It's Time For Blacks To Apologize For "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" Campaign


The left has created a media campaign against cops over a bold-faced lie, and it's time they collectively admit their deceit and apologize for all of the deaths and destruction they have caused.

Since it has been proved in court and in the news on multiple occasions that Michael Brown never raised his hands to surrender, and that he was actually guilty of not only robbery, but of attacking a police-officer when he was shot and killed, don't you think it's time that the perpetrators of this hoax (The Obama Administration, Eric Holder, Black Members of Congress, St Louis Rams Football Players) apologize for the outright lie that "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is????

Just like Man-made Global Warming, this farce is based off of a pack of lies, and it's about time that the people that started this lie, and used it for nefarious perposes, apologize for all of the trouble that has resulted from it.

In my opinion, the gesture is a statement concerning the collective actions of police, and not just that one incident. Yes, it did start with the case of Wilson/Brown, but has since moved on to other areas of the country as a reminder of police actions everywhere. I don't believe that the gesture is confined to Missouri. I believe that the gesture spread because police are practicing the same conduct nationwide, and folks have had enough of "trigger happy cops". No one can deny police brutality, cold blooded murder, rape, stealing, taking bribes, lying in court, getting a free pass in our judicial system, and other conduct that cops arrest others for.

We can single out any one incident and defend cops, but no one can defend the general conduct reported and recorded daily all across this nation. An apology works both ways. How many times have you heard a cop apologize, or step in front of the mic and camera and say, "I made a terrible mistake, for which I am deeply sorry"? Apologies are a two-way street. Wrong is wrong, regardless of whether one is wearing a uniform or not. Lets be fair here and ask the cops to apologize for their misdeeds also, then your post will carry a lot more weight instead of being one-sided and showing a lot of obvious bias towards law enforcement. Thanks.
How about an apology from the black community for their disproportionate share of thefts, robberies, murders and children with no fathers.
So, it doesn't bother you that it is based on an absolute, indisputable, lie?
The police were pointing weapons at unarmed protestors, what should they chant?

'Shoot me?'

There was a clip of a police officer who acted only too keen to do that. I think those protestors might know a thing or two about surviving the farming operation in Ferguson.
How many protestors were shot by cops in Ferguson?

How many cops were shot by protestors in Ferguson?
Don't be bitter, get it out of yourself...

You are probably sitting there in your underwear and a tin hat and its all the democrats fault....

Actually, I'm sitting here wondering if it's too early to go for a swim in my pool.

I'm also looking at Zillow for a place up North I can go to when it gets too hot down here. Somewhere that has nice, cool Summers.

But I can't afford more than $100k for a Summer home now that the wife retired (she's a lot younger than I am). I retired 15 years ago -- At 52.

I might have time to take my Harley out for a spin before it rains (the fucking weather channel is completely unreliable however, so I might stay home) but the traffic down here right now is terrible..... Beyond terrible. Fucking snow-birds. Hate 'em.

All they do is come down here and clog everything up, get in the way and complain. I won't miss them when they leave -- Soon, hopefully. Usually dies down a little bit after Easter.

Yeah, scumbag.... I'm sitting here in my underwear.

Believe what you will.... You're a dimocrap scumbag, you always do.
Here's a story for you to ignore.

A Letter From Black America

Yes, we fear the police. Here’s why.

A Letter From Black America - Nikole Hannah-Jones - POLITICO Magazine

For those of you reading this who may not be black, or perhaps Latino, this is my chance to tell you that a substantial portion of your fellow citizens in the United States of America have little expectation of being treated fairly by the law or receiving justice. It’s possible this will come as a surprise to you. But to a very real extent, you have grown up in a different country than I have.

What does she know, eh?
This thread explains some of the RWs on this board.

Unarmed black man is shot dead by an officer of endemic racist police department and it is the RW that is looking for the apology.

I mean this department didn't know enough not to issues non lethal weapons to officers doing crowd control. How stupid are they?

Other police depts around the world were pretty disturbed by Ferguson PD actions.

What do other police departments do when unarmed men assault police officers?
...don't you think it's time that the perpetrators of this hoax (The Obama Administration, Eric Holder, Black Members of Congress, St Louis Rams Football Players) apologize for the outright lie that "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is????

apologize that is a joke.., right ? and exactly what good would it do ??

once said can not be unsaid, once heard, can not be unheard.

this ^^^^^ is the ^^^^^^ reason i say ^^^^^ apologizes are worthless ^^^^^ and mostly insincere.

The left has created a media campaign against cops over a bold-faced lie, and it's time they collectively admit their deceit and apologize for all of the deaths and destruction they have caused.

Since it has been proved in court and in the news on multiple occasions that Michael Brown never raised his hands to surrender, and that he was actually guilty of not only robbery, but of attacking a police-officer when he was shot and killed, don't you think it's time that the perpetrators of this hoax (The Obama Administration, Eric Holder, Black Members of Congress, St Louis Rams Football Players) apologize for the outright lie that "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is????

Just like Man-made Global Warming, this farce is based off of a pack of lies, and it's about time that the people that started this lie, and used it for nefarious perposes, apologize for all of the trouble that has resulted from it.

In my opinion, the gesture is a statement concerning the collective actions of police, and not just that one incident. Yes, it did start with the case of Wilson/Brown, but has since moved on to other areas of the country as a reminder of police actions everywhere. I don't believe that the gesture is confined to Missouri. I believe that the gesture spread because police are practicing the same conduct nationwide, and folks have had enough of "trigger happy cops". No one can deny police brutality, cold blooded murder, rape, stealing, taking bribes, lying in court, getting a free pass in our judicial system, and other conduct that cops arrest others for.

We can single out any one incident and defend cops, but no one can defend the general conduct reported and recorded daily all across this nation. An apology works both ways. How many times have you heard a cop apologize, or step in front of the mic and camera and say, "I made a terrible mistake, for which I am deeply sorry"? Apologies are a two-way street. Wrong is wrong, regardless of whether one is wearing a uniform or not. Lets be fair here and ask the cops to apologize for their misdeeds also, then your post will carry a lot more weight instead of being one-sided and showing a lot of obvious bias towards law enforcement. Thanks.

So, it doesn't bother you that it is based on an absolute, indisputable, lie?
I'm not totally sure that it is, or ever was a lie. Law enforcement investigating law enforcement doesn't impress me, nor does it represent gospel truth. We were only given one side of the story, the dead man couldn't give his. No one actually saw Mr. Brown reach for the officer's weapon, since that took place inside the patrol car and no one could see what was taking place at the time. The blood could've happened due to Mr. Wilson scratching or injuring Mr. Brown. We have no video evidence, only the word of the cops that did the shooting. Also, many witnesses were dismissed for allegedly lying or misrepresenting the truth. Yet, two construction workers seen on video a second after the shooting, clearly said to the camera that Mr. Brown did indeed have his hands raised at the time of the shooting. Yet, no more was ever heard from those two eye witnesses.

Yes, I still have doubts as to what actually took place the few seconds before the killing of Mr. Brown. His head being down could have been due to severe pain from the first shot, and not due to a "charging stance" as some have claimed. There were witnesses for both sides, but some witnesses were dismissed because they had versions that differed from that of Mr. Wilson, the only person that could say for sure exactly what happened inside the patrol car.

When one branch of law enforcement investigates another branch of law enforcement, yes, there is a question as to the validity of findings. Remember, no independent outside sources were used to examine evidence. The Department of Justice, Missouri state labs and investigators, and local authorities conducted the inquiry. So, considering that scenario, yes, there is doubt as to what actually took place. Also, if anything is based on a lie, as you put it, the "lie" is still disputable as to whether it is a lie or not.
I'm not totally sure that it is, or ever was a lie. Law enforcement investigating law enforcement doesn't impress me, nor does it represent gospel truth. We were only given one side of the story, the dead man couldn't give his. No one actually saw Mr. Brown reach for the officer's weapon, since that took place inside the patrol car and no one could see what was taking place at the time. The blood could've happened due to Mr. Wilson scratching or injuring Mr. Brown. We have no video evidence, only the word of the cops that did the shooting. Also, many witnesses were dismissed for allegedly lying or misrepresenting the truth. Yet, two construction workers seen on video a second after the shooting, clearly said to the camera that Mr. Brown did indeed have his hands raised at the time of the shooting. Yet, no more was ever heard from those two eye witnesses.

Yes, I still have doubts as to what actually took place the few seconds before the killing of Mr. Brown. His head being down could have been due to severe pain from the first shot, and not due to a "charging stance" as some have claimed. There were witnesses for both sides, but some witnesses were dismissed because they had versions that differed from that of Mr. Wilson, the only person that could say for sure exactly what happened inside the patrol car.

When one branch of law enforcement investigates another branch of law enforcement, yes, there is a question as to the validity of findings. Remember, no independent outside sources were used to examine evidence. The Department of Justice, Missouri state labs and investigators, and local authorities conducted the inquiry. So, considering that scenario, yes, there is doubt as to what actually took place. Also, if anything is based on a lie, as you put it, the "lie" is still disputable as to whether it is a lie or not.

Independent Autopsy Reveals New Details About Michael Brown Shooting

If the protestors had any decency they would have demanded to be shot to reduce risk to the police...

that is a great point you have there, :up: maybe a good follow up for the next nygger insurrection, :lmao: you should make that suggestion to your local po-lice :up:

The left has created a media campaign against cops over a bold-faced lie, and it's time they collectively admit their deceit and apologize for all of the deaths and destruction they have caused.

Since it has been proved in court and in the news on multiple occasions that Michael Brown never raised his hands to surrender, and that he was actually guilty of not only robbery, but of attacking a police-officer when he was shot and killed, don't you think it's time that the perpetrators of this hoax (The Obama Administration, Eric Holder, Black Members of Congress, St Louis Rams Football Players) apologize for the outright lie that "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is????

Just like Man-made Global Warming, this farce is based off of a pack of lies, and it's about time that the people that started this lie, and used it for nefarious perposes, apologize for all of the trouble that has resulted from it.

In my opinion, the gesture is a statement concerning the collective actions of police, and not just that one incident. Yes, it did start with the case of Wilson/Brown, but has since moved on to other areas of the country as a reminder of police actions everywhere. I don't believe that the gesture is confined to Missouri. I believe that the gesture spread because police are practicing the same conduct nationwide, and folks have had enough of "trigger happy cops". No one can deny police brutality, cold blooded murder, rape, stealing, taking bribes, lying in court, getting a free pass in our judicial system, and other conduct that cops arrest others for.

We can single out any one incident and defend cops, but no one can defend the general conduct reported and recorded daily all across this nation. An apology works both ways. How many times have you heard a cop apologize, or step in front of the mic and camera and say, "I made a terrible mistake, for which I am deeply sorry"? Apologies are a two-way street. Wrong is wrong, regardless of whether one is wearing a uniform or not. Lets be fair here and ask the cops to apologize for their misdeeds also, then your post will carry a lot more weight instead of being one-sided and showing a lot of obvious bias towards law enforcement. Thanks.
Really? Collective actions of police?

How often do you hear of a police officer shooting an innocent black man who had his hands up and defenseless?

Now, if the narrative were something along the lines of "don't harass me because I am black"...then I would accept your post as one with validity.

But the gesture of "hands up don't shoot" implies one thing and one thing individual with his/her hands in the air begging for their lives.
I'm not totally sure that it is, or ever was a lie. Law enforcement investigating law enforcement doesn't impress me, nor does it represent gospel truth. We were only given one side of the story, the dead man couldn't give his. No one actually saw Mr. Brown reach for the officer's weapon, since that took place inside the patrol car and no one could see what was taking place at the time. The blood could've happened due to Mr. Wilson scratching or injuring Mr. Brown. We have no video evidence, only the word of the cops that did the shooting. Also, many witnesses were dismissed for allegedly lying or misrepresenting the truth. Yet, two construction workers seen on video a second after the shooting, clearly said to the camera that Mr. Brown did indeed have his hands raised at the time of the shooting. Yet, no more was ever heard from those two eye witnesses.

Yes, I still have doubts as to what actually took place the few seconds before the killing of Mr. Brown. His head being down could have been due to severe pain from the first shot, and not due to a "charging stance" as some have claimed. There were witnesses for both sides, but some witnesses were dismissed because they had versions that differed from that of Mr. Wilson, the only person that could say for sure exactly what happened inside the patrol car.

When one branch of law enforcement investigates another branch of law enforcement, yes, there is a question as to the validity of findings. Remember, no independent outside sources were used to examine evidence. The Department of Justice, Missouri state labs and investigators, and local authorities conducted the inquiry. So, considering that scenario, yes, there is doubt as to what actually took place. Also, if anything is based on a lie, as you put it, the "lie" is still disputable as to whether it is a lie or not.

Independent Autopsy Reveals New Details About Michael Brown Shooting

HINT: Stupidity and Gullibility can often times be closely associated, and usually are.

The left has created a media campaign against cops over a bold-faced lie, and it's time they collectively admit their deceit and apologize for all of the deaths and destruction they have caused.

Since it has been proved in court and in the news on multiple occasions that Michael Brown never raised his hands to surrender, and that he was actually guilty of not only robbery, but of attacking a police-officer when he was shot and killed, don't you think it's time that the perpetrators of this hoax (The Obama Administration, Eric Holder, Black Members of Congress, St Louis Rams Football Players) apologize for the outright lie that "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is????

Just like Man-made Global Warming, this farce is based off of a pack of lies, and it's about time that the people that started this lie, and used it for nefarious perposes, apologize for all of the trouble that has resulted from it.

In my opinion, the gesture is a statement concerning the collective actions of police, and not just that one incident. Yes, it did start with the case of Wilson/Brown, but has since moved on to other areas of the country as a reminder of police actions everywhere. I don't believe that the gesture is confined to Missouri. I believe that the gesture spread because police are practicing the same conduct nationwide, and folks have had enough of "trigger happy cops". No one can deny police brutality, cold blooded murder, rape, stealing, taking bribes, lying in court, getting a free pass in our judicial system, and other conduct that cops arrest others for.

We can single out any one incident and defend cops, but no one can defend the general conduct reported and recorded daily all across this nation. An apology works both ways. How many times have you heard a cop apologize, or step in front of the mic and camera and say, "I made a terrible mistake, for which I am deeply sorry"? Apologies are a two-way street. Wrong is wrong, regardless of whether one is wearing a uniform or not. Lets be fair here and ask the cops to apologize for their misdeeds also, then your post will carry a lot more weight instead of being one-sided and showing a lot of obvious bias towards law enforcement. Thanks.

So, it doesn't bother you that it is based on an absolute, indisputable, lie?
I'm not totally sure that it is, or ever was a lie. Law enforcement investigating law enforcement doesn't impress me, nor does it represent gospel truth. We were only given one side of the story, the dead man couldn't give his. No one actually saw Mr. Brown reach for the officer's weapon, since that took place inside the patrol car and no one could see what was taking place at the time. The blood could've happened due to Mr. Wilson scratching or injuring Mr. Brown. We have no video evidence, only the word of the cops that did the shooting. Also, many witnesses were dismissed for allegedly lying or misrepresenting the truth. Yet, two construction workers seen on video a second after the shooting, clearly said to the camera that Mr. Brown did indeed have his hands raised at the time of the shooting. Yet, no more was ever heard from those two eye witnesses.

Yes, I still have doubts as to what actually took place the few seconds before the killing of Mr. Brown. His head being down could have been due to severe pain from the first shot, and not due to a "charging stance" as some have claimed. There were witnesses for both sides, but some witnesses were dismissed because they had versions that differed from that of Mr. Wilson, the only person that could say for sure exactly what happened inside the patrol car.

When one branch of law enforcement investigates another branch of law enforcement, yes, there is a question as to the validity of findings. Remember, no independent outside sources were used to examine evidence. The Department of Justice, Missouri state labs and investigators, and local authorities conducted the inquiry. So, considering that scenario, yes, there is doubt as to what actually took place. Also, if anything is based on a lie, as you put it, the "lie" is still disputable as to whether it is a lie or not.

It is not a lie that he roughed up a tiny store keeper 1/3 his size.

It is not a lie that Instant Karma had his ass dead in the street like the rabid animal he was.

It is not a lie that the world is a better, safer place without him.

The left has created a media campaign against cops over a bold-faced lie, and it's time they collectively admit their deceit and apologize for all of the deaths and destruction they have caused.

Since it has been proved in court and in the news on multiple occasions that Michael Brown never raised his hands to surrender, and that he was actually guilty of not only robbery, but of attacking a police-officer when he was shot and killed, don't you think it's time that the perpetrators of this hoax (The Obama Administration, Eric Holder, Black Members of Congress, St Louis Rams Football Players) apologize for the outright lie that "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is????

Just like Man-made Global Warming, this farce is based off of a pack of lies, and it's about time that the people that started this lie, and used it for nefarious perposes, apologize for all of the trouble that has resulted from it.

In my opinion, the gesture is a statement concerning the collective actions of police, and not just that one incident. Yes, it did start with the case of Wilson/Brown, but has since moved on to other areas of the country as a reminder of police actions everywhere. I don't believe that the gesture is confined to Missouri. I believe that the gesture spread because police are practicing the same conduct nationwide, and folks have had enough of "trigger happy cops". No one can deny police brutality, cold blooded murder, rape, stealing, taking bribes, lying in court, getting a free pass in our judicial system, and other conduct that cops arrest others for.

We can single out any one incident and defend cops, but no one can defend the general conduct reported and recorded daily all across this nation. An apology works both ways. How many times have you heard a cop apologize, or step in front of the mic and camera and say, "I made a terrible mistake, for which I am deeply sorry"? Apologies are a two-way street. Wrong is wrong, regardless of whether one is wearing a uniform or not. Lets be fair here and ask the cops to apologize for their misdeeds also, then your post will carry a lot more weight instead of being one-sided and showing a lot of obvious bias towards law enforcement. Thanks.
Really? Collective actions of police?

How often do you hear of a police officer shooting an innocent black man who had his hands up and defenseless?

Now, if the narrative were something along the lines of "don't harass me because I am black"...then I would accept your post as one with validity.

But the gesture of "hands up don't shoot" implies one thing and one thing individual with his/her hands in the air begging for their lives.

Eric Garner was choked to death by the police in a manner that didn't really give him much chance to put his hands up.

The left has created a media campaign against cops over a bold-faced lie, and it's time they collectively admit their deceit and apologize for all of the deaths and destruction they have caused.

Since it has been proved in court and in the news on multiple occasions that Michael Brown never raised his hands to surrender, and that he was actually guilty of not only robbery, but of attacking a police-officer when he was shot and killed, don't you think it's time that the perpetrators of this hoax (The Obama Administration, Eric Holder, Black Members of Congress, St Louis Rams Football Players) apologize for the outright lie that "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is????

Just like Man-made Global Warming, this farce is based off of a pack of lies, and it's about time that the people that started this lie, and used it for nefarious perposes, apologize for all of the trouble that has resulted from it.

In my opinion, the gesture is a statement concerning the collective actions of police, and not just that one incident. Yes, it did start with the case of Wilson/Brown, but has since moved on to other areas of the country as a reminder of police actions everywhere. I don't believe that the gesture is confined to Missouri. I believe that the gesture spread because police are practicing the same conduct nationwide, and folks have had enough of "trigger happy cops". No one can deny police brutality, cold blooded murder, rape, stealing, taking bribes, lying in court, getting a free pass in our judicial system, and other conduct that cops arrest others for.

We can single out any one incident and defend cops, but no one can defend the general conduct reported and recorded daily all across this nation. An apology works both ways. How many times have you heard a cop apologize, or step in front of the mic and camera and say, "I made a terrible mistake, for which I am deeply sorry"? Apologies are a two-way street. Wrong is wrong, regardless of whether one is wearing a uniform or not. Lets be fair here and ask the cops to apologize for their misdeeds also, then your post will carry a lot more weight instead of being one-sided and showing a lot of obvious bias towards law enforcement. Thanks.

So, it doesn't bother you that it is based on an absolute, indisputable, lie?
I'm not totally sure that it is, or ever was a lie. Law enforcement investigating law enforcement doesn't impress me, nor does it represent gospel truth. We were only given one side of the story, the dead man couldn't give his. No one actually saw Mr. Brown reach for the officer's weapon, since that took place inside the patrol car and no one could see what was taking place at the time. The blood could've happened due to Mr. Wilson scratching or injuring Mr. Brown. We have no video evidence, only the word of the cops that did the shooting. Also, many witnesses were dismissed for allegedly lying or misrepresenting the truth. Yet, two construction workers seen on video a second after the shooting, clearly said to the camera that Mr. Brown did indeed have his hands raised at the time of the shooting. Yet, no more was ever heard from those two eye witnesses.

Yes, I still have doubts as to what actually took place the few seconds before the killing of Mr. Brown. His head being down could have been due to severe pain from the first shot, and not due to a "charging stance" as some have claimed. There were witnesses for both sides, but some witnesses were dismissed because they had versions that differed from that of Mr. Wilson, the only person that could say for sure exactly what happened inside the patrol car.

When one branch of law enforcement investigates another branch of law enforcement, yes, there is a question as to the validity of findings. Remember, no independent outside sources were used to examine evidence. The Department of Justice, Missouri state labs and investigators, and local authorities conducted the inquiry. So, considering that scenario, yes, there is doubt as to what actually took place. Also, if anything is based on a lie, as you put it, the "lie" is still disputable as to whether it is a lie or not.

It is not a lie that he roughed up a tiny store keeper 1/3 his size.

It is not a lie that Instant Karma had his ass dead in the street like the rabid animal he was.

It is not a lie that the world is a better, safer place without him.

It's also not a lie that the Ferguson police department has a long history of racism.

How about we apply justice objectively?

The left has created a media campaign against cops over a bold-faced lie, and it's time they collectively admit their deceit and apologize for all of the deaths and destruction they have caused.

Since it has been proved in court and in the news on multiple occasions that Michael Brown never raised his hands to surrender, and that he was actually guilty of not only robbery, but of attacking a police-officer when he was shot and killed, don't you think it's time that the perpetrators of this hoax (The Obama Administration, Eric Holder, Black Members of Congress, St Louis Rams Football Players) apologize for the outright lie that "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is????

Just like Man-made Global Warming, this farce is based off of a pack of lies, and it's about time that the people that started this lie, and used it for nefarious perposes, apologize for all of the trouble that has resulted from it.

In my opinion, the gesture is a statement concerning the collective actions of police, and not just that one incident. Yes, it did start with the case of Wilson/Brown, but has since moved on to other areas of the country as a reminder of police actions everywhere. I don't believe that the gesture is confined to Missouri. I believe that the gesture spread because police are practicing the same conduct nationwide, and folks have had enough of "trigger happy cops". No one can deny police brutality, cold blooded murder, rape, stealing, taking bribes, lying in court, getting a free pass in our judicial system, and other conduct that cops arrest others for.

We can single out any one incident and defend cops, but no one can defend the general conduct reported and recorded daily all across this nation. An apology works both ways. How many times have you heard a cop apologize, or step in front of the mic and camera and say, "I made a terrible mistake, for which I am deeply sorry"? Apologies are a two-way street. Wrong is wrong, regardless of whether one is wearing a uniform or not. Lets be fair here and ask the cops to apologize for their misdeeds also, then your post will carry a lot more weight instead of being one-sided and showing a lot of obvious bias towards law enforcement. Thanks.
Really? Collective actions of police?

How often do you hear of a police officer shooting an innocent black man who had his hands up and defenseless?

Now, if the narrative were something along the lines of "don't harass me because I am black"...then I would accept your post as one with validity.

But the gesture of "hands up don't shoot" implies one thing and one thing individual with his/her hands in the air begging for their lives.
Yes, I stated it correctly. The collective actions of police. Also, the reference was to a gesture not necessarily denoting the actual raising of hands, but symbolizing defenseless and/or unarmed citizens. For example, the black man in the stairwell, the 12 year old in the park, the choking death of an unarmed defenseless black man, and many more all across this nation. The gesture is being used to express the unnecessary killing of defenseless unarmed citizens, many of which are black. Again, it is not restricted to raised hands as such in all killings, but the unnecessary acts of law enforcement in general.
It is not a lie that the world is a better, safer place without him.

You wouldn't know what is a lie or not.. It is your opinion you keep posting.

My opinion it that the world would be a much better place without assholes like you.
See how that works?
So, it doesn't bother you that it is based on an absolute, indisputable, lie?

Of course it doesn't, mud.

We're talking dimocraps, the scum of the earth.

They're just going to make excuses and lie some more in order to rationalize the first lie.

It's what dimocrap scum do -- They lie, get caught in the lie, lie to cover the first lie, get caught in that lie, then lie to cover that lie, etc, etc, etc.

And it doesn't stop until you either get vertigo trying to keep up with the lies or it becomes 'old news'.

At which time the only thing you can do is walk away muttering, 'dimocraps are the scum of the earth'

They are. They just are. They have no honor, no shame, no code of conduct, no ethics, no humanity, no -- No nothing.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

Good luck on getting that apology :dunno:
I think it's centered around one core principle, if you have none, you can't be at fault for anything.

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