Ivanka tried desperately to get trump to call of the mob on January 6th

"Perhaps a larger than life statue of him can be created of him in his heroic point blank range pose to put in the front entrance of the Capitol building to remind everyone how progressive democracy operates and what happens to those who protest."

Thats actually a good idea. Have a symbol erected to show these feral Dump supporters whats waiting for them if they try another insurrection.
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You should lead the charge to make this happen!

Don't forget to have the president publicly present him with a medal of valor and even the medal of freedom for his heroism under fire as soon as possible.

That way we'll all understand how progressive democracy truly operates.



I'm not the type. I'd rather watch the inbreds get shot again like that dumb bitch he killed.
That way we'll all understand how progressive democracy truly operates.
I.E., modern society.

Some tanks stationed around the Capitol will make it a truly modern progressive democracy.


I'm not the type. I'd rather watch the inbreds get shot again like that dumb bitch he killed.

All you have to do is write your congressperson and recommend it happen.

Perhaps you could start a website promoting it.

How are people to know of the heroism and great deeds preformed that day unless you erect memorials to commemorate the heroes that saved progressive democracy with a single shot?


I'm not the type. I'd rather watch the inbreds get shot again like that dumb bitch he killed.
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All you have to do is write your congressperson and recommend it happen.

Perhaps you could start a website promoting it.

How are people to know of the heroism and great deeds preformed that day unless you erect memorials to commemorate the heroes that saved progressive democracy with a single shot?



You can work on that for me. Make sure you do a good job.
You can work on that for me. Make sure you do a good job.


I find it more likely you're more like your kin in BLM and ANTIFA who would rather burn, loot, and MURDER, with the approval of your progressive president.


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No one cares what it looked like to you. The investigation cleared him of any wrongdoing so the bitch got shot righteously. They should give him a medal for shooting the dumb bitch.

So who are they going to award with this medial since the commies made sure his name would never be released? We present this award to officer Anonymous? Funny thing, we knew the cops name that shot Floyd within two hours. By the next day, officer Chauvin was a household name.
No one cares what it looked like to you. The investigation cleared him of any wrongdoing so the bitch got shot righteously. They should give him a medal for shooting the dumb bitch.

So who are they going to award with this medial since the commies made sure his name would never be released? We present this award to officer Anonymous? Funny thing, we knew the cops name that shot Floyd within two hours. By the next day, officer Chauvin was a household name.
They can easily give him an award without anyone knowing who he is. It doesnt have to be a public ceremony.
I told you that dumb bitch got shot attacking the capitol.

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From what I saw she was murdered while holding a "somewhat peaceful" protest.

Where were the tasers, the pepper spray, water hoses, and bean bags rounds?

Yep! Looked like outright point blank range murder to me.



No one cares what it looked like to you. The investigation cleared him of any wrongdoing so the bitch got shot righteously. They should give him a medal for shooting the dumb bitch.

If anyone should be blamed for her death, it should be trump, the Liar in Chief. Every one of those people were here because the fat Idiot lied over and over and over about the election. Not to be outdone, he continues to lie over and over. He wants so badly to see a new, more deadly January 6th.
If anyone should be blamed for her death, it should be trump, the Liar in Chief. Every one of those people were here because the fat Idiot lied over and over and over about the election. Not to be outdone, he continues to lie over and over. He wants so badly to see a new, more deadly January 6th.


I'm sure you'd love to have a chance to shoot some more Trump supporting unarmed female protestors if you had the chance.


They can easily give him an award without anyone knowing who he is. It doesnt have to be a public ceremony.


Yes they did that in Germany and Russia last century to honor their heroes too.


I told you that dumb bitch got shot attacking the capitol.

View attachment 513519

From what I saw she was murdered while holding a "somewhat peaceful" protest.

Where were the tasers, the pepper spray, water hoses, and bean bags rounds?

Yep! Looked like outright point blank range murder to me.



No one cares what it looked like to you. The investigation cleared him of any wrongdoing so the bitch got shot righteously. They should give him a medal for shooting the dumb bitch.

If anyone should be blamed for her death, it should be trump, the Liar in Chief. Every one of those people were here because the fat Idiot lied over and over and over about the election. Not to be outdone, he continues to lie over and over. He wants so badly to see a new, more deadly January 6th.

Absolutely. I am really glad to hear that what I thought was going to happen the military thought the same and prepared for it. I just knew he was going to try and use the military.
Absolutely. I am really glad to hear that what I thought was going to happen the military thought the same and prepared for it. I just knew he was going to try and use the military.


The military currently appears to support the modern progressive democracy. After all they did show up in numbers enough numbers to start a war at the Capitol in the name of protecting modern progressive democracy........

You do know what happened to the radicals who supported modern progressive democracy in places like Russia and China last century right?


If anyone should be blamed for her death, it should be trump, the Liar in Chief. Every one of those people were here because the fat Idiot lied over and over and over about the election. Not to be outdone, he continues to lie over and over. He wants so badly to see a new, more deadly January 6th.

View attachment 513580

I'm sure you'd love to have a chance to shoot some more Trump supporting unarmed female protestors if you had the chance.



We now know what is damaged....was the lobotomy painful?

It took hours before the Idiot in Chief finally called off his thugs. The select committee needs to make these people testify.

For Ivanka it was the worst thing she could do.

Trump supporters would hate her.
Everyone else hated her anyway.
We now know what is damaged....was the lobotomy painful?


At least they'd find something to lobotomize in my case.

I can't say the same for you or your modernly progressive president.


But erecting fences around the Capitol after murdering an unarmed female protestor then refusing to release the name of the Capitol police officer who did it; or telling people they have to wear masks, social distance, stay in lockdowns, or having to get COVID shot; or refusing to allow journalists to report on the conditions of the illegal immigrants at the border; isn't authoritarian in any way.
They aren't finished with this, either. Their "commission" report will likely take until next summer to complete and it will predictably call Trump and his supporter's traitors. I don't give damn ONE about that nonsense. What I DO care about is their use of this bullshite to continue ramping up anger and hate between the Left and Right.

Mark my words, before they finish they will be rounding up Americans who were in no way connected to that riot. They are setting the stage for a lot more than trying to use these smears to win elections. We are going to see them dump the filibuster, pass HR1, give statehood to at least DC, pack the SCOTUS, and begin using our intelligence assets to find conservatives or anyone who openly supports Trump's run for president in 2024 and charge them with "sedition" or "domestic terrorism". Those who doubt this are in for a major shock in the coming weeks and months. These traitorous bastards have made their intentions clear. They will NOT relinquish power again. If a single violent event occurs where anyone attacks a Liberal or a Blue city for any cause, they will use it to send in troops and they may well call off elections due to an "Insurrection".

When that time comes, the only assistance any opponent of theirs will possibly receive will be the backing of their state government to resist the coup. DC is GONE. There is no way to cure what ails it and the only way to keep any amount of freedom is to secede and ignore the wailing of the Left. They don't have enough firepower or troops to occupy multiple U.S. states and even if they resorted to violently crushing selected populations in a few Red States, all it would accomplish is to out them for what they really are. For now, they still fear taking that step.

People who want to retain ANY level of liberty need to wake up immediately and begin annoying the hell out of their state representatives and governor. IF their state refuses to act as a sanctuary for 2A or any other amendments then people will know what lies ahead and can decide whether to move or go silent with any opinions online. 61% of the 3000+ U.S. counties have already declared themselves, by law, 2A sanctuaries as a result of the expected 2A infringements this regime is preparing. Voting your state representative or governor out after they've already committed to enforcing such unconstitutional edicts will not help at all. These criminals need to be resisted by the only peaceful means left to us.

the (R)s could have had a voice - an EQUAL voice... they chose not to.

now they shall reap what they sowed.
I hope the hearing are televised. It will show what a bunch of treasonous and spineless cowards that the repub party is.

oh they will be public. they start sometime b4 the end of the month.
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