Ivanka Trump Takes The Stand

No, you did not understand it or you would not be making the victim argument.

See the top of page 8 of the summary judgement.

It's gibberish to you because it is longer than a tweet.

Wrong again.

Read the summary judgement.
Wrong. Unlike you, I know something about the law. You don’t. That’s why you ignorantly deny that “fraud” (both civil and criminal) absolutely do require victims.

I’m sorry that your ignorance can’t be cured.
Wrong. Unlike you, I know something about the law. You don’t. That’s why you ignorantly deny that “fraud” (both civil and criminal) absolutely do require victims.

I’m sorry that your ignorance can’t be cured.
See posts 39 and 40.

I hope this FINALLY catches you up.
This is the precedent which establish no victim is necessary to prosecute for fraud: People v. Ernst & Young LLP, 980 N.Y.S.2d 456 | Casetext Search + Citator

However, where, as here, there is a claim based on fraudulent activity, disgorgement may be available as an equitable remedy, notwithstanding the absence of loss to individuals or independent claims for restitution ( see Applied Card Sys., 11 N.Y.3d at 125–126, 863 N.Y.S.2d 615, 894 N.E.2d 1). Disgorgement is distinct from the remedy of restitution because it focuses on the gain to the wrongdoer as opposed to the loss to the victim ( id. at 125, 863 N.Y.S.2d 615, 894 N.E.2d 1). Thus, disgorgement aims to deter wrongdoing by preventing the wrongdoer from retaining ill-gotten gains from fraudulent conduct.
That is absurd. And circular. Disgorgement requires fraudulent conduct. But there is no such thing as “fraud” (civilly or criminally) without a “victim.”

Besides, disgorgement (if appropriate at all) would only take back the amount the defendant improperly enriched himself by.
It still depends on actual fraud which still requires a victim. And there is still victim.

How is it possible to “disgorge” a gain obtained by “fraud” where there is no victim at all who has been deprived of any amount?
Ivanka Trump takes the stand today to testify about her part in securing loans for daddy from Deutsche Bank using fraudulent financial statements.

After US banks no longer wanted to deal with Crooked Donald, he had to go to the known money-laundering Deutsche Bank.

The Trump boys were shouting that daddy never defaulted on any of his loans, which is a lie. Crooked Donald defaulted on $640 million of loans from Deutsche, yet they kept loaning him money. That's very suspicious considering they are a bank known for money-laundering for Russian oligarchs.

Also, what's up with Ivanka's face? It looks bizarre. Something is wrong with her cheeks and chin. Botox? Surgery? Something.

Ivanka Trump testifies about her connection to the Deutsche Bank loans for multiple Trump properties


And proceeds to perjure herself, as email after email is shown to the court her own negotiations with the bank.

Now those documents are entered into evidence, and she now has legal exposure, right up to her neck.

The Trump brand. Show your tits, and spew bullshit.
Ok …

Wrong. Using allegedly fraudulent financial statements.

One little accurate adjective changes the meaning of your otherwise dishonest claim.
This isn't the trial, Shitty Lawyer. The trial is over and the judge ruled GUILTY, partly based on these fraudulent financial statements.

This is just determining the punishment.
I’m not the one in need of getting caught up. Sadly, you are impervious to getting educated despite your urgent need for it.
Why do you persist in your ignorance? This stubborn adherence to a delusion is the hallmark of Trump's submissive cucks.
Ivanka Trump takes the stand today to testify about her part in securing loans for daddy from Deutsche Bank using fraudulent financial statements.

After US banks no longer wanted to deal with Crooked Donald, he had to go to the known money-laundering Deutsche Bank.

The Trump boys were shouting that daddy never defaulted on any of his loans, which is a lie. Crooked Donald defaulted on $640 million of loans from Deutsche, yet they kept loaning him money. That's very suspicious considering they are a bank known for money-laundering for Russian oligarchs.

Also, what's up with Ivanka's face? It looks bizarre. Something is wrong with her cheeks and chin. Botox? Surgery? Something.

Ivanka Trump testifies about her connection to the Deutsche Bank loans for multiple Trump properties


Ivanka Trump Greeted By Chants Of ‘Crime Family’ As She Enters Courthouse

Good. She is a member of the Trump Crime Family!
Ivanka Trump takes the stand today to testify about her part in securing loans for daddy from Deutsche Bank using fraudulent financial statements.

After US banks no longer wanted to deal with Crooked Donald, he had to go to the known money-laundering Deutsche Bank.

The Trump boys were shouting that daddy never defaulted on any of his loans, which is a lie. Crooked Donald defaulted on $640 million of loans from Deutsche, yet they kept loaning him money. That's very suspicious considering they are a bank known for money-laundering for Russian oligarchs.

Also, what's up with Ivanka's face? It looks bizarre. Something is wrong with her cheeks and chin. Botox? Surgery? Something.

Ivanka Trump testifies about her connection to the Deutsche Bank loans for multiple Trump properties


Did you come?
So go offer your legal services pro bono Perry Mason.

I’m posting on a message board.

I realize truth and actual facts offend you.

But, frankly, your widdle feelings mean nothing.

The fact is, fraud always requires a victim. In NY AG’s suit against Trump, there are none. Ergo, you shithead, there is no fraud.

The judge is a hack and his determinations are destined to be reversed on appeal.

You don’t like that? Tough shit.
That one went so high over his or her head in left field, you just hit another homer. :thup: Way to go!
You poor thing. I guess your propagandists have neglected to tell you Trump has already been found culpable. This trial is to determine how big his fine will be and whether or not he gets to continue to operate any businesses in Florida.

You really should ask yourself why your MAGA media keeps you in the dark so often.

I’m posting on a message board.

I realize truth and actual facts offend you.

But, frankly, your widdle feelings mean nothing.

The fact is, fraud always requires a victim. In NY AG’s suit against Trump, there are none. Ergo, you shithead, there is no fraud.

The judge is a hack and his determinations are destined to be reversed on appeal.

You don’t like that? Tough shit.
Well, you can thrash around on the floor and scream til you're blue, but reality is much different from your persistent ignorance.

Sorry about that!

I've given you the case law. I've quoted the relevant parts. And yet you STILL choose to be willfully stupid.

Nothing I can do about that. Oh, well.
This isn't the trial, Shitty Lawyer. The trial is over and the judge ruled GUILTY, partly based on these fraudulent financial statements.

This is just determining the punishment.
Wrong, again, failed human. As you always are.

The trial is underway. A partial summary judgment (incorrectly ruled upon at that) was rendered. It’s not the entire trial, you appallingly ofjorant scumbag.

And it’s not a determination of any punishment. It’s now a determination of alleged “damages.” It’s also to determine the extent of the supposed “disgorgement” which is explicitly not a punishment under the law.

You couldn’t be more stupid if they could give you another lobotomy.
Why do you persist in your ignorance? This stubborn adherence to a delusion is the hallmark of Trump's submissive cucks.
I am trying to lead you out of your ignorance. The real question is why you’re so adamant in remaining so ignorant.

Otoh, your ignorance is amusing, but otherwise inconsequential.

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