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It's time to part ways

See what I mean about the idiot liberal dumbocrats peeing themselves at the thought of not being able to mooch of off conservatives?

You get the communist utopia you dream about, we get our freedom and independence back. Everybody wins, so what's the problem?

Oh, that's right, you guys would actually have to start working without us around to "provide" for you (ie steal from us by force of government).

For the record, I want to be part of the US. It's you radical left-wing nuts that have wiped your ass with the constitution and pissed on everything America was founded on. It's you who doesn't want to be a part of the US.

You keep forgetting that the blue states pay more in federal taxes, by far, and receive less back. It's the red states that pay the least and get them most back. You and your brethren would have to figure out how to cover all that lost revenue. Blue states provide more than adequately for themselves. It's the red states who are the moochers and then bitch about liberals who support you. As usual, this shit couldn't be funnier.


Red States, Blue States and the Distribution of Federal Spending | Jeff Frankels Weblog | Views on the Economy and the World

There you go. You would be well on your way to the uneducated, facist, poor banana republic you always wanted to be. But hey at least you would have good football because that is where you would put all your money. Italy of the Americas.
Here is the reality of the political landscape in America today: the left has slid further and further left on the political scale and now the majority of the party is ruled by hard line radical communists/marxists/socialists/fascists, complete with all of the propaganda that ideology is known for. They are the parasite class that believes they are entitled to at least 50% of everything else other people have, and they will take it by force (well, they will try anyway :lol:).

About 50 years ago, the golden boy of their party - John F. Kennedy - said two profound things. The first was that the only way to recover from a struggling economy was to cut taxes. The second, and more famous, was "Ask not, what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". Today, anyone expressing that is viciously attacked by the idiot liberal dumbocrat as a "radical wing nut". That's how far off the sanity wagon their party has fallen.

So every day, America wakes up and butts heads with a radical ideology which is heavily uneducated and which is unwilling to work. And each day that is causing America to slip further into collapse. It's time that we end the war, part ways in a friendly manner, and allow them to incorporate their failed ideology (which will ultimately end in poverty for them like it has for Cuba and every other nation). Split the nation - 25 states each. Then we can continue the conservative constitutional path that created the greatest nation and earth and continue to thrive. There is no reason we should let their ignorance and failures drag us down.

Fuck you. My country is ONE country. If you are too 'sensitive' to handle the robust debate and disagreements that have always been part of the political and social reality of my ONE country, then get the fuck out and find somewhere else to live. You don't get to take any states with you on the way out.
Pub dupes! What idiocy... Hint- Dems are worth more than GOP. ESPECIALLY if you take out our discriminated against blacks. So brainwashed....

If you were to start your own country, what language would people speak there? You sure as shit can't communicate in English, moron.
If the "conservative" states were to form their own country, it would be a theocracy with an even wider gap between rich and poor compared to what we have now.

The new liberal country would likely be an inefficient socialist state, abundent with useless regulations and red tape, but it would still have a higher standard of living compared to conservative America.

A conservative nation would have a huge, well trained military. But no cops or firemen, because they are evil "gubermint" employees. But their massive military wouldnt be allowed to enforce laws within the nation, because that would be martial law and that would make you a socialist Obama loving communist. So it would be survival of the fittest and richest. Huge walls would be built around rich neighborhoods, while the local poor fought amongst themselves for scraps (kinda like wealthy gated communities in shitty poor metro areas now).

There would only be private schools....cuz you know, teachers are also evil gubermint employees.

Cars would have no tags or insurance. DMV's handle that. And you know who works at DMV's....yep. Gubermint employees.

The roads would be built and maintained only through the private sector. But when a road was needed, or needed to be repaired, there would be a big plastic jug with a "Please Donate" sign on it, so all the private citizens could collect enough to hire a private company to build the road. Meanwhile...while citizens drove on shitty roads or dirt roads, they'd bitch about "why dont somebody do sumtin' bout these dad gum roads!"

Well you're wrong, they would have roads, teachers and such, but they woudlnt be unionized and would have to earn their paycheck or they get fired. We would have severe penalties on criminals and liberals can let pedophiles out of jail, while we kill them.

And we're actually big supporters of cops, we'd have those and less administrator jobs that mayors put their friends in. Plus with cops, we'd make their work stick, so they wouldnt be arresting the same folks over and over and over again. And we'd allow them to beat ass on people who attack them.
For roads, we believe that is one of the few functions of government, so we'd have them built, without union labor, so they would be done better and faster (no more building roads in DECADES).

We'd have tons of jobs as lower taxes would cause business in liberalland to come over, while the liberals would have to build a wall to keep people in from the crappy economy, crime, and a military that would surrender to Mexico.

Really? Not seeing it.
We don't need to voluntarily break the country up. It will either crash and burn like the Roman Empire or it will split up into racial or ideological enclaves soon enough.
I say win the election and start putting liberals in mental wards and don't let them out.
Here is the reality of the political landscape in America today: the left has slid further and further left on the political scale and now the majority of the party is ruled by hard line radical communists/marxists/socialists/fascists, complete with all of the propaganda that ideology is known for. They are the parasite class that believes they are entitled to at least 50% of everything else other people have, and they will take it by force (well, they will try anyway :lol:).

About 50 years ago, the golden boy of their party - John F. Kennedy - said two profound things. The first was that the only way to recover from a struggling economy was to cut taxes. The second, and more famous, was "Ask not, what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". Today, anyone expressing that is viciously attacked by the idiot liberal dumbocrat as a "radical wing nut". That's how far off the sanity wagon their party has fallen.

So every day, America wakes up and butts heads with a radical ideology which is heavily uneducated and which is unwilling to work. And each day that is causing America to slip further into collapse. It's time that we end the war, part ways in a friendly manner, and allow them to incorporate their failed ideology (which will ultimately end in poverty for them like it has for Cuba and every other nation). Split the nation - 25 states each. Then we can continue the conservative constitutional path that created the greatest nation and earth and continue to thrive. There is no reason we should let their ignorance and failures drag us down.

Of course you do. You take marching orders from Fuhrer Romney.
Hey genius, Hitler...was a LIBERAL. The Fuhrer was the leader of National Socialist German Workers Party. Fascist are LIBERALS. Fascism is the logical conclusion of the liberal DEMOCRAT party carried to it's far left extreme.

It MIGHT be a good idea to jack up and back off that liberal BULL SHIT!

Cause the FACTS...will leave you spinning your wheels and slinging that shit all over your buddies who are trying to push that bus out of the ditch!
We don't need to voluntarily break the country up. It will either crash and burn like the Roman Empire or it will split up into racial or ideological enclaves soon enough.

Rome split. Constantinople. Look it up
Fascism is what we have now. Romney acts like a dictator he is gonna get called one...don't like it well tough shit.

Fascism is what we have now. Obama acts like a dictator he is gonna get called one...don't like it well tough shit

There, fixed.

You know Romney holds no political office, right?
A conservative nation wouldn't need cops. See, unlike you liberal thugs, conservatives know how to conduct themselves in civilized, lawful fashion. Despite being 10x's the size of Occupy Wall Street, the Tea Party protests had exactly 0 crimes. No rapes. No murders. No shootings. No stabbings. No theft. In fact, after Tea Party rallies, the area's in question were cleaned up and left cleaner than before the Tea Party people got there.

Who knows.. Maybe your outlandish accusations will be correct. :lol:

But, everyone will be so dumb they won't know the difference.

Take, for example, the conservative utopia that is Mississippi:

30 percent scoring as "Level 1" on the National Assessment of Adult Literacy conducted by the DOE

Oh, and they will be so poor that they could care less about laws.. Add drugs into the mix with the draconian Neocon form of imprisonment without rehabilitation and I am sure that it will be a short lived experiment.

I would rather have a deficit issue!

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