It's Time For Blacks To Apologize For "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" Campaign

The claimj was that police who enforced Jim Crow would continue to be racists. I showed there are no police officers today who enforced Jim Crow.
Try not to move goalposts, kay?

Racist attitudes are passed down from generation to generation. Just because laws were changed doesn't mean attitudes did. You can't legislate morality or ignore the fact that racist assholes pass their racism on to their children.

Maybe in some cases. It's also learned behavior,all you have to do is pay attention and you cant help but see the disparity in criminal activity between the races.


nf poverty crime FEBRUARY

And which group is more likely to be poor? Yeah....

Former slaves?

Those must be some seriously old slaves.
The claimj was that police who enforced Jim Crow would continue to be racists. I showed there are no police officers today who enforced Jim Crow.
Try not to move goalposts, kay?

Racist attitudes are passed down from generation to generation. Just because laws were changed doesn't mean attitudes did. You can't legislate morality or ignore the fact that racist assholes pass their racism on to their children.

Maybe in some cases. It's also learned behavior,all you have to do is pay attention and you cant help but see the disparity in criminal activity between the races.


nf poverty crime FEBRUARY

And which group is more likely to be poor? Yeah....

Former slaves?
Wow, that is stupid.

Can you name any race, creed or color that was not a slave to some other race, creed or color at some time in history?
Sure thing. It's well past time for Faux News to apologize for lying about the "Stand Down" order or the lie about no rescue mission to the Consulate building in Benghazi.
Lol, bengazi was a major screw up of the Obama administration. Obama needs to apologize to the American people for lying about his incompetence in his leadership.
Racist attitudes are passed down from generation to generation. Just because laws were changed doesn't mean attitudes did. You can't legislate morality or ignore the fact that racist assholes pass their racism on to their children.

Maybe in some cases. It's also learned behavior,all you have to do is pay attention and you cant help but see the disparity in criminal activity between the races.


nf poverty crime FEBRUARY

And which group is more likely to be poor? Yeah....

Former slaves?
Wow, that is stupid.

Can you name any race, creed or color that was not a slave to some other race, creed or color at some time in history?

Well this is like saying the Holocaust was no biggie since every race faced murderers and killers
Whatever. I realise Jim Crow wasn't that long ago and the police were the entity charged with enforcing it. Cultures take a while to change.
Jim Crow ended effectively in 1964. Thats over 50 years ago. No one serving as a police officer then is still serving today.
Do you just make up shit that fits your preconceived notions?

Not really. The laws changed in 1964 but the culture of hateful racism lives on. It is effectively getting less and less with each generation.
The claimj was that police who enforced Jim Crow would continue to be racists. I showed there are no police officers today who enforced Jim Crow.
Try not to move goalposts, kay?

Racist attitudes are passed down from generation to generation. Just because laws were changed doesn't mean attitudes did. You can't legislate morality or ignore the fact that racist assholes pass their racism on to their children.
Thats so patently absurd as to be self refutiing.

Sure it is.

How does racism continue from one generation to the next? Children are born unbiased, without racist thoughts and ideals. We all come into the world as sponges, ready to soak up everything. We learn early the difference between right and wrong, and most importantly, we learn the morals and values instilled in us by our first teachers — our parents. Racism has been able to continue its journey through several generations of our society through the teachings of parents and elders.

It is passed down in the form of language used at home in front of the children, who then begin to utilize it. It is learned by views and prejudgments being shared within these families, and given specious credence by negative stereotypes played over and over on television and in other media.

Subsequently, these views spawn hatred in children. Along with childhood lessons on tying their shoes and washing their hands after using the bathroom are spoonfuls of "Don't be friends with him because he's black," "Don't play with her because she white," or "Arabs are terrorists."

Not only in language does racism reveal itself. It also shows up at home when a father doesn't want his daughter to date someone solely because of that person's race. It shows up in the stares and snubs an interracial couple receives from family members.

Does this sound familiar? Maybe, maybe not, but for some families, this type of nonsense is the norm.

Beliefs rooted in ignorance cycle down through generations - News - The Repository - Canton OH
Sure thing. It's well past time for Faux News to apologize for lying about the "Stand Down" order or the lie about no rescue mission to the Consulate building in Benghazi.
Lol, bengazi was a major screw up of the Obama administration. Obama needs to apologize to the American people for lying about his incompetence in his leadership.

I'm so glad you brought this up.

Here you are complaining about Hands up Dont shoot and demanding an apology it was built on a false narrative that turned out not to be true. And then here you are saying that Obama needs to apologize for Benghazi which was built on a false narrative that turned out not to be true.
Maybe in some cases. It's also learned behavior,all you have to do is pay attention and you cant help but see the disparity in criminal activity between the races.


nf poverty crime FEBRUARY

And which group is more likely to be poor? Yeah....

Former slaves?
Wow, that is stupid.

Can you name any race, creed or color that was not a slave to some other race, creed or color at some time in history?

Well this is like saying the Holocaust was no biggie since every race faced murderers and killers
Slavs would agree.

More of them were exterminated than Jews.
Maybe in some cases. It's also learned behavior,all you have to do is pay attention and you cant help but see the disparity in criminal activity between the races.


nf poverty crime FEBRUARY

And which group is more likely to be poor? Yeah....

Former slaves?
Wow, that is stupid.

Can you name any race, creed or color that was not a slave to some other race, creed or color at some time in history?

Well this is like saying the Holocaust was no biggie since every race faced murderers and killers

Dont see any Jews using that as an excuse for criminal activity.

nf poverty crime FEBRUARY

And which group is more likely to be poor? Yeah....

Former slaves?
Wow, that is stupid.

Can you name any race, creed or color that was not a slave to some other race, creed or color at some time in history?

Well this is like saying the Holocaust was no biggie since every race faced murderers and killers

Dont see any Jews using that as an excuse for criminal activity.

Thats because we were talking about rates of poverty

nf poverty crime FEBRUARY

And which group is more likely to be poor? Yeah....

Former slaves?
Wow, that is stupid.

Can you name any race, creed or color that was not a slave to some other race, creed or color at some time in history?

Well this is like saying the Holocaust was no biggie since every race faced murderers and killers
Slavs would agree.

More of them were exterminated than Jews.

Doesnt incident is bad by itself it doesnt need to be the baddest.
Racist attitudes are passed down from generation to generation. Just because laws were changed doesn't mean attitudes did. You can't legislate morality or ignore the fact that racist assholes pass their racism on to their children.

Maybe in some cases. It's also learned behavior,all you have to do is pay attention and you cant help but see the disparity in criminal activity between the races.


nf poverty crime FEBRUARY

And which group is more likely to be poor? Yeah....

Former slaves?
Wow, that is stupid.

Can you name any race, creed or color that was not a slave to some other race, creed or color at some time in history?

What does that have to do with us enslaving an entire race, not to mention what was done keep them down in the following 100 years. It is no wonder that many are still poor.
Because "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is a BAD message?
Yes...because my guess few. if NO person is shot by police when they have their hands up and asking for the o

The left has created a media campaign against cops over a bold-faced lie, and it's time they collectively admit their deceit and apologize for all of the deaths and destruction they have caused.

Since it has been proved in court and in the news on multiple occasions that Michael Brown never raised his hands to surrender, and that he was actually guilty of not only robbery, but of attacking a police-officer when he was shot and killed, don't you think it's time that the perpetrators of this hoax (The Obama Administration, Eric Holder, Black Members of Congress, St Louis Rams Football Players) apologize for the outright lie that "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is????

Just like Man-made Global Warming, this farce is based off of a pack of lies, and it's about time that the people that started this lie, and used it for nefarious perposes, apologize for all of the trouble that has resulted from it.

In my opinion, the gesture is a statement concerning the collective actions of police, and not just that one incident. Yes, it did start with the case of Wilson/Brown, but has since moved on to other areas of the country as a reminder of police actions everywhere. I don't believe that the gesture is confined to Missouri. I believe that the gesture spread because police are practicing the same conduct nationwide, and folks have had enough of "trigger happy cops". No one can deny police brutality, cold blooded murder, rape, stealing, taking bribes, lying in court, getting a free pass in our judicial system, and other conduct that cops arrest others for.

We can single out any one incident and defend cops, but no one can defend the general conduct reported and recorded daily all across this nation. An apology works both ways. How many times have you heard a cop apologize, or step in front of the mic and camera and say, "I made a terrible mistake, for which I am deeply sorry"? Apologies are a two-way street. Wrong is wrong, regardless of whether one is wearing a uniform or not. Lets be fair here and ask the cops to apologize for their misdeeds also, then your post will carry a lot more weight instead of being one-sided and showing a lot of obvious bias towards law enforcement. Thanks.
Really? Collective actions of police?

How often do you hear of a police officer shooting an innocent black man who had his hands up and defenseless?

Now, if the narrative were something along the lines of "don't harass me because I am black"...then I would accept your post as one with validity.

But the gesture of "hands up don't shoot" implies one thing and one thing individual with his/her hands in the air begging for their lives.
Yes, I stated it correctly. The collective actions of police. Also, the reference was to a gesture not necessarily denoting the actual raising of hands, but symbolizing defenseless and/or unarmed citizens. For example, the black man in the stairwell, the 12 year old in the park, the choking death of an unarmed defenseless black man, and many more all across this nation. The gesture is being used to express the unnecessary killing of defenseless unarmed citizens, many of which are black. Again, it is not restricted to raised hands as such in all killings, but the unnecessary acts of law enforcement in general.
Nope. You did not state it correctly. The examples you cited were not situations where a black individual had their hands up showing willingness to comply.

Hands up means willingness to comply.

Hands up means willingness to comply.

Get it?

You did not state it correctly.

The left has created a media campaign against cops over a bold-faced lie, and it's time they collectively admit their deceit and apologize for all of the deaths and destruction they have caused.

Since it has been proved in court and in the news on multiple occasions that Michael Brown never raised his hands to surrender, and that he was actually guilty of not only robbery, but of attacking a police-officer when he was shot and killed, don't you think it's time that the perpetrators of this hoax (The Obama Administration, Eric Holder, Black Members of Congress, St Louis Rams Football Players) apologize for the outright lie that "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is????

Just like Man-made Global Warming, this farce is based off of a pack of lies, and it's about time that the people that started this lie, and used it for nefarious perposes, apologize for all of the trouble that has resulted from it.

In my opinion, the gesture is a statement concerning the collective actions of police, and not just that one incident. Yes, it did start with the case of Wilson/Brown, but has since moved on to other areas of the country as a reminder of police actions everywhere. I don't believe that the gesture is confined to Missouri. I believe that the gesture spread because police are practicing the same conduct nationwide, and folks have had enough of "trigger happy cops". No one can deny police brutality, cold blooded murder, rape, stealing, taking bribes, lying in court, getting a free pass in our judicial system, and other conduct that cops arrest others for.

We can single out any one incident and defend cops, but no one can defend the general conduct reported and recorded daily all across this nation. An apology works both ways. How many times have you heard a cop apologize, or step in front of the mic and camera and say, "I made a terrible mistake, for which I am deeply sorry"? Apologies are a two-way street. Wrong is wrong, regardless of whether one is wearing a uniform or not. Lets be fair here and ask the cops to apologize for their misdeeds also, then your post will carry a lot more weight instead of being one-sided and showing a lot of obvious bias towards law enforcement. Thanks.
Really? Collective actions of police?

How often do you hear of a police officer shooting an innocent black man who had his hands up and defenseless?

Now, if the narrative were something along the lines of "don't harass me because I am black"...then I would accept your post as one with validity.

But the gesture of "hands up don't shoot" implies one thing and one thing individual with his/her hands in the air begging for their lives.
Yes, I stated it correctly. The collective actions of police. Also, the reference was to a gesture not necessarily denoting the actual raising of hands, but symbolizing defenseless and/or unarmed citizens. For example, the black man in the stairwell, the 12 year old in the park, the choking death of an unarmed defenseless black man, and many more all across this nation. The gesture is being used to express the unnecessary killing of defenseless unarmed citizens, many of which are black. Again, it is not restricted to raised hands as such in all killings, but the unnecessary acts of law enforcement in general.
Please cite an example where a black individual had surrendered themselves to police, but was shot anyway.

And I mean in recent history.

The left has created a media campaign against cops over a bold-faced lie, and it's time they collectively admit their deceit and apologize for all of the deaths and destruction they have caused.

Since it has been proved in court and in the news on multiple occasions that Michael Brown never raised his hands to surrender, and that he was actually guilty of not only robbery, but of attacking a police-officer when he was shot and killed, don't you think it's time that the perpetrators of this hoax (The Obama Administration, Eric Holder, Black Members of Congress, St Louis Rams Football Players) apologize for the outright lie that "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is????

Just like Man-made Global Warming, this farce is based off of a pack of lies, and it's about time that the people that started this lie, and used it for nefarious perposes, apologize for all of the trouble that has resulted from it.

In my opinion, the gesture is a statement concerning the collective actions of police, and not just that one incident. Yes, it did start with the case of Wilson/Brown, but has since moved on to other areas of the country as a reminder of police actions everywhere. I don't believe that the gesture is confined to Missouri. I believe that the gesture spread because police are practicing the same conduct nationwide, and folks have had enough of "trigger happy cops". No one can deny police brutality, cold blooded murder, rape, stealing, taking bribes, lying in court, getting a free pass in our judicial system, and other conduct that cops arrest others for.

We can single out any one incident and defend cops, but no one can defend the general conduct reported and recorded daily all across this nation. An apology works both ways. How many times have you heard a cop apologize, or step in front of the mic and camera and say, "I made a terrible mistake, for which I am deeply sorry"? Apologies are a two-way street. Wrong is wrong, regardless of whether one is wearing a uniform or not. Lets be fair here and ask the cops to apologize for their misdeeds also, then your post will carry a lot more weight instead of being one-sided and showing a lot of obvious bias towards law enforcement. Thanks.

So, it doesn't bother you that it is based on an absolute, indisputable, lie?
I'm not totally sure that it is, or ever was a lie. Law enforcement investigating law enforcement doesn't impress me, nor does it represent gospel truth. We were only given one side of the story, the dead man couldn't give his. No one actually saw Mr. Brown reach for the officer's weapon, since that took place inside the patrol car and no one could see what was taking place at the time. The blood could've happened due to Mr. Wilson scratching or injuring Mr. Brown. We have no video evidence, only the word of the cops that did the shooting. Also, many witnesses were dismissed for allegedly lying or misrepresenting the truth. Yet, two construction workers seen on video a second after the shooting, clearly said to the camera that Mr. Brown did indeed have his hands raised at the time of the shooting. Yet, no more was ever heard from those two eye witnesses.

Yes, I still have doubts as to what actually took place the few seconds before the killing of Mr. Brown. His head being down could have been due to severe pain from the first shot, and not due to a "charging stance" as some have claimed. There were witnesses for both sides, but some witnesses were dismissed because they had versions that differed from that of Mr. Wilson, the only person that could say for sure exactly what happened inside the patrol car.

When one branch of law enforcement investigates another branch of law enforcement, yes, there is a question as to the validity of findings. Remember, no independent outside sources were used to examine evidence. The Department of Justice, Missouri state labs and investigators, and local authorities conducted the inquiry. So, considering that scenario, yes, there is doubt as to what actually took place. Also, if anything is based on a lie, as you put it, the "lie" is still disputable as to whether it is a lie or not.

It is not a lie that he roughed up a tiny store keeper 1/3 his size.

It is not a lie that Instant Karma had his ass dead in the street like the rabid animal he was.

It is not a lie that the world is a better, safer place without him.
Yes, he was guilty of robbery, and should have been arrested. No one has denied that he robbed a store. He should have been given his day in court, convicted, and sentenced, the same as anyone that robs a store. But, it was not armed robbery, he had no weapon, and was unarmed when shot and killed.

The rest of your comment doesn't merit a response.
He did not allow the situation to get to the point where he is arrested and given his day in court.

He opted to resist.

What should an officer do when a citizen resists? Let him go? How about when the citizen punches him? Let him go? How about when the citizen reaches for his gun? Let him go?

Who prevented him from having his day in court?
And which group is more likely to be poor? Yeah....

Former slaves?
Wow, that is stupid.

Can you name any race, creed or color that was not a slave to some other race, creed or color at some time in history?

Well this is like saying the Holocaust was no biggie since every race faced murderers and killers

Dont see any Jews using that as an excuse for criminal activity.

Thats because we were talking about rates of poverty

Than I guess your boy obama better do something about it.
Unfortunately he's made things worse.

The left has created a media campaign against cops over a bold-faced lie, and it's time they collectively admit their deceit and apologize for all of the deaths and destruction they have caused.

Since it has been proved in court and in the news on multiple occasions that Michael Brown never raised his hands to surrender, and that he was actually guilty of not only robbery, but of attacking a police-officer when he was shot and killed, don't you think it's time that the perpetrators of this hoax (The Obama Administration, Eric Holder, Black Members of Congress, St Louis Rams Football Players) apologize for the outright lie that "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is????

Just like Man-made Global Warming, this farce is based off of a pack of lies, and it's about time that the people that started this lie, and used it for nefarious perposes, apologize for all of the trouble that has resulted from it.

In my opinion, the gesture is a statement concerning the collective actions of police, and not just that one incident. Yes, it did start with the case of Wilson/Brown, but has since moved on to other areas of the country as a reminder of police actions everywhere. I don't believe that the gesture is confined to Missouri. I believe that the gesture spread because police are practicing the same conduct nationwide, and folks have had enough of "trigger happy cops". No one can deny police brutality, cold blooded murder, rape, stealing, taking bribes, lying in court, getting a free pass in our judicial system, and other conduct that cops arrest others for.

We can single out any one incident and defend cops, but no one can defend the general conduct reported and recorded daily all across this nation. An apology works both ways. How many times have you heard a cop apologize, or step in front of the mic and camera and say, "I made a terrible mistake, for which I am deeply sorry"? Apologies are a two-way street. Wrong is wrong, regardless of whether one is wearing a uniform or not. Lets be fair here and ask the cops to apologize for their misdeeds also, then your post will carry a lot more weight instead of being one-sided and showing a lot of obvious bias towards law enforcement. Thanks.
Really? Collective actions of police?

How often do you hear of a police officer shooting an innocent black man who had his hands up and defenseless?

Now, if the narrative were something along the lines of "don't harass me because I am black"...then I would accept your post as one with validity.

But the gesture of "hands up don't shoot" implies one thing and one thing individual with his/her hands in the air begging for their lives.
Yes, I stated it correctly. The collective actions of police. Also, the reference was to a gesture not necessarily denoting the actual raising of hands, but symbolizing defenseless and/or unarmed citizens. For example, the black man in the stairwell, the 12 year old in the park, the choking death of an unarmed defenseless black man, and many more all across this nation. The gesture is being used to express the unnecessary killing of defenseless unarmed citizens, many of which are black. Again, it is not restricted to raised hands as such in all killings, but the unnecessary acts of law enforcement in general.
Please cite an example where a black individual had surrendered themselves to police, but was shot anyway.

And I mean in recent history.

Here you go but I know you didnt ask for it because you were unaware of anytime it has happened but you asked for it because you thought no one would find one and if they did find an example of it happening and you're going to show us all how you go from not knowing this happened to making up a story on how he deserved it.

Death Of Handcuffed Man In Police Car Ruled A Suicide The Two-Way NPR

A 21-year-old man whose hands were cuffed behind him in the back seat of a police car in Arkansas killed himself with a concealed handgun. That's according to an autopsy report released Monday into the death of Chavis Carter.

Carter died July 28 after being detained during a traffic stop. Police said he had an outstanding arrest warrant – later revealed to be drug-related. The driver and the passenger of the vehicle he was in were allowed to go.

Police searched Carter twice, but found no gun.

The state crime lab report said a gun's muzzle was placed against Carter's temple when it was fired. The Associated Press says the report was signed by three medical examiners.


"Part of the video showed Carter being patted down and ended before officers found Carter slumped over and bleeding in the back of a patrol car as was described in a police report. Police later released additional video they said was recorded after Carter was found.

Neither included the moment they say Carter shot himself, and the footage did little to resolve questions about how the shooting could have happened."

So apparently we have a case of the police arresting Plastic Man and he shot himself in the head while being handcuffed behind his back.
Because "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is a BAD message?
Yes...because my guess few. if NO person is shot by police when they have their hands up and asking for the o

The left has created a media campaign against cops over a bold-faced lie, and it's time they collectively admit their deceit and apologize for all of the deaths and destruction they have caused.

Since it has been proved in court and in the news on multiple occasions that Michael Brown never raised his hands to surrender, and that he was actually guilty of not only robbery, but of attacking a police-officer when he was shot and killed, don't you think it's time that the perpetrators of this hoax (The Obama Administration, Eric Holder, Black Members of Congress, St Louis Rams Football Players) apologize for the outright lie that "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is????

Just like Man-made Global Warming, this farce is based off of a pack of lies, and it's about time that the people that started this lie, and used it for nefarious perposes, apologize for all of the trouble that has resulted from it.

In my opinion, the gesture is a statement concerning the collective actions of police, and not just that one incident. Yes, it did start with the case of Wilson/Brown, but has since moved on to other areas of the country as a reminder of police actions everywhere. I don't believe that the gesture is confined to Missouri. I believe that the gesture spread because police are practicing the same conduct nationwide, and folks have had enough of "trigger happy cops". No one can deny police brutality, cold blooded murder, rape, stealing, taking bribes, lying in court, getting a free pass in our judicial system, and other conduct that cops arrest others for.

We can single out any one incident and defend cops, but no one can defend the general conduct reported and recorded daily all across this nation. An apology works both ways. How many times have you heard a cop apologize, or step in front of the mic and camera and say, "I made a terrible mistake, for which I am deeply sorry"? Apologies are a two-way street. Wrong is wrong, regardless of whether one is wearing a uniform or not. Lets be fair here and ask the cops to apologize for their misdeeds also, then your post will carry a lot more weight instead of being one-sided and showing a lot of obvious bias towards law enforcement. Thanks.
Really? Collective actions of police?

How often do you hear of a police officer shooting an innocent black man who had his hands up and defenseless?

Now, if the narrative were something along the lines of "don't harass me because I am black"...then I would accept your post as one with validity.

But the gesture of "hands up don't shoot" implies one thing and one thing individual with his/her hands in the air begging for their lives.
Yes, I stated it correctly. The collective actions of police. Also, the reference was to a gesture not necessarily denoting the actual raising of hands, but symbolizing defenseless and/or unarmed citizens. For example, the black man in the stairwell, the 12 year old in the park, the choking death of an unarmed defenseless black man, and many more all across this nation. The gesture is being used to express the unnecessary killing of defenseless unarmed citizens, many of which are black. Again, it is not restricted to raised hands as such in all killings, but the unnecessary acts of law enforcement in general.
Nope. You did not state it correctly. The examples you cited were not situations where a black individual had their hands up showing willingness to comply.

Hands up means willingness to comply.

Hands up means willingness to comply.

Get it?

You did not state it correctly.
It is a protest gesture relating to the unnecessary actions of law enforcement. It does not carry the meaning of surrender or compliance. Yes, in Ferguson, it was meant to show that an officer shot and killed and unarmed man while the man's hands where raised, that's a given. But, as it spread across the country, it became a symbol of unnecessary shootings and violence against citizens. The same gesture was used in New York where a black man was strangled to death. It was used in New York where a black man was shot and killed while climbing the stairs to his apartment after returning from shopping. It has been used for months now all across this country, and used whether there's a question of actual raised hands or not. It is a protest statement signifying unnecessary force by police officers. Yes, it did start in Ferguson, but since has spread and used as a general protest gesture against police violence.
Former slaves?
Wow, that is stupid.

Can you name any race, creed or color that was not a slave to some other race, creed or color at some time in history?

Well this is like saying the Holocaust was no biggie since every race faced murderers and killers

Dont see any Jews using that as an excuse for criminal activity.

Thats because we were talking about rates of poverty

Than I guess your boy obama better do something about it.
Unfortunately he's made things worse.

You say things that arent true then when get called on it you change the subject
Maybe in some cases. It's also learned behavior,all you have to do is pay attention and you cant help but see the disparity in criminal activity between the races.


nf poverty crime FEBRUARY

And which group is more likely to be poor? Yeah....

Former slaves?
Wow, that is stupid.

Can you name any race, creed or color that was not a slave to some other race, creed or color at some time in history?

What does that have to do with us enslaving an entire race, not to mention what was done keep them down in the following 100 years. It is no wonder that many are still poor.

Oh they're poor for a reason alright,but it has nothing to do with slavery.

The left has created a media campaign against cops over a bold-faced lie, and it's time they collectively admit their deceit and apologize for all of the deaths and destruction they have caused.

Since it has been proved in court and in the news on multiple occasions that Michael Brown never raised his hands to surrender, and that he was actually guilty of not only robbery, but of attacking a police-officer when he was shot and killed, don't you think it's time that the perpetrators of this hoax (The Obama Administration, Eric Holder, Black Members of Congress, St Louis Rams Football Players) apologize for the outright lie that "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is????

Just like Man-made Global Warming, this farce is based off of a pack of lies, and it's about time that the people that started this lie, and used it for nefarious perposes, apologize for all of the trouble that has resulted from it.

In my opinion, the gesture is a statement concerning the collective actions of police, and not just that one incident. Yes, it did start with the case of Wilson/Brown, but has since moved on to other areas of the country as a reminder of police actions everywhere. I don't believe that the gesture is confined to Missouri. I believe that the gesture spread because police are practicing the same conduct nationwide, and folks have had enough of "trigger happy cops". No one can deny police brutality, cold blooded murder, rape, stealing, taking bribes, lying in court, getting a free pass in our judicial system, and other conduct that cops arrest others for.

We can single out any one incident and defend cops, but no one can defend the general conduct reported and recorded daily all across this nation. An apology works both ways. How many times have you heard a cop apologize, or step in front of the mic and camera and say, "I made a terrible mistake, for which I am deeply sorry"? Apologies are a two-way street. Wrong is wrong, regardless of whether one is wearing a uniform or not. Lets be fair here and ask the cops to apologize for their misdeeds also, then your post will carry a lot more weight instead of being one-sided and showing a lot of obvious bias towards law enforcement. Thanks.
Really? Collective actions of police?

How often do you hear of a police officer shooting an innocent black man who had his hands up and defenseless?

Now, if the narrative were something along the lines of "don't harass me because I am black"...then I would accept your post as one with validity.

But the gesture of "hands up don't shoot" implies one thing and one thing individual with his/her hands in the air begging for their lives.
Yes, I stated it correctly. The collective actions of police. Also, the reference was to a gesture not necessarily denoting the actual raising of hands, but symbolizing defenseless and/or unarmed citizens. For example, the black man in the stairwell, the 12 year old in the park, the choking death of an unarmed defenseless black man, and many more all across this nation. The gesture is being used to express the unnecessary killing of defenseless unarmed citizens, many of which are black. Again, it is not restricted to raised hands as such in all killings, but the unnecessary acts of law enforcement in general.
Please cite an example where a black individual had surrendered themselves to police, but was shot anyway.

And I mean in recent history.
The one that was asked by a cop to show ID, then was shot while reaching into his vehicle to get his ID. It was on the news, along with the dash cam video from the cop car.

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