It's Time To Hate White People Month Again

From your link:

"To have the city throw it out because you're white or because you're not African American is insulting," Ricci said when he and 19 other firefighters sued the city for racial discrimination.

Personally, I find it insulting to hire ANYONE due to the color of their skin or their race or gender. If the person can do the best job, HIRE THAT PERSON. Sheesh.
I hope they sue..and win. It's ludicrous.
waaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaah, why don't white people ever get any credit for anything? waaaaaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! :(


That's some fuck'n priceless shit right there. :thup:
Blacks accomplished quite a bit in the Civil Rights movement

Most successful Patriotic movement since 1776

White legislators are the ones who drafted and passed the laws.

..but let's not give white people any credit for anything...
Or the whites who marched, bled, and died for the negroe cause

That is why we need to honor black history. It was a critical time in our history. The people white and black who fought in the civil rights movement were true American patriots
Blacks accomplished quite a bit in the Civil Rights movement

Most successful Patriotic movement since 1776

White legislators are the ones who drafted and passed the laws.

..but let's not give white people any credit for anything...

Why yes they did....and they should be damned proud of it

They too are part of Black History
Very true, but those laws might never have been drafted at all, or been written much later, had it not been for those Black people (and yes, some White people too) who confronted the evil of Jim Crow head on; who stood with peaceful resolve against the batons, fire hoses and police dogs, who faced the guns, dynamite and lynch ropes of the KKK, and touched the conscience of a nation. Theirs is a story of courage, sacrifice, perseverance and incredible restraint in the face of the worst sort of brutality, that deserves an honored place in the history of America. Today, it's too easy to forget what a long, costly, difficult, and yet magnificent battle that was, but such a triumph of the best of the human spirit, in what was often the worst of times, ought to be celebrated, and remembered.
301 posts later and all's I got from this thread is that some whites object to Black History Month because it makes them feel less "special".

Tough shit -- reality bites at times.

Minorities who demand special rules,attention or protection need to be aware of how other people will react to their demands. It tends to backfire.
If you had two employees and gave one special attention and the other one griped would you just tell them tough shit ?
ATTN: N******S



You can't be 'equal' and 'special' at the same time. Either you're equal or you're not- and if you don't want to be equal, then you better bet the White race will ensure it is in the dominant position just like before.

So, which is it?

The dems are willing to risk people's lives in New Haven to make the blacks feel special.

Hate much? I cleaned up some of your foul language for you, and since you made a degrading suggestion to others, here's a simple one for you: next time, leave that filth in the gutter where it belongs; no one here wants or needs to see it. This is a discussion board, not a barracks, a locker room, a drill field, or a bordello; try to remember that.
Black men taking care of their children, is black history.
Black men taking care of their children, is black history.

How about the history of racists such as yourself killing black children?
Killing black children?

That's the specialty of black women

Abortion Rate Among Black Women Far Exceeds Rate for Other Groups - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

Chapter 4 « Freakonomics and SuperFreakonomics

When was the last time you heard of a white person killing black children?

It's always the other way around.
When was the last time you heard of a white person killing black children?

It's always the other way around.

To JB's point, I'm pretty sure most of those abortions black ladies be hav'n are performed by white doctors. :eusa_whistle:
When was the last time you heard of a white person killing black children?

It's always the other way around.

To JB's point, I'm pretty sure most of those abortions black ladies be hav'n are performed by white doctors. :eusa_whistle:

Well, it's the law. Don't blame us for it.

I figure if the doctor doesn't mind burning in hell he/she can snuff a few thousand babies in his/her life-time.

Maybe that's one of the reasons the left hates religion. Makes em feel guilty.
When was the last time you heard of a white person killing black children?

It's always the other way around.

Is it? And weren't four little girls in a Birmingham church four too many, or do they not matter?
It is interesting reading the posts of closet racists Tank, Beukema and 30 x 90. There was a time they could openly spout their hate but now they must hide as anonymous message board posters as they troll for outrage.
Thankfully, it is now you, rather than blacks who are societies outcasts

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