i've re-considered the entire Ukraine case.. enter *your* opinions please..

Not sure what exactly you mean by "USG", but I, like many others opposed some wars Americans were involved in.

I do belive some wars are justified, others, like this Russian invasion and annexation of Ukrainian land are acts of atrocity.

That does not in any shape or form refute NATO's mission.
Oh! You aren’t an American.

Killing one million Iraqis based on a lie…that’s not problem for you. But Russia protecting their interests…well that’s an atrocity!!!

Are you Ukrainian? That would explain your ridiculous posts.
Killing one million Iraqis based on a lie…that’s not problem for you.
I opposed it from day one bullshit peddler, though that "million" number is just nonsense, especially considering how many people would be dead by now with Saddam still in power.

The Ukraine situation is a bit unsettling. It isn't really as clear cut as the media wants to make it.

I've not only known people from Ukraine, my partner's family was from Ukraine and a very good friend of mine is from Ukraine. They always considered themselves Russian. There was a part of Ukraine that wanted to be part of the EU. They spoke Belarusian and actually criminalized speaking Russian. Even though they knew that Russia would never permit the EU on its doorstep. Those who considered themselves ethnically Russian, hated the others and considered them Nazis.

So, it's just not that easy to pick a side.
Ukrainians are Nazis.

I don't like Nazis

I'm with those who fight Nazis.

That's my opinion. :04:
Where did you get that stupid, ignorant idea? Uncle Putin told you?

you know.....it's up to you to study history....to know what's going on.....I can only show you the way of what's going on in Ukraine

you know.....it's up to you to study history....to know what's going on.....I can only show you the way of what's going on in Ukraine

View attachment 689455

You know, for some one so ignorant and stupid you sure have a lot to say about what other people ought to study. Give it a rest and just put up an argument worth a damn.

I can show you a handful of swastika sporting morons in any country.


So by your brilliant standard of evidence America = Nazis you don;t like and you therefore you side with those fighting against America :rolleyes-41:
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I opposed it from day one bullshit peddler, though that "million" number is just nonsense, especially considering how many people would be dead by now with Saddam still in power.

As you know, NATO shouldn’t exist. The USSR died long ago.
and in my opinion that's what got the "balls roling, down the hills and mountains", towards a clash of superpowers.
it's already happened by proxy....
The best solution would be Russians realizing Putin is kind of a dick, overthrowing him, returning to Democracy, and politely apologizing to the rest of the world.
and if the world realized our installed dictator Mr Z was a d*ck, would the USA fare better apologizing for it all Joe?
NATO is a defensive military alliance.
Not to the Russians

The Russian are confused about NATO being a defensive alliance because they are paranoid about everything.
from WIKI>>>

NATO members include around 3.5 million soldiers and personnel. Their combined military spending as of 2020 constituted over 57 percent of the global nominal total. Members have agreed that their aim is to reach or maintain the target defense spending of at least two percent of their GDP by 2024

NATO's history is revealing of it's construct Flash

Yes the empire’s days are numbered and it knows it. This might mean it’s at its most dangerous. It just might decide to instigate a big war in the hopes of saving itself.
The empire's economic policies operate on two different levels.
In public the word "we" gets used a lot as "we are all in this together."
Privately, insiders work to boost employers profits at public expense.
Nothing does that better than war

"Inflation, that 'problem' torturing capitalist economies these days, offers us the first example of such policies.

"Inflation is a general increase in prices.

"Employers, not employees, decide the prices to charge for whatever goods and services their employees’ labor produces.

"Employers are at most 1 percent of the population while employees and their families constitute most of the other 99 percent.

"That 1 percent is not accountable to the other 99 percent of the population. Inflations directly impact—reduce—the standards of living of the 99 percent."

AUGUST 31, 2022

Behind the ‘Economic Policy’ Façade, It’s Class War

You know, for some one so ignorant and stupid you sure have a lot to say about what other people ought to study. Give it a rest and just put up an argument worth a damn.

I can show you a handful of swastika sporting morons in any country.


So by your brilliant standard of evidence America = Nazis you don;t like and you therefore you side with those fighting against America :rolleyes-41:
If only you were objective. You’re a Ukrainian so you can’t be objective.

Here is more logic to blow your slanted mind, this fine morning.

The true evil in this war is not Putin who is trying to protect his country, or the brave non Nazi Ukrainian soldiers defending theirs

It's the Biden's Admin using Ukrainians to fight their proxy war to try to weaken Russia and US puppet Zelensky sacrificing his people for them.
Are you trying to sound stupid or does it just come naturally to you? The US wanted to see a free, independent Ukraine and the EU wanted to sell out Ukraine for cheap Russian gas and oil. The EU won and joined forces with Russia to strong arm Ukraine into signing the Minsk agreement and that's what emboldened Putin to invade again. What are you? Some kind of Russian imperialist?
The US wanted "a free and independent Ukraine" the same way it wanted freedom and independence for Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Afghanistan. The US wanted to control the government of a state on the border with Russia as Victoria Nuland's phone call confirmed:

Ukraine crisis: Transcript of leaked Nuland-Pyatt call

"Nuland: [Breaks in] I think Yats is the guy who's got the economic experience, the governing experience. He's the... what he needs is Klitsch and Tyahnybok on the outside. He needs to be talking to them four times a week, you know. I just think Klitsch going in... he's going to be at that level working for Yatseniuk, it's just not going to work."

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