I've come to the conclusion that FDR was the best president this country ever had

This is virtually the same post you made yesterday. I responded with two links to show how misinformed you are. Your post is just standard trash talk that you can not back up. If you had not ignored the links you would have learned how many of the projects and programs of the New Deal were paid for with loans, some in the form of bonds. You would have also seen a series of charts that showed unemployment in the private industry going down to below 10% and production going up. What evidence do you have that a single person, company or corporation paid 99% taxes? FDR did a lot of things to pay for his programs, including confiscating gold bullion and exchanging it for notes. He then used that gold as collateral to secure loans from private banks, which helped a lot of banks. He used bonds bought by private individuals and corporations and he manipulated the price of gold as well as the value of the dollar.
It is obvious you are comfortable with the misinformation and trash talk and are not able to come out of your brainwashed comfort zone.

Your the one who's misinformed. Of course you think FDR was great so anything out there that's detrimental to your belief if wrong.

Do some research. I found it. I'm sure you can to. Of course you have to want to find something negative about your hero.

Never mind. You can't cure stupid.
Go ahead and post any links that support your opinions. I would be glad to check them out. From past experience, my guess is that those links will be agenda driven opinion pieces written by commentators and bloggers or controversial works hotly debated by scholars. I have posted objective links to support my comments. You should do the same.
BTW, I happen to agree that FDR made mistakes and there are negative aspects to some of his decisions. I just disagree with your broad sweeping assessments.

Oh and like the ones you agree with aren't. Give me a break.

Go ahead and worship FDR. He sure as shit wasn't the greatest President this country ever had. Nor will he ever be.

You are a laugh.
Well, for 68 years historians and scholars have selected FDR one of the top three greatest Presidents of all time, except for recently they rated him the best, even over Washington and Lincoln.
You don't know enough about even your own links to debate the issue. FDR made transformations that resonate to this very day. Part of the criteria the scholars use is the legacy and lasting effects of Presidents . FDR's programs and policies have been carried on by generations of Presidents and Congresses from both parties.
You have a right to your opinion, but it differs from 68 years of America's most prestigious and respected historians from all spectrums of the political landscape, which amounts to thousands of scholars over the decades.
I'm convinced you don't even have an elementary education and knowledge about that era of American history. Your knowledge is based on distorted partisan talking points. You can't even argue the points made by the sources you provided links to. You don't even know what those points are. You read the brief description on a google search but didn't bother to actually research the content.
What is the thesis behind Cole and Ohanian? Your link.

Hitler’s Mutual Admiration Society

Toland reminds us of the high esteem in which Hitler held President Roosevelt:

Hitler had genuine admiration for the decisive manner in which the President had taken over the reins of government. “I have sympathy for Mr. Roosevelt,” he told a correspondent of the New York Times two months later, “because he marches straight toward his objectives over Congress, lobbies and bureaucracy.” Hitler went on to note that he was the sole leader in Europe who expressed “understanding of the methods and motives of President Roosevelt.”

Hitler was not Roosevelt’s only admirer. Benito Mussolini, who had led Italy into fascism, an economic philosophy that called for government control over economic activity, including government-business partnerships, said that he admired FDR because he, like Mussolini, was a “social fascist.” As Srdja Trifkovic put it in his article “FDR and Mussolini: A Tale of Two Fascists,
What is the point you are attempting to make. The world was in search of new ways to govern and that created lots of experimentation Hitler and Mussolini both tried to make their efforts seem legitimate and rational by pointing towards similarities in programs and policies by the American President. However, unlike Hitler and Mussolini, FDR did not suspend elections, declare himself a total dictator, force everyone to swear allegiance to him, arrest and execute his political enemies, arrest and confiscate the wealth of huge numbers of his citizens, etc.
Your the one who's misinformed. Of course you think FDR was great so anything out there that's detrimental to your belief if wrong.

Do some research. I found it. I'm sure you can to. Of course you have to want to find something negative about your hero.

Never mind. You can't cure stupid.
Go ahead and post any links that support your opinions. I would be glad to check them out. From past experience, my guess is that those links will be agenda driven opinion pieces written by commentators and bloggers or controversial works hotly debated by scholars. I have posted objective links to support my comments. You should do the same.
BTW, I happen to agree that FDR made mistakes and there are negative aspects to some of his decisions. I just disagree with your broad sweeping assessments.

Oh and like the ones you agree with aren't. Give me a break.

Go ahead and worship FDR. He sure as shit wasn't the greatest President this country ever had. Nor will he ever be.

You are a laugh.
Well, for 68 years historians and scholars have selected FDR one of the top three greatest Presidents of all time, except for recently they rated him the best, even over Washington and Lincoln.
You don't know enough about even your own links to debate the issue. FDR made transformations that resonate to this very day. Part of the criteria the scholars use is the legacy and lasting effects of Presidents . FDR's programs and policies have been carried on by generations of Presidents and Congresses from both parties.
You have a right to your opinion, but it differs from 68 years of America's most prestigious and respected historians from all spectrums of the political landscape, which amounts to thousands of scholars over the decades.
I'm convinced you don't even have an elementary education and knowledge about that era of American history. Your knowledge is based on distorted partisan talking points. You can't even argue the points made by the sources you provided links to. You don't even know what those points are. You read the brief description on a google search but didn't bother to actually research the content.
What is the thesis behind Cole and Ohanian? Your link.

Hitler’s Mutual Admiration Society

Toland reminds us of the high esteem in which Hitler held President Roosevelt:

Hitler had genuine admiration for the decisive manner in which the President had taken over the reins of government. “I have sympathy for Mr. Roosevelt,” he told a correspondent of the New York Times two months later, “because he marches straight toward his objectives over Congress, lobbies and bureaucracy.” Hitler went on to note that he was the sole leader in Europe who expressed “understanding of the methods and motives of President Roosevelt.”

Hitler was not Roosevelt’s only admirer. Benito Mussolini, who had led Italy into fascism, an economic philosophy that called for government control over economic activity, including government-business partnerships, said that he admired FDR because he, like Mussolini, was a “social fascist.” As Srdja Trifkovic put it in his article “FDR and Mussolini: A Tale of Two Fascists,
What is the point you are attempting to make. The world was in search of new ways to govern and that created lots of experimentation Hitler and Mussolini both tried to make their efforts seem legitimate and rational by pointing towards similarities in programs and policies by the American President. However, unlike Hitler and Mussolini, FDR did not suspend elections, declare himself a total dictator, force everyone to swear allegiance to him, arrest and execute his political enemies, arrest and confiscate the wealth of huge numbers of his citizens, etc.


FDR wanted to confiscate wealth and when SCOTUS refused it threatened to abolish the court.

The possible Constitutional crisis scared the justices so much that they caved into his demands.

Now fascism is our socioeconomic system, the Constitution (1787) has been abolished (James Clark McReynolds CENSORED dissenting opinion - Gold Clause Cases-

Go ahead and post any links that support your opinions. I would be glad to check them out. From past experience, my guess is that those links will be agenda driven opinion pieces written by commentators and bloggers or controversial works hotly debated by scholars. I have posted objective links to support my comments. You should do the same.
BTW, I happen to agree that FDR made mistakes and there are negative aspects to some of his decisions. I just disagree with your broad sweeping assessments.

Oh and like the ones you agree with aren't. Give me a break.

Go ahead and worship FDR. He sure as shit wasn't the greatest President this country ever had. Nor will he ever be.

You are a laugh.
Well, for 68 years historians and scholars have selected FDR one of the top three greatest Presidents of all time, except for recently they rated him the best, even over Washington and Lincoln.
You don't know enough about even your own links to debate the issue. FDR made transformations that resonate to this very day. Part of the criteria the scholars use is the legacy and lasting effects of Presidents . FDR's programs and policies have been carried on by generations of Presidents and Congresses from both parties.
You have a right to your opinion, but it differs from 68 years of America's most prestigious and respected historians from all spectrums of the political landscape, which amounts to thousands of scholars over the decades.
I'm convinced you don't even have an elementary education and knowledge about that era of American history. Your knowledge is based on distorted partisan talking points. You can't even argue the points made by the sources you provided links to. You don't even know what those points are. You read the brief description on a google search but didn't bother to actually research the content.
What is the thesis behind Cole and Ohanian? Your link.

Hitler’s Mutual Admiration Society

Toland reminds us of the high esteem in which Hitler held President Roosevelt:

Hitler had genuine admiration for the decisive manner in which the President had taken over the reins of government. “I have sympathy for Mr. Roosevelt,” he told a correspondent of the New York Times two months later, “because he marches straight toward his objectives over Congress, lobbies and bureaucracy.” Hitler went on to note that he was the sole leader in Europe who expressed “understanding of the methods and motives of President Roosevelt.”

Hitler was not Roosevelt’s only admirer. Benito Mussolini, who had led Italy into fascism, an economic philosophy that called for government control over economic activity, including government-business partnerships, said that he admired FDR because he, like Mussolini, was a “social fascist.” As Srdja Trifkovic put it in his article “FDR and Mussolini: A Tale of Two Fascists,
What is the point you are attempting to make. The world was in search of new ways to govern and that created lots of experimentation Hitler and Mussolini both tried to make their efforts seem legitimate and rational by pointing towards similarities in programs and policies by the American President. However, unlike Hitler and Mussolini, FDR did not suspend elections, declare himself a total dictator, force everyone to swear allegiance to him, arrest and execute his political enemies, arrest and confiscate the wealth of huge numbers of his citizens, etc.


FDR wanted to confiscate wealth and when SCOTUS refused it threatened to abolish the court.

The possible Constitutional crisis scared the justices so much that they caved into his demands.

Now fascism is our socioeconomic system, the Constitution (1787) has been abolished (James Clark McReynolds CENSORED dissenting opinion - Gold Clause Cases-

Talking point nonsense. FDR never threatened to abolish the court. He proposed having the Congress support an age retirement clause instead a lifetime appointment and he suggested increasing the number of justices to serve on the court.

Fascism is not our socioeconomic system, and how is Reynolds dissenting opinion censored? It is contained right here under page 294 U.S. 362.

The number in the Supreme Court had been changed four times before FDR so that it might find in favor of the president. The first time the conservatives in 1801 reduced the Court size from six to five to prevent Jefferson from appointing a replacement justice. In 1863, the Republicans increased the Court size from nine to ten to give Lincoln one more judge; then reduced the Court by one to prevent Johnson from making an appointment. Then the Republicans enlarged the Court so Grant could make an appointment. And on it went. FDR was the fifth president to try and change the Court size and he could not.
No single action has ever done more harm to America than the Iraq invasion.
IF that were true, then why did Lame Duck President Obama and Vice President unequivocally state that we had won the war and: "

Clinton also said Bush should not be faulted if banned weapons of mass destruction aren't found.

"I don't think you can criticize the President for trying to act on the belief that they have a substantial amount of chemical and biological stock. . . . That is what I was always told," Clinton said.

- Former President Clinton Wednesday, April 16, 2003

"Could Be One of the Great Achievements of This Administration" The vice president said he’d been to Iraq 17 times and visits the country every three months or so. "I know every one of the major players in all the segments of that society" he said. "It's impressed me. I've been impressed how they have been deciding to use the political process rather than guns to settle their differences."

- Vice President Joe Biden (D) Feb. 10, 2010

How has the war President Barack Hussein Obama said we SHOULD have been fighting going? How is the Middle East going now that President Obama is President? Oh, Afghanistan just crossed 2,330 American fatalities. Seventy percent of whom died since President Obama took office.
Why do I say this???
Simple, he started 45 years of economic growth, centered government around helping the little guy, the middle class under him and the next 4 presidents that followed some of his ideas grew like a weed.

1. Biggest middle class on earth 30 years after the new deal!!!
2. Taking a country where the poor had very little and turning a lot of that into the middle class! This wouldn't change until Reagans bs polices shifted shit against the middle class in the 1980's! All one needs to understand is far more people worked for far more and the rich paid there taxes from the 30's through the 70's.
3. Best education system on earth from 1940's-1960's
4. America was number one in science and r&d spending. In most ways it was because of men like FDR!!! I seriously doubt the presidents before him could of done the same! They were too fucking worried wanting to stand around with their dick in their hands.
5. FDR regulated food, drug and pushed for better health for America...

One could argue that Reagan tried to pull us to pre-fdr ideas and it failed. Why the hell shouldn't we use what works???

You should do a little research on FDR. He sure as shit wasn't the best POTUS this country ever had. His bullshit extended the GD and the ONLY thing that got us out of it was WWII. He was a great war time leader but as a POTUS with no war he sucked.

Yeah, he sucked so bad he was elected four times in a row. That's some pretty serious sucking, or else he was doing something right.

But since you were probably 20 or 30 years old at the time, maybe you remember things better.

Why do I say this???
Simple, he started 45 years of economic growth, centered government around helping the little guy, the middle class under him and the next 4 presidents that followed some of his ideas grew like a weed.

1. Biggest middle class on earth 30 years after the new deal!!!
2. Taking a country where the poor had very little and turning a lot of that into the middle class! This wouldn't change until Reagans bs polices shifted shit against the middle class in the 1980's! All one needs to understand is far more people worked for far more and the rich paid there taxes from the 30's through the 70's.
3. Best education system on earth from 1940's-1960's
4. America was number one in science and r&d spending. In most ways it was because of men like FDR!!! I seriously doubt the presidents before him could of done the same! They were too fucking worried wanting to stand around with their dick in their hands.
5. FDR regulated food, drug and pushed for better health for America...

One could argue that Reagan tried to pull us to pre-fdr ideas and it failed. Why the hell shouldn't we use what works???

You should do a little research on FDR. He sure as shit wasn't the best POTUS this country ever had. His bullshit extended the GD and the ONLY thing that got us out of it was WWII. He was a great war time leader but as a POTUS with no war he sucked.

Yeah, he sucked so bad he was elected four times in a row. That's some pretty serious sucking, or else he was doing something right.

But since you were probably 20 or 30 years old at the time, maybe you remember things better.

How does it feel to be a lemming??

Oh and like the ones you agree with aren't. Give me a break.

Go ahead and worship FDR. He sure as shit wasn't the greatest President this country ever had. Nor will he ever be.

You are a laugh.
Well, for 68 years historians and scholars have selected FDR one of the top three greatest Presidents of all time, except for recently they rated him the best, even over Washington and Lincoln.
You don't know enough about even your own links to debate the issue. FDR made transformations that resonate to this very day. Part of the criteria the scholars use is the legacy and lasting effects of Presidents . FDR's programs and policies have been carried on by generations of Presidents and Congresses from both parties.
You have a right to your opinion, but it differs from 68 years of America's most prestigious and respected historians from all spectrums of the political landscape, which amounts to thousands of scholars over the decades.
I'm convinced you don't even have an elementary education and knowledge about that era of American history. Your knowledge is based on distorted partisan talking points. You can't even argue the points made by the sources you provided links to. You don't even know what those points are. You read the brief description on a google search but didn't bother to actually research the content.
What is the thesis behind Cole and Ohanian? Your link.

Hitler’s Mutual Admiration Society

Toland reminds us of the high esteem in which Hitler held President Roosevelt:

Hitler had genuine admiration for the decisive manner in which the President had taken over the reins of government. “I have sympathy for Mr. Roosevelt,” he told a correspondent of the New York Times two months later, “because he marches straight toward his objectives over Congress, lobbies and bureaucracy.” Hitler went on to note that he was the sole leader in Europe who expressed “understanding of the methods and motives of President Roosevelt.”

Hitler was not Roosevelt’s only admirer. Benito Mussolini, who had led Italy into fascism, an economic philosophy that called for government control over economic activity, including government-business partnerships, said that he admired FDR because he, like Mussolini, was a “social fascist.” As Srdja Trifkovic put it in his article “FDR and Mussolini: A Tale of Two Fascists,
What is the point you are attempting to make. The world was in search of new ways to govern and that created lots of experimentation Hitler and Mussolini both tried to make their efforts seem legitimate and rational by pointing towards similarities in programs and policies by the American President. However, unlike Hitler and Mussolini, FDR did not suspend elections, declare himself a total dictator, force everyone to swear allegiance to him, arrest and execute his political enemies, arrest and confiscate the wealth of huge numbers of his citizens, etc.


FDR wanted to confiscate wealth and when SCOTUS refused it threatened to abolish the court.

The possible Constitutional crisis scared the justices so much that they caved into his demands.

Now fascism is our socioeconomic system, the Constitution (1787) has been abolished (James Clark McReynolds CENSORED dissenting opinion - Gold Clause Cases-

Talking point nonsense. FDR never threatened to abolish the court. He proposed having the Congress support an age retirement clause instead a lifetime appointment and he suggested increasing the number of justices to serve on the court.

Fascism is not our socioeconomic system, and how is Reynolds dissenting opinion censored? It is contained right here under page 294 U.S. 362.


I love these drama queens who screech "fascism" as if they know what they are talking about. Americans wouldn't know fascism if it walked up and slapped them across their Fox News brainwashed faces.
Oh and like the ones you agree with aren't. Give me a break.

Go ahead and worship FDR. He sure as shit wasn't the greatest President this country ever had. Nor will he ever be.

You are a laugh.
Well, for 68 years historians and scholars have selected FDR one of the top three greatest Presidents of all time, except for recently they rated him the best, even over Washington and Lincoln.
You don't know enough about even your own links to debate the issue. FDR made transformations that resonate to this very day. Part of the criteria the scholars use is the legacy and lasting effects of Presidents . FDR's programs and policies have been carried on by generations of Presidents and Congresses from both parties.
You have a right to your opinion, but it differs from 68 years of America's most prestigious and respected historians from all spectrums of the political landscape, which amounts to thousands of scholars over the decades.
I'm convinced you don't even have an elementary education and knowledge about that era of American history. Your knowledge is based on distorted partisan talking points. You can't even argue the points made by the sources you provided links to. You don't even know what those points are. You read the brief description on a google search but didn't bother to actually research the content.
What is the thesis behind Cole and Ohanian? Your link.

Hitler’s Mutual Admiration Society

Toland reminds us of the high esteem in which Hitler held President Roosevelt:

Hitler had genuine admiration for the decisive manner in which the President had taken over the reins of government. “I have sympathy for Mr. Roosevelt,” he told a correspondent of the New York Times two months later, “because he marches straight toward his objectives over Congress, lobbies and bureaucracy.” Hitler went on to note that he was the sole leader in Europe who expressed “understanding of the methods and motives of President Roosevelt.”

Hitler was not Roosevelt’s only admirer. Benito Mussolini, who had led Italy into fascism, an economic philosophy that called for government control over economic activity, including government-business partnerships, said that he admired FDR because he, like Mussolini, was a “social fascist.” As Srdja Trifkovic put it in his article “FDR and Mussolini: A Tale of Two Fascists,
What is the point you are attempting to make. The world was in search of new ways to govern and that created lots of experimentation Hitler and Mussolini both tried to make their efforts seem legitimate and rational by pointing towards similarities in programs and policies by the American President. However, unlike Hitler and Mussolini, FDR did not suspend elections, declare himself a total dictator, force everyone to swear allegiance to him, arrest and execute his political enemies, arrest and confiscate the wealth of huge numbers of his citizens, etc.


FDR wanted to confiscate wealth and when SCOTUS refused it threatened to abolish the court.

The possible Constitutional crisis scared the justices so much that they caved into his demands.

Now fascism is our socioeconomic system, the Constitution (1787) has been abolished (James Clark McReynolds CENSORED dissenting opinion - Gold Clause Cases-

Talking point nonsense. FDR never threatened to abolish the court. He proposed having the Congress support an age retirement clause instead a lifetime appointment and he suggested increasing the number of justices to serve on the court.

Fascism is not our socioeconomic system, and how is Reynolds dissenting opinion censored? It is contained right here under page 294 U.S. 362.



Roosevelt announces “court-packing” plan

On February 5, 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt announces a controversial plan to expand the Supreme Court to as many as 15 judges, allegedly to make it more efficient. Critics immediately charged that Roosevelt was trying to “pack” the court and thus neutralize Supreme Court justices hostile to his New Deal.

During the previous two years, the high court had struck down several key pieces of New Deal legislation on the grounds that the laws delegated an unconstitutional amount of authority to the executive branch and the federal government. Flushed with his landslide reelection in 1936, President Roosevelt issued a proposal in February 1937 to provide retirement at full pay for all members of the court over 70. If a justice refused to retire, an “assistant” with full voting rights was to be appointed, thus ensuring Roosevelt a liberal majority. Most Republicans and many Democrats in Congress opposed the so-called “court-packing” plan."

Well, for 68 years historians and scholars have selected FDR one of the top three greatest Presidents of all time, except for recently they rated him the best, even over Washington and Lincoln.
You don't know enough about even your own links to debate the issue. FDR made transformations that resonate to this very day. Part of the criteria the scholars use is the legacy and lasting effects of Presidents . FDR's programs and policies have been carried on by generations of Presidents and Congresses from both parties.
You have a right to your opinion, but it differs from 68 years of America's most prestigious and respected historians from all spectrums of the political landscape, which amounts to thousands of scholars over the decades.
I'm convinced you don't even have an elementary education and knowledge about that era of American history. Your knowledge is based on distorted partisan talking points. You can't even argue the points made by the sources you provided links to. You don't even know what those points are. You read the brief description on a google search but didn't bother to actually research the content.
What is the thesis behind Cole and Ohanian? Your link.

Hitler’s Mutual Admiration Society

Toland reminds us of the high esteem in which Hitler held President Roosevelt:

Hitler had genuine admiration for the decisive manner in which the President had taken over the reins of government. “I have sympathy for Mr. Roosevelt,” he told a correspondent of the New York Times two months later, “because he marches straight toward his objectives over Congress, lobbies and bureaucracy.” Hitler went on to note that he was the sole leader in Europe who expressed “understanding of the methods and motives of President Roosevelt.”

Hitler was not Roosevelt’s only admirer. Benito Mussolini, who had led Italy into fascism, an economic philosophy that called for government control over economic activity, including government-business partnerships, said that he admired FDR because he, like Mussolini, was a “social fascist.” As Srdja Trifkovic put it in his article “FDR and Mussolini: A Tale of Two Fascists,
What is the point you are attempting to make. The world was in search of new ways to govern and that created lots of experimentation Hitler and Mussolini both tried to make their efforts seem legitimate and rational by pointing towards similarities in programs and policies by the American President. However, unlike Hitler and Mussolini, FDR did not suspend elections, declare himself a total dictator, force everyone to swear allegiance to him, arrest and execute his political enemies, arrest and confiscate the wealth of huge numbers of his citizens, etc.


FDR wanted to confiscate wealth and when SCOTUS refused it threatened to abolish the court.

The possible Constitutional crisis scared the justices so much that they caved into his demands.

Now fascism is our socioeconomic system, the Constitution (1787) has been abolished (James Clark McReynolds CENSORED dissenting opinion - Gold Clause Cases-

Talking point nonsense. FDR never threatened to abolish the court. He proposed having the Congress support an age retirement clause instead a lifetime appointment and he suggested increasing the number of justices to serve on the court.

Fascism is not our socioeconomic system, and how is Reynolds dissenting opinion censored? It is contained right here under page 294 U.S. 362.


I love these drama queens who screech "fascism" as if they know what they are talking about. Americans wouldn't know fascism if it walked up and slapped them across their Fox News brainwashed faces.
Why do I say this???
Simple, he started 45 years of economic growth, centered government around helping the little guy, the middle class under him and the next 4 presidents that followed some of his ideas grew like a weed.

1. Biggest middle class on earth 30 years after the new deal!!!
2. Taking a country where the poor had very little and turning a lot of that into the middle class! This wouldn't change until Reagans bs polices shifted shit against the middle class in the 1980's! All one needs to understand is far more people worked for far more and the rich paid there taxes from the 30's through the 70's.
3. Best education system on earth from 1940's-1960's
4. America was number one in science and r&d spending. In most ways it was because of men like FDR!!! I seriously doubt the presidents before him could of done the same! They were too fucking worried wanting to stand around with their dick in their hands.
5. FDR regulated food, drug and pushed for better health for America...

One could argue that Reagan tried to pull us to pre-fdr ideas and it failed. Why the hell shouldn't we use what works???

You should do a little research on FDR. He sure as shit wasn't the best POTUS this country ever had. His bullshit extended the GD and the ONLY thing that got us out of it was WWII. He was a great war time leader but as a POTUS with no war he sucked.

Yeah, he sucked so bad he was elected four times in a row. That's some pretty serious sucking, or else he was doing something right.

But since you were probably 20 or 30 years old at the time, maybe you remember things better.

How does it feel to be a lemming??


I wasn't born yet but those lemmings who were had to have been very happy they weren't speaking Japanese or German after the war ended.
Hitler’s Mutual Admiration Society

Toland reminds us of the high esteem in which Hitler held President Roosevelt:

Hitler had genuine admiration for the decisive manner in which the President had taken over the reins of government. “I have sympathy for Mr. Roosevelt,” he told a correspondent of the New York Times two months later, “because he marches straight toward his objectives over Congress, lobbies and bureaucracy.” Hitler went on to note that he was the sole leader in Europe who expressed “understanding of the methods and motives of President Roosevelt.”

Hitler was not Roosevelt’s only admirer. Benito Mussolini, who had led Italy into fascism, an economic philosophy that called for government control over economic activity, including government-business partnerships, said that he admired FDR because he, like Mussolini, was a “social fascist.” As Srdja Trifkovic put it in his article “FDR and Mussolini: A Tale of Two Fascists,
What is the point you are attempting to make. The world was in search of new ways to govern and that created lots of experimentation Hitler and Mussolini both tried to make their efforts seem legitimate and rational by pointing towards similarities in programs and policies by the American President. However, unlike Hitler and Mussolini, FDR did not suspend elections, declare himself a total dictator, force everyone to swear allegiance to him, arrest and execute his political enemies, arrest and confiscate the wealth of huge numbers of his citizens, etc.


FDR wanted to confiscate wealth and when SCOTUS refused it threatened to abolish the court.

The possible Constitutional crisis scared the justices so much that they caved into his demands.

Now fascism is our socioeconomic system, the Constitution (1787) has been abolished (James Clark McReynolds CENSORED dissenting opinion - Gold Clause Cases-

Talking point nonsense. FDR never threatened to abolish the court. He proposed having the Congress support an age retirement clause instead a lifetime appointment and he suggested increasing the number of justices to serve on the court.

Fascism is not our socioeconomic system, and how is Reynolds dissenting opinion censored? It is contained right here under page 294 U.S. 362.


I love these drama queens who screech "fascism" as if they know what they are talking about. Americans wouldn't know fascism if it walked up and slapped them across their Fox News brainwashed faces.

I am humbled by your towering intellect and stinging response.
Why do I say this???
Simple, he started 45 years of economic growth, centered government around helping the little guy, the middle class under him and the next 4 presidents that followed some of his ideas grew like a weed.

1. Biggest middle class on earth 30 years after the new deal!!!
2. Taking a country where the poor had very little and turning a lot of that into the middle class! This wouldn't change until Reagans bs polices shifted shit against the middle class in the 1980's! All one needs to understand is far more people worked for far more and the rich paid there taxes from the 30's through the 70's.
3. Best education system on earth from 1940's-1960's
4. America was number one in science and r&d spending. In most ways it was because of men like FDR!!! I seriously doubt the presidents before him could of done the same! They were too fucking worried wanting to stand around with their dick in their hands.
5. FDR regulated food, drug and pushed for better health for America...

One could argue that Reagan tried to pull us to pre-fdr ideas and it failed. Why the hell shouldn't we use what works???

We know you're being facetious but let's say you're serious.

FDR extended the Great Depression by SEVEN YEARS. How on earth did that help America's workers?

What industries, since FDR have succeeded since his push for unions?

What unions are growing? Public sector unions which are a farce.
F.D.R. Warned Us About Public Sector Unions

James Sherk is the Bradley fellow in labor policy at the Center for Data Analysis at the Heritage Foundation.

Updated July 23, 2014, 4:19 PM

“It is impossible to bargain collectively with the government.”

That wasn’t Newt Gingrich, or Ron Paul, or Ronald Reagan talking. That was George Meany -- the former president of the A.F.L.-C.I.O -- in 1955. Government unions are unremarkable today, but the labor movement once thought the idea absurd.

Public sector unions insist on laws that serve their interests -- at the expense of the common good.
The founders of the labor movement viewed unions as a vehicle to get workers more of the profits they help create. Government workers, however, don’t generate profits. They merely negotiate for more tax money. When government unions strike, they strike against taxpayers. F.D.R. considered this “unthinkable and intolerable.”

F.D.R. Warned Us About Public Sector Unions - NYTimes.com
What is the point you are attempting to make. The world was in search of new ways to govern and that created lots of experimentation Hitler and Mussolini both tried to make their efforts seem legitimate and rational by pointing towards similarities in programs and policies by the American President. However, unlike Hitler and Mussolini, FDR did not suspend elections, declare himself a total dictator, force everyone to swear allegiance to him, arrest and execute his political enemies, arrest and confiscate the wealth of huge numbers of his citizens, etc.


FDR wanted to confiscate wealth and when SCOTUS refused it threatened to abolish the court.

The possible Constitutional crisis scared the justices so much that they caved into his demands.

Now fascism is our socioeconomic system, the Constitution (1787) has been abolished (James Clark McReynolds CENSORED dissenting opinion - Gold Clause Cases-

Talking point nonsense. FDR never threatened to abolish the court. He proposed having the Congress support an age retirement clause instead a lifetime appointment and he suggested increasing the number of justices to serve on the court.

Fascism is not our socioeconomic system, and how is Reynolds dissenting opinion censored? It is contained right here under page 294 U.S. 362.


I love these drama queens who screech "fascism" as if they know what they are talking about. Americans wouldn't know fascism if it walked up and slapped them across their Fox News brainwashed faces.

I am humbled by your towering intellect and stinging response.
Socialism has never worked in the history of the planet
Why do I say this???
Simple, he started 45 years of economic growth, centered government around helping the little guy, the middle class under him and the next 4 presidents that followed some of his ideas grew like a weed.

1. Biggest middle class on earth 30 years after the new deal!!!
2. Taking a country where the poor had very little and turning a lot of that into the middle class! This wouldn't change until Reagans bs polices shifted shit against the middle class in the 1980's! All one needs to understand is far more people worked for far more and the rich paid there taxes from the 30's through the 70's.
3. Best education system on earth from 1940's-1960's
4. America was number one in science and r&d spending. In most ways it was because of men like FDR!!! I seriously doubt the presidents before him could of done the same! They were too fucking worried wanting to stand around with their dick in their hands.
5. FDR regulated food, drug and pushed for better health for America...

One could argue that Reagan tried to pull us to pre-fdr ideas and it failed. Why the hell shouldn't we use what works???

You should do a little research on FDR. He sure as shit wasn't the best POTUS this country ever had. His bullshit extended the GD and the ONLY thing that got us out of it was WWII. He was a great war time leader but as a POTUS with no war he sucked.

Yeah, he sucked so bad he was elected four times in a row. That's some pretty serious sucking, or else he was doing something right.

But since you were probably 20 or 30 years old at the time, maybe you remember things better.

Yes, he was elected FOUR TIMES IN A ROW, dying in his first year of the fourth term.

You neglected to mention one "minor" detail". His FOUR TERMS, led IMMEDIATELY to the overwhelming passage of the 22nd Amendment putting term limits on Presidents. The public knew he was so bad they demanded that Presidents time in office have a limit.

FDR died April 12, 1945. The 22nd Amendment was approved by the necessary 2/3 vote in both the House and Senate and then is sent to the States for ratification. That was in March 1947. It was ratified by the required 3/4 of the states on February 27, 1951.
Why do I say this???
Simple, he started 45 years of economic growth, centered government around helping the little guy, the middle class under him and the next 4 presidents that followed some of his ideas grew like a weed.

1. Biggest middle class on earth 30 years after the new deal!!!
2. Taking a country where the poor had very little and turning a lot of that into the middle class! This wouldn't change until Reagans bs polices shifted shit against the middle class in the 1980's! All one needs to understand is far more people worked for far more and the rich paid there taxes from the 30's through the 70's.
3. Best education system on earth from 1940's-1960's
4. America was number one in science and r&d spending. In most ways it was because of men like FDR!!! I seriously doubt the presidents before him could of done the same! They were too fucking worried wanting to stand around with their dick in their hands.
5. FDR regulated food, drug and pushed for better health for America...

One could argue that Reagan tried to pull us to pre-fdr ideas and it failed. Why the hell shouldn't we use what works???

You should do a little research on FDR. He sure as shit wasn't the best POTUS this country ever had. His bullshit extended the GD and the ONLY thing that got us out of it was WWII. He was a great war time leader but as a POTUS with no war he sucked.

Yeah, he sucked so bad he was elected four times in a row. That's some pretty serious sucking, or else he was doing something right.

But since you were probably 20 or 30 years old at the time, maybe you remember things better.

Yes, he was elected FOUR TIMES IN A ROW, dying in his first year of the fourth term.

You neglected to mention one "minor" detail". His FOUR TERMS, led IMMEDIATELY to the overwhelming passage of the 22nd Amendment putting term limits on Presidents. The public knew he was so bad they demanded that Presidents time in office have a limit.

FDR died April 12, 1945. The 22nd Amendment was approved by the necessary 2/3 vote in both the House and Senate and then is sent to the States for ratification. That was in March 1947. It was ratified by the required 3/4 of the states on February 27, 1951.
So FDR will remain in the history books as the only president elected four times in a row by a grateful American citizenry. I thank you, Democrats thank you and America thanks you.
Well, for 68 years historians and scholars have selected FDR one of the top three greatest Presidents of all time, except for recently they rated him the best, even over Washington and Lincoln.
You don't know enough about even your own links to debate the issue. FDR made transformations that resonate to this very day. Part of the criteria the scholars use is the legacy and lasting effects of Presidents . FDR's programs and policies have been carried on by generations of Presidents and Congresses from both parties.
You have a right to your opinion, but it differs from 68 years of America's most prestigious and respected historians from all spectrums of the political landscape, which amounts to thousands of scholars over the decades.
I'm convinced you don't even have an elementary education and knowledge about that era of American history. Your knowledge is based on distorted partisan talking points. You can't even argue the points made by the sources you provided links to. You don't even know what those points are. You read the brief description on a google search but didn't bother to actually research the content.
What is the thesis behind Cole and Ohanian? Your link.

Hitler’s Mutual Admiration Society

Toland reminds us of the high esteem in which Hitler held President Roosevelt:

Hitler had genuine admiration for the decisive manner in which the President had taken over the reins of government. “I have sympathy for Mr. Roosevelt,” he told a correspondent of the New York Times two months later, “because he marches straight toward his objectives over Congress, lobbies and bureaucracy.” Hitler went on to note that he was the sole leader in Europe who expressed “understanding of the methods and motives of President Roosevelt.”

Hitler was not Roosevelt’s only admirer. Benito Mussolini, who had led Italy into fascism, an economic philosophy that called for government control over economic activity, including government-business partnerships, said that he admired FDR because he, like Mussolini, was a “social fascist.” As Srdja Trifkovic put it in his article “FDR and Mussolini: A Tale of Two Fascists,
What is the point you are attempting to make. The world was in search of new ways to govern and that created lots of experimentation Hitler and Mussolini both tried to make their efforts seem legitimate and rational by pointing towards similarities in programs and policies by the American President. However, unlike Hitler and Mussolini, FDR did not suspend elections, declare himself a total dictator, force everyone to swear allegiance to him, arrest and execute his political enemies, arrest and confiscate the wealth of huge numbers of his citizens, etc.


FDR wanted to confiscate wealth and when SCOTUS refused it threatened to abolish the court.

The possible Constitutional crisis scared the justices so much that they caved into his demands.

Now fascism is our socioeconomic system, the Constitution (1787) has been abolished (James Clark McReynolds CENSORED dissenting opinion - Gold Clause Cases-

Talking point nonsense. FDR never threatened to abolish the court. He proposed having the Congress support an age retirement clause instead a lifetime appointment and he suggested increasing the number of justices to serve on the court.

Fascism is not our socioeconomic system, and how is Reynolds dissenting opinion censored? It is contained right here under page 294 U.S. 362.



Roosevelt announces “court-packing” plan

On February 5, 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt announces a controversial plan to expand the Supreme Court to as many as 15 judges, allegedly to make it more efficient. Critics immediately charged that Roosevelt was trying to “pack” the court and thus neutralize Supreme Court justices hostile to his New Deal.

During the previous two years, the high court had struck down several key pieces of New Deal legislation on the grounds that the laws delegated an unconstitutional amount of authority to the executive branch and the federal government. Flushed with his landslide reelection in 1936, President Roosevelt issued a proposal in February 1937 to provide retirement at full pay for all members of the court over 70. If a justice refused to retire, an “assistant” with full voting rights was to be appointed, thus ensuring Roosevelt a liberal majority. Most Republicans and many Democrats in Congress opposed the so-called “court-packing” plan."

So what, he proposed an increase in the size of the court. He did it in a legitimate, constitutional way and the congress rejected his proposal. The public was fully aware of his proposal. While it was rejected, it managed to persuade the justices to be more supportive of the New Deal cases that came before the court. The justices were not as quick to challenge some of his programs.

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