Ivanka tried desperately to get trump to call of the mob on January 6th

How did you know my specialty was electronics and physics oh progressive boot licker of the CO2 mixture?
Oh yeah? Can you point us to some of your published research papers? Those are pretty general statements.

Did you read the last IPCC bulletin? What did you make of it?
the top of the food chain closest to trump in this matter was the sec of defense.

donny got rid of esper & put in a dude as ' acting ' sec of defense less than a week after the election.... a position that was only gonna be 2 months long because esper was as concerned as gen milley re: donny's increasing nuttiness. chistopher miller was following trump's orders to allow all this to unfold & HE kept those NG from coming in. he was told by trump to let his pawns seize the capital. it will all come out.

So who is going to believe the made up stories in your head? I don't deal with conspiracies, I deal with facts and post them; facts like Trump offered the Capital police 10,000 troops the day before as a backup. Facts like the FBI the day before told the Capital police this could very well take place, and he couldn't get any assistance. Facts like it's the Speaker of the House who is in charge of the Capital police, and she sat on her old wrinkled ass hoping something like this would happen for political advantage (see, anybody can make up conspiracy theories).
Oh yeah? Can you point us to some of your published research papers? Those are pretty general statements.

Did you read the last IPCC bulletin? What did you make of it?


You first


I assumed you were trying to buy yourself some sort of position of authority with your comments. I now guess you were just opening up about yourself.
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That should be pretty easy for you all things considered


:auiqs.jpg: :banana: :cool::banana::auiqs.jpg:

Hah, Smells Like Nirvana

But your post smells like religion. Always looking for authority in all things. Like them Muslims do. Scientists do a much better job with attempts at consensus.

And anyone is free to try to prove it all wrong. They will follow the evidence.
Hah, Smells Like Nirvana

But your post smells like religion. Always looking for authority in all things. Like them Muslims do. Scientists do a much better job with attempts at consensus.

And anyone is free to try to prove it all wrong. They will follow the evidence.

Oh my!!! Which religion would that be oh mighty high priest at the alter of scientific consensus?


Oh my!!! Which religion would that be oh mighty high priest at the alter of scientific consensus?
Could be any or none. It's the same type of thinking. So since you don't take IPCC as the authority, who do you consider the authority on climate science?

Ohhhh, right: nobody. Anywhere. Ever. I forgot. You just think "The climate always changes!!!", forgetting who taught you that.
Could be any or none. It's the same type of thinking. So since you don't take IPCC as the authority, who do you consider the authority on climate science?

Ohhhh, right: nobody. Anywhere. Ever. I forgot. You just think "The climate always changes!!!", forgetting who taught you that.


Geology 101

Did you know there's been at least six mass extinctions on earth?




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Geology 101
Then why is this?:

Position Summary​

Human-induced increases in greenhouse gases, especially CO2, are the main drivers of recent global warming. Sound public policy and successful climate change mitigation and adaptation require scientifically validated assessment of current and future climate impacts.

These people wrote Geology 101. So something doesn't add up, here.
Then why is this?:

Position Summary​

Human-induced increases in greenhouse gases, especially CO2, are the main drivers of recent global warming. Sound public policy and successful climate change mitigation and adaptation require scientifically validated assessment of current and future climate impacts.

These people wrote Geology 101. So something doesn't add up, here.

No one's made a model that accurately predicts what the climate will be like even for a ten year period.

They're geologists not fortune tellers


They've geologists not fortune tellers
That's deep. Who would be the fortune tellers, in this case?

Oh, i forgot again. Nobody.

So is it that you think we can't affect the climate by adding fixed carbon to the carbon cycle, or that we just cant have any idea how we will affect it?
That's deep. Who would be the fortune tellers, in this case?

Oh, i forgot again. Nobody.

So is it that you think we can't affect the climate by adding fixed carbon to the carbon cycle, or that we just cant have any idea how we will affect it?


Show me an model that accurately predicts what the weather will be like around the globe for a period of ten years and I'll consider whether your results are verifiable.

Until then...



...just like the murderous ways you support killing unarmed female protestors.
Show me an model that accurately predicts what the weather will be like around the globe for a period of ten years and I'll consider whether your results are verifiable
Haha, no you wouldnt. Scientists can now lay at your feet the warmest TWO decades on record (the last two, and the running 10 year), as well predicted by the models , and still you throw your head to the side and say "nuh uh".
Haha, no you wouldnt. Scientists can now lay at your feet the warmest TWO decades on record (the last two, and the running 10 year), as well predicted by the models , and still you throw your head to the side and say "nuh uh".

If they had made accurate predictions it would make the headlines on all news channels therefore all you have is a bunch of BS.

Now about that murder by the Capitol police that happened on the 6th of January 2021 in the Capitol building when's your hero going to be honored publicly by the president?


They did, and it has. The temps are rising. The ocean is warming. And acidifying.

Let's see this wonderous model oh progressive boot licker.

Provide us all a link so we can all see these glorious predictions that have come true and what will be in store for us fifty to a hundred years down the road.

Is it classified and unavailable to the public?



Sort of like the information about the murderous insurrection hero of yours who shoots unarmed females at point blank range because he forgot to pack a taser and pepper spray eh?
Let's see this wonderous model oh progressive boot licker.
For a physics specialist, you say some pretty suspiciois things. There are many, many models and many trials of them. They are combined. And they have been fairly accurate. If anything, a bit lagging in warming.

But again, thats just what the experts say. Silly experts.
He told everyone to go home before.
several hours after they stormed the capital - looking to hang pence ... hunting pelosi .... damaged the inside ... beat cops ... threw shit on the walls like a bunch of chimps....
Hang Pence? Is he a midget?
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Hawk, any idiot can see that the "gallows" promulgated at the Capitol was wholly incapable of hanging anything but a cat, nor was it ever obviously intended to. The questions needing asked which of course NO media ever bothered TO ask is:
  1. Where did the gallows come from?
  2. Is the girl in the photo connected with it or was she merely inspecting it upon finding it sitting on the lawn of the Capitol?
  3. How was such a thing made or brought there when we were told the whole protest arose spontaneously out of a rally speech just 2 miles down the road?
  4. How do you transport a 12 foot tall gallows in the back of a PU through the streets of Washington, then carry it to the Capitol and no one notices?
  5. How do you carry a truckload of raw lumber and power tools to the lawn of the Capitol and cut and BUILD IT THERE and no Capitol cop even notices or bothers to ask?
  6. If it wasn't carried or built there, then where did it come from?
  7. Why won't Nancy's 1/6 investigation ask any of these questions?
  8. Why hasn't the FBI sought out this girl or any others in trying to trace the origins of these gallows? After all, the media presented it as a very REAL threat intended to hang the VP!
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize the reason why these questions will never be answered is because the DEMOCRATS were complicit in the creation of the gallows put there to further inflame the crowd and spur them onto violence so they could blame Trump for it.

Listen. Although there's been a rush to access paranoia medication, if you hurry, it is still available over the net and special drug stores.
Although, the amount of thought required to concoct those conspiracy theories could have collapsed the remaining cells left. Best get an MRI scan first.

Another fertile colon bagged mentality from the insipid Left who shall not ask the questions, will never get the answers nor cares to, instead trying as always to divert the topic away from the real perps here: the DEMOCRATS and fascist Left caught trying to manufacture another fake Trump story to keep what they are doing off the front page.

then why didn't any (sans 2) Rs vote for the jan 6th 10 rep bipartisan committee that would have had equal representation & full subpeana power 'eh?
Why don't you write and ask THEM instead of me?

LOL!!!!! now they get a minority seating & kevin mccarthy whose spine has become donny's lunch hasn't even pick anybody but that investigation will be starting with or without his choices in attendance.
I notice how you danced away from answering or commenting on the legitimacy of any of my 9 questions above very much needing asked, yet you disagreed with them. That tells me those questions are getting very close to a subject you not only have no legitimate answer for but don't WANT to have any legit answer for!

LOL! because your Qs were insane & aren't even close to legit.
You think those are /insane/ questions in an investigation of this scope? Yet I'm sure you are all for the investigation so long as it serves YOUR political end to just keep trying to smear Trump, right? Gee, you really aren't much of a debater much less conversationalist, so far removed from reality you are. Wow, you really are just another hopeless, vacuous leftwing asshole not worth my time. I can't make up my mind whether you are just an incredibly bad LIAR or really are just an absolute dolt, but why wait around to find out? Far easier to eliminate your waste and noise by perma-banning you from my world on IGNORE and concentrate better on just talking to people here with an IQ above 80. Bye.
For a physics specialist, you say some pretty suspiciois things. There are many, many models and many trials of them. They are combined. And they have been fairly accurate. If anything, a bit lagging in warming.

But again, thats just what the experts say. Silly experts.


So now you're saying you have no verifiable model that accurately predicts climate change and that it's really just a toss of the model dice when it comes to being accurate.

Sounds pretty suspicious to me....... more like a crap shot.



When's the presidential award ceremony for your Capitol police hero who murdered the unarmed protestor in the shot that was heard across the nation?


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