It's time: undead Americans deserve the same rights as transgender Americans


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Lets stand up for the UNdead folks. no more discriminating. where's the mayor of Houston? :eusa_whistle:

Meeri Kim has an important story at the Washington Post this week which deals with a segment of the American population which has, for too long now, been left behind in the rush to ensure equal rights for everyone under the Social Justice movement. It begins with the experiences of a woman named Esmé Weijun Wang. Living an otherwise normal life for many years, she one day realized that something was amiss and she soon had to come to grips with the new reality of her existence.

On Nov. 5, 2013, Esmé Weijun Wang came to the remarkable conclusion that she was dead.

In the weeks prior to this, she had begun to feel increasingly fractured — like being scatterbrained, but to such an extreme that she felt her sense of reality was fraying at the edges…

Then one morning, Wang woke her husband before sunrise with an incredible sense of wonder and tears of joy to tell him it all made sense to her now: She had actually died a month before, although at the time she had been told she merely fainted. (During a flight home to San Francisco from London, Wang had drifted into and out of consciousness for four hours. Afterward, doctors were unable to find a cause for this episode.)

As if it weren’t bad enough that Wang realized she was now deceased, the worst part was that nobody believed her. They described her (and many other people like her) as having a mental condition known as Cotard’s syndrome.

For almost two months, Wang suffered from Cotard’s syndrome, in which patients think they are dead or somehow nonexistent. Any attempts to point out evidence to the contrary — they are talking, walking around, using the bathroom — are explained away. French neurologist Jules Cotard first described the syndrome in the 1800s as a type of depression characterized by anxious melancholia and delusions about one’s own body. In a case report published in 1880, Cotard wrote of a 43-year-old woman who “affirms she has no brain, no nerves, no chest, no stomach, no intestines . . . only skin and bones of a decomposing body.”

As you can tell just from the tone of that section of the article, cruel people absolutely refused to acknowledge Ms. Wang’s status, say nothing of afford her all of her rights. Regardless of the fact that she clearly self-identified as being a corpse, uncharitable, close minded bigots kept on pointing out things like the fact that she was walking, talking, had a pulse and any number of other annoying, irrelevant observations. But she knew she was dead.

The self-identified dead around the country need to be given their full set of rights. For starters, we don’t charge dead people taxes. (There are very few jobs, however, which carry an explicit requirement of being alive so they need to be protected from employment discrimination.) It’s true that we don’t normally allow the dead to vote unless they are Democrats who expired in the immediate vicinity of Chicago, but as I read the 14th Amendment, the privileges or immunities of citizens are assured to all persons born. It doesn’t mention an expiration date, so if you feel well enough to get up on election day and head down to your polling place you should be able to cast your ballot. And yes, everyone is assured the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but there’s nothing in there barring you from opting out of one of them. The self-identified dead should obviously be entitled to collect their life insurance payout. I’m pretty sure you also get an automatic discount at Arby’s, but I’d have to check on that.

The point is that if you can go your entire life being a man and one day announce to everyone that you’ve realized you’re a woman, then after a lifetime of, er… life, you have to be equally able to announce that you are now in a different status and should be treated that way. The only part I haven’t worked out yet is what to call these differently existing Americans. If you change from a boy to a girl you’re transgender. Rachel Dolezal is transracial. I suppose the newly walking deceased would be the… transanimated?

the Rest of the STORY here:
It’s time: undead Americans deserve the same rights as transgender Americans « Hot Air
The Undead Americans have long been represented by the Democrats. They vote in every election in Chicago, Philthydelphia, etc.

Got a vote? BOOM, the Dems represent you if you asked them to or not....unless you are a white male. They only want the votes of neutered white males.
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This rare illness makes people think they’re dead

"What causes Cotard’s syndrome and other delusions is a matter of debate. Delusions are seen in association with a wide range of neuropsychological conditions including dementia, schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease and brain injury — and just as diverse are the nature of the delusional beliefs."

"For example, when someone with self-misidentification looks at his reflection, he believes the person in the mirror is some stranger who looks just like him."

"One of the better-studied delusions is Capgras syndrome, the belief that a spouse, family member or friend has been replaced by an identical-looking impostor."

"What could cause such odd yet specific delusions? The leading theory suggests that two types of brain impairment are involved. The first alters the patient’s normal functioning — say, brain damage that prevents the normal processing of emotions when looking at familiar faces. The second, thought to be the same as in any delusional belief, is responsible for the patient’s lack of reasoning. It is what encourages the patient to hold on so tightly to his outlandish beliefs."

So some white dudes that think they are black, or that somehow their own race is evil or unnatural, etc. Sounds like a libtard to me.....

Lest we bring about the destruction of humanity first, this will become an issue someday. Imagine a mind that has been uploaded out of the body into a computer after death. A new vessel is found, whether by using a clone, another human, or something mechanical/ biomechanical. The mind is then uploaded into the new body and it proceeds to go forth and experience Life. How will laws and "freedoms" evolve to compensate for these individuals? What happens when an adult mind inhabits the mind of a child? Or jumps from one sex to another, or one race to another? Etc. How much of that individual's personal data, debt, criminal history, and resume/ degrees/ work history transfer over?

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Lest we bring about the destruction of humanity first, this will become an issue someday. Imagine a mind that has been uploaded out of the body into a computer after death. A new vessel is found, whether by using a clone, another human, or something mechanical/ biomechanical. How will laws and "freedoms" evolve to compensate for these individuals? What happens when an adult mind inhibits the mind of a child? Or from one sex to another, or one race to another? Etc. How much of that individual's personal data, debt, criminal history, and resume/ degrees/ work history transfer over?

And a local libtard makes an appearance just to prove my point....


There is no doubt that the world is upside down when a football coach is fired because a stray agnostic or atheist might be offended by a prayer and yet they force girls to risk permanent psychological damage by sharing a locker room with a confused guy in a dress.
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There is no doubt that the world is upside down when a football coach is fired because a stray agnostic or atheist might be offended by a prayer and yet they force girls to risk permanent psychological damage by sharing a locker room with a confused guy in a dress.

I used to think that it was all due to flawed logic based on flawed axioms, but this has gone way too far.

Libtards are trying to unmake the American culture and society by attacking everything we believe in, value and hold dear.

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