I've come to the conclusion that FDR was the best president this country ever had

Why do I say this???
Simple, he started 45 years of economic growth, centered government around helping the little guy, the middle class under him and the next 4 presidents that followed some of his ideas grew like a weed.

1. Biggest middle class on earth 30 years after the new deal!!!
2. Taking a country where the poor had very little and turning a lot of that into the middle class! This wouldn't change until Reagans bs polices shifted shit against the middle class in the 1980's! All one needs to understand is far more people worked for far more and the rich paid there taxes from the 30's through the 70's.
3. Best education system on earth from 1940's-1960's
4. America was number one in science and r&d spending. In most ways it was because of men like FDR!!! I seriously doubt the presidents before him could of done the same! They were too fucking worried wanting to stand around with their dick in their hands.
5. FDR regulated food, drug and pushed for better health for America...

One could argue that Reagan tried to pull us to pre-fdr ideas and it failed. Why the hell shouldn't we use what works???

You have zero understanding of American history or what makes an economy work, but I already know that.
Speaking of history, what do America's best historians think of FDR? Well, they have rated FDR one of Americans three best presidents since they began rating in 1948. Recently they rated FDR the greatest, above Lincoln and Washington.
Speaking of history, what do America's best historians think of FDR? Well, they have rated FDR one of Americans three best presidents since they began rating in 1948. Recently they rated FDR the greatest, above Lincoln and Washington.

They're idiots and more than likely leftists themselves.
Why do I say this???
Simple, he started 45 years of economic growth, centered government around helping the little guy, the middle class under him and the next 4 presidents that followed some of his ideas grew like a weed.

1. Biggest middle class on earth 30 years after the new deal!!!
2. Taking a country where the poor had very little and turning a lot of that into the middle class! This wouldn't change until Reagans bs polices shifted shit against the middle class in the 1980's! All one needs to understand is far more people worked for far more and the rich paid there taxes from the 30's through the 70's.
3. Best education system on earth from 1940's-1960's
4. America was number one in science and r&d spending. In most ways it was because of men like FDR!!! I seriously doubt the presidents before him could of done the same! They were too fucking worried wanting to stand around with their dick in their hands.
5. FDR regulated food, drug and pushed for better health for America...

One could argue that Reagan tried to pull us to pre-fdr ideas and it failed. Why the hell shouldn't we use what works???

You've been coming to a lot of wrong headed conclusions lately, you might what an MRI of your head.
When I started working in the mid 60's after my navy hitch, I worked with a few older guys who went through the depression. Some worked for the WPA. To a man they all agreed that FDR policies were what the country needed. They said that during the depression, having a job building roads etc. lifted their spirits and pride, as well as putting money in their pockets. Never heard any of these guys badmouth FDR either.

Of course he did. The only problem was all that money was tax money. All of his projects needed tax money to pay for them. He was taxing some companies at 99%. No way could they hire anyone. They couldn't afford to.

Everything he did extended the GD. He was elected four times because he put people to work. Only problem was the work needed tax dollars to pay for it.

FDR was far from the best POTUS this country has ever had. Far, Far from it.

Do some research. I did. I used to think he was a great POTUS till I actually researched the man.

So your big complaint is that FDR used tax dollars to get America up and running, it seems.

Nope. The fact that he raised taxes as high as 99% to get that money to fund his projects. These were all Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars.

Of course those that got hired for these projects could care less who or what funded them as long as they had jobs. They all thought FDR was a savior and that's why he was elected four times.

With those high tax rates no company could put anyone back to work so the GD rolled on.

Really. Do some research pal.

Look it up yourself. Its out there.
When I started working in the mid 60's after my navy hitch, I worked with a few older guys who went through the depression. Some worked for the WPA. To a man they all agreed that FDR policies were what the country needed. They said that during the depression, having a job building roads etc. lifted their spirits and pride, as well as putting money in their pockets. Never heard any of these guys badmouth FDR either.

Of course he did. The only problem was all that money was tax money. All of his projects needed tax money to pay for them. He was taxing some companies at 99%. No way could they hire anyone. They couldn't afford to.

Everything he did extended the GD. He was elected four times because he put people to work. Only problem was the work needed tax dollars to pay for it.

FDR was far from the best POTUS this country has ever had. Far, Far from it.

Do some research. I did. I used to think he was a great POTUS till I actually researched the man.

So your big complaint is that FDR used tax dollars to get America up and running, it seems.

Nope. The fact that he raised taxes as high as 99% to get that money to fund his projects. These were all Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars.

Of course those that got hired for these projects could care less who or what funded them as long as they had jobs. They all thought FDR was a savior and that's why he was elected four times.

With those high tax rates no company could put anyone back to work so the GD rolled on.

Really. Do some research pal.
This is virtually the same post you made yesterday. I responded with two links to show how misinformed you are. Your post is just standard trash talk that you can not back up. If you had not ignored the links you would have learned how many of the projects and programs of the New Deal were paid for with loans, some in the form of bonds. You would have also seen a series of charts that showed unemployment in the private industry going down to below 10% and production going up. What evidence do you have that a single person, company or corporation paid 99% taxes? FDR did a lot of things to pay for his programs, including confiscating gold bullion and exchanging it for notes. He then used that gold as collateral to secure loans from private banks, which helped a lot of banks. He used bonds bought by private individuals and corporations and he manipulated the price of gold as well as the value of the dollar.
It is obvious you are comfortable with the misinformation and trash talk and are not able to come out of your brainwashed comfort zone.

Your the one who's misinformed. Of course you think FDR was great so anything out there that's detrimental to your belief if wrong.

Do some research. I found it. I'm sure you can to. Of course you have to want to find something negative about your hero.

Never mind. You can't cure stupid.
he started 45 years of economic growth, no, he did not. centered government around helping the little guy, :lol: the middle class under him and the next 4 presidents that followed some of his ideas grew like a weed.

1. Biggest middle class on earth 30 years after the new deal!!! :linnk:
2. Taking a country where the poor had very little and turning a lot of that into the middle class! he made the depression worse. This wouldn't change until Reagans bs polices shifted shit against the middle class in the 1980's! this is a bald faced lie All one needs to understand is far more people worked for far more and the rich paid there taxes from the 30's through the 70's. it created a massive stagnation
3. Best education system on earth from 1940's-1960's :link:
4. America was number one in science and r&d spending. and we have the massive debt to show for it In most ways it was because of men like FDR!!! I seriously doubt the presidents before him could of done the same! They were too fucking worried wanting to stand around with their dick in their hands.
5. FDR regulated food, drug and pushed for better health for America...

you forgot to mention he was a mass murderer, a ruthless tyrant, a man that wanted to increase the size of the scotus so he could ignore the Constitution.

but hey, he passed welfare, raised taxes, so it's all good
When I started working in the mid 60's after my navy hitch, I worked with a few older guys who went through the depression. Some worked for the WPA. To a man they all agreed that FDR policies were what the country needed. They said that during the depression, having a job building roads etc. lifted their spirits and pride, as well as putting money in their pockets. Never heard any of these guys badmouth FDR either.

Of course he did. The only problem was all that money was tax money. All of his projects needed tax money to pay for them. He was taxing some companies at 99%. No way could they hire anyone. They couldn't afford to.

Everything he did extended the GD. He was elected four times because he put people to work. Only problem was the work needed tax dollars to pay for it.

FDR was far from the best POTUS this country has ever had. Far, Far from it.

Do some research. I did. I used to think he was a great POTUS till I actually researched the man.

So your big complaint is that FDR used tax dollars to get America up and running, it seems.

Nope. The fact that he raised taxes as high as 99% to get that money to fund his projects. These were all Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars.

Of course those that got hired for these projects could care less who or what funded them as long as they had jobs. They all thought FDR was a savior and that's why he was elected four times.

With those high tax rates no company could put anyone back to work so the GD rolled on.

Really. Do some research pal.
Here are the links I provided the first time Claudette spewed her misinformation.



Don't expect anything academic or intellectual from this crew. Trash talk is all they have.

Here are the links I will provide since you to damned lazy to do so.


How FDR Made the Depression Worse

How Government Prolonged the Depression

FDR's Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression | Burton W. Folsom

Of course he did. The only problem was all that money was tax money. All of his projects needed tax money to pay for them. He was taxing some companies at 99%. No way could they hire anyone. They couldn't afford to.

Everything he did extended the GD. He was elected four times because he put people to work. Only problem was the work needed tax dollars to pay for it.

FDR was far from the best POTUS this country has ever had. Far, Far from it.

Do some research. I did. I used to think he was a great POTUS till I actually researched the man.

So your big complaint is that FDR used tax dollars to get America up and running, it seems.

Nope. The fact that he raised taxes as high as 99% to get that money to fund his projects. These were all Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars.

Of course those that got hired for these projects could care less who or what funded them as long as they had jobs. They all thought FDR was a savior and that's why he was elected four times.

With those high tax rates no company could put anyone back to work so the GD rolled on.

Really. Do some research pal.
Here are the links I provided the first time Claudette spewed her misinformation.



Don't expect anything academic or intellectual from this crew. Trash talk is all they have.

Here are the links I will provide since you to damned lazy to do so.


How FDR Made the Depression Worse

How Government Prolonged the Depression

FDR's Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression | Burton W. Folsom

Speaking of history, what do America's best historians think of FDR? Well, they have rated FDR one of Americans three best presidents since they began rating in 1948. Recently they rated FDR the greatest, above Lincoln and Washington.

They're idiots and more than likely leftists themselves.

That's right. The gall these historians have, going against a USMB moderator's opinion.
Of course he did. The only problem was all that money was tax money. All of his projects needed tax money to pay for them. He was taxing some companies at 99%. No way could they hire anyone. They couldn't afford to.

Everything he did extended the GD. He was elected four times because he put people to work. Only problem was the work needed tax dollars to pay for it.

FDR was far from the best POTUS this country has ever had. Far, Far from it.

Do some research. I did. I used to think he was a great POTUS till I actually researched the man.

So your big complaint is that FDR used tax dollars to get America up and running, it seems.

Nope. The fact that he raised taxes as high as 99% to get that money to fund his projects. These were all Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars.

Of course those that got hired for these projects could care less who or what funded them as long as they had jobs. They all thought FDR was a savior and that's why he was elected four times.

With those high tax rates no company could put anyone back to work so the GD rolled on.

Really. Do some research pal.
Here are the links I provided the first time Claudette spewed her misinformation.



Don't expect anything academic or intellectual from this crew. Trash talk is all they have.

Here are the links I will provide since you to damned lazy to do so.


How FDR Made the Depression Worse

How Government Prolonged the Depression

FDR's Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression | Burton W. Folsom


Since America had such great success after 5 terms of FDR and Truman, and then succeeding administrations more or less following those policies, then all the above criticism is just opinion, not based on fact. I see a cato site listed above. Hmm, smells like koch brother funding. The anti taxation libertarians who, back in the 1990's, were at risk of going to prison for stealing oil off of government lands. Of course they got off with just a fine, so anti tax right wingers can rest easy on that one.
When I started working in the mid 60's after my navy hitch, I worked with a few older guys who went through the depression. Some worked for the WPA. To a man they all agreed that FDR policies were what the country needed. They said that during the depression, having a job building roads etc. lifted their spirits and pride, as well as putting money in their pockets. Never heard any of these guys badmouth FDR either.

Of course he did. The only problem was all that money was tax money. All of his projects needed tax money to pay for them. He was taxing some companies at 99%. No way could they hire anyone. They couldn't afford to.

Everything he did extended the GD. He was elected four times because he put people to work. Only problem was the work needed tax dollars to pay for it.

FDR was far from the best POTUS this country has ever had. Far, Far from it.

Do some research. I did. I used to think he was a great POTUS till I actually researched the man.

So your big complaint is that FDR used tax dollars to get America up and running, it seems.

Nope. The fact that he raised taxes as high as 99% to get that money to fund his projects. These were all Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars.

Of course those that got hired for these projects could care less who or what funded them as long as they had jobs. They all thought FDR was a savior and that's why he was elected four times.

With those high tax rates no company could put anyone back to work so the GD rolled on.

Really. Do some research pal.

Look it up yourself. Its out there.
ummm..... thats now how debating works Sugar Shorts Claudette & I suspect that you know that :eusa_naughty: :fu:
When I started working in the mid 60's after my navy hitch, I worked with a few older guys who went through the depression. Some worked for the WPA. To a man they all agreed that FDR policies were what the country needed. They said that during the depression, having a job building roads etc. lifted their spirits and pride, as well as putting money in their pockets. Never heard any of these guys badmouth FDR either.

Of course he did. The only problem was all that money was tax money. All of his projects needed tax money to pay for them. He was taxing some companies at 99%. No way could they hire anyone. They couldn't afford to. Only one of the links you posted can be viewed as a scholarly work and Folsom's work is debated by his peers.

Everything he did extended the GD. He was elected four times because he put people to work. Only problem was the work needed tax dollars to pay for it.

FDR was far from the best POTUS this country has ever had. Far, Far from it.

Do some research. I did. I used to think he was a great POTUS till I actually researched the man.

So your big complaint is that FDR used tax dollars to get America up and running, it seems.

Nope. The fact that he raised taxes as high as 99% to get that money to fund his projects. These were all Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars.

Of course those that got hired for these projects could care less who or what funded them as long as they had jobs. They all thought FDR was a savior and that's why he was elected four times.

With those high tax rates no company could put anyone back to work so the GD rolled on.

Really. Do some research pal.
This is virtually the same post you made yesterday. I responded with two links to show how misinformed you are. Your post is just standard trash talk that you can not back up. If you had not ignored the links you would have learned how many of the projects and programs of the New Deal were paid for with loans, some in the form of bonds. You would have also seen a series of charts that showed unemployment in the private industry going down to below 10% and production going up. What evidence do you have that a single person, company or corporation paid 99% taxes? FDR did a lot of things to pay for his programs, including confiscating gold bullion and exchanging it for notes. He then used that gold as collateral to secure loans from private banks, which helped a lot of banks. He used bonds bought by private individuals and corporations and he manipulated the price of gold as well as the value of the dollar.
It is obvious you are comfortable with the misinformation and trash talk and are not able to come out of your brainwashed comfort zone.

Your the one who's misinformed. Of course you think FDR was great so anything out there that's detrimental to your belief if wrong.

Do some research. I found it. I'm sure you can to. Of course you have to want to find something negative about your hero.

Never mind. You can't cure stupid.
Go ahead and post any links that support your opinions. I would be glad to check them out. From past experience, my guess is that those links will be agenda driven opinion pieces written by commentators and bloggers or controversial works hotly debated by scholars. I have posted objective links to support my comments. You should do the same.
BTW, I happen to agree that FDR made mistakes and there are negative aspects to some of his decisions. I just disagree with your broad sweeping assessments.
Last edited:
So your big complaint is that FDR used tax dollars to get America up and running, it seems.

Nope. The fact that he raised taxes as high as 99% to get that money to fund his projects. These were all Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars.

Of course those that got hired for these projects could care less who or what funded them as long as they had jobs. They all thought FDR was a savior and that's why he was elected four times.

With those high tax rates no company could put anyone back to work so the GD rolled on.

Really. Do some research pal.
Here are the links I provided the first time Claudette spewed her misinformation.



Don't expect anything academic or intellectual from this crew. Trash talk is all they have.

Here are the links I will provide since you to damned lazy to do so.


How FDR Made the Depression Worse

How Government Prolonged the Depression

FDR's Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression | Burton W. Folsom

Speaking of history, what do America's best historians think of FDR? Well, they have rated FDR one of Americans three best presidents since they began rating in 1948. Recently they rated FDR the greatest, above Lincoln and Washington.

They're idiots and more than likely leftists themselves.

That's right. The gall these historians have, going against a USMB moderator's opinion.
The ratings in question go back every year since 1948 and are compiled by about 80 scholars with protocols and criteria to follow.
Nope. The fact that he raised taxes as high as 99% to get that money to fund his projects. These were all Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars.

Of course those that got hired for these projects could care less who or what funded them as long as they had jobs. They all thought FDR was a savior and that's why he was elected four times.

With those high tax rates no company could put anyone back to work so the GD rolled on.

Really. Do some research pal.
Here are the links I provided the first time Claudette spewed her misinformation.



Don't expect anything academic or intellectual from this crew. Trash talk is all they have.

Here are the links I will provide since you to damned lazy to do so.


How FDR Made the Depression Worse

How Government Prolonged the Depression

FDR's Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression | Burton W. Folsom

Speaking of history, what do America's best historians think of FDR? Well, they have rated FDR one of Americans three best presidents since they began rating in 1948. Recently they rated FDR the greatest, above Lincoln and Washington.

They're idiots and more than likely leftists themselves.

That's right. The gall these historians have, going against a USMB moderator's opinion.
The ratings in question go back every year since 1948 and are compiled by about 80 scholars with protocols and criteria to follow.
All progressives are bat shit crazy, FDR was a bag a shit of the highest order... Dumbass
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Speaking of history, what do America's best historians think of FDR? Well, they have rated FDR one of Americans three best presidents since they began rating in 1948. Recently they rated FDR the greatest, above Lincoln and Washington.

They're idiots and more than likely leftists themselves.

That's right. The gall these historians have, going against a USMB moderator's opinion.
The ratings in question go back every year since 1948 and are compiled by about 80 scholars with protocols and criteria to follow.
All progressives are bat shit crazy, FDR was a bag a shit of the highest order... Dumbass
You have nothing to back up your partisan and agenda driven Opinion. Just unsubstantiated trash talk. I see no one challenging the facts contained in the links I have provided. I see no one challenging any of my specific comments. So, facts are meaningless and simply ignored by the FDR bashers and trash talk rules on your side. I am fully prepared to challenge the links provided by Claudette if she or someone else is willing to use specific opinions or alleged facts from the links she provided, even the ones by Folsom and Cole-Ohanian.
Of course he did. The only problem was all that money was tax money. All of his projects needed tax money to pay for them. He was taxing some companies at 99%. No way could they hire anyone. They couldn't afford to. Only one of the links you posted can be viewed as a scholarly work and Folsom's work is debated by his peers.

Everything he did extended the GD. He was elected four times because he put people to work. Only problem was the work needed tax dollars to pay for it.

FDR was far from the best POTUS this country has ever had. Far, Far from it.

Do some research. I did. I used to think he was a great POTUS till I actually researched the man.

So your big complaint is that FDR used tax dollars to get America up and running, it seems.

Nope. The fact that he raised taxes as high as 99% to get that money to fund his projects. These were all Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars.

Of course those that got hired for these projects could care less who or what funded them as long as they had jobs. They all thought FDR was a savior and that's why he was elected four times.

With those high tax rates no company could put anyone back to work so the GD rolled on.

Really. Do some research pal.
This is virtually the same post you made yesterday. I responded with two links to show how misinformed you are. Your post is just standard trash talk that you can not back up. If you had not ignored the links you would have learned how many of the projects and programs of the New Deal were paid for with loans, some in the form of bonds. You would have also seen a series of charts that showed unemployment in the private industry going down to below 10% and production going up. What evidence do you have that a single person, company or corporation paid 99% taxes? FDR did a lot of things to pay for his programs, including confiscating gold bullion and exchanging it for notes. He then used that gold as collateral to secure loans from private banks, which helped a lot of banks. He used bonds bought by private individuals and corporations and he manipulated the price of gold as well as the value of the dollar.
It is obvious you are comfortable with the misinformation and trash talk and are not able to come out of your brainwashed comfort zone.

Your the one who's misinformed. Of course you think FDR was great so anything out there that's detrimental to your belief if wrong.

Do some research. I found it. I'm sure you can to. Of course you have to want to find something negative about your hero.

Never mind. You can't cure stupid.
Go ahead and post any links that support your opinions. I would be glad to check them out. From past experience, my guess is that those links will be agenda driven opinion pieces written by commentators and bloggers or controversial works hotly debated by scholars. I have posted objective links to support my comments. You should do the same.
BTW, I happen to agree that FDR made mistakes and there are negative aspects to some of his decisions. I just disagree with your broad sweeping assessments.

Oh and like the ones you agree with aren't. Give me a break.

Go ahead and worship FDR. He sure as shit wasn't the greatest President this country ever had. Nor will he ever be.

You are a laugh.
Why do I say this???
Simple, he started 45 years of economic growth, centered government around helping the little guy, the middle class under him and the next 4 presidents that followed some of his ideas grew like a weed.

1. Biggest middle class on earth 30 years after the new deal!!!
2. Taking a country where the poor had very little and turning a lot of that into the middle class! This wouldn't change until Reagans bs polices shifted shit against the middle class in the 1980's! All one needs to understand is far more people worked for far more and the rich paid there taxes from the 30's through the 70's.
3. Best education system on earth from 1940's-1960's
4. America was number one in science and r&d spending. In most ways it was because of men like FDR!!! I seriously doubt the presidents before him could of done the same! They were too fucking worried wanting to stand around with their dick in their hands.
5. FDR regulated food, drug and pushed for better health for America...

One could argue that Reagan tried to pull us to pre-fdr ideas and it failed. Why the hell shouldn't we use what works???

And you came to that conclusion because

1- You were victimized by the government schools - so now you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground

2- You are a berner, a socialist

3- You are a parasite who believes that your neighbor owes you a living

4- all of the above

So your big complaint is that FDR used tax dollars to get America up and running, it seems.

Nope. The fact that he raised taxes as high as 99% to get that money to fund his projects. These were all Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars.

Of course those that got hired for these projects could care less who or what funded them as long as they had jobs. They all thought FDR was a savior and that's why he was elected four times.

With those high tax rates no company could put anyone back to work so the GD rolled on.

Really. Do some research pal.
This is virtually the same post you made yesterday. I responded with two links to show how misinformed you are. Your post is just standard trash talk that you can not back up. If you had not ignored the links you would have learned how many of the projects and programs of the New Deal were paid for with loans, some in the form of bonds. You would have also seen a series of charts that showed unemployment in the private industry going down to below 10% and production going up. What evidence do you have that a single person, company or corporation paid 99% taxes? FDR did a lot of things to pay for his programs, including confiscating gold bullion and exchanging it for notes. He then used that gold as collateral to secure loans from private banks, which helped a lot of banks. He used bonds bought by private individuals and corporations and he manipulated the price of gold as well as the value of the dollar.
It is obvious you are comfortable with the misinformation and trash talk and are not able to come out of your brainwashed comfort zone.

Your the one who's misinformed. Of course you think FDR was great so anything out there that's detrimental to your belief if wrong.

Do some research. I found it. I'm sure you can to. Of course you have to want to find something negative about your hero.

Never mind. You can't cure stupid.
Go ahead and post any links that support your opinions. I would be glad to check them out. From past experience, my guess is that those links will be agenda driven opinion pieces written by commentators and bloggers or controversial works hotly debated by scholars. I have posted objective links to support my comments. You should do the same.
BTW, I happen to agree that FDR made mistakes and there are negative aspects to some of his decisions. I just disagree with your broad sweeping assessments.

Oh and like the ones you agree with aren't. Give me a break.

Go ahead and worship FDR. He sure as shit wasn't the greatest President this country ever had. Nor will he ever be.

You are a laugh.
Well, for 68 years historians and scholars have selected FDR one of the top three greatest Presidents of all time, except for recently they rated him the best, even over Washington and Lincoln.
You don't know enough about even your own links to debate the issue. FDR made transformations that resonate to this very day. Part of the criteria the scholars use is the legacy and lasting effects of Presidents . FDR's programs and policies have been carried on by generations of Presidents and Congresses from both parties.
You have a right to your opinion, but it differs from 68 years of America's most prestigious and respected historians from all spectrums of the political landscape, which amounts to thousands of scholars over the decades.
I'm convinced you don't even have an elementary education and knowledge about that era of American history. Your knowledge is based on distorted partisan talking points. You can't even argue the points made by the sources you provided links to. You don't even know what those points are. You read the brief description on a google search but didn't bother to actually research the content.
What is the thesis behind Cole and Ohanian? Your link.
Nope. The fact that he raised taxes as high as 99% to get that money to fund his projects. These were all Govt. projects paid for with tax dollars.

Of course those that got hired for these projects could care less who or what funded them as long as they had jobs. They all thought FDR was a savior and that's why he was elected four times.

With those high tax rates no company could put anyone back to work so the GD rolled on.

Really. Do some research pal.
This is virtually the same post you made yesterday. I responded with two links to show how misinformed you are. Your post is just standard trash talk that you can not back up. If you had not ignored the links you would have learned how many of the projects and programs of the New Deal were paid for with loans, some in the form of bonds. You would have also seen a series of charts that showed unemployment in the private industry going down to below 10% and production going up. What evidence do you have that a single person, company or corporation paid 99% taxes? FDR did a lot of things to pay for his programs, including confiscating gold bullion and exchanging it for notes. He then used that gold as collateral to secure loans from private banks, which helped a lot of banks. He used bonds bought by private individuals and corporations and he manipulated the price of gold as well as the value of the dollar.
It is obvious you are comfortable with the misinformation and trash talk and are not able to come out of your brainwashed comfort zone.

Your the one who's misinformed. Of course you think FDR was great so anything out there that's detrimental to your belief if wrong.

Do some research. I found it. I'm sure you can to. Of course you have to want to find something negative about your hero.

Never mind. You can't cure stupid.
Go ahead and post any links that support your opinions. I would be glad to check them out. From past experience, my guess is that those links will be agenda driven opinion pieces written by commentators and bloggers or controversial works hotly debated by scholars. I have posted objective links to support my comments. You should do the same.
BTW, I happen to agree that FDR made mistakes and there are negative aspects to some of his decisions. I just disagree with your broad sweeping assessments.

Oh and like the ones you agree with aren't. Give me a break.

Go ahead and worship FDR. He sure as shit wasn't the greatest President this country ever had. Nor will he ever be.

You are a laugh.
Well, for 68 years historians and scholars have selected FDR one of the top three greatest Presidents of all time, except for recently they rated him the best, even over Washington and Lincoln.
You don't know enough about even your own links to debate the issue. FDR made transformations that resonate to this very day. Part of the criteria the scholars use is the legacy and lasting effects of Presidents . FDR's programs and policies have been carried on by generations of Presidents and Congresses from both parties.
You have a right to your opinion, but it differs from 68 years of America's most prestigious and respected historians from all spectrums of the political landscape, which amounts to thousands of scholars over the decades.
I'm convinced you don't even have an elementary education and knowledge about that era of American history. Your knowledge is based on distorted partisan talking points. You can't even argue the points made by the sources you provided links to. You don't even know what those points are. You read the brief description on a google search but didn't bother to actually research the content.
What is the thesis behind Cole and Ohanian? Your link.

Hitler’s Mutual Admiration Society

Toland reminds us of the high esteem in which Hitler held President Roosevelt:

Hitler had genuine admiration for the decisive manner in which the President had taken over the reins of government. “I have sympathy for Mr. Roosevelt,” he told a correspondent of the New York Times two months later, “because he marches straight toward his objectives over Congress, lobbies and bureaucracy.” Hitler went on to note that he was the sole leader in Europe who expressed “understanding of the methods and motives of President Roosevelt.”

Hitler was not Roosevelt’s only admirer. Benito Mussolini, who had led Italy into fascism, an economic philosophy that called for government control over economic activity, including government-business partnerships, said that he admired FDR because he, like Mussolini, was a “social fascist.” As Srdja Trifkovic put it in his article “FDR and Mussolini: A Tale of Two Fascists,
Why do I say this???
Simple, he started 45 years of economic growth, centered government around helping the little guy, the middle class under him and the next 4 presidents that followed some of his ideas grew like a weed.

1. Biggest middle class on earth 30 years after the new deal!!!
2. Taking a country where the poor had very little and turning a lot of that into the middle class! This wouldn't change until Reagans bs polices shifted shit against the middle class in the 1980's! All one needs to understand is far more people worked for far more and the rich paid there taxes from the 30's through the 70's.
3. Best education system on earth from 1940's-1960's
4. America was number one in science and r&d spending. In most ways it was because of men like FDR!!! I seriously doubt the presidents before him could of done the same! They were too fucking worried wanting to stand arounwith their dick in their hands.
5. FDR regulated food, drug and pushed for better health for America...

One could argue that Reagan tried to pull us to pre-fdr ideas and it failed. Why the hell shouldn't we use what works???

Yes, but then you've also come to the conclusion that picking your butt and eating the treats you mine is a really great idea.

So take it for what it's worth.


Durp derp derpity derp.
Why do I say this???
Simple, he started 45 years of economic growth, centered government around helping the little guy, the middle class under him and the next 4 presidents that followed some of his ideas grew like a weed.

1. Biggest middle class on earth 30 years after the new deal!!!
2. Taking a country where the poor had very little and turning a lot of that into the middle class! This wouldn't change until Reagans bs polices shifted shit against the middle class in the 1980's! All one needs to understand is far more people worked for far more and the rich paid there taxes from the 30's through the 70's.
3. Best education system on earth from 1940's-1960's
4. America was number one in science and r&d spending. In most ways it was because of men like FDR!!! I seriously doubt the presidents before him could of done the same! They were too fucking worried wanting to stand around with their dick in their hands.
5. FDR regulated food, drug and pushed for better health for America...

One could argue that Reagan tried to pull us to pre-fdr ideas and it failed. Why the hell shouldn't we use what works???
What exactly makes you think FDR was the best?

His appointing a KKK member to the Supreme Court?
Putting Americans with slanted eyes in concentration camps?
Inviting the 1936 Olympics team to the White House while telling Jessie Owens to stay home?
Gutting the military so much 3 nations declared war on us?
Sending Jews who fled Hitler back to Europe?

What exactly do you love about him?
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