It's Time For Blacks To Apologize For "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" Campaign

Jim Crow ended effectively in 1964. Thats over 50 years ago. No one serving as a police officer then is still serving today.
Do you just make up shit that fits your preconceived notions?
Ended formally then. Cultures take a while to change. The states where police were enforcing Jim Crow didn't change overnight, they're still trying to change. Otherwise the Justice Department wouldn't find egregious examples of institutional racism in states that enforced Jim Crow.
The Justice Dept would find egregious examples of racism in a Peanuts cartoon.
Go peddle that elsewhere.
btw, why is it that NYC cops are always accused of racism? Did they come out of Jim Crow culture too?

So you're taking the position that the report on Darren Wilson cannot be reliable.

Jim Crow ended effectively in 1964. Thats over 50 years ago. No one serving as a police officer then is still serving today.
Do you just make up shit that fits your preconceived notions?
Ended formally then. Cultures take a while to change. The states where police were enforcing Jim Crow didn't change overnight, they're still trying to change. Otherwise the Justice Department wouldn't find egregious examples of institutional racism in states that enforced Jim Crow.
The Justice Dept would find egregious examples of racism in a Peanuts cartoon.
Go peddle that elsewhere.
btw, why is it that NYC cops are always accused of racism? Did they come out of Jim Crow culture too?

So you're taking the position that the report on Darren Wilson cannot be reliable.

Did the report say that Wilson was guilty?
Jim Crow ended effectively in 1964. Thats over 50 years ago. No one serving as a police officer then is still serving today.
Do you just make up shit that fits your preconceived notions?
Ended formally then. Cultures take a while to change. The states where police were enforcing Jim Crow didn't change overnight, they're still trying to change. Otherwise the Justice Department wouldn't find egregious examples of institutional racism in states that enforced Jim Crow.
The Justice Dept would find egregious examples of racism in a Peanuts cartoon.
Go peddle that elsewhere.
btw, why is it that NYC cops are always accused of racism? Did they come out of Jim Crow culture too?

So you're taking the position that the report on Darren Wilson cannot be reliable.

Did the report say that Wilson was guilty?

Who cares? The Justice Dept can't be trusted. According to YOU.

The left has created a media campaign against cops over a bold-faced lie, and it's time they collectively admit their deceit and apologize for all of the deaths and destruction they have caused.

Since it has been proved in court and in the news on multiple occasions that Michael Brown never raised his hands to surrender, and that he was actually guilty of not only robbery, but of attacking a police-officer when he was shot and killed, don't you think it's time that the perpetrators of this hoax (The Obama Administration, Eric Holder, Black Members of Congress, St Louis Rams Football Players) apologize for the outright lie that "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is????

Just like Man-made Global Warming, this farce is based off of a pack of lies, and it's about time that the people that started this lie, and used it for nefarious perposes, apologize for all of the trouble that has resulted from it.


On behalf of the left I'd like to offer my most sincere and humble apology. See how easy that was, I'll bet you feel better now too.
Jim Crow ended effectively in 1964. Thats over 50 years ago. No one serving as a police officer then is still serving today.
Do you just make up shit that fits your preconceived notions?
Ended formally then. Cultures take a while to change. The states where police were enforcing Jim Crow didn't change overnight, they're still trying to change. Otherwise the Justice Department wouldn't find egregious examples of institutional racism in states that enforced Jim Crow.
The Justice Dept would find egregious examples of racism in a Peanuts cartoon.
Go peddle that elsewhere.
btw, why is it that NYC cops are always accused of racism? Did they come out of Jim Crow culture too?

So you're taking the position that the report on Darren Wilson cannot be reliable.

Did the report say that Wilson was guilty?

Who cares? The Justice Dept can't be trusted. According to YOU.
Please cite where I wrote the Justice Dept cannot be trusted.
You can't put true words in your mouth. Dont try putting them in someone else's, turd.
Everyday I give thanks to the fact that none of the right wing whack jobs posting on here have any decision making powers about anything
Please cite where I wrote the Justice Dept cannot be trusted.

Eric Holder is your friend now? Amazing rabbit. What's next? You like Hillary too?

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