I've had an epiphany

I presented a variation on a Sophie's Choice thought experiment, yesterday, with the intent of demonstrating the intellectual dishonesty of morally equating an embryo, or non-viable fetus with an actual child. When presented, I thought it wasn't a big deal. All I was doing was removing an irrational argument. I was confident that anti-abortionists would still argue against abortion; they would just use one of their other arguments. I realised that equating a fetus with a child was an argument of anti-abortionists, however dishonest it may be. What I did not realise, it appears, is that it is their only argument.

I am beginning to believe this is why so many of them are angry, and are accusing me of trying to force them to give up their anti-abortion position with the experiment. Because the only case they have against abortion is to create the false equivalency of a fetus to a baby, or child. Once you remove that false equivalency, anti-abortionists have no other argument.

I invite the anti-abortionists to prove me wrong. By all means defend your position that abortion should be prohibited by law using any argument that isn't "because they are babies/children/persons".
"Well, let me see how I can phrase this so as to box in the responder, where he is forced to give me the answer I want."
Except that only works if the respondent is lying about his position. If the respondent truly believes that a single embryo/non-viable fetus is the moral equivalent of a single child, then a thousand embryos/non-viable fetuses has a thousand times more moral value than a single child. Which means I was not boxing the respondents in to anything other than honestly indicating the moral value they give to an embryo/non-viable fetus compared to a child.

It's not my fault that your attempts to draw a moral equivalency between a fetus/embryo and a child is intellectually dishonest.

Your ASSUMPTION that I am pro-abortion, you think, gives you permission to avoid the comment about the value of your tirade. Your original question was phrased so that it neatly prevented any serious discussion - which, in the end, is exactly what you wanted. You got your podium - you spouted your nonsensical diatribe.

Now, shut up and go away.
Great! then if you concede that the moral value of embryos/non-viable fetuses is less than the relative moral value of a child, then you will stop trying to create a false moral equivalency between the two, right? glad to hear that.

Now, I look forward to hearing your argument in favour of banning abortion that does not rely on creating that false moral equivalency.
The problem is... You aren't in a position to say what is morally equivalent. In fact many might say that you would be found morally lacking.
To demonstrate, let's establish a base line of the things that you place above racism. We have in no particular order...
Cannibalism, animal cruelty, and you personally commiting child rape. Sounds fucking crazy I know... That's why I had to double check. And sure enough; you said...
"Really?!?! A fucking racist poopooing plagiarism? Like you think talking about that somehow gives you the moral high ground. You will never have the moral high ground, you racist fuck! I could be raping a 12-year-old girl, while beating puppies...with kittens...boiling babies, and drinking their melted fat, and you stillwouldn't have the moral high ground, you racist fuck! There is nothing more vile, disgusting, or reprehensible than a racist fuck you racist fuck!"

Heres a quick link to your baseline...

Hypothetical no anti-abortionist will honestly answer
While you may find this hierarchy of morality perfectly acceptable... I think many posters would find your judgment on the matter to be insufficient, to allow you to declare equivalence in a moral matter. Just sayin'...
Mods, please close the thread after this. I also think Cerzhog might be able to charge Vastator with mental cruelty, assault and battery
Please don't. I think this topic is worthy of discussion, and I refuse to let a racist troll every thread I am involved in, and force it closed. just so he can succeed as a troll.
Hardly trolling. You deemed yourself as the arbiter of moral equivalence. So relevant background regarding your moral hierarchy is as relevant as it gets.
No I didn't. you are lying again. Logic, and reason is the arbiter of moral equivalency. That is the beauty of facts. Kinda like the fact that you are an ignorant, racist troll. Your own admission is the evidence of your racism. Your inability to comprehend hyperbole is the evidence of your ignorance.
See what I mean?

You prove my own case for me.
The problem is... You aren't in a position to say what is morally equivalent. In fact many might say that you would be found morally lacking.
To demonstrate, let's establish a base line of the things that you place above racism. We have in no particular order...
Cannibalism, animal cruelty, and you personally commiting child rape. Sounds fucking crazy I know... That's why I had to double check. And sure enough; you said...
"Really?!?! A fucking racist poopooing plagiarism? Like you think talking about that somehow gives you the moral high ground. You will never have the moral high ground, you racist fuck! I could be raping a 12-year-old girl, while beating puppies...with kittens...boiling babies, and drinking their melted fat, and you stillwouldn't have the moral high ground, you racist fuck! There is nothing more vile, disgusting, or reprehensible than a racist fuck you racist fuck!"

Heres a quick link to your baseline...

Hypothetical no anti-abortionist will honestly answer
While you may find this hierarchy of morality perfectly acceptable... I think many posters would find your judgment on the matter to be insufficient, to allow you to declare equivalence in a moral matter. Just sayin'...
Mods, please close the thread after this. I also think Cerzhog might be able to charge Vastator with mental cruelty, assault and battery
Please don't. I think this topic is worthy of discussion, and I refuse to let a racist troll every thread I am involved in, and force it closed. just so he can succeed as a troll.
Hardly trolling. You deemed yourself as the arbiter of moral equivalence. So relevant background regarding your moral hierarchy is as relevant as it gets.
No I didn't. you are lying again. Logic, and reason is the arbiter of moral equivalency. That is the beauty of facts. Kinda like the fact that you are an ignorant, racist troll. Your own admission is the evidence of your racism. Your inability to comprehend hyperbole is the evidence of your ignorance.
See what I mean?

You prove my own case for me.
Ohhh, but you did. You see... Others including myself are bringing logic, and reasoning to bear on this issue. And many are coming up with a much different answer than you.
BTW... There's a difference between a persons "statement of fact", and hyperbole.
Mods, please close the thread after this. I also think Cerzhog might be able to charge Vastator with mental cruelty, assault and battery
Please don't. I think this topic is worthy of discussion, and I refuse to let a racist troll every thread I am involved in, and force it closed. just so he can succeed as a troll.
Hardly trolling. You deemed yourself as the arbiter of moral equivalence. So relevant background regarding your moral hierarchy is as relevant as it gets.
No I didn't. you are lying again. Logic, and reason is the arbiter of moral equivalency. That is the beauty of facts. Kinda like the fact that you are an ignorant, racist troll. Your own admission is the evidence of your racism. Your inability to comprehend hyperbole is the evidence of your ignorance.
See what I mean?

You prove my own case for me.
Ohhh, but you did. You see... Others including myself are bringing logic, and reasoning to bear on this issue. And many are coming up with a much different answer than you.
BTW... There's a difference between a persons "statement of fact", and hyperbole.
You bring what you PERCEIVE to be logic and facts ... when, in fact, it carries no more credence than your opinion.
Please don't. I think this topic is worthy of discussion, and I refuse to let a racist troll every thread I am involved in, and force it closed. just so he can succeed as a troll.
Hardly trolling. You deemed yourself as the arbiter of moral equivalence. So relevant background regarding your moral hierarchy is as relevant as it gets.
No I didn't. you are lying again. Logic, and reason is the arbiter of moral equivalency. That is the beauty of facts. Kinda like the fact that you are an ignorant, racist troll. Your own admission is the evidence of your racism. Your inability to comprehend hyperbole is the evidence of your ignorance.
See what I mean?

You prove my own case for me.
Ohhh, but you did. You see... Others including myself are bringing logic, and reasoning to bear on this issue. And many are coming up with a much different answer than you.
BTW... There's a difference between a persons "statement of fact", and hyperbole.
You bring what you PERCEIVE to be logic and facts ... when, in fact, it carries no more credence than your opinion.
True in many endeavors i suppose... But when one ordains themselves to be the arbiter of moral equivalence (which I Haven't) One must demand a higher standard. Or at the very least, establish a mutually agreed upon baseline, and work from there.
Great! then if you concede that the moral value of embryos/non-viable fetuses is less than the relative moral value of a child, then you will stop trying to create a false moral equivalency between the two, right? glad to hear that.

Now, I look forward to hearing your argument in favour of banning abortion that does not rely on creating that false moral equivalency.
The problem is... You aren't in a position to say what is morally equivalent. In fact many might say that you would be found morally lacking.
To demonstrate, let's establish a base line of the things that you place above racism. We have in no particular order...
Cannibalism, animal cruelty, and you personally commiting child rape. Sounds fucking crazy I know... That's why I had to double check. And sure enough; you said...
"Really?!?! A fucking racist poopooing plagiarism? Like you think talking about that somehow gives you the moral high ground. You will never have the moral high ground, you racist fuck! I could be raping a 12-year-old girl, while beating puppies...with kittens...boiling babies, and drinking their melted fat, and you stillwouldn't have the moral high ground, you racist fuck! There is nothing more vile, disgusting, or reprehensible than a racist fuck you racist fuck!"

Heres a quick link to your baseline...

Hypothetical no anti-abortionist will honestly answer
While you may find this hierarchy of morality perfectly acceptable... I think many posters would find your judgment on the matter to be insufficient, to allow you to declare equivalence in a moral matter. Just sayin'...
Mods, please close the thread after this. I also think Cerzhog might be able to charge Vastator with mental cruelty, assault and battery
Please don't. I think this topic is worthy of discussion, and I refuse to let a racist troll every thread I am involved in, and force it closed. just so he can succeed as a troll.
Hardly trolling. You deemed yourself as the arbiter of moral equivalence. So relevant background regarding your moral hierarchy is as relevant as it gets.
No I didn't. you are lying again. Logic, and reason is the arbiter of moral equivalency. That is the beauty of facts. Kinda like the fact that you are an ignorant, racist troll. Your own admission is the evidence of your racism. Your inability to comprehend hyperbole is the evidence of your ignorance.
Ohhh, but you did. You see... Others including myself are bringing logic, and reasoning to bear on this issue. And many are coming up with a much different answer than you.
BTW... There's a difference between a persons "statement of fact", and hyperbole.
Please don't. I think this topic is worthy of discussion, and I refuse to let a racist troll every thread I am involved in, and force it closed. just so he can succeed as a troll.
Hardly trolling. You deemed yourself as the arbiter of moral equivalence. So relevant background regarding your moral hierarchy is as relevant as it gets.
No I didn't. you are lying again. Logic, and reason is the arbiter of moral equivalency. That is the beauty of facts. Kinda like the fact that you are an ignorant, racist troll. Your own admission is the evidence of your racism. Your inability to comprehend hyperbole is the evidence of your ignorance.
See what I mean?

You prove my own case for me.
Ohhh, but you did. You see... Others including myself are bringing logic, and reasoning to bear on this issue. And many are coming up with a much different answer than you.
BTW... There's a difference between a persons "statement of fact", and hyperbole.
You bring what you PERCEIVE to be logic and facts ... when, in fact, it carries no more credence than your opinion.
Attached that last response to the incorrect post... Mea Culpa
I presented a variation on a Sophie's Choice thought experiment, yesterday, with the intent of demonstrating the intellectual dishonesty of morally equating an embryo, or non-viable fetus with an actual child. When presented, I thought it wasn't a big deal. All I was doing was removing an irrational argument. I was confident that anti-abortionists would still argue against abortion; they would just use one of their other arguments. I realised that equating a fetus with a child was an argument of anti-abortionists, however dishonest it may be. What I did not realise, it appears, is that it is their only argument.

I am beginning to believe this is why so many of them are angry, and are accusing me of trying to force them to give up their anti-abortion position with the experiment. Because the only case they have against abortion is to create the false equivalency of a fetus to a baby, or child. Once you remove that false equivalency, anti-abortionists have no other argument.

I invite the anti-abortionists to prove me wrong. By all means defend your position that abortion should be prohibited by law using any argument that isn't "because they are babies/children/persons".
"Well, let me see how I can phrase this so as to box in the responder, where he is forced to give me the answer I want."
Except that only works if the respondent is lying about his position. If the respondent truly believes that a single embryo/non-viable fetus is the moral equivalent of a single child, then a thousand embryos/non-viable fetuses has a thousand times more moral value than a single child. Which means I was not boxing the respondents in to anything other than honestly indicating the moral value they give to an embryo/non-viable fetus compared to a child.

It's not my fault that your attempts to draw a moral equivalency between a fetus/embryo and a child is intellectually dishonest.

Your ASSUMPTION that I am pro-abortion, you think, gives you permission to avoid the comment about the value of your tirade. Your original question was phrased so that it neatly prevented any serious discussion - which, in the end, is exactly what you wanted. You got your podium - you spouted your nonsensical diatribe.
There was nothing nonsensical about my post. and I notice you aren't denying being an anti-abortionist.

Now, shut up and go away.
How about you shut up, and go away, or quit hiding in the weeds, and tell everyone your actual positions.[/QUOTE]
Last edited:
The problem is... You aren't in a position to say what is morally equivalent. In fact many might say that you would be found morally lacking.
To demonstrate, let's establish a base line of the things that you place above racism. We have in no particular order...
Cannibalism, animal cruelty, and you personally commiting child rape. Sounds fucking crazy I know... That's why I had to double check. And sure enough; you said...
"Really?!?! A fucking racist poopooing plagiarism? Like you think talking about that somehow gives you the moral high ground. You will never have the moral high ground, you racist fuck! I could be raping a 12-year-old girl, while beating puppies...with kittens...boiling babies, and drinking their melted fat, and you stillwouldn't have the moral high ground, you racist fuck! There is nothing more vile, disgusting, or reprehensible than a racist fuck you racist fuck!"

Heres a quick link to your baseline...

Hypothetical no anti-abortionist will honestly answer
While you may find this hierarchy of morality perfectly acceptable... I think many posters would find your judgment on the matter to be insufficient, to allow you to declare equivalence in a moral matter. Just sayin'...
Mods, please close the thread after this. I also think Cerzhog might be able to charge Vastator with mental cruelty, assault and battery
Please don't. I think this topic is worthy of discussion, and I refuse to let a racist troll every thread I am involved in, and force it closed. just so he can succeed as a troll.
Hardly trolling. You deemed yourself as the arbiter of moral equivalence. So relevant background regarding your moral hierarchy is as relevant as it gets.
No I didn't. you are lying again. Logic, and reason is the arbiter of moral equivalency. That is the beauty of facts. Kinda like the fact that you are an ignorant, racist troll. Your own admission is the evidence of your racism. Your inability to comprehend hyperbole is the evidence of your ignorance.
See what I mean?

You prove my own case for me.
You have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to me, and the racist. So how about you fuck off with your ignorant bullshit.
Great! then if you concede that the moral value of embryos/non-viable fetuses is less than the relative moral value of a child, then you will stop trying to create a false moral equivalency between the two, right? glad to hear that.

Now, I look forward to hearing your argument in favour of banning abortion that does not rely on creating that false moral equivalency.
The problem is... You aren't in a position to say what is morally equivalent. In fact many might say that you would be found morally lacking.
To demonstrate, let's establish a base line of the things that you place above racism. We have in no particular order...
Cannibalism, animal cruelty, and you personally commiting child rape. Sounds fucking crazy I know... That's why I had to double check. And sure enough; you said...
"Really?!?! A fucking racist poopooing plagiarism? Like you think talking about that somehow gives you the moral high ground. You will never have the moral high ground, you racist fuck! I could be raping a 12-year-old girl, while beating puppies...with kittens...boiling babies, and drinking their melted fat, and you stillwouldn't have the moral high ground, you racist fuck! There is nothing more vile, disgusting, or reprehensible than a racist fuck you racist fuck!"

Heres a quick link to your baseline...

Hypothetical no anti-abortionist will honestly answer
While you may find this hierarchy of morality perfectly acceptable... I think many posters would find your judgment on the matter to be insufficient, to allow you to declare equivalence in a moral matter. Just sayin'...
Mods, please close the thread after this. I also think Cerzhog might be able to charge Vastator with mental cruelty, assault and battery
Please don't. I think this topic is worthy of discussion, and I refuse to let a racist troll every thread I am involved in, and force it closed. just so he can succeed as a troll.
Hardly trolling. You deemed yourself as the arbiter of moral equivalence. So relevant background regarding your moral hierarchy is as relevant as it gets.
No I didn't. you are lying again. Logic, and reason is the arbiter of moral equivalency. That is the beauty of facts. Kinda like the fact that you are an ignorant, racist troll. Your own admission is the evidence of your racism. Your inability to comprehend hyperbole is the evidence of your ignorance.
Not lying. If so it could be readily demonstrated. And you didn't. Because I'm not. While its clear that we operate under very different moral hierarchies, any debate will be fruitless while you are operating off of your own "facts".
Mods, please close the thread after this. I also think Cerzhog might be able to charge Vastator with mental cruelty, assault and battery
Please don't. I think this topic is worthy of discussion, and I refuse to let a racist troll every thread I am involved in, and force it closed. just so he can succeed as a troll.
Hardly trolling. You deemed yourself as the arbiter of moral equivalence. So relevant background regarding your moral hierarchy is as relevant as it gets.
No I didn't. you are lying again. Logic, and reason is the arbiter of moral equivalency. That is the beauty of facts. Kinda like the fact that you are an ignorant, racist troll. Your own admission is the evidence of your racism. Your inability to comprehend hyperbole is the evidence of your ignorance.
See what I mean?

You prove my own case for me.
Ohhh, but you did. You see... Others including myself are bringing logic, and reasoning to bear on this issue. And many are coming up with a much different answer than you.
BTW... There's a difference between a persons "statement of fact", and hyperbole.
You are a self proclaimed racist. That alone disqualifies you from the ability to employ logic, or reason.
Please don't. I think this topic is worthy of discussion, and I refuse to let a racist troll every thread I am involved in, and force it closed. just so he can succeed as a troll.
Hardly trolling. You deemed yourself as the arbiter of moral equivalence. So relevant background regarding your moral hierarchy is as relevant as it gets.
No I didn't. you are lying again. Logic, and reason is the arbiter of moral equivalency. That is the beauty of facts. Kinda like the fact that you are an ignorant, racist troll. Your own admission is the evidence of your racism. Your inability to comprehend hyperbole is the evidence of your ignorance.
See what I mean?

You prove my own case for me.
Ohhh, but you did. You see... Others including myself are bringing logic, and reasoning to bear on this issue. And many are coming up with a much different answer than you.
BTW... There's a difference between a persons "statement of fact", and hyperbole.
You bring what you PERCEIVE to be logic and facts ... when, in fact, it carries no more credence than your opinion.
Wrong again. The only one here spouting unfounded opinions is you, hiding in the weeds, and just sniping instead of taking an actual position.
Please don't. I think this topic is worthy of discussion, and I refuse to let a racist troll every thread I am involved in, and force it closed. just so he can succeed as a troll.
Hardly trolling. You deemed yourself as the arbiter of moral equivalence. So relevant background regarding your moral hierarchy is as relevant as it gets.
No I didn't. you are lying again. Logic, and reason is the arbiter of moral equivalency. That is the beauty of facts. Kinda like the fact that you are an ignorant, racist troll. Your own admission is the evidence of your racism. Your inability to comprehend hyperbole is the evidence of your ignorance.
See what I mean?

You prove my own case for me.
Ohhh, but you did. You see... Others including myself are bringing logic, and reasoning to bear on this issue. And many are coming up with a much different answer than you.
BTW... There's a difference between a persons "statement of fact", and hyperbole.
You are a self proclaimed racist. That alone disqualifies you from the ability to employ logic, or reason.
See. There you go again with your own "facts". Easily demonstrated by your inability to define my "racism". Forgetting for the moment that demonstrable facts are the way I've arrived at my conclusions.
Hardly trolling. You deemed yourself as the arbiter of moral equivalence. So relevant background regarding your moral hierarchy is as relevant as it gets.
No I didn't. you are lying again. Logic, and reason is the arbiter of moral equivalency. That is the beauty of facts. Kinda like the fact that you are an ignorant, racist troll. Your own admission is the evidence of your racism. Your inability to comprehend hyperbole is the evidence of your ignorance.
See what I mean?

You prove my own case for me.
Ohhh, but you did. You see... Others including myself are bringing logic, and reasoning to bear on this issue. And many are coming up with a much different answer than you.
BTW... There's a difference between a persons "statement of fact", and hyperbole.
You bring what you PERCEIVE to be logic and facts ... when, in fact, it carries no more credence than your opinion.
True in many endeavors i suppose... But when one ordains themselves to be the arbiter of moral equivalence (which I Haven't) One must demand a higher standard. Or at the very least, establish a mutually agreed upon baseline, and work from there.
Yeah, I don't have nutually agree to anything with an ignorant racist. You keep responding as if you expect me to respect any bullshit that you spout. Yoiu still don't get that i do consider myself morally superior to anyone who admits to being a racist.
"I've had an epiphany"

No, you haven't. An epiphany is a sudden and unexpected realisation of a previously unconsidered profound truth.

Imagined confirmation of you own bias isn't an epiphany. It's stroking your own ego.
No I didn't. you are lying again. Logic, and reason is the arbiter of moral equivalency. That is the beauty of facts. Kinda like the fact that you are an ignorant, racist troll. Your own admission is the evidence of your racism. Your inability to comprehend hyperbole is the evidence of your ignorance.
See what I mean?

You prove my own case for me.
Ohhh, but you did. You see... Others including myself are bringing logic, and reasoning to bear on this issue. And many are coming up with a much different answer than you.
BTW... There's a difference between a persons "statement of fact", and hyperbole.
You bring what you PERCEIVE to be logic and facts ... when, in fact, it carries no more credence than your opinion.
True in many endeavors i suppose... But when one ordains themselves to be the arbiter of moral equivalence (which I Haven't) One must demand a higher standard. Or at the very least, establish a mutually agreed upon baseline, and work from there.
Yeah, I don't have nutually agree to anything with an ignorant racist. You keep responding as if you expect me to respect any bullshit that you spout. Yoiu still don't get that i do consider myself morally superior to anyone who admits to being a racist.
Then your entire premise is fatally flawed. Just like the last one you plagiarized. In order for it to make any sense; you'd have to quantify a "racist" and explain how said racism invalidated an otherwise legitamite conclusion. You haven't been able to do so. Nor were these conditions or reasons laid out, at the outset.
Whereby changing the rules and format now, completely invalidated any previous information gleaned on this topic...
You're a mess... You don't really seem too good at this kind of thing. Its somewhat suggestive of why you had to abandon the other thread and start over. Now that you've managed to ruin this one too; should we expect another attempt tomorrow?
Last edited:
I presented a variation on a Sophie's Choice thought experiment, yesterday, with the intent of demonstrating the intellectual dishonesty of morally equating an embryo, or non-viable fetus with an actual child. When presented, I thought it wasn't a big deal. All I was doing was removing an irrational argument. I was confident that anti-abortionists would still argue against abortion; they would just use one of their other arguments. I realised that equating a fetus with a child was an argument of anti-abortionists, however dishonest it may be. What I did not realise, it appears, is that it is their only argument.

I am beginning to believe this is why so many of them are angry, and are accusing me of trying to force them to give up their anti-abortion position with the experiment. Because the only case they have against abortion is to create the false equivalency of a fetus to a baby, or child. Once you remove that false equivalency, anti-abortionists have no other argument.

I invite the anti-abortionists to prove me wrong. By all means defend your position that abortion should be prohibited by law using any argument that isn't "because they are babies/children/persons".

Abortion doesn't end the life of a baby/child/person?
Hardly trolling. You deemed yourself as the arbiter of moral equivalence. So relevant background regarding your moral hierarchy is as relevant as it gets.
No I didn't. you are lying again. Logic, and reason is the arbiter of moral equivalency. That is the beauty of facts. Kinda like the fact that you are an ignorant, racist troll. Your own admission is the evidence of your racism. Your inability to comprehend hyperbole is the evidence of your ignorance.
See what I mean?

You prove my own case for me.
Ohhh, but you did. You see... Others including myself are bringing logic, and reasoning to bear on this issue. And many are coming up with a much different answer than you.
BTW... There's a difference between a persons "statement of fact", and hyperbole.
You are a self proclaimed racist. That alone disqualifies you from the ability to employ logic, or reason.
See. There you go again with your own "facts". Easily demonstrated by your inability to define my "racism". Forgetting for the moment that demonstrable facts are the way I've arrived at my conclusions.
Shall I post your admission for you?
As far as race goes... Of course I'm a racist. You should be too.

Don't need to define dick. Everyone knows what a racist is - someone who believes that one's own racial group is superior or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others. No matter how you want to parse that, it i9s not a good thing you racist fuck.
The problem is... You aren't in a position to say what is morally equivalent. In fact many might say that you would be found morally lacking.
To demonstrate, let's establish a base line of the things that you place above racism. We have in no particular order...
Cannibalism, animal cruelty, and you personally commiting child rape. Sounds fucking crazy I know... That's why I had to double check. And sure enough; you said...
"Really?!?! A fucking racist poopooing plagiarism? Like you think talking about that somehow gives you the moral high ground. You will never have the moral high ground, you racist fuck! I could be raping a 12-year-old girl, while beating puppies...with kittens...boiling babies, and drinking their melted fat, and you stillwouldn't have the moral high ground, you racist fuck! There is nothing more vile, disgusting, or reprehensible than a racist fuck you racist fuck!"

Heres a quick link to your baseline...

Hypothetical no anti-abortionist will honestly answer
While you may find this hierarchy of morality perfectly acceptable... I think many posters would find your judgment on the matter to be insufficient, to allow you to declare equivalence in a moral matter. Just sayin'...
Mods, please close the thread after this. I also think Cerzhog might be able to charge Vastator with mental cruelty, assault and battery
Please don't. I think this topic is worthy of discussion, and I refuse to let a racist troll every thread I am involved in, and force it closed. just so he can succeed as a troll.
Hardly trolling. You deemed yourself as the arbiter of moral equivalence. So relevant background regarding your moral hierarchy is as relevant as it gets.
No I didn't. you are lying again. Logic, and reason is the arbiter of moral equivalency. That is the beauty of facts. Kinda like the fact that you are an ignorant, racist troll. Your own admission is the evidence of your racism. Your inability to comprehend hyperbole is the evidence of your ignorance.
Not lying. If so it could be readily demonstrated. And you didn't. Because I'm not. While its clear that we operate under very different moral hierarchies, any debate will be fruitless while you are operating off of your own "facts".
You did lie. I never claimed to be the arbiter of dick. And you're a racist fuck, so anything else you might think is meaningless, after that.
See what I mean?

You prove my own case for me.
Ohhh, but you did. You see... Others including myself are bringing logic, and reasoning to bear on this issue. And many are coming up with a much different answer than you.
BTW... There's a difference between a persons "statement of fact", and hyperbole.
You bring what you PERCEIVE to be logic and facts ... when, in fact, it carries no more credence than your opinion.
True in many endeavors i suppose... But when one ordains themselves to be the arbiter of moral equivalence (which I Haven't) One must demand a higher standard. Or at the very least, establish a mutually agreed upon baseline, and work from there.
Yeah, I don't have nutually agree to anything with an ignorant racist. You keep responding as if you expect me to respect any bullshit that you spout. Yoiu still don't get that i do consider myself morally superior to anyone who admits to being a racist.
Then your entire premise is fatally flawed. Just like the last one you plagiarized. In order for it to make any sense; you'd have to quantify a "racist" and explain how said racism invalidated an otherwise legitamite conclusion. You haven't been able to do so. Nor were these conditions or reasons laid out, at the outset.
Whereby changing the rules and format now, completely invalidated any previous information gleaned on this topic...
You're a mess... You don't really seem to good at this kind of thing. Its somewhat suggestive of why you had to abandon the other thread and start over. Now that you've managed to ruin this one too; should we expect another attempt tomorrow?
I don't have to qualify dick to a self proclaimed racist fuck.

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