It’s Time for an Outright Ban on the Promotion of Atheism.

Without the key recruitment tool of brainwashing children, the iron age religions would quickly crumble and begin their exit from history. There is no need to "teach" atheism. Children born into the modern world will simply not adopt the primitive beliefs.
I know. Fortunately science and education are 100% compatible with Catholic teaching.
Science=truth=Jesus' teaching
I agree, however you can't take civil rights away from people who aren't Catholic.
When you bring it up as a non-sequitur, it's trolling.

Found your photo online...

Yes, the UN is run basically by communist organizational leader. Throw in a few fascist ones as well. Obama and Biden caused the wars in the Ukraine. Their policies are at the heart of the death and destruction in the Ukraine. Biden should be held accountable as a war criminal.
Sure they are RUSSIANbear.

14 attributes of fascism: extreme nationalism, disdain for human rights, scapegoating enemies as a unifying cause, sexism and homophobia, tightly controlled media, obsessive security in a surveillance state, using religion to bolster political power, pampering economic and corporate elites at the expense of have-nots, suppressing organised labour, limiting intellectual and artistic expression to a narrow orthodoxy, excessive police powers and jailing as political tool, rampant cronyism and corruption, and fraudulent elections. In the days leading up to the war, Russia’s official spokespersons repeatedly denied that an invasion was imminent and dismissed such talk as “hysteria”.

Russia and republicans have fascism case................BAD.
Trump and republicans were taught well and it shows.
No one believes their BS, except them.
I saw that someone said it was dying out on Reddit. :cool:
Still haven't seen a link of any kind that backs your positive claim that the kid did not threaten to rape Hosinki's daughter. You just made it up, whereas I did not make up my statement that he did.
Sure they are RUSSIANbear.

14 attributes of fascism: extreme nationalism, disdain for human rights, scapegoating enemies as a unifying cause, sexism and homophobia, tightly controlled media, obsessive security in a surveillance state, using religion to bolster political power, pampering economic and corporate elites at the expense of have-nots, suppressing organised labour, limiting intellectual and artistic expression to a narrow orthodoxy, excessive police powers and jailing as political tool, rampant cronyism and corruption, and fraudulent elections. In the days leading up to the war, Russia’s official spokespersons repeatedly denied that an invasion was imminent and dismissed such talk as “hysteria”.

Russia and republicans have fascism case................BAD.
Trump and republicans were taught well and it shows.
No one believes their BS, except them.
No, those are possible attributes of fascism. Fascism doesn't need all 14 to be considered fascism. They really only need a couple of those quite frankly. It's funny how you used "homophobia" as a reason. Assuming that God doesn't command us to not participate in homosexual acts. However, He does.

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