It's Trayvon All Over Again


So you are saying the police officer involved will get an ego boost, pull a gun on his wife, start speeding in his cop car?

Or are you saying that blacks don't have the Right to have guns? That's just a little pistol.
How old was Mike Brown when this picture was taken?

Do you think that gun was registered to him?

This has zero to do with the cop who gunned him down in cold blood. He didn't have that gun on him and he was not a threat to that cop when the cop gunned him down in cold blood.
Note to blacks.

Don't take pictures with guns because that gives the smallest brains in America the reason to assume you are dangerous.

Clearly the Reagan perspective is still in act. Whites can have them, blacks can't.

Blacks created the stereotypes which people apply to them. If they don't like the stereotypes then they should change them.

You'd have to be a moron to live your life purposely not acting on stereotypes or generalizations for your overt action of rejecting general knowledge in favor of no knowledge is going to lead you to bad outcomes.

When you see 3 guys with guns entering a bank, don't stereotype them as bank robbers and run out of the bank, just assume no knowledge and carry on with your business. Look, for all you know they could be off-duty cops, they could be security guards, or they could be libertarians making a point. Don't prejudge though for that is wrong.

This says it all;
"You'd have to be a moron to live your life purposely not acting on stereotypes"

Well, what does that make you? Here's Psychology Today:

Except stereotypes are not inaccurate. There are many different ways to test for the accuracy of stereotypes, because there are many different types or aspects of accuracy. However, one type is quite simple -- the correspondence of stereotype beliefs with criteria. If I believe 60% of adult women are over 5' 4" tall, and 56% voted for the Democrat in the last Presidential election, and that 35% of all adult women have college degrees, how well do my beliefs correspond to the actual probabilities? One can do this sort of thing for many different types of groups.

And lots of scientists have. And you know what they found? That stereotype accuracy -- the correspondence of stereotype beliefs with criteria -- is one of the largest relationships in all of social psychology. The correlations of stereotypes with criteria range from .4 to over .9, and average almost .8 for cultural stereotypes (the correlation of beliefs that are widely shared with criteria) and.5 for personal stereotypes (the correlation of one individual's stereotypes with criteria, averaged over lots of individuals). The average effect in social psychology is about .20. Stereotypes are more valid than most social psychological hypotheses.​

A stereotype would not persist if it consistently gave wrong answers to general issues. Let's say that there is a stereotype that barking dogs are friendly and want to be petted. Now every time you see a barking dog you go up to it and pet it and you keep getting bitten by the dog. That stereotype is giving your consistently wrong information and you're going to purge that stereotype from your mind and adopt a new one - don't pet barking dogs. Now when you see a barking dog you don't pet it and you're never bitten. That new stereotype is useful to you because it give you good information.

And I don't believe for a second that you don't rely on stereotypes (generalized information) in your own life. When you approach a crosswalk and you see a speeding car approaching, you PREJUDGE that car as being dangerous rather than just ignoring it and stepping into the crosswalk.
So you are saying the police officer involved will get an ego boost, pull a gun on his wife, start speeding in his cop car?

Or are you saying that blacks don't have the Right to have guns? That's just a little pistol.
How old was Mike Brown when this picture was taken?

Do you think that gun was registered to him?

This has zero to do with the cop who gunned him down in cold blood. He didn't have that gun on him and he was not a threat to that cop when the cop gunned him down in cold blood.

Hey. They say he deserved to be shot because he has a photo of him with a gun. Let the Bigots make their own hate soup.
Thats not Mike Brown in the picture. I busted Tank out on another thread already about this. In his confusion and fright he somehow got Brown mixed up with a kid in Oregon named Joda Cain. Now that he has continued his lies we know he cant be trusted to tell the truth which I already knew.

Joda Cain: Kansas City Teen Accused Of Killing Great-Grandmother | News One

Thats not Mike Brown in the picture

you are right it is not him

also there are pictures out there

suggesting he is sporting the bloods color red

however in his dead picture he is wearing green

not red
If a White guy posed for the same picture you Liberals would be ALL OVER HIM!

"What a completely irresponsible redneck! This is why no one should own guns!"

(Yes I know that's not Mike Brown)
They're trying hard to turn this into another Trayvon Martin that's for sure

Sharpton, Obama, the media and all the libs who again are taking SIDES before an INVESTIGATION has been done

you think they'd be this upset over some white dude, Asian, etc

it's become a sick tactic
They're trying hard to turn this into another Trayvon Martin that's for sure

Sharpton, Obama, the media and all the libs who again are taking SIDES before an INVESTIGATION has been done

you think they'd be this upset over some white dude, Asian, etc

it's become a sick tactic

Uh, it was a racist Rightie who started this thread with "It's Trayvon Martin all over again".

Poor thing.
This entire fucking story is fucking dumb. Why not make a post about one of the other 4,500 MURDERED BY OTHER BLACKS EACH YEAR? Oh'yess, you can't make it about whites. How fucking evil we're.

Fuck you racist blacks. Fuck you all.
So you are saying the police officer involved will get an ego boost, pull a gun on his wife, start speeding in his cop car?

Or are you saying that blacks don't have the Right to have guns? That's just a little pistol.
How old was Mike Brown when this picture was taken?

Do you think that gun was registered to him?

This has zero to do with the cop who gunned him down in cold blood. He didn't have that gun on him and he was not a threat to that cop when the cop gunned him down in cold blood.

Were you there? An eye witness?

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They're trying hard to turn this into another Trayvon Martin that's for sure

Sharpton, Obama, the media and all the libs who again are taking SIDES before an INVESTIGATION has been done

you think they'd be this upset over some white dude, Asian, etc

it's become a sick tactic

Uh, it was a racist Rightie who started this thread with "It's Trayvon Martin all over again".

Poor thing.

And you think the blacks sparking this shit in order to attack whites, aren't?
Anyone want to ask themselves why the black community is often the brunt of jokes and other comments? Look no further than the way the culture presents itself. Lawless and angry. IOW, targets.


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