It's time


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Mod Edit -- Removed the section about bias on USMB and past threads and moderation.. Rebooting this entire thread after purging over 1/2 the responses. The ONLY topic here is outlined below..

My premise-There is no such thing as anti white discrimination.

So bring everything you got, because that's what it's going to take.

The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination
Many white Americans feel that discrimination against whites is on the rise. Experiments suggests otherwise

By Keith Payne on July 18, 2019

A friend complained to me recently that his son wasn’t getting into Ivy League colleges because it’s so hard for a middle-class white kid to be admitted, even with straight A’s. I asked if the advantages of being a middle-class white kid might be part of the reason his son had become a straight-A student in the first place. It got awkward.

As our politics have fractured increasingly around race, there seems to be more and more confusion about who’s discriminating against whom. For example, a national survey reported that both blacks and whites believed that discrimination against blacks had declined over the past few decades, but whites believed that discrimination against whites was now more common than discrimination against blacks.

The reason, say the study’s authors Michael Norton and Sam Sommers, is that whites see discrimination as a zero-sum game. The more they thought discrimination against blacks was decreasing, the more they felt discrimination against whites was increasing. That’s consistent with other studies showing that if you remind whites that the American population is becoming more diverse and that whites will soon be less that half of the population, their concern about anti-white discrimination increases. Whites tend to view increasing diversity as anti-white bias.

News stories are full of statistical evidence for disparities between black and whites, such as the fact that the average black family earns about half as much as the average white family, or that the unemployment rate for blacks is twice that for whites, or that the wealth of the average white family is ten times the wealth of the average black family. But this kind of evidence is like a political Rorschach test that looks very different to liberals and conservatives. What looks to liberals like evidence of discrimination looks to conservatives like evidence of racial disparities in hard work and responsible behavior.

This dynamic was captured in a New York Times readers forum about a study showing large racial disparities in economic mobility, especially for black boys. A reader named Michael wrote, “Why is racism the only explanation for this phenomenon? Perhaps something happens to black boys while they are growing up that makes them less capable of succeeding in the U.S. economy… So, why do the authors take the easy way out and blame amorphous racism?” Professor Ibram Kendi responded, “Actually, the easy way out is to say there must be something wrong with these black boys. It is the easy way out that Americans have historically taken in trying to explain racial disparities in our society…Racist ideas of black inferiority is the easy way out.”

This kind of back and forth seems to be everywhere, from intellectuals arguing in books and essays to the general public arguing on social media. When it comes to statistical disparities, this is a rare case in which almost no one is disputing the facts. But the meaning of those facts appears endlessly up for grabs because opponents cannot agree on what is the cause of the disparities—discrimination or differences in merit.

The only kind of evidence that can hope to bridge this divide comes from experiments which directly measure discrimination — and these experiments have been done.

Consider an experiment by sociologist Devah Pager, who sent pairs of experimenters—one black and one white—to apply for 340 job ads in New York City. She gave them resumes doctored to have identical qualifications. She gave them scripts so that the applicants said the same things when handing in their applications. She even dressed them alike. She found that black applicants got half the call backs that white applicants got with the same qualifications.

This study inspired experiments in lots of areas of life. One study, for example, responded to more than 14,000 online apartment rental adds but varied whether the name attached to the email implied a white applicant (e.g., Allison Bauer) or a black applicant (e.g., Ebony Washington). The black applicants were twenty-six percent less likely to be told that the apartment was available.

These kinds of experiments are not ambiguous like statistics on disparities are. There were no differences in merit. Race was the cause. Real employers and landlords discriminated against blacks and in favor of whites, by a large margin.

This kind of direct evidence of discrimination against minorities have been found in other arenas. Professors are more likely to ignore emails from students of color. Airbnb hosts are more likely to tell black renters that the listing has already been taken. Pager and her colleagues published a meta-analysis incorporating every field experiment on hiring since the first ones were carried out in the 1980’s. Across two dozen studies, black applicants were called back 36 percent less than whites with the same qualifications. Not a single study found a reliable anti-white bias. Most sobering of all, the rate of discrimination is the same today as in the 1980’s.

The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination
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Affirmative discrimination is the essence of anti-white discrimination.



As far as discrimination based upon my skin color, yes My family has.

When groups of black kids in Oakland beat up my partially disabled son in grade school while calling him a white faggot, not only would theblack dominated school district refuse to do anything about it actually called my wife and I racist for objecting to the verbal racial abuse that .accompanied the physical.
As far as discrimination based upon my skin color, yes My family has.

When groups of black kids in Oakland beat up my partially disabled son in grade school while calling him a white faggot, not only would theblack dominated school district refuse to do anything about it actually called my wife and I racist for objecting to the verbal racial abuse that .accompanied the physical.

Well, see. I think IM2's whole point is if it's not National policy, then your son really wasn't a victim and you have nothing to worry about. Whatever that something was that happened couldn't have been racism and even if it was, statistically it doesn't really matter, based on the overwhelming benefits we as white people enjoy as a group.
I'm saying all that as devils advocate of course.
As far as discrimination based upon my skin color, yes My family has.

When groups of black kids in Oakland beat up my partially disabled son in grade school while calling him a white faggot, not only would theblack dominated school district refuse to do anything about it actually called my wife and I racist for objecting to the verbal racial abuse that .accompanied the physical.

And that equates to 243 years of white discrimination.

So let's look at your situation. If what you said is true, those kids were wrong. The school district was wrong.

So how much did the school district settle with you for?
Affirmative discrimination is the essence of anti-white discrimination.



View attachment 272961
That picture does make a pretty solid point.

Just sayin'.


No it really doesn't.

You don't get to call the moon the sun because that's what you want to believe.
Everybody get's judge by the color of their skin. It's a fact. No matter what.

That's why I don't disagree with you on many of these issues.

As far as discrimination based upon my skin color, yes My family has.

When groups of black kids in Oakland beat up my partially disabled son in grade school while calling him a white faggot, not only would theblack dominated school district refuse to do anything about it actually called my wife and I racist for objecting to the verbal racial abuse that .accompanied the physical.

Well, see. I think IM2's whole point is if it's not National policy, then your son really wasn't a victim and you have nothing to worry about. Whatever that something was that happened couldn't have been racism and even if it was, statistically it doesn't really matter, based on the overwhelming benefits we as white people enjoy as a group.
I'm saying all that as devils advocate of course.

Try not speaking for me please. Because every time it is shown that what whites here complain about isn't valid I get the," woe is me, I'm white and that one time something racist happened to me," story. Meanwhile we face racism every day and not just that one time.

In the case dog is talking about there were all kinds of lawsuits he could file. And since racism is a macro level problem one white persons story does not indicate any overall trend of anti white discrimination.

Last, none of us know what really happened and we are to automatically assume anti white racism exists because of the words of one white man who is racist and who taught that racism to his child. But if I post an article such as the one I did that is based on over thirty years of documented instances, well that just can't be true.
Affirmative discrimination is the essence of anti-white discrimination.



View attachment 272961
That picture does make a pretty solid point.

Just sayin'.


No it really doesn't.

You don't get to call the moon the sun because that's what you want to believe.
Everybody get's judge by the color of their skin. It's a fact. No matter what.

That's why I don't disagree with you on many of these issues.


Fair enough.
As far as discrimination based upon my skin color, yes My family has.

When groups of black kids in Oakland beat up my partially disabled son in grade school while calling him a white faggot, not only would theblack dominated school district refuse to do anything about it actually called my wife and I racist for objecting to the verbal racial abuse that .accompanied the physical.

Well, see. I think IM2's whole point is if it's not National policy, then your son really wasn't a victim and you have nothing to worry about. Whatever that something was that happened couldn't have been racism and even if it was, statistically it doesn't really matter, based on the overwhelming benefits we as white people enjoy as a group.
I'm saying all that as devils advocate of course.
I'm sure
As far as discrimination based upon my skin color, yes My family has.

When groups of black kids in Oakland beat up my partially disabled son in grade school while calling him a white faggot, not only would theblack dominated school district refuse to do anything about it actually called my wife and I racist for objecting to the verbal racial abuse that .accompanied the physical.

Well, see. I think IM2's whole point is if it's not National policy, then your son really wasn't a victim and you have nothing to worry about. Whatever that something was that happened couldn't have been racism and even if it was, statistically it doesn't really matter, based on the overwhelming benefits we as white people enjoy as a group.
I'm saying all that as devils advocate of course.

Try not speaking for me please. Because every time it is shown that what whites here complain about isn't valid I get the," woe is me, I'm white and that one time something racist happened to me," story. Meanwhile we face racism every day and not just that one time.

In the case dog is talking about there were all kinds of lawsuits he could file. And since racism is a macro level problem one white persons story does not indicate any overall trend of anti white discrimination.

Last, none of us know what really happened and we are to automatically assume anti white racism exists because of the words of one white man who is racist and who taught that racism to his child. But if I post an article such as the one I did that is based on over thirty years of documented instances, well that just can't be true.
You ask a question about whites being discriminated against and then characterize it as " woe is me" in order to discount the suffering of a white kid.

I'm tempted to say more, but I won't since I know most people here can see you for who you are . .
People often hate most in other people the things that are inside of them too. You hate white people and spend all your time here bitching about skin color; you're a racist.
This doesn't refute my premise. And pointing out white racism is pointing out a behavior.

I'm not trying to refute your premise. I'm just calling you a racist and a hypocrite.

Off-topic posts may be edited, trashed, deleted, or moved to an appropriate forum as per administrator & moderator discretion at any time within any forum and/or sub forum.

Since I'm neither you can leave. You are trolling.
This post is just your usual tactic of trying to squash all views other than your new black panther style racist ones, and is a violation of site rules in and of itself because it is void of topical content.

The fact that you are even here at all indicates you have been favored because you constant threats against other postets, acts of bullying and attempted intimifation, violent statements against other posters and general level or utter racial hatred would have resulted in you being banned here multiple times by now if you WEREN'T black.

You are incorrect.

You have been provided the opportunity by me, the so called black racist, to provide evidence of a national policy of anti white discrimination.

Bring it or STFU.


Who is saying whites are discriminated against and those screaming it seem more like you than a sane person knowing there is no such damn thing.
As far as discrimination based upon my skin color, yes My family has.

When groups of black kids in Oakland beat up my partially disabled son in grade school while calling him a white faggot, not only would theblack dominated school district refuse to do anything about it actually called my wife and I racist for objecting to the verbal racial abuse that .accompanied the physical.

Well, see. I think IM2's whole point is if it's not National policy, then your son really wasn't a victim and you have nothing to worry about. Whatever that something was that happened couldn't have been racism and even if it was, statistically it doesn't really matter, based on the overwhelming benefits we as white people enjoy as a group.
I'm saying all that as devils advocate of course.
I'm sure
As far as discrimination based upon my skin color, yes My family has.

When groups of black kids in Oakland beat up my partially disabled son in grade school while calling him a white faggot, not only would theblack dominated school district refuse to do anything about it actually called my wife and I racist for objecting to the verbal racial abuse that .accompanied the physical.

Well, see. I think IM2's whole point is if it's not National policy, then your son really wasn't a victim and you have nothing to worry about. Whatever that something was that happened couldn't have been racism and even if it was, statistically it doesn't really matter, based on the overwhelming benefits we as white people enjoy as a group.
I'm saying all that as devils advocate of course.

Try not speaking for me please. Because every time it is shown that what whites here complain about isn't valid I get the," woe is me, I'm white and that one time something racist happened to me," story. Meanwhile we face racism every day and not just that one time.

In the case dog is talking about there were all kinds of lawsuits he could file. And since racism is a macro level problem one white persons story does not indicate any overall trend of anti white discrimination.

Last, none of us know what really happened and we are to automatically assume anti white racism exists because of the words of one white man who is racist and who taught that racism to his child. But if I post an article such as the one I did that is based on over thirty years of documented instances, well that just can't be true.
You ask a question Bout whites being discriminated against and then characterize it as " woe is me" in order to discount the suffering of a white kid.

I'm tempted to say more, but I won't .

I'm not discounting anything. I am saying that every time issues like this are presented to whites this kind of story is told. Say what you want, but maybe you can tell me what the settlement check was written for, because if your son was terrorized like that and the school district behaved in the manner you describe, there were, resignations, firings and settlement money paid to you. Do you have the case name? Certainly this kind of thing happening in Oakland would have received local media coverage.
An accusation has been made about trolling, but what IS trolling, really? Well in fishing parlance from which the term was adopted, to troll is to lay out a wide net hoping to catch whatever one can catch
Similarly, in internet parlance, to troll is to set about deliberately to inflame , insult and otherwise annoy others - again, to catch whatever one can catch.

Every single posting of IM2 blames whites, accuses whites, maligns whites, insults whites, mischaracterizes whites and is designed to inflame whites. This dude seriously HATES white people.

When the targets of his hatred and rage respond, they are not trolling They are
Responding TO the trolling.

IM2 is just getting back what he is putting out.

I've done none of this. Again this is the race and racism thread and every black person here that stands up to the racists like doggiedoo get the same things done to them I do. And everybody white that doesn't express racism and calls it out gets the same treatment I do. I refused to be bullied by a bunch of chicken---- whites using a computer as a shield to say things they would never say to a black persons face.

And don't even try that with me, because I stood in front of whites in classroom and in halls of power saying what I am now.

Chicken shit whites.

Do keep it coming 1M2

I created this thread so you can argue your white victimhood argument and present facts to show that it is real. You have now followed me into a 4th thread. So are you scared? Or do you only want to troll?
Affirmative discrimination is the essence of anti-white discrimination.



View attachment 272961
That picture does make a pretty solid point.

Just sayin'.


No it really doesn't.

You don't get to call the moon the sun because that's what you want to believe.
Everybody get's judge by the color of their skin. It's a fact. No matter what.

That's why I don't disagree with you on many of these issues.


Really? If I'm "judging" someone I don't know, not something I do often, it's because of they way they're dressed, not the color of their skin. That speaks more to me about a person than the color of their skin...

Personally, I can't say I've ever experienced any kind of discriminatory action. The closest I've come to it is probably while applying to the LAPD and the LACSD. Minorities and women got extra points during testing that white men didn't. It didn't bother me, per se, but I did wonder at the time why they wouldn't test everyone the same in an effort to get the best people regardless of race or gender... but in no way did I resent the practice, I knew about it going in, the choice was mine.

(For the record, my test scores were above average, I needed to lose 5lbs., then they beat the shit out of Rodney King and I chose a different career path...)
An accusation has been made about trolling, but what IS trolling, really? Well in fishing parlance from which the term was adopted, to troll is to lay out a wide net hoping to catch whatever one can catch
Similarly, in internet parlance, to troll is to set about deliberately to inflame , insult and otherwise annoy others - again, to catch whatever one can catch.

Every single posting of IM2 blames whites, accuses whites, maligns whites, insults whites, mischaracterizes whites and is designed to inflame whites. This dude seriously HATES white people.

When the targets of his hatred and rage respond, they are not trolling They are
Responding TO the trolling.

IM2 is just getting back what he is putting out.

I've done none of this. Again this is the race and racism thread and every black person here that stands up to the racists like doggiedoo get the same things done to them I do. And everybody white that doesn't express racism and calls it out gets the same treatment I do. I refused to be bullied by a bunch of chicken---- whites using a computer as a shield to say things they would never say to a black persons face.

And don't even try that with me, because I stood in front of whites in classroom and in halls of power saying what I am now.

Chicken shit whites.

Do keep it coming 1M2

I created this thread so you can argue your white victimhood argument and present facts to show that it is real. You have now followed me into a 4th thread. So are you scared? Or do you only want to troll?
I am not scared and I am not trolling.

If I was scared, I would be appeasing all your racism like those feeling white guilt do.

I'm just sitting here taking all your racist attacks, your attempts at intimidation and all your suggestions of violence knowing that you will continue to do so with no impediment.

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