Ivanka tried desperately to get trump to call of the mob on January 6th

He told everyone to go home before.
several hours after they stormed the capital - looking to hang pence ... hunting pelosi .... damaged the inside ... beat cops ... threw shit on the walls like a bunch of chimps....
Hang Pence? Is he a midget?
View attachment 513199

Hawk, any idiot can see that the "gallows" promulgated at the Capitol was wholly incapable of hanging anything but a cat, nor was it ever obviously intended to. The questions needing asked which of course NO media ever bothered TO ask is:
  1. Where did the gallows come from?
  2. Is the girl in the photo connected with it or was she merely inspecting it upon finding it sitting on the lawn of the Capitol?
  3. How was such a thing made or brought there when we were told the whole protest arose spontaneously out of a rally speech just 2 miles down the road?
  4. How do you transport a 12 foot tall gallows in the back of a PU through the streets of Washington, then carry it to the Capitol and no one notices?
  5. How do you carry a truckload of raw lumber and power tools to the lawn of the Capitol and cut and BUILD IT THERE and no Capitol cop even notices or bothers to ask?
  6. If it wasn't carried or built there, then where did it come from?
  7. Why won't Nancy's 1/6 investigation ask any of these questions?
  8. Why hasn't the FBI sought out this girl or any others in trying to trace the origins of these gallows? After all, the media presented it as a very REAL threat intended to hang the VP!
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize the reason why these questions will never be answered is because the DEMOCRATS were complicit in the creation of the gallows put there to further inflame the crowd and spur them onto violence so they could blame Trump for it.

Listen. Although there's been a rush to access paranoia medication, if you hurry, it is still available over the net and special drug stores.
Although, the amount of thought required to concoct those conspiracy theories could have collapsed the remaining cells left. Best get an MRI scan first.

Another fertile colon bagged mentality from the insipid Left who shall not ask the questions, will never get the answers nor cares to, instead trying as always to divert the topic away from the real perps here: the DEMOCRATS and fascist Left caught trying to manufacture another fake Trump story to keep what they are doing off the front page.

then why didn't any (sans 2) Rs vote for the jan 6th 10 rep bipartisan committee that would have had equal representation & full subpeana power 'eh?
Why don't you write and ask THEM instead of me?

LOL!!!!! now they get a minority seating & kevin mccarthy whose spine has become donny's lunch hasn't even pick anybody but that investigation will be starting with or without his choices in attendance.
I notice how you danced away from answering or commenting on the legitimacy of any of my 9 questions above very much needing asked, yet you disagreed with them. That tells me those questions are getting very close to a subject you not only have no legitimate answer for but don't WANT to have any legit answer for!

LOL! because your Qs were insane & aren't even close to legit.
Are you 12 years old or are you just an immature trump humper?


That would depend on which planet I'm from now wouldn't it?

At least I don't have a lack of brain issue like you have.


Bottom line is this was out of President Trump's hands; there was nothing he could have done.

that's pure bullshit, ray ray.

10 U.S. Code § 12406 - National Guard in Federal service: call​

the United States, or any of the Commonwealths or possessions, is invaded or is in danger of invasion by a foreign nation;
there is a rebellion or danger of a rebellion against the authority of the Government of the United States; or
the President is unable with the regular forces to execute the laws of the United States;
the President may call into Federal service members and units of the National Guard of any State in such numbers as he considers necessary to repel the invasion, suppress the rebellion, or execute those laws. Orders for these purposes shall be issued through the governors of the States or, in the case of the District of Columbia, through the commanding general of the National Guard of the District of Columbia.
10 U.S. Code § 12406 - National Guard in Federal service: call

General: Pentagon hesitated on sending Guard to Capitol riot​


WASHINGTON (AP) — Defense Department leaders placed unusual restrictions on the National Guard for the day of the Capitol riot and delayed sending help for hours despite an urgent plea from police for reinforcement, according to testimony Wednesday that added to the finger-pointing about the government response.

Maj. Gen. William Walker, commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, told senators that the then-chief of the Capitol Police requested military support in a “voice cracking with emotion” in a 1:49 p.m. call as rioters began pushing toward the Capitol...
General: Pentagon hesitated on sending Guard to Capitol riot

nice try ray ray ...

but you failed bigley.

I missed what part of the code it calls for keeping said troops in a cold winter garage sleeping on hard concrete floors meant for parked cars?

temporary & they train for worse. you suck at deflection.
Some tanks stationed around the Capitol will make it a truly modern progressive democracy.
Then why did you have to find a picture from a communist regime to support your idiotic point?

Why not a picture from the other modern democracies? Oh yea...you live in fantasyland.


But that is your version of a truly modern progressive democracy.


^^^ best ironic post of the day ^^^

CONgrats raymond!!!

What's ironic about it? I posted the timeline from FactCheck.org which is a pretty left leaning site. What it reads is that the action to get more help for the Capital police already started an hour before they breached the building. It shows the efforts they took to go back and forth and get through all the red tape. And in spite of that, the left still wants to blame Trump for the slow response.

the top of the food chain closest to trump in this matter was the sec of defense.

donny got rid of esper & put in a dude as ' acting ' sec of defense less than a week after the election.... a position that was only gonna be 2 months long because esper was as concerned as gen milley re: donny's increasing nuttiness. chistopher miller was following trump's orders to allow all this to unfold & HE kept those NG from coming in. he was told by trump to let his pawns seize the capital. it will all come out.

No, thats what delusional morons like you tell yourself in order to justify your own very stupid behavior. All of your hilariously stupid posts...all meant for an audience of one: yourself.


Yeah. Sure. Keep telling yourself that. It makes it easier for me. Hey!!!........

Why don't you put me on ignore so be even more alone and an audience of one?

Better yet you could move into a bubble and be even safer from COVID and me....


But that is your version of a truly modern progressive democracy.
No, thats what delusional morons like you tell yourself in order to justify your own very stupid behavior. All of your hilariously stupid posts...all meant for an audience of one: yourself.
Damaged Buzzard is becoming very annoying. Perhaps time to ignore the child....?
He is upset that his traitor girlfriend who never heard of him got an exra breathing hole. Give him time.


Maybe you can have some more fentanyl addicts resist arrest to die of heart attacks due to an overdose so you can claim they're heroes that way you can go back to burning, looting, and murdering, some more while demanding police be thrown into prison.


Whatever you say boot licker at the alter of scientific consensus
*said the religious nutter on his quantum mechanical device, sent via sattelites relying on relativity theory, brought to my eyes by electromagnetic theory

Why didnt you just pray and hope i heard you, instead, shaman? Low on faith, today?
*said the religious nutter on his quantum mechanical device, sent via sattelites relying on relativity theory, brought to my eyes by electromagnetic theory

Why didnt you just pray and hope i heard you, instead, shaman? Low on faith, today?

How did you know my specialty was electronics and physics oh progressive boot licker of the CO2 mixture?



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