It's Time To Put An End To Sanctuary Cities


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
To start with they are simply NOT legal and in fact a violation of federal law. All but one of the cities I am about show you is under democrat control. The very idea that democrats are ignoring the FEDERAL law and it's costing the lives of U.S. citizens should in itself be enough to convince you that democrats are a very lawless people. The map...

The source
List of Sanctuary cities

Now I am going to cut this short and go to the video. YES democrats it IS a FOX video but that does not mean it is not the truth no more then it excuses the lawless leaders of the cities. And I do fully agree with one thing. The Mayor of the city who released a SEVEN TIME convicted felon on the population so he could KILL an American citizen SHOULD be arrested for violating federal law.

The Video
Not asking a person's status is not against the law while holding them just because ICE wants them currently is. Needless to say, there are a couple of flies in your beer. You might want to work those out before asking, papers please?
Not asking a person's status is not against the law while holding them just because ICE wants them currently is. Needless to say, there are a couple of flies in your beer. You might want to work those out before asking, papers please?
ICE had ALREADY notified that city they wanted him held. The city refused. The city has no excuse, none.
To start with they are simply NOT legal and in fact a violation of federal law. All but one of the cities I am about show you is under democrat control. The very idea that democrats are ignoring the FEDERAL law and it's costing the lives of U.S. citizens should in itself be enough to convince you that democrats are a very lawless people. The map...

The source
List of Sanctuary cities

Now I am going to cut this short and go to the video. YES democrats it IS a FOX video but that does not mean it is not the truth no more then it excuses the lawless leaders of the cities. And I do fully agree with one thing. The Mayor of the city who released a SEVEN TIME convicted felon on the population so he could KILL an American citizen SHOULD be arrested for violating federal law.

The Video

I'm undecided.

Tell me what makes them illegal?
To start with they are simply NOT legal and in fact a violation of federal law. All but one of the cities I am about show you is under democrat control. The very idea that democrats are ignoring the FEDERAL law and it's costing the lives of U.S. citizens should in itself be enough to convince you that democrats are a very lawless people. The map...

The source
List of Sanctuary cities

Now I am going to cut this short and go to the video. YES democrats it IS a FOX video but that does not mean it is not the truth no more then it excuses the lawless leaders of the cities. And I do fully agree with one thing. The Mayor of the city who released a SEVEN TIME convicted felon on the population so he could KILL an American citizen SHOULD be arrested for violating federal law.

The Video

I agree.

They should start holding those in charge of these cities accountable for the crimes that these people commit.

Also, everyone who's lost a family member to these illegals should sue the shit out of the city where the crime was committed. Nothing wakes city leader up more than lawsuits.

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Not asking a person's status is not against the law while holding them just because ICE wants them currently is. Needless to say, there are a couple of flies in your beer. You might want to work those out before asking, papers please?
ICE had ALREADY notified that city they wanted him held. The city refused. The city has no excuse, none.
Not asking a person's status is not against the law while holding them just because ICE wants them currently is. Needless to say, there are a couple of flies in your beer. You might want to work those out before asking, papers please?
ICE had ALREADY notified that city they wanted him held. The city refused. The city has no excuse, none.

lol, sounds like an example of that nullification thing the tenthers and other RWnuts love so much.
you have to wonder what kind of mental disease can make left-wing nutjobs like Paint, and Carbintard bother posting on an issue that is so clearly cut and dry, Sanctuary cities are appalling
the Left-wingers that post here have been conditioned in failed progressive ideology. what they see as critical thinking or presenting the other side of an argument is merely mindless contrarianism

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