Ivanka tried desperately to get trump to call of the mob on January 6th

It took hours before the Idiot in Chief finally called off his thugs. The select committee needs to make these people testify.

For a second I was picturing his wife; not his daughter. His wife looked so out of it sometimes, I doubt she knew there was an insurrection taking place. Good to see his daughter realized what a disaster her old man had become.
Another one that watches too many television movies and thinks it's reality. Do you think the SS would have allowed him anywhere near a riot?
Then it's totally Trump's fault then for telling the crowd he was walking down there with them. He's not only a filthy pig, he's a cowardly liar. Thanks for the heads up.
For a second I was picturing his wife; not his daughter. His wife looked so out of it sometimes, I doubt she knew there was an insurrection taking place. Good to see his daughter realized what a disaster her old man had become.
The wife just wanted a sugar daddy who would take care of her and shower her with wealth. Everything else she could give two shits about.
it was predetermined that the NG stand down - NOT be given helmets, shields etc & was given traffic duty by the express direction of the sec of DOD... chis miller. who do you think gave HIM that order & send out the memo?

10 U.S. Code § 12406 - National Guard in Federal service: call​

the United States, or any of the Commonwealths or possessions, is invaded or is in danger of invasion by a foreign nation;
there is a rebellion or danger of a rebellion against the authority of the Government of the United States; or
the President is unable with the regular forces to execute the laws of the United States;

the President may call into Federal service members and units of the National Guard of any State in such numbers as he considers necessary to repel the invasion, suppress the rebellion, or execute those laws. Orders for these purposes shall be issued through the governors of the States or, in the case of the District of Columbia, through the commanding general of the National Guard of the District of Columbia.

10 U.S. Code § 12406 - National Guard in Federal service: call
(Added Pub. L. 103–337, div. A, title XVI, § 1662(f)(1), Oct. 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 2994; amended Pub. L. 109–163, div. A, title X, § 1057(a)(5), Jan. 6, 2006, 119 Stat. 3440.)

donny went to the whitehouse to watch it all unfold on TV.

You lose. My source is the military times. The process of getting the national guard was on it's way while Trump was still giving his speech and didn't even know what was going on at the Capital. First they refused his offer to have them there before the events of 1/6 started, then they Fd up the response. Read your post again. Nowhere does it state the President doesn't have to go through the proper channels to take action.

This will come out in more detail after the Republicans takeover Congress and we have a real 1/6 investigation. They will subpoena all that were involved including Piglosi from her new Florida house to find out who slowed down the process and stopped the NG from being there in the first place. They will release the hundreds of hours of recordings of what went on that the commies are currently hiding, they will bring in the political prisoners that were tortured in solitary confinement and not being given their day in court.

Not to worry. It's all going to come out once the commies are out of power instead of this (yet another) witch hunt of Donald Trump.
For a second I was picturing his wife; not his daughter. His wife looked so out of it sometimes, I doubt she knew there was an insurrection taking place. Good to see his daughter realized what a disaster her old man had become.
Melanie is 24/7 trying to figure out a way to get out of a marriage where she was just a "hired concubine."
It's the wording of the title in this thread.....Desperately, tried desperately......omigod! so totally desperately!o_O

You lose. My source is the military times. The process of getting the national guard was on it's way while Trump was still giving his speech and didn't even know what was going on at the Capital. First they refused his offer to have them there before the events of 1/6 started, then they Fd up the response. Read your post again. Nowhere does it state the President doesn't have to go through the proper channels to take action.

This will come out in more detail after the Republicans takeover Congress and we have a real 1/6 investigation. They will subpoena all that were involved including Piglosi from her new Florida house to find out who slowed down the process and stopped the NG from being there in the first place. They will release the hundreds of hours of recordings of what went on that the commies are currently hiding, they will bring in the political prisoners that were tortured in solitary confinement and not being given their day in court.

Not to worry. It's all going to come out once the commies are out of power instead of this (yet another) witch hunt of Donald Trump.
The real report will come out way before your fake one. You lose.
What's totally Trump's fault?
Dude, are you dense? You just said they wouldn't allow him anywhere near the riot. Glad to read you acknowledge it was a riot versus a peaceful protest first off.

Secondly, since they were not going to allow him anywhere near the riot, that meant Trump was lying to his rioting base about going down there with him. You are admitting that by virtue of your own explanation. Which confirms he's a coward and a lying pig. He knew, just like you reminded us, he wouldn't be going down there, so, his only option was to watch it on TV, whereby he attempted to do nothing for 187 minutes, and he did nothing. Trump told the crowd they had to fight, knowing he wouldn't be there. But he sent his idiot human drones down there. That's how Trump operates. He lets everyone else do their dirty work for them.

That's how this thing is 100% Trumps fault. Anyone with a functioning brain and an ounce of honesty, already knows this.
Melanie is 24/7 trying to figure out a way to get out of a marriage where she was just a "hired concubine."

Well, I won't talk about their marriage but she did seem out of it sometimes. I would imagine her position is not an easy one and takes a mental toll.
Dude, are you dense? You just said they wouldn't allow him anywhere near the riot. Glad to read you acknowledge it was a riot versus a peaceful protest first off.

Secondly, since they were not going to allow him anywhere near the riot, that meant Trump was lying to his rioting base about going down there with him. You are admitting that by virtue of your own explanation. Which confirms he's a coward and a lying pig. He knew, just like you reminded us, he wouldn't be going down there, so, his only option was to watch it on TV, whereby he attempted to do nothing for 187 minutes, and he did nothing. Trump told the crowd they had to fight, knowing he wouldn't be there. But he sent his idiot human drones down there. That's how Trump operates. He lets everyone else do their dirty work for them.

That's how this thing is 100% Trumps fault. Anyone with a functioning brain and an ounce of honesty, already knows this.

You must be completely stupid or something. How do you know Trump wasn't going to march down there with them? Of course he couldn't once the riot started, but if no riot, you have zero evidence of what Trump was going to do or not do. Given I've provided plenty of evidence of what went wrong getting the NG to the Capital, WTF did you want Trump to do?
Well, I won't talk about their marriage but she did seem out of it sometimes. I would imagine her position is not an easy one and takes a mental toll.
She saw an opportunity, knew she had the body to find a sugar daddy, and took it. I don't blame her. It's still a mans world out there. For references, just ask an Afghan woman.
You must be completely stupid or something. How do you know Trump wasn't going to march down there with them? Of course he couldn't once the riot started, but if no riot, you have zero evidence of what Trump was going to do or not do. Given I've provided plenty of evidence of what went wrong getting the NG to the Capital, WTF did you want Trump to do?
You said so yourself you idiot. Do you think the SS would have allowed him anywhere near a riot? You're the one who is stupid. Don't you remember what you typed?

"WHAT do I want Trump to DO?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Are you seriously asking me that, after trump and his squad of thugs got on that podium and instigated the violence? WTF do you think we wanted Trump to do? OMG you folks are so stuck on stupid. I mean damn man. I don't think Idiocracy can even come close to you;
You said so yourself you idiot. Do you think the SS would have allowed him anywhere near a riot? You're the one who is stupid. Don't you remember what you typed?

"WHAT do I want Trump to DO?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: Are you seriously asking me that, after trump and his squad of thugs got on that podium and instigated the violence? WTF do you think we wanted Trump to do? OMG you folks are so stuck on stupid. I mean damn man. I don't think Idiocracy can even come close to you;

Yes, I asked if you think the SS would have allowed him to go to the Capital AFTER THE RIOT STARTED!!!!! My God you are dumb. I swear you leftists have grade school level comprehension skills.

Trump said he would march with them BEFORE THE RIOT STARTED!!!!!! Trump never instigated anything. What Trump said the Communists have made more caustic and violent statements, or don't you remember those?

Unknown 10.18.59 PM.jpeg
Yes, I asked if you think the SS would have allowed him to go to the Capital AFTER THE RIOT STARTED!!!!! My God you are dumb. I swear you leftists have grade school level comprehension skills.

Trump said he would march with them BEFORE THE RIOT STARTED!!!!!! Trump never instigated anything. What Trump said the Communists have made more caustic and violent statements, or don't you remember those?

View attachment 576618
Another one that watches too many television movies and thinks it's reality. Do you think the SS would have allowed him anywhere near a riot? This is you from one of your posts.

You must be completely stupid or something. How do you know Trump wasn't going to march down there with them? This is you again, and you expect us to take you seriously in a debate? :auiqs.jpg:

"If I watch too many movies and think it's reality" like you said, then I read, "do you think SS would have allowed him anywhere near a riot", when your next explanation asks us, " how do you know Trump wasn't going to march down there with them", 🤪:banghead:🤪:banghead:🤪:banghead: , that makes no sense. You yourself said SS wouldn't allow him down there, while your second explanation asks, how come he wouldn't go down there. LOL! You answered your own question you idiot.
Another one that watches too many television movies and thinks it's reality. Do you think the SS would have allowed him anywhere near a riot? This is you from one of your posts.

You must be completely stupid or something. How do you know Trump wasn't going to march down there with them? This is you again, and you expect us to take you seriously in a debate? :auiqs.jpg:

"If I watch too many movies and think it's reality" like you said, then I read, "do you think SS would have allowed him anywhere near a riot", when your next explanation asks us, " how do you know Trump wasn't going to march down there with them", 🤪:banghead:🤪:banghead:🤪:banghead: , that makes no sense. You yourself said SS wouldn't allow him down there, while your second explanation asks, how come he wouldn't go down there. LOL! You answered your own question you idiot.

Do you need big color pictures or something to understand such a simple thing? Trump said he was going to march down there with them. He said that before any riot broke out. Trump didn't go down there because a riot did break out. Get it yet or do I have to bring out the pictures?
187 minutes of red tape, while he watched it on TV and just looked. He could have gone down there himself and stopped it. That pig is a coward.

yep. & it's circulating that the final ' say so ' when he reluctantly went on live to tell 'em just how 'special' they were - took several retakes because of the shit he kept spewing. can you imagine what it must be? , given how the last version still was laiden with lies & filth

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