Ivanka tried desperately to get trump to call of the mob on January 6th

Do you need big color pictures or something to understand such a simple thing? Trump said he was going to march down there with them. He said that before any riot broke out. Trump didn't go down there because a riot did break out. Get it yet or do I have to bring out the pictures?
Based on your contradictions, I don't need pictures, you do. You and critical thinking seem to be divorced from one another, if you are unable to see the contradiction.
Any proof President Trump was in contact with anyone at the Capitol? He told everyone to go home before.

Everyone there were led by FBI informants and Antifa LARPers.

You lose. My source is the military times. The process of getting the national guard was on it's way while Trump was still giving his speech and didn't even know what was going on at the Capital. First they refused his offer to have them there before the events of 1/6 started, then they Fd up the response. Read your post again. Nowhere does it state the President doesn't have to go through the proper channels to take action.

This will come out in more detail after the Republicans takeover Congress and we have a real 1/6 investigation. They will subpoena all that were involved including Piglosi from her new Florida house to find out who slowed down the process and stopped the NG from being there in the first place. They will release the hundreds of hours of recordings of what went on that the commies are currently hiding, they will bring in the political prisoners that were tortured in solitary confinement and not being given their day in court.

Not to worry. It's all going to come out once the commies are out of power instead of this (yet another) witch hunt of Donald Trump.

uh - noooooo.... YOU lose. the NG were on buses waiting to roll when given the word - now read this part slowly:









General: Pentagon hesitated on sending Guard to Capitol riot


General: Pentagon hesitated on sending Guard to Capitol riot​


Commanding General District of Columbia National Guard Major General William J. Walker testifies before a Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and Senate Committee on Rules and Administration joint hearing examining the January 6, attack on the U.S. Capitol, Wednesday, March 3, 2021,  in Washington. (Shawn Thew/Pool via /AP)
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Commanding General District of Columbia National Guard Major General William J. Walker testifies before a Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and Senate Committee on Rules and Administration joint hearing examining the January 6, attack on the U.S. Capitol, Wednesday, March 3, 2021, in Washington. (Shawn Thew/Pool via /AP)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Defense Department leaders placed unusual restrictions on the National Guard for the day of the Capitol riot and delayed sending help for hours despite an urgent plea from police for reinforcement, according to testimony Wednesday that added to the finger-pointing about the government response.
Maj. Gen. William Walker, commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, told senators that the then-chief of the Capitol Police requested military support in a “voice cracking with emotion” in a 1:49 p.m. call as rioters began pushing toward the Capitol. Walker said he immediately relayed the request to the Army but did not learn until after 5 p.m. that the Defense Department had approved it. Guard troops who had been waiting on buses were then rushed to the Capitol, arriving in 18 minutes, Walker said.

General: Pentagon hesitated on sending Guard to Capitol riot | AP News



there was no red tape getting in the way
ray ray ...

just an orange treasonous pie hole
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yep. & it's circulating that the final ' say so ' when he reluctantly went on live to tell 'em just how 'special' they were - took several retakes because of the shit he kept spewing. can you imagine what it must be? , given how the last version still was laiden with lies & filth

These folks keep hunting for convenient truths, to justify all this. They are pathetic cowards and they are liars. Ray, with his wild imagination, said Trump was going down there, but, he wouldn't be going down there if rioting broke out, as if no one didn't already know that. LOl! But, just in case the rioting did break out, Trump immediately had an undisclosed location already set up with drinks, TVs, music, the whole family waiting for him, and with dancing bimbos. And this idiot Ray really believes Trump was going down there, had there not been rioting. :auiqs.jpg:The man is totally detached from reality and critical thinking.
These folks keep hunting for convenient truths, to justify all this. They are pathetic cowards and they are liars. Ray, with his wild imagination, said Trump was going down there, but, he wouldn't be going down there if rioting broke out, as if no one didn't already know that. LOl! But, just in case the rioting did break out, Trump immediately had an undisclosed location already set up with drinks, TVs, music, the whole family waiting for him, and with dancing bimbos. And this idiot Ray really believes Trump was going down there, had there not been rioting. :auiqs.jpg:The man is totally detached from reality and critical thinking.
My God, are you a hack. What good is that post? What good are you?
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
These folks keep hunting for convenient truths, to justify all this. They are pathetic cowards and they are liars. Ray, with his wild imagination, said Trump was going down there, but, he wouldn't be going down there if rioting broke out, as if no one didn't already know that. LOl! But, just in case the rioting did break out, Trump immediately had an undisclosed location already set up with drinks, TVs, music, the whole family waiting for him, and with dancing bimbos. And this idiot Ray really believes Trump was going down there, had there not been rioting. :auiqs.jpg:The man is totally detached from reality and critical thinking.

ray ray is one of them 'specials' that donny loves long time.
These folks keep hunting for convenient truths, to justify all this. They are pathetic cowards and they are liars. Ray, with his wild imagination, said Trump was going down there, but, he wouldn't be going down there if rioting broke out, as if no one didn't already know that. LOl! But, just in case the rioting did break out, Trump immediately had an undisclosed location already set up with drinks, TVs, music, the whole family waiting for him, and with dancing bimbos. And this idiot Ray really believes Trump was going down there, had there not been rioting. :auiqs.jpg:The man is totally detached from reality and critical thinking.

No, you were the one that questioned why Trump didn't go down there when he said he would. I just responded that he very may well have. But as a leftist, I know how you people think you can tell the future and read minds.
uh - noooooo.... YOU lose. the NG were on buses waiting to roll when given the word - now read this part slowly:

Why don't you go back and read my original comment where I stated the delay was because of all the bureaucracy and red tape, and even provided a reliable link to backup my claim?
you mean lied.

The entire situation changed so he lied? That's not lying. Lying is saying something like "I will never initiate any mandates for the vaccine" and then putting in place mandates for the vaccine. See, that's lying.

he had no intension b4 he opened his orange cat anus shaped mouth.

Yes, I know, you leftists with your crystal balls again.
Why don't you go back and read my original comment where I stated the delay was because of all the bureaucracy and red tape, and even provided a reliable link to backup my claim?

they were ready. there was no red tape ... chris miller said BEFORE jan 6, that no one would be allowed to go in WITHOUT HIS EXPRESS ORDERS.

for 3 hours, they tried to get him on the phone to do it. he was no where to be found & heard from.

ON PURPOSE. guess who FINALLY got them in there?

pence - donny's VP who was about to get lynched if they got ahold of him. & once he put in the order - they were there in 18 minutes.

i don't think you really read yer link, ray ray ... it's not supporting your defense at all.
How long did you have to search to find a Link that suited your needs?

about 2 seconds, because i saw the testimony live & it was easy to remember.

feel free to find that same dude that is the top dude of the DC national guard say differently. take as long as you need.
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they were ready. there was no red tape ... chris miller said BEFORE jan 6, that no one would be allowed to go in WITHOUT HIS EXPRESS ORDERS.

for 3 hours, they tried to get him on the phone to do it. he was no where to be found & heard from.

ON PURPOSE. guess who FINALLY got them in there?

pence - donny's VP who was about to get lynched if they got ahold of him. & once he put in the order - they were there in 18 minutes.

i don't think you really read yer link, ray ray ... it's not supporting your defense at all.

Bullshit. A VP or President cannot override military protocol. Pence may have called but their arrival was coincidental when they were actually allowed to be deployed. Need another link that clearly states it was the Pentagon that refused to send in more support?
about 2 seconds, because i saw the testimony live & it was easy to remember.

feel free to find that same dude that is the top dude of the DC national guard say differently. take as long as you need.
National Guard!
Congress with virtually no security…right.

My community has dozens of retired military men who admit, after retirement, their number one priority was insuring a quality retirement.
I take everything with a large grain of salt.

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