Ivanka's speech

What a great family man he is Mr Trump! so proud of daughter Ivanka....and wife...the whole family!

After this speech I tell you without a doubt, he is the next President of USA! :clap: :2up::banana:
Skye, I have faithfully watched this whole convention, the good the bad and the ugly, because I do not feel justified to disagree if I do not see and hear for myself. And there is always a chance I could learn something. But I remind you, there is another convention coming up next week, and I can assure you, the attendees will be just as enthusiastic, and just as obnoxious and sometimes as ugly as this one. And just as enraptured by Hillary's acceptance as you are of Donald's. The only poll that matters is the first Tuesday in November poll. And don't forget that Al Gore got half million more popular votes than GWB and he still lost. So this could be another crap-shoot. Whoever wins, we will have to overcome the bitterness between us and become 'one nation' again, or nothing can save us..

I hear you but...

Mr Trump is the one who represents the outsider ....he relates to a "new" America ...he stands against the corruption of Washington....he will win! :banana:
Not with his VP pick, he catered to the establishment....
What a great family man he is Mr Trump! so proud of daughter Ivanka....and wife...the whole family!

After this speech I tell you without a doubt, he is the next President of USA! :clap: :2up::banana:
Skye, I have faithfully watched this whole convention, the good the bad and the ugly, because I do not feel justified to disagree if I do not see and hear for myself. And there is always a chance I could learn something. But I remind you, there is another convention coming up next week, and I can assure you, the attendees will be just as enthusiastic, and just as obnoxious and sometimes as ugly as this one. And just as enraptured by Hillary's acceptance as you are of Donald's. The only poll that matters is the first Tuesday in November poll. And don't forget that Al Gore got half million more popular votes than GWB and he still lost. So this could be another crap-shoot. Whoever wins, we will have to overcome the bitterness between us and become 'one nation' again, or nothing can save us..

I hear you but...

Mr Trump is the one who represents the outsider ....he relates to a "new" America ...he stands against the corruption of Washington....he will win! :banana:
Not with his VP pick, he catered to the establishment....

Trump wins. :D
What did you think? I LOVE her stealing the thunder from the dumbocrats with her talking about fair pay for women! Common sense conservatism!
I noticed that, Odious. Melania steals from Michelle and Ivanka steals from Democratic bills squashed by Republicans. And I was also impressed with her comments about how her Dad consulted with builders of his enterprises about all phases of construction and respects their input. I guess the only thing he doesn't do is pay them.
he does have a history of doing that..He likes to manipulate the failure to fulfill the contract in gigging them....
What a great family man he is Mr Trump! so proud of daughter Ivanka....and wife...the whole family!

After this speech I tell you without a doubt, he is the next President of USA! :clap: :2up::banana:
Skye, I have faithfully watched this whole convention, the good the bad and the ugly, because I do not feel justified to disagree if I do not see and hear for myself. And there is always a chance I could learn something. But I remind you, there is another convention coming up next week, and I can assure you, the attendees will be just as enthusiastic, and just as obnoxious and sometimes as ugly as this one. And just as enraptured by Hillary's acceptance as you are of Donald's. The only poll that matters is the first Tuesday in November poll. And don't forget that Al Gore got half million more popular votes than GWB and he still lost. So this could be another crap-shoot. Whoever wins, we will have to overcome the bitterness between us and become 'one nation' again, or nothing can save us..

I hear you but...

Mr Trump is the one who represents the outsider ....he relates to a "new" America ...he stands against the corruption of Washington....he will win! :banana:
Not with his VP pick, he catered to the establishment....

Trump wins. :D
I know, i know, you're a blonde....
What a great family man he is Mr Trump! so proud of daughter Ivanka....and wife...the whole family!

After this speech I tell you without a doubt, he is the next President of USA! :clap: :2up::banana:
Skye, I have faithfully watched this whole convention, the good the bad and the ugly, because I do not feel justified to disagree if I do not see and hear for myself. And there is always a chance I could learn something. But I remind you, there is another convention coming up next week, and I can assure you, the attendees will be just as enthusiastic, and just as obnoxious and sometimes as ugly as this one. And just as enraptured by Hillary's acceptance as you are of Donald's. The only poll that matters is the first Tuesday in November poll. And don't forget that Al Gore got half million more popular votes than GWB and he still lost. So this could be another crap-shoot. Whoever wins, we will have to overcome the bitterness between us and become 'one nation' again, or nothing can save us..

I hear you but...

Mr Trump is the one who represents the outsider ....he relates to a "new" America ...he stands against the corruption of Washington....he will win! :banana:
Not with his VP pick, he catered to the establishment....

Trump wins. :D
I know, i know, you're a blonde....

Skye, I have faithfully watched this whole convention, the good the bad and the ugly, because I do not feel justified to disagree if I do not see and hear for myself. And there is always a chance I could learn something. But I remind you, there is another convention coming up next week, and I can assure you, the attendees will be just as enthusiastic, and just as obnoxious and sometimes as ugly as this one. And just as enraptured by Hillary's acceptance as you are of Donald's. The only poll that matters is the first Tuesday in November poll. And don't forget that Al Gore got half million more popular votes than GWB and he still lost. So this could be another crap-shoot. Whoever wins, we will have to overcome the bitterness between us and become 'one nation' again, or nothing can save us..

I hear you but...

Mr Trump is the one who represents the outsider ....he relates to a "new" America ...he stands against the corruption of Washington....he will win! :banana:
Not with his VP pick, he catered to the establishment....

Trump wins. :D
I know, i know, you're a blonde....

so am I...lol
What did you think? I LOVE her stealing the thunder from the dumbocrats with her talking about fair pay for women! Common sense conservatism!

Why does Ivanka do that stupid little laugh/giggle after she says something. Is she afflicted in some way?

She liked what she was doing and showed it. And was having a good time doing it..
To bad it's sour grapes for you.
Why does hillary do that silly little nodding of the head up and down like she's approving of the adoration of her plebes?
And don't forget that Al Gore got half million more popular votes than GWB and he still lost.

Moose if you have been voting since 1960 I am quite sure you are aware of the votes that count are the electoral college votes. If only algore had only won his home state of Tennessee who knows what would have happened...
And don't forget that Al Gore got half million more popular votes than GWB and he still lost.

Moose if you have been voting since 1960 I am quite sure you are aware of the votes that count are the electoral college votes. If only algore had only won his home state of Tennessee who knows what would have happened...
Of course I am aware of that, I heard it enough back in 2K from Republican staffers sent to Florida to disrupt recounts. As for Gore losing Tennessee, didn't Trump lose Manhattan, or was it Queens? But my point was about things that can seem contradictory and the Republican hand wringing over the 'will of the people' which didn't matter much back then and I don't think that sentiment has changed since then either.
What a great family man he is Mr Trump! so proud of daughter Ivanka....and wife...the whole family!

After this speech I tell you without a doubt, he is the next President of USA! :clap: :2up::banana:
Skye, I have faithfully watched this whole convention, the good the bad and the ugly, because I do not feel justified to disagree if I do not see and hear for myself. And there is always a chance I could learn something. But I remind you, there is another convention coming up next week, and I can assure you, the attendees will be just as enthusiastic, and just as obnoxious and sometimes as ugly as this one. And just as enraptured by Hillary's acceptance as you are of Donald's. The only poll that matters is the first Tuesday in November poll. And don't forget that Al Gore got half million more popular votes than GWB and he still lost. So this could be another crap-shoot. Whoever wins, we will have to overcome the bitterness between us and become 'one nation' again, or nothing can save us..

I hear you but...

Mr Trump is the one who represents the outsider ....he relates to a "new" America ...he stands against the corruption of Washington....he will win! :banana:
Not with his VP pick, he catered to the establishment....
Link to GOP supporting pence as one of theirs?
What did you think? I LOVE her stealing the thunder from the dumbocrats with her talking about fair pay for women! Common sense conservatism!

Why does Ivanka do that stupid little laugh/giggle after she says something. Is she afflicted in some way?
Nothing nice to say about her?



I thought she did quite well for her 1st time on a national stage.

Afflicted? Yes. You are.
But my point was about things that can seem contradictory and the Republican hand wringing over the 'will of the people' which didn't matter much back then and I don't think that sentiment has changed since then either.


What did you think? I LOVE her stealing the thunder from the dumbocrats with her talking about fair pay for women! Common sense conservatism!

Why does Ivanka do that stupid little laugh/giggle after she says something. Is she afflicted in some way?

Honestly she was alright... But the standard was set real low by her father...

I still don't know why Ivanka making a great speech matters... Much like Chelsea Clinton, neither are going to run the country...

By the way Ivanka and Chelsea are good friends... Actually Chelsea has alway been complimentary of Ivanka and visa versa, they are good friends..

This tells me nothing about the Donald Trump campaign...
What a great family man he is Mr Trump! so proud of daughter Ivanka....and wife...the whole family!

After this speech I tell you without a doubt, he is the next President of USA! :clap: :2up::banana:

There is a reason you like it so much, she is basically a Democrat...

Who said it: Ivanka Trump or Hillary Clinton? - CNNPolitics.com

'Focus on making quality childcare affordable'
Ivanka Trump: "As president, my father will change the labor laws ... and he will focus on making quality childcare affordable and accessible for all."
'Make it easier to pay for childcare'
Hillary Clinton: "I will do everything I can to make it easier to pay for childcare."
'... fighting for women's health care and paid family leave'
Hillary Clinton: "If fighting for women's health care and paid family leave and equal pay is playing the woman's card, then deal me in."
'American families need relief'
Ivanka Trump: "As a mother myself of three young children, I know how hard it is to raise a family and I know that I am far more fortunate than most. American families need relief. Policies that allow women to thrive should not be novelties, they should be the norm."
'Women are paid equally for the work'
Ivanka Trump: "At my father's company, there are more female than male executives. Women are paid equally for the work that we do and when a woman becomes a mother, she is supported, not shut out."
'In 2014, women made 83 cents for every dollar earned by a man'
Ivanka Trump: "In 2014, women made 83 cents for every dollar earned by a man. Single women without children earned 94 cents for every dollar earned by a man, whereas married mothers made only 77 cents. As researchers have noted, gender is no longer creating the greatest wage discrepancy in this country, motherhood is."
'We still make it hard on women to go into the work force'
Hillary Clinton: "We don't have enough support for maternal leave and the kinds of things that some of the European countries do. So we still make it hard on women to go into the work force and feel that they can be good at work but then doing the most important job, which is raising your children in a responsible and positive way."

She has the same woman's rights policies as Hillary, pity her father doesn't share them...

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