i've re-considered the entire Ukraine case.. enter *your* opinions please..

However, labor laws will be cut, tariffs dropped, industries deregulated, and public utilities sold off to investors at bargain basement rates.:eek:

West prepares to plunder post-war Ukraine with neoliberal shock therapy: privatization, deregulation, slashing worker protections - Multipolarista

"While the United States and Europe flood Ukraine with tens of billions of dollars of weapons, using it as an anti-Russian proxy and pouring fuel on the fire of a brutal war that is devastating the country, they are also making plans to essentially plunder its post-war economy.

"Representatives of Western governments and corporations met in Switzerland this July to plan a series of harsh neoliberal policies to impose on post-war Ukraine, calling to cut labor laws, 'open markets,' drop tariffs, deregulate industries, and 'sell state-owned enterprises to private investors.'"
It’s the way of neoliberal capitalists.
Oh I understand you very well. I can’t help it you’re a warmongering bloodthirsty idiot.

Warmongering according to these nutbag commies: deregulation and open markets.

Warmongering according to these nutbag commies: deregulation and open markets.

Once again you prove you don’t know what’s going on. The US is a crony capitalist neo-Fascist economy. This isn’t free market capitalism fool.

Go back to Russia where you belong. you ll do better there.
You think your making a profound statement, but you’re actually stating ignorance.
Look moron, I don't know how old you are, but commies like you are a quickly dying breed,

We've had a long run at the whole capitalism vs communism shtik and YOU LOST LONG TIME AGO. You are now but a tiny, quickly expiring fringe. What you say is just a quick way to publicly soil your pants and discredit yourself as a fool.

Please don't let me stop you.
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Look moron, I don't know how old you are, but commies like you are a quickly dying breed,

We've had a long run at the whole capitalism vs communism shtik and YOU LOST LONG TIME AGO. You are now but a tiny, quickly expiring fringe. What say is is just a quick way to publicly soil your pants and discredit yourself as a fool.

Please don't let me stop you.
Go back Russia! You know nothing about America other than what the lying USG told you.

Calling me a commie is so childish, but typical of fools like you.
Go back Russia! You know nothing about America other than what the lying USG told you.

Calling me a commie is so childish, but typical of fools like you.

lol, a guy who tells people to "go back to Russia" is calling someone childish? Irony is lost on some.

And what is it you think you are when you think deregulation and open markets are dirty warmongering words?

A socialist-not-communist maybe? :rolleyes-41:
lol, a guy who tells people to "go back to Russia" is calling someone childish? Irony is lost on some.

And what is it you think you are when you think deregulation and open markets are dirty warmongering words?

A socialist-not-communist maybe? :rolleyes-41:
I’m sorry I can’t help you.
Was there something in Russia's pledge signed agreement about Ukraine's internal governing matters? Nope, nothing.

Ukraine lived up to their end of the bargain and eliminated their nuclear stock. Maybe they shouldn't have, because Russia annexed their land as soon as the moment became convenient.
Tell us why you believe WWIII is preferable to the current situation in Ukraine? When the US backed an illegal coup in 2014 instigating a civil war in Ukraine, all agreements with the legitimate government in Kiev became moot.
Warmongering according to these nutbag commies: deregulation and open markets.

Hey look another communist idiot that doesn't understand just how far out on the fringe you fools are.
I don't think you are Russian If you were I don't see you picking up the word 'commie' to anyone you do not see as identical to you. Calling people on the left Commies is very much an American thing. You won't find it as the first call in the UK or Europe and I very much doubt you would find it in Russia.
The statist warmongers think NATO is a fun loving strictly defensive force. Ignoring it’s murderous offensive actions in Serbia, Libya, and Syria…and it’s billions of dollars of offensive weapons and aggressive war gaming on Russia’s border.
There has never been a shortage of flag-flappers in this country. For a brief period I thought the "peace dividend" might diminish such delusional thinking, but 9/11 has altered that possibility.
There has never been a shortage of flag-flappers in this country. For a brief period I thought the "peace dividend" might diminish such delusional thinking, but 9/11 has altered that possibility.
War has become a policy promoted and enacted throughout our government, media, and economy. We have become a militaristic imperialist nation. Of course this has been true for a long time, but has gotten progressively worse.
I don't think you are Russian If you were I don't see you picking up the word 'commie' to anyone you do not see as identical to you. Calling people on the left Commies is very much an American thing. You won't find it as the first call in the UK or Europe and I very much doubt you would find it in Russia.
I am an American, who was born, and immigratred from, Russia.

I'm a true-blue American lefty, but anyone who thinks that deregulation and open market is somehow evil warmongering is a silly socialist/commie as far as I'm concerned.
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