btw, ag workers are not included in any labor statistics as employees or part of the labor force. If you or anyone believes otherwise, please show me. Guess no one wants to hear what a lowly ag worker has to say. have a good one then.
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