It’s Time for an Outright Ban on the Promotion of Atheism.

Christianity isn't dwindling; it's increasing. The RCC Church is adding numbers. Even in America. I wish you guys could take a basic math course and understand that a decreased percentage of an increasing population does not mean raw numbers have decreased.
If the size of the entire dataset increases, but your share of that dataset does not increase at the same rate, youj are shrinking. That's why comparative numbers are always expressed as a % of the whole or for populations, x/100,000.
I agree, and I also think we should jail anybody who doesn’t believe in Santa Claus… it’s the right and just thing to do
Just substitute climate change for Santa Claus. We are already prosecuting people who don't believe in that sky fairy.
If the size of the entire dataset increases, but your share of that dataset does not increase at the same rate, youj are shrinking. That's why comparative numbers are always expressed as a % of the whole or for populations, x/100,000.
If you were a businessman in your town making $100,000 a year, and your town doubles in size and you now make $150,000, did your business grow or shrink?
If you were a businessman in your town making $100,000 a year, and your town doubles in size and you now make $150,000, did your business grow or shrink?
Not the way it works for population analysis. In order to properly compare population related numbers, you need stable references. That's percentage and/or x/100,000.

In your example, if my revenue is directly tied to the population, my business shrank. as if the population doubled, my revenues should have doubled as well.

In your example, if my revenue is directly tied to the population, my business shrank.
That's completely ridiculous.

Or is this just a trick you guys use with the tax people?
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Are you incapable of grasping that if your numbers grow slower than the general population, you are shrinking?
It's utter nonsense. If your business is getting bigger, and you have more customers and are making more money, the business is growing.
It's utter nonsense. If your business is getting bigger, and you have more customers and are making more money, the business is growing.
If you are not growing as fast as other indicators, you are in trouble. While the RCC is adding people, it is not keeping pace with population growth, therefore its importance is shrinking.
Atheists claim and pretend that their "numbers" are "growing."

In fact, their religion has THE lowest retention rate.
Indeed atheism has been classified as a religion by the Supreme Court.

This drives atheists nuttier than they already are. The Unabomber was an atheist
with a well-worn copy of atheist Isaac Asimov's "Two Volume Guide (Nasty criticism is more like it_)
to the Bible" in his rathole cabin when he was captured after murdering several and maiming others.

atheist retention rate 30%.jpg


Atheism is a necessary component of our program. - Vladimir Lenin

"One hundred years from my day there will not be a bible in the earth except one that is looked upon by an antiquarian curiosity seeker." - Voltaire, 1694 - 1778
To put it simply, no Darwin, no Hitler. Hitler tried to speed up evolution, to help it along, and millions suffered and died in unspeakable ways because of it. - D. James Kennedy

"Nothing will prevent me from eradicating totally, root and branch, all Christianity in Germany." - Adolf Hitler, April 7, 1933

"Christianity is an invention of sick brains. The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death. We commence hostilities against the so-called Ten Commandments: the tablets from Sinai are no longer in force." - Adolf Hitler

“The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity.” – Adolf Hitler”

Sounding exactly like atheists today:

Science cannot lie, for it’s always striving, according to the momentary state of knowledge, to deduce what is true. When it makes a mistake, it does so in good faith. It’s Christianity that’s the liar. It’s in perpetual conflict with itself. — Adolf Hitler

“The dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advance of science. Religion will have to make more and more concessions. Gradually the myths crumble.” – Adolf Hitler (Often called a Catholic by atheists)

Otto Strasser stated critically of the dictator, "Hitler is an atheist." for his unsettling sympathy to "Rosenberg's paganism".[15]
“More consequences for thought and action follow the affirmation or denial of God than the answering of any other basic question. The whole tenor of human life is affected by whether men regard themselves as the supreme being in the universe or acknowledge a super-human being whom they conceive of as an object of fear or love, a force to be defined or a Lord to be obeyed.” - Mortimer Adler, PhD, Former President of the University of Chicago and editor of The Great Books of the Western World
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Atheists claim and pretend that their "numbers" are "growing."

In fact, their religion has THE lowest retention rate.
Indeed atheism has been classified as a religion by the Supreme Court.

This drives atheists nuttier than they already are. The Unabomber was an atheist
with a well-worn copy of atheist Isaac Asimov's "Two Volume Guide (Nasty criticism is more like it_)
to the Bible" in his rathole cabin when he was captured after murdering several and maiming others.

View attachment 817152

View attachment 817160

Atheism is a necessary component of our program. - Vladimir Lenin

"One hundred years from my day there will not be a bible in the earth except one that is looked upon by an antiquarian curiosity seeker." - Voltaire, 1694 - 1778

Atheists are not finding Jesus

It is the Christians who do not say…..I no longer believe in God
But I don’t need this freaking religion
Atheists claim and pretend that their "numbers" are "growing."

In fact, their religion has THE lowest retention rate.
Indeed atheism has been classified as a religion by the Supreme Court.

This drives atheists nuttier than they already are. The Unabomber was an atheist
with a well-worn copy of atheist Isaac Asimov's "Two Volume Guide (Nasty criticism is more like it_)
to the Bible" in his rathole cabin when he was captured after murdering several and maiming others.

View attachment 817152

View attachment 817160

Atheism is a necessary component of our program. - Vladimir Lenin

"One hundred years from my day there will not be a bible in the earth except one that is looked upon by an antiquarian curiosity seeker." - Voltaire, 1694 - 1778
To put it simply, no Darwin, no Hitler. Hitler tried to speed up evolution, to help it along, and millions suffered and died in unspeakable ways because of it. - D. James Kennedy

"Nothing will prevent me from eradicating totally, root and branch, all Christianity in Germany." - Adolf Hitler, April 7, 1933

"Christianity is an invention of sick brains. The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death. We commence hostilities against the so-called Ten Commandments: the tablets from Sinai are no longer in force." - Adolf Hitler

“The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity.” – Adolf Hitler”

Sounding exactly like atheists today:

Science cannot lie, for it’s always striving, according to the momentary state of knowledge, to deduce what is true. When it makes a mistake, it does so in good faith. It’s Christianity that’s the liar. It’s in perpetual conflict with itself. — Adolf Hitler

“The dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advance of science. Religion will have to make more and more concessions. Gradually the myths crumble.” – Adolf Hitler (Often called a Catholic by atheists)

Otto Strasser stated critically of the dictator, "Hitler is an atheist." for his unsettling sympathy to "Rosenberg's paganism".[15]
“More consequences for thought and action follow the affirmation or denial of God than the answering of any other basic question. The whole tenor of human life is affected by whether men regard themselves as the supreme being in the universe or acknowledge a super-human being whom they conceive of as an object of fear or love, a force to be defined or a Lord to be obeyed.” - Mortimer Adler, PhD, Former President of the University of Chicago and editor of The Great Books of the Western World
Very well said.
If you are not growing as fast as other indicators, you are in trouble. While the RCC is adding people, it is not keeping pace with population growth, therefore its importance is shrinking.
Except that's not happening either. The percentage of Catholics worldwide has held steady for decades. Most people aren't attracted to atheism because it has absolutely nothing to offer. Neither truth nor goodness nor inspiration nor love.
But what kind of life is it? Is it being lived for others or selfishly?

It is a life based on compassion and doing things because it is the right thing to do……..Not because you want to get into heaven or avoid punishment from an angry God
I really despise Agnosticism a lot more that Atheism. Their slavish devotion to uncertainty really grates my ass. At least Atheists have the guts to demonstrate their hatred of Almighty God.

It is a life based on compassion and doing things because it is the right thing to do……..Not because you want to get into heaven or avoid punishment from an angry God
I hear that all the time, but rarely if ever see it.
The Catholic Church spent a great deal of time and resources throughout its history trying to stamp out heresies. How did that ultimately turn out? What makes you think Mashmont, that you'll do a better job? Maye those old Church fathers weren't brutal enough? You'll show them how it should be done?

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