It's Time For Blacks To Apologize For "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" Campaign

Here we go likes to change the subject or make mind blowing points like "I know blacks who are successful" and to him that means that discrimination doesnt exist or something...its hard to tell since he makes a fake point, loses then changes the subject

You're just to damn stupid to understand cause and effect.
If you placed a white child in a black ghetto family home he'd turn out just like any kid raised in such an environment.
Until you break that chain nothing will ever change.

Now he's talking about cause and effects of his hypothetical situations because dealing with the actual situations is too tough for him
What does that have to do with us enslaving an entire race, not to mention what was done keep them down in the following 100 years. It is no wonder that many are still poor.

Oh they're poor for a reason alright,but it has nothing to do with slavery.

Deep down in your gut, you feel that's true, don't you?

Oh I know it's true. Blaming failure on something that has absolutely nothing to do with you is a cop out.

Next we turn to the impact of slavery on current income disparities and we find that it is indeed associated with a higher degree of income inequality. In other words, former slave counties are more unequal in the present day. They also show a higher poverty rate and a higher degree of racial inequality. Moreover, the data say that the impact of slavery on economic inequality and poverty runs through its impact on racial inequality, and not vice versa.

The historical roots of inequality Evidence from slavery in the US VOX CEPR s Policy Portal

Still horse shit.
But if you truly believe it we should just write blacks of as hopeless because in your mind nothing will ever change with them.
Defeatist attitude you have there.

Let's review. Crime is linked more to poverty than race,.......
Well this is like saying the Holocaust was no biggie since every race faced murderers and killers

Dont see any Jews using that as an excuse for criminal activity.

Thats because we were talking about rates of poverty

Than I guess your boy obama better do something about it.
Unfortunately he's made things worse.

You say things that arent true then when get called on it you change the subject

Than why are they poor?
Failure to take advantage of free basic education and other opportunities that abound in the GOUSA.

Got that?
Here we go likes to change the subject or make mind blowing points like "I know blacks who are successful" and to him that means that discrimination doesnt exist or something...its hard to tell since he makes a fake point, loses then changes the subject

You're just to damn stupid to understand cause and effect.
If you placed a white child in a black ghetto family home he'd turn out just like any kid raised in such an environment.
Until you break that chain nothing will ever change.

Now he's talking about cause and effects of his hypothetical situations because dealing with the actual situations is too tough for him

So ghetto children growing up to be thugs is a hypothetical situation?
Mike Brown had that wonderful upbringing,how'd that work out for em?
Oh they're poor for a reason alright,but it has nothing to do with slavery.

Deep down in your gut, you feel that's true, don't you?

Oh I know it's true. Blaming failure on something that has absolutely nothing to do with you is a cop out.

Next we turn to the impact of slavery on current income disparities and we find that it is indeed associated with a higher degree of income inequality. In other words, former slave counties are more unequal in the present day. They also show a higher poverty rate and a higher degree of racial inequality. Moreover, the data say that the impact of slavery on economic inequality and poverty runs through its impact on racial inequality, and not vice versa.

The historical roots of inequality Evidence from slavery in the US VOX CEPR s Policy Portal

Still horse shit.
But if you truly believe it we should just write blacks of as hopeless because in your mind nothing will ever change with them.
Defeatist attitude you have there.

Let's review. Crime is linked more to poverty than race,.......
You have links to back that up?
Wow, that is stupid.

Can you name any race, creed or color that was not a slave to some other race, creed or color at some time in history?

What does that have to do with us enslaving an entire race, not to mention what was done keep them down in the following 100 years. It is no wonder that many are still poor.

Oh they're poor for a reason alright,but it has nothing to do with slavery.

Deep down in your gut, you feel that's true, don't you?

Oh I know it's true. Blaming failure on something that has absolutely nothing to do with you is a cop out.

Next we turn to the impact of slavery on current income disparities and we find that it is indeed associated with a higher degree of income inequality. In other words, former slave counties are more unequal in the present day. They also show a higher poverty rate and a higher degree of racial inequality. Moreover, the data say that the impact of slavery on economic inequality and poverty runs through its impact on racial inequality, and not vice versa.

The historical roots of inequality Evidence from slavery in the US VOX CEPR s Policy Portal
So, account for the poverty in the Rust Belt ghettos, where slavery never existed.
Maybe in some cases. It's also learned behavior,all you have to do is pay attention and you cant help but see the disparity in criminal activity between the races.


nf poverty crime FEBRUARY

And which group is more likely to be poor? Yeah....

Former slaves?
Wow, that is stupid.

Can you name any race, creed or color that was not a slave to some other race, creed or color at some time in history?

What does that have to do with us enslaving an entire race, not to mention what was done keep them down in the following 100 years. It is no wonder that many are still poor.

I suppose if we don't all make martyrs of them we're racists.

The reasons many of them are poor are many, one of which is the lack of Incentive that exists in the black community. Another is constantly patronizing Democrats acting like friends but really only buying votes.
I've pretty much given up on blacks that refuse to change.
They have been coddled and given every opportunity to succeed yet only a few take advantage of that opportunity.
We have a black president,black business leaders,black doctors and on and on..
Yet somehow they're just different ....yeah they're different. They actually applied themselves and didnt fall into the "I'm a victim" bullshit and went out and made something of themselves.
Sorry,I have zero sympathy for self inflicted poverty. Fuck the ghetto rats and the parents who raise them.
Because "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is a BAD message?
Yes...because my guess few. if NO person is shot by police when they have their hands up and asking for the o
Really? Collective actions of police?

How often do you hear of a police officer shooting an innocent black man who had his hands up and defenseless?

Now, if the narrative were something along the lines of "don't harass me because I am black"...then I would accept your post as one with validity.

But the gesture of "hands up don't shoot" implies one thing and one thing individual with his/her hands in the air begging for their lives.
Yes, I stated it correctly. The collective actions of police. Also, the reference was to a gesture not necessarily denoting the actual raising of hands, but symbolizing defenseless and/or unarmed citizens. For example, the black man in the stairwell, the 12 year old in the park, the choking death of an unarmed defenseless black man, and many more all across this nation. The gesture is being used to express the unnecessary killing of defenseless unarmed citizens, many of which are black. Again, it is not restricted to raised hands as such in all killings, but the unnecessary acts of law enforcement in general.
Nope. You did not state it correctly. The examples you cited were not situations where a black individual had their hands up showing willingness to comply.

Hands up means willingness to comply.

Hands up means willingness to comply.

Get it?

You did not state it correctly.
It is a protest gesture relating to the unnecessary actions of law enforcement. It does not carry the meaning of surrender or compliance. Yes, in Ferguson, it was meant to show that an officer shot and killed and unarmed man while the man's hands where raised, that's a given. But, as it spread across the country, it became a symbol of unnecessary shootings and violence against citizens. The same gesture was used in New York where a black man was strangled to death. It was used in New York where a black man was shot and killed while climbing the stairs to his apartment after returning from shopping. It has been used for months now all across this country, and used whether there's a question of actual raised hands or not. It is a protest statement signifying unnecessary force by police officers. Yes, it did start in Ferguson, but since has spread and used as a general protest gesture against police violence.
Hands up don't shoot is an antagonistic gesture and it paints the police forces of this nation as POTENTIAL cold blooded murderers.
Someone with his hands up, as it pertains to the police, do not need to worry about being shot by the police; thus making that gesture inappropriate.

The left got all up in arms....ELECTED POLITICIANS INCLUDED......when Sarah Palin used the image of a scope target to designate targeted areas for political campaigning.

Yet those same people and ELECTED POLITICIANS do not see the danger in what hands up don't shoot comes across as.

Quite hypocritical.
An antagonist gesture........interesting. Antagonistic enough to get one shot?

No record of recent history showing anyone getting shot by police while their hands were up in surrender.

There are records of recent history, however, where officers are deemed the "enemy" seeing as their politicians agreed that a quiet, educated, well mannered young man was shot by a police officer while he had his hands up in surrender.

So yes, the gesture is antagonistic when used to push a false narrative.

LMAO...and I recall you were one of those that was all up in arms when Palin used an image of a scope target when designating districts that required heavier campaigning.....claiming that it may incite others to "target" individuals.

The hypocrisy is pathetic.
I've pretty much given up on blacks that refuse to change.
They have been coddled and given every opportunity to succeed yet only a few take advantage of that opportunity.
We have a black president,black business leaders,black doctors and on and on..
Yet somehow they're just different ....yeah they're different. They actually applied themselves and didnt fall into the "I'm a victim" bullshit and went out and made something of themselves.
Sorry,I have zero sympathy for self inflicted poverty. Fuck the ghetto rats and the parents who raise them.
What does that have to do with us enslaving an entire race, not to mention what was done keep them down in the following 100 years. It is no wonder that many are still poor.

Oh they're poor for a reason alright,but it has nothing to do with slavery.

Deep down in your gut, you feel that's true, don't you?

Oh I know it's true. Blaming failure on something that has absolutely nothing to do with you is a cop out.

Next we turn to the impact of slavery on current income disparities and we find that it is indeed associated with a higher degree of income inequality. In other words, former slave counties are more unequal in the present day. They also show a higher poverty rate and a higher degree of racial inequality. Moreover, the data say that the impact of slavery on economic inequality and poverty runs through its impact on racial inequality, and not vice versa.

The historical roots of inequality Evidence from slavery in the US VOX CEPR s Policy Portal
So, account for the poverty in the Rust Belt ghettos, where slavery never existed.

"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, [applause]-that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."

That attitude, expressed by the great emancipator himself, was common in the general population
It's Time For Blacks To Apologize For "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" Campaign

Does anyone else get tired of this clown's bait and flame threads?
Apparently not as much as your constant bait and flame threads.

But to be honest, only an asshole thinks this is one of those, considering the fact that you ain't black., Chief PokeyourFatass
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It's Time For Blacks To Apologize For "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" Campaign

Does anyone else get tired of this clown's bait and flame threads?
Apparently not as much as your constant bait and flame threads.

But to be honest, only an asshole thinks this is one of those, considering the fact that you ain't black., Chief PokeyourFatass

Jim Crow ended effectively in 1964. Thats over 50 years ago. No one serving as a police officer then is still serving today.
Do you just make up shit that fits your preconceived notions?
Ended formally then. Cultures take a while to change. The states where police were enforcing Jim Crow didn't change overnight, they're still trying to change. Otherwise the Justice Department wouldn't find egregious examples of institutional racism in states that enforced Jim Crow.
Jim Crow ended effectively in 1964. Thats over 50 years ago. No one serving as a police officer then is still serving today.
Do you just make up shit that fits your preconceived notions?
Ended formally then. Cultures take a while to change. The states where police were enforcing Jim Crow didn't change overnight, they're still trying to change. Otherwise the Justice Department wouldn't find egregious examples of institutional racism in states that enforced Jim Crow.
The Justice Dept would find egregious examples of racism in a Peanuts cartoon.
Go peddle that elsewhere.
btw, why is it that NYC cops are always accused of racism? Did they come out of Jim Crow culture too?

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